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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. There has been improvement week to week especially in the OL and with most our younger players and rookies.  Many have worked their way into starting roles this year.  It is hard to achieve consistency when we have to deal with so many injuries.  I am not saying injuries are the sole reason, all teams get them, but our backups are primarily younger players learning on the fly.  The play calling and game plans leave a lot to be desired.  Yesterday was the worst.  That said we are a still a team in transition.  I think another solid draft like this years and a couple of young solid FA additions on defense and we should see marked improvement next year.  Still need to take a real hard look at the entire coaching staff and most likely there will be some changes. There are no current HC's (college) or former HC's that are "realistically" available right now or make sense because they have been away from the game for so long.  That could change in a year though.  The same coaches looking for a second chance, they got fired too, or another unproven coordinator is what's left.   If Jim wants to stick with them another year I can see his reasoning.  None of us are closer to the team than Jim Irsay and none of us knows what he is going to do.  We will know in a month though and that's not far away.

  2. 3 minutes ago, gacoop1 said:

    You can't blame the field.  The opponents don't incur that much injury as we do.  Need to look into the condition program the Colts have in place and evaluate it.  There need's to be a changed in the coaching ranks if you''re going to be competitive.  Sorry Bunch, also GM sucks...

    I am not blaming the field for the loss. I think there have been many complaints from visiting teams as well.  It is considered one of the worst fields in the league.  I just think it might be time for an analysis and probably an upgrade.  Can't hurt.  

  3. One change I wish he would make is to replace that garbage field.  Every time we play on it I swear we incur more injuries.  I really fear for our players when we play at home.  It's not if but when the first one occurs.  Today a lot of injuries again. Last week not so much.  I really hope he looks into it in the off season. 

  4. No, I don't think so.  Grigson pretty much nailed this years draft so I think that accomplishment will help keep them both for next year.  There will be some other coaches brought in though and a few defensive FA's.  If we lose out that changes everything.  If we finish at 500 or close to 500 I think they're back. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Bluefire4 said:


    Love to hear some examples from games where the play calling was awful. Can't think of many. We lost in the beginning of the season because our defense was destroyed with injury. The Broncos and Chiefs have tough defense and those are the only games where the Colts offense didn't show up.


    And as for those quarterbacks that is ridiculous. The only reason most of them have better stats is because Luck missed a game. Plus all of them have better offensive lines and have more time to make decisions.


    Anyone can point to the lack of short throws but we saw those today. We don't have the personnel to get quick completions. All of the short throws to Dorsett ended in 4 yard gains because he cannot break any tackles. Anytime we throw short the receiver is immediately tackled and most times it ends with a three and out. I can't fault Chud for trying to play to the offense's strengths.


    I think we do have a couple of receivers who could get quick completions.  Hilton, Dorsett, Rogers.  The problem is the routes are primarily hitches or quick turns on the ball instead of leading the receiver so they can stay in stride.  The routes we run require them to break tackles most of the time.  A few rub routes and pick plays would go a long way. 

  6. Terrible play calling from beginning to end. The offense cost us this game.  The defense considering they played without 4 starters held there own and Houston scored about what they normally score.  Our offense really underperformed and I blame most of it on the play calling and game plan.  Missing the 54 yd. FG was a bad play considering Adam has missed a few recently.  That was a six point swing.  All the drops and our insistence on continually going for the big play made us predictable.  Look at all the targets for Dorsett and nothing. Doyle should be the No.1 TE not Allen.   Luck needs to stop being a robot and get involved with the offense.  Change plays.  You use to tell when Peyton changed the play not the same with Luck. I 'm not sure he does it that often. I have to say I'm really disappointed in Chud.  He really let us down today. 

  7. Chud's play calling and game plan for this game was awful.  The last play we ran sums it up.  4th and one and you call a screen pass with a banged up Ol and some players playing out of position.  A screen pass calls for the Ol to sell the play.  Pretty hard to do with the players we had in the line at that time.  What's wrong with a roll out and giving Luck a choice to run or throw for the yard.  I was frustrated the entire game with the play calling.  Does Luck ever audible out of a play?  He's a smart guy but I feel like he is just running what is called.  Sometimes I feel he is just a guy who runs what he's told and doesn't get involved in offering suggestions.  I think it's time for him to be assertive and stop being Mr. Nice Guy. 

  8. 14 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    The thing with 4 RB's in the 1st round is this.....


    Are there four teams who think drafting a RB in the first round is a smart thing,  and do all of those teams need a RB that badly?       I think the odds are overwhelming that the answer is no.      So, while four RB's may have a 1st round grade,   that doesn't automatically mean they'll all be drafted in the first round.




    With our overwhelming needs on the defensive side of the ball,  I suspect the chances of the Colts taking a running back in the first round are very, very small,  maybe even pushing zero.


