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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. 46 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Jax has a small chance if they can stop that running game.  They've got the DBs to deal with Tennessee.  Their D has gotten better since that game.  They've got a pretty solid defense.  It's Bortles who you can't trust.  Plus I think TJ Yeldon is the guy they aught to be running more than that damn Chris Ivory.  I like Yeldon, he always gives us problems.   They could take some heat off Bortles if they can get some thing going with Yeldon.   Just can't bring myself to trust Jax though.

    They had the Texans till the very end.  They're at home and so far have shown no signs of quitting.  Marone is a pretty good coach.  I think it's very possible they can win.

  2. 2 hours ago, Colts1324 said:

    Agree. If Irsay really plans on keeping Pagano who will more than likely keep Chud. More snaps in this offense will only help. Plus who wants to watch Tolzien and ferguson all game. TY Hilton has a receiving crown to win!!! 

    I didn't think Tolzien played poorly against Pittsburgh.  I actually thought we could have one if not for all of the drops.  If we do get eliminated from the playoffs this week I am wondering if it would make sense to play him against Jacksonville to showcase him as a possible trade candidate.  So many teams are looking for a QB and with the draft being weak maybe he has some value.  He is young and we could always sign an older veteran as backup i.e.Fitzpatrick.  Could be one of those trades where the pick gets better depending on how much he plays. Just thinking out of the box. 

  3. 3 hours ago, jshipp23 said:

    We need to use a 1st or 2nd to get a true franchise back..Other than that the rest of draft and free agency can go to building this defense..Our offense is basically set, our o-line is looking good and they are so young..Philbin really has them ascending and I believe they'll be one of the better lines in the league with next 2 years.. Concentrate on finding 2 RUSH linebackers,  corner, ilb, and depth on defense and we are gonna be tough to deal with next year..This can all be done this offseason thru draft and free agency we have plenty of cap room...We need to get a couple big fish in free agency and spend what we have to to get them..Add a Chandler Jones, Jamie Collins, and Joe Haden and draft some young talent and we will be 13-3 next year even with Pagano, add a real HC and we will be SB Champs..

    If Jim sees it the same way as you do then he will not make a change at HC.  He said he believes in continuity and he just gave them both extensions.  If the team keeps improving there is no need to change. If the team falls on its face or collapses that's a different story.  I don't know who the real HC is you have in mind but if it's a college coach or an ex coach working TV they better let Jim know they're interested now because next year they are in the playoffs and beyond and both will be locked in for the long haul.  I agree 100% on everything you said above.  We are in the minority because  I too agree on a RB in the first but no later than the second.  People here really underestimate what a real franchise RB brings to the table.  

  4. Looks like we have to draft our RB. with our first pick. We have no luck with RB in the later rounds.  With these guys going back to school the top three will all go in the first.  There probably will be a rush on ER in the beginning of the draft so for us, considering where our pick will be,  BPA in a position of need will probably be a RB anyway but we won't really know until we see their grades.  If we finish 8-8 or 9-7 we will probably be drafting 18 or later so we have to make it count like last year.  Need to get our ER in FA: Melvin Ingram.

  5. Yes.   I would use the same plan as the Vikings, quick release throws and long ball control and time eating drives.  Keep their offense off the field.  I would expect more blitzes from their defense though.  Defense same plan.  If we can get a lead I would blitz a little more and cover the short routes tough with a lot of tight early coverage. 

  6. 38 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Not sure, but I think Mcaffrey would fit pretty good in this offense.

    I think he would be a good fit as well and he could be there in the 1st. round when we pick.  I saw a mock recently having us taking Fournett with the 13th. pick.  I would be surprised if we draft that high though.  I am expecting him and Cook to be gone before we pick and Mcaffrey would be a great addition regardless.  I think any of the three would be welcome huge additions.  Again I believe we are going to use FA  or a trade to address ER and or LB thus enabling to us to grab a young RB in the 1st. round. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    I can't see any situation where he isn't at least franchise tagged.  I fully expect him to reach a long term deal with Washington at some point

    I think he was playing under the tag this year.  To do it again is really strapping your cap.  Will he sign long term with them?  I think he has a lot of leverage here and considering their record and their needs a lot of picks might look attractive.  You would think a long term deal should happen but it didn't get done last year so I can't rule out a trade. 

  8. I can't see us going for an expensive signing at RG.  i think they will find our Ol from the players we have now.  The young players are doing great and in the second year they should be even better.  I think they will go after LB or ER and spend the money.  If Cleveland has that much cap they should resign Collins.  Who knows what the Patriots will do with Hightower.  It's a toss up I think.   I would expect Jones to stay with the Cardinals after all they traded for him but again you never know.   If he breaks free I would go after him and pay. They might be willing to trade him again and that would be worth exploring.  The one player that I think has a chance to hit FA is Melvin Ingram of the Chargers. He is young and I think would be an excellent fit for us.  Any of these players would instantly upgrade our defense.   I am keeping my fingers crossed that we find a way to get one of them. 

