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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. If Irasy was going to let him go he would have done it by now.  What,  five coaches fired so far.  Makes no sense to drag it out a couple of days if you have made up your mind.  The media would love another firing just to get more coverage and stories.  There has definitely been a lot of progress made with upgrading the roster and making it younger over last years team.  He could easily make strong arguments in his favor and the importance of continuity which Jim believes in.  I am expecting some staff changes but nothing major at this point.  And we are going to draft even better this year.  Hard to fire a coach with an 8-8 record and the team is bringing in a lot of good young players that are making early contributions.  I think this years record will be our low point and we will be back to the playoffs next year. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Synthetic said:


    That was back over 15 years ago....


    People also forget that Gruden's QB philosophy basically is to try and find Gannon 2.0


    If he was your coach last year, he would have kept Hasselbeck and traded Luck just due to Hasselbeck having more wins. 


    Look up Tampa Bay's quarterbacks between 2003 to 2008, and look at how many old backups he signed thinking was going to turn into Rich Gannon. He signed Brian Griese, thinking he could be his next Gannon and in his last years, he went after a 37 year old Jeff Garcia. 


    Gruden wasn't all that great. Just ask Tampa Bay fans about the quarterback situation. 

    He would have traded Luck because Hasselbeck having more wins?  Oh Brother!  Analysis should be  covered under the specialist category in your health plan.   

  3. 1 minute ago, jshipp23 said:

    Yeah i don't understand why we don't go uptempo more either..I think Chud could get better especially if he gets a threat at RB..Defense needs some pieces and to stay healthy before we can really judge Monachino...

    Yes a good RB does change everything.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed this draft.

  4. 2 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

    I think Pagano gets the players to play hard...I just think he is terriblebat preparation, game management, and in game adjustments..Just got to hope he gets better if we keep him...Let the coordinators handle the game plan and Pagano be a figure head if we go that route..

    He does get the players to play hard.  No question. It's the game planning I worry about. Chud's game plan today was awful to start. Like 4 or 5 three and outs to start the game.  Then it's fight back to win again.  Chud I am not so sure about. 

  5. 1 minute ago, jshipp23 said:

    I am talking Gruden, Harbaugh, Payton, Urban Meyer, Saban..I wouldn't change for the sake of changing..I think we are a very appealing destination for those guys though..

    Those are all experienced HC's with solid resumes.  I have no problem with any of them if Jim thinks he has to make a change.  No more coordinators learning on the job for me.  

  6. 17 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Get the D fixed along with this running game and we'll be good.  If we had the combination of both this year that would have bought us at least 4 of the games we lost.  Don't think the coaches need to be fired. Improve the personnel and we'll be alright.  

    I think you're right.  The coaches getting fired now have losing records.  Chuck has a winning record in the years he's been here , never a losing season.  After giving them new contracts last year I don't think you bail on them now.  Get that RB and a few FA defensive additions and another strong draft and we will be on our way.  Just a little more patience is all that's needed. 

  7. 2 hours ago, krunk said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if there was an early run on RB either.

    Yeah, I think so too.  I was hoping for Fournette or Cook but if it is McCaffrey that's okay too.  We will have a much better idea tomorrow night.  We will sign our ER in FA and another starting defender.  Everyone thinks there are a lot of good defenders so we can wait till the second.  Just saw a mock showing Fournette to us, Cook to the Ravens, McCaffrey to the Patriots all in the 1st.

  8. 5 minutes ago, jshipp23 said:

    We gotta get fournette, cook, mcCaffery, gallman, or foreman in that order.

    I agree.  Has to happen with our 1st. pick.  Time to get that big back and stop this craziness on waiting for the later rounds.  I think we are going to get two possibly three difference makers on defense in FA and don't forget a trade as well.  I think we are all going to be very happy when we see what comes out of FA and the draft.  I can see Ryan bringing in another great infusion of young talent this off season.   I think Jim has to be very happy with our draft class this year.  I think Chuck and Ryan put their heads together to pull last years draft off and I think they will get a chance to do it again.  Pretty hard to fire anyone in this league if you go 8-8. 