    I think the chances that the Colts want McCaffrey are right around the same odds --- zero.    I don't see him fitting in with what the Colts want to do.      He's not a power back.      I think we'd take any of the other 3 before Christian.      But I think what we're more likely to do is take a back in the 3rd or 4th round and keep the priority as defensive.



    We can agree to disagree.  We will have to see how FA plays out.  I think there will be RB's taken in the 1st. round ahead of us.   Probably not 4 because that includes McCaffrey.  I think easily two most likely three.  If the RB grades out a 1st. rd. pick and you need a RB, I don't think you pass to take another player with a lower grade.  It all depends on what order you rank your needs and who is available when you pick.  Chances are we might take one of the other three before Christian but unless we trade up that's not going to happen.  They will be gone. That leaves Christian who I think is a good fit regardless.  He is more of an all around dual threat back who has proven he can do it all.  I think I would rather have an all around back than just a power back.  You can always have a power back on the roster to compliment him.  I don't think we have an overwhelming need on defense especially with our young players developing so well.  We certainly have needs and we can address a couple of them in FA.   We will certainly draft defensive in this draft as well.  I am all about drafting BPA in an area of need who can start with the first pick.  

  9. This is a nice wish list but I'm not sure any of them will be there when we pick which should be at the back end of the draft.  I have seen mocks with Fournette, Cook and Garrett and most good edge rushers going fast.  I really think we are going to try to address our pass rush needs in FA.  If we sign any FA it's going to be on the defensive side.  If we are successful in FA I can see our 1st. pick being BPA in an area of need.  To me BPA at the back of the draft means RB.  With this deep class  I can see Christian McCaffrey as a possibility.  First pick needs to be a starter not a project player.  Our entire draft board will be influenced by what we accomplish in FA. It all feeds off FA  IMO. 

  10. This Mock has us drafting at 14.  I would be surprised if we draft that high.  I count 4 RB's in the 1st. round.  So many people would not do it but it looks like this year we could see quite a few in RD. 1.  Elliot's success will have many GM's trying to find a similar player, especially in a deep class.  A copycat league right?  Weak OL and QB class shifts everything with more trades in the offing especially with QB needy teams. I think we are going to improve our defense through a trade and or FA.   Acquiring solid younger players to immediately help the defense.  If they are successful I expect us to draft a RB in the 1st. round.  Maybe trading up to get one with our extra 4th assuming we are drafting later. .  The RB within reach.  Christian McCaffrey.  

  11. Gore is very tight with Pagano and Chud going back to his college days.  He's had a solid season given the circumstances.  He came here to win a SB and I think if we make the playoffs and he sees the line improving he will want to stay and they will keep him.  Don't underestimate his importance in the locker room.  His work ethic is outstanding and he would be a great example to any young RB we draft.  He was on the street for awhile a couple of years ago before we signed him.  He is under contract for next year.  Unless he retires he's our player.  He is a bargain at his salary considering everything he brings to the team.  I really see him staying. 

  12. I would be very surprised if he was not on the team next year.  His salary is not a big deal and he can still play and be a productive player.  He will probably be a 1000 yd. rusher this year and our line should be even better next year.  With a deep RB class I fully expect us to take one in the earlier rounds.  

  13. He is really coming on now.  He is now starting and is a three down player who is also getting better and gaining confidence every week.  This is already a great draft and we haven't even seen Clark yet. 

  14. I think it really comes down to what we do in FA.  I am a big proponent of BPA in an area of need regardless of position who can start with our 1st. pick.  Kelly and Elliot are good examples. There are also a number of good players who might hit FA; Hightower, Jones, Ingram, Collins just to name a few. All would be huge upgrades and start for us on defense.  Trades can also enter the mix.  Permanently moving Gaethers to LB could also change things.  It's fun to speculate now but so much can happen to change things.  I don't have my heart set on one position with our first pick.  I'll let the season and FA play out first. The Hierarchy of our needs could change pretty quickly in FA. 

  15. 5 hours ago, Myles said:

    Beating Oakland won't magically make Pagano and Grigson great at their jobs either.  

    Those of us who do not like Pagano and Grigson can still root for the Colts.   I've never felt that you "MUST" like every person associated with the team. 


    Well at least you are rooting for the Colts.  This forum has Grigson and Pagano haters who root for the Colts to lose so Jim can fire them both.  Such losers and shallow thinkers.  Not fans just haters with inflated egos.  The players are playing their hearts out for the team and the fans but they don't care.   It's fire them both or nothing. With any luck they will jump on another team that can give them immediate gratification. 

  16. 31 minutes ago, Somewhere ovr the Waynebow said:

    Prior to the  Jets game,  I wondered what the coaches were seeing to keep playing Ridgeway.  He shows us all.  Had a great game. 