  9. 4 hours ago, krunk said:

    I like Todman.  We should have used him more this season.

    Still am grasping for a good reason as to why we have held

    on to Josh Ferguson.  I still don't see where his value is.

    All of these tries at a RB in the later rounds or undrafted rookies will stop this year.  It just doesn't work. I think we will go RB early and I mean early.  Gore is 34.  This year they address it.

  10. 1 hour ago, jskinnz said:


    This x 1000.


    Detroit, both Houston games, and the Jacksonville game were all winnable and ones that I think you can point to preparation or in-game management issues as the reason they lost.  Plus I still hate all the play calls at the goal-line in the Pittsburgh game.  


    If only half of those games go another direction, this season is completely different.  They would be division winners with a chance at a first round bye vs. where they are now.  Even with a roster that has some clear holes, a coaching decision here or there would have made a huge difference.


    I am torn.  I would not be surprised or bothered by any decision Irsay makes.  There is enough evidence that suggests a coaching / administration change is in order.  But having said that, I also really like the stable franchises that are comfortable & confident enough to stay the course when things don't go exactly as planned in a given season.  Big picture viewing here - 3 years of 11 wins plus some playoff success followed by two years of approx .500 does not sound like a resume that gets you canned.  

    When you realize that two years ago we added Gore and Johnson because we thought we could win a SB but when it fell apart we entered the rebuild mode.  Last year at 500 and probably this year too is pretty good considering all of the young players we added. Most teams have horrible records when they start rebuilding.  Doesn't look like a regime change is needed at this time.  

  11. 39 minutes ago, weslo1812 said:

    I I think for the most part we have some solid young options that can and will hopefully continue to develop. The biggest battle we face is staying healthy, that is the real issue. We constantly have 1 or 2 or 3 different guys going out with injuries from week to week. If we could ever just get 1 group healthy for close to the whole season, you have to wonder what a difference that would make.

    Same think this week Pagano said no injuries today.  Again on the road and few or no injuries.  At home a different story.

  12. 4 hours ago, pgt_rob said:

    Your guess is as good as mine. Looks like we took advantage of a bad Vikings O-Line. As far as our O-Line looking good against a top 5 Vikings D-Line, I don't know how they did it. Luck had some quicker throws and Gore ran for 100. % is confusing.....

    These kind of performances happen all the time and every week.  Not just to our team but to all of the teams. That's why a team that has been up and down all year can get hot at the end and win it all.  I don't think the answer as to why it happens  is as black and white as some people would like to think it is.   

  13. 55 minutes ago, dw49 said:

    I watched Clark on every play. He did fine but he gets pushed back to the QB far too often. If he can add a little strength and technique to correct that , he's a keeper. But IMO there were some close calls because of this.

    He and Haag have the same problem but it's nothing a little more weight and strength conditioning can't fix in the offseason.

  14. I have been a fan since 59 and have seen far worse teams than this years.  I will watch with friends and many have been fans since 59 and we will cheer them on to hopefully a victory.  It's tough on the "ticker" when we lose but thankfully no one has dropped dead yet.  We concentrate on watching the young players now and looking forward to Clark at RT tomorrow.  Let's see what he has.  Take care of your health though that's what's important.     As Scarlett O'Hara said from Gone With The Wind:  Tomorrow is another day. Or something like that. 

  15. 1 hour ago, ar7 said:


    The names I have heard that Irsay made "back channel" inquiries to are Nick Saban, Jim Harbaugh, and Sean Payton. Sean Payton was one they had a chance to get but Irsay didn't want to pay him $9 million + per year and give up a 2nd Round Pick.

    That's interesting because it's my understanding Harbaugh is currently making $9 million at Michigan.  Is Payton making $9 million now?  I didn't think any NFL coach was making that kind of money.  I was under the impression Harbaugh was making more than any current NFL coach. 

  16. 1 hour ago, aaron11 said:


    he said it verbally on mnf.


    in context, he was referring to how if the colts had fired pagano last season and made him an offer then he would have been seriously interested



    If he said that on MNF I am still surprised no other outlet would have jumped on that as being news.  Especially the Indy news media.  You have to wonder if Jim Irsay knows of his interest?  Kind of looks like Jim did not put any feelers out with any of the so called Name Coaches who currently are not coaching before deciding to retain Pagano and Grigson. 

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