  9. I have also read about how bad our field is and players in the league have said it as well.  These fields should last about ten years but it all depends on use.  I don't know about LOS but I have to think it is being used by more organizations than the Colts.  If it's as hard as people and players say it is it's time.  Especially if technology has made strong advances in making them safer.  You don't make a change for the sake of change you make it to try to protect players.  This is the NFL.  The cost of replacing that field is a pee hole in the snow compared to the loss of players over a number of seasons. If I was a free agent I would think twice about coming to Indy knowing I would have to play on one of the more dangerous fields in the league.  I hope Jim is looking into this right now and makes an announcement before FA begins.  Can someone send him and the FO a link?  I am a big believer that our field is the major reason we have so many injuries.  We just played two games on the road.  hardly any injuries.  I hope we get through Sunday okay.  It would be a shame to have a major injury in the last game that one could point the finger at the field as being a major contributor. 

  10. Peyton for GM is receiving a lot of positive comments.  Just wondering if you think he could ever recruit Harbaugh as a coach.  Could it work?  Both icons in the minds of Colts fans.  Could their personalities mesh.  Could he mesh with Saban or any of the name college coaches.  He would be calling the shots.  Would a new coach with a powerful personality be able to take direction from.  Could Peyton as GM actually hinder our ability to hire what everybody wants, a real experienced NFL head coach?  Just wondering.  

  11. I think he will have to agree on where he ends up.  He is going to want a good young QB which puts LA at the front right now but a lot could change when the season ends.  If Jim does pull the trigger after our last game I think this is the coach to keep an eye on.  I still think it's a big if.  If Chuck wins the last game I really find it hard to see him firing him but  if Jim is anything he is unpredictable. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, austriancolt said:

    Fire them after the Jacksonville game or we will waste another year! Colts are lacking talent and there is no progress at all. The Offensive Line is still a mess and we don't have a Defense and we can't accept injuries as excuse any longer. 

    Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong again.  I think you could say we disagree.  But that's okay,  that's what this board is for.  

  13. 3 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    Taking an RB in the 1st round is the kind of thing that would completely lose the fanbase. Even if you could guarantee an rb we could get would be as good as Ezekiel Elliott, I still wouldn't do it. RB is a huge luxury pick. Luck is our centerpiece on offense and the offense is supposed to revolve around Luck. We need defense, go BPA on defense. We aren't trying to turn Luck into Dak Prescott, and that's exactly what we'd do if we surrounded Luck with a 1st round rb. It's literally the easiest position to hit on in the later rounds. Draft two rbs in the mid late rounds and have them compete with Turbin and Todman to see who starts.

    This is so ridiculous I can't stop laughing!

  14. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


    My preference would be Chandler Jones.


    But I have no idea why you'd be so confident that one of them will be a Colt.


    We have not shown any interest under this administration that they're willing to spend huge money on a free agent.     


    They're willing to buy medium priced guys and inexpensive guys,  but not expensive guys.


    So, I think any expensive guy is a real long shot.      



    I believe the Art Jones and Gosler Cherilus contracts were considered huge at the time for their positions.  I don't think we would be afraid to spend especially since Andrew is locked up.  I am actually expecting us to pay for an ER. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, Jdubu said:

    I haven't watched any Browns games but how has Jones looked since arriving to the Browns after the trade? Was Jones more of a product of the Pats system or is he looking equally as good as a Brown? I wonder if having his brother here has any affect on him signing here as a brother duo (although I would say Art will and should be cut) ?


    I have no idea who Ingram is at all.

    Jones plays for the Cardinals Ingram for the Chargers,

  16. No you don't pass on him.  We are going to find two maybe three new defensive starters in FA .  They will be young and very good.  That's addressing the defense with proven talent.  We all know how important Chuck and Ryan value the importance of a franchise RB that's why they tried the trade for Trent.  Didn't work out but if you think that guy is there when you pick they will do it.  And they should do it.  No one wanted Kelly with the 18th last year but now everyone is singing his praises.  So much for what you should or shouldn't do.  

  17. Chandler Jones has had some off field issues like his brother Art.  That makes me a little nervous and the Patriots did move on from him but that's not out of the ordinary for them.  From a pure pass rush you would probably lean Jones but Ingram is really good and might be a better fit with our defense.  Playing on the west coast he doesn't get much publicity as a former Patriot who we have seen more of.  If the two hit FA I think I would prefer Ingram. 

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