    He has definitely come on.  He is starting now and is looking better every game.  BTW Jones is also making plays and is rounding into the player we thought we were getting when we signed him.  If he can stay healthy he can really help us out.  Add an improving Anderson to the rotation and our line is looking much better. 

  17. Outlook?  Fantastic.  And he's only going to get better.  He's probably top 10 now and he's only a rookie. The picked solved one of our biggest needs with an instant NFL ready starter.  Loved the pick.  And, for the most part.  Grigson's other picks are turning out to be solid starters who should get better as well.  Haag, Gaethers, Ridgeway, Green stand out.  Another great draft like this one and one or two solid FA's and the monster is Alive. 

  18. Joe Bannon, former Cleveland GM, said this afternoon on NFL Insiders that the loss of DQ is a big deal for the Colts.  He said the biggest part of his loss are his leadership abilities.  In all of his years in the NFL he said no one was more important to his team regarding leadership on the team than DQ.  The only player he would put ahead of him was Brian Dawkins.  Besides being an every down player and our leading tackler he calls all the defensive signals and alignments.  He really praised him and called him the unquestioned leader of our defense. The other analysts were somewhat surprised that he put him right up there with Dawkins.  

  19. 7 minutes ago, runthepost said:

    The monster hasn't  even been built yet. We might make the playoffs but will anything special happen? Prolly not. Might make it to the division round and lose at Oak or in KC or get another beat down in the snow at NE

    Nothing wrong with that.  It's progress. Three quarters of the league would love a finish like that.  You can't win it unless you make the playoffs.  No the monster hasn't been built yet.  But we are not far away.  A solid FA or two and another great draft like this years and the monster is built. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Gabriel Alexander Morillo said:

    Very, very nice. 


    Id roll with Geathers as a permanent ilb the rest of the season imo. 


    Use Butler/Adams as the safeties ; do not start Green if you want any chance at a win please. he's not ready 

    I agree.  This is the perfect time to move him to ILB.  He has shown he can be very effective there. I love Butler at Safety.  Robinson goes back to corner when healthy and to the slot in the nickel.  Cole starts in place of Mathis.  Ridgeway has quietly assumed a starting role and has looked good as well.  Another rookie making the grade.  We are now getting better utilization of our players and the defense is getting better every game.  

  21. 3 hours ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

    Just wait everyone will be here to tell him how stupid his post is in a few mins 

    So glad you posted.  I know you didn't enjoy the game last night.  Must have really been hard for you to watch us roll up 41 points in a blowout.  Did you see the difference last night?  Players playing hard for their coach and players mailing in the season with a quarter of the season to go. Did you see Mike Adams running over to Pagano after his interception to jointly celebrate the play?  Fans and especially Owners  can see if their team is playing hard or just coasting.  And the Colts always play hard and have never mailed it in for Coach Pagano.  The good news is the Colts are still in the hunt with four to go.  And anything can happen.  Even better Coach Pagano will be back along with Grigson to finish building the monster and all you haters are going to have a miserable off season and there is nothing you can do but whine. 

  22. 6 hours ago, Arodgers12 said:

    We have GM problems here too. A lot of Packer fans want McCarthy gone too. 

    I feel better now.  I thought we were the only fan base who had * fans, without a clue ,who all think they could do a better job running and coaching the team. They have all the answers.   Believe it or not we have fans, I use that term loosely of course,  who are rooting against the Colts tonight in hopes of seeing our coach and GM fired.  Really we do.  They don't want us to win and make the playoffs. I kid you not.  I read their posts for a few laughs.  Please tell me you have fans, I uses the term loosely again, who are rooting for your team to lose.  We can't be the only team can we?  You must have your share of *s too. 

  23. 41 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Butler at safety next year, or I even thought closer at moving Geathers to ILB and drafting a top tier safety.  Maybe the kid Adams from LSU.

    This is exactly what drives me crazy about drafting project players in the early rounds.  You don't know how long it's going to take, if ever, to see if these players can be starters and big contributors to your team.  And it effects how you are going to draft the subsequent year.  Do we still have a need or not?  Five games left at least.  Let's hope the young guys who are playing and being counted on to help us win now can continue to improve and show us they can be solid starters at their position next year. 

  24. I always felt Cole would be the one they would bring back. They really need him for all the reasons mentioned above.  Especially since we are still in the hunt for a playoff spot. I actually think he closed out last year with a few sacks at the end which I was glad to finally see.  Next year I think Mathis is definitely gone and quite likely Cole too. I thought Jones would be gone too but now I am not so sure.  If he finishes strong and stays healthy the rest of the way they might bring him back.  Maybe he can help recruit Chandler if he makes it to FA. 

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