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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. 13 hours ago, esmort said:


    I would have to go back and look it up to be sure, but I think the original shoulder injury was early last season... and if that is the case why wouldn't they hold ahead and do the surgery while he was already out?  I think what you are seeing now is just the ongoing maintenance and therapy/rehab of that earlier injury? 


    IMO his throwing motion and velocity look the same, and he has always had a tendency to get a little wild with the occasional throw especially when under duress. 

    I agree.  If it was last year and serious enough they would have done the surgery.  So, I'm guessing it wasn't.  I hope you,re right on the rehab and that's all it is.  Just me, but I think it could have been injured again in an earlier game.  I'm seeing more bad throws and aiming which really bothers me.  Hopefully the line continues to improve and he gets hit less often.  A young QB missing or limited in practice is a red flag to me.  Hope I'm wrong. 

  2. Very nice analysis and some good choices.  Personally If he makes a change I think it would be a head coach from one of the major universities. I don't see him going the assistant route from another team.  No time to take a chance on seeing whether an assistant can do the job. If he comes from college he will run the whole show.   The no.1 guy is Saban especially if he wins another championship.   I think he would be ready to move and Luck, obviously,  would be hard to pass up.  Others;  Harbaugh, Meyer and Ferentz.  Harbaugh too soon, Ferentz and Meyer maybe.  I think it will Saban if he makes a change.  Gruden is the only one of the announcers I would consider.  But I think Saban would be the target if he wins another.  

  3. I am expecting Luck to have surgery on his right shoulder at the end of the season.  If we get eliminated early I expect they will shut him down and IR him for the season.  As long as we are in contention he plays unless it gets worse.  Right now the doctors are letting him play.  I think he got hurt in one of the earlier games and is gutting it out.  Resting him during the week is the current prescription.  Players play hurt and I think he is right now. I see him aiming the ball sometimes and over throwing and under throwing balls quite often.  Yes, he makes some great throws once in awhile but he is Andrew Luck and he can still make them, on occasion, when hurt.  Just my 2 cents. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Larry Horseman said:


    The reality is that nearly every fan base in the NFL can both bash and defend their team's GM. This thread is another example of our fan base looking at Grigson in a vacuum, as opposed to comparing his "grade" since 2012 to his peers. For example, Jerry Reese was a dumpster fire between 2012-2015; Ozzie Newsome wasn't much better. Ted Thompson struggled. Even BB has way more misses than hits. My point is that it is easy to say Grigson and his decisions are trash; what's more difficult/time consuming to do is really sit down and compare how Grigson is doing relative to his peers. That all said, I'm not a Grigson apologist--he deserves his fair share of criticism. However, I also think the coaching staff isn't developing talent or utilizing schemes that makes the talent excel. 

    Excellent points.  Don't forget, I count three offensive and two defensive coordinators during Grigsons time plus the other coaching changes.  Changes take time to assimilate.  Also look at the Panthers one year removed from the SB.  "Panic" release today of one of their starting CB's?  Same record as ours I think.  It's a tough job in a tough league. I remember when Riviera was on the hot seat a few years ago too.  Things change pretty fast.   Drafting and FA is nothing but a crap shoot.  What you need is a great QB and some luck in drafting and free agency and you're in the hunt.  That's about all you can ask for.  We have our QB.  Need some more pieces. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, indy1888 said:


    Releasing starters after 4 weeks is not normally a rational move.  Benching the players first would be more rational.  And if these moves  make us a better team, then thats bad coaching and a bad front office for having those players in here and believing they were good enough to not only make the team but to start for 4 weeks.

    When you think about it Cromartie was a veteran pick up off the street to try and help a depleted secondary. If Butler was healthy last week he wouldn't have started.  He was an experienced short term fix.  Not a legitimate starter in this league anymore. Technically he started by necessity but the writing was on the wall.  Moore is nothing more than a rotational backup lb.  He failed at his opportunity to be a starter.  Players all earn their opportunity.  It's up to them to take it and hold it. They recognized that, called up a promising linebacker they drafted and decided to move on.  Teams do it all the time.  All teams make changes during the season.  Teams bench and cut players all the time.  I don't see panic I see recognizing changes are necessary and making them. 

  6. We finish 10-6 or 9-7 and make the playoffs.  Why?  Because the rookies make big strides and start making major contributions.  The Ol gets healthy and settles down.  Mewhort makes his first Pro Bowl, Kelly second team.  Good nails down the RG spot, Haag eventually takes The RT spot.  Moncrief returns and has a big year.  Defense makes some changes: Cromartie loses his spot and Mathis sees his PT go down.  We call up Bates and he along with Maggit, Ayers, Ridgeway and Gaethers start accumulating sacks.  Andersons reps go way up as he gets to full speed.  Jones makes a big impact on the line.   Davis follows the No.1 receiver all over the field and takes him out.  Robinson becomes our No.2  and Butler the nickel.  Interceptions start to happen.  Adams makes another Pro Bowl.  All of these things could happen.  All we have to do is get hot at the end and make the playoffs with momentum.  We go in with that and a great qb and anything could happen.  Just my 2 cents. 

  7. It's time to bench Mathis and bring up Bates.  Harsh but it's necessary.  Happens to them all. Time to start making some other changes.  Davis should always covers the best receiver no matter where he lines up. Ferguson and Cromartie to the end of the bench.  More designed roll outs for Luck. He's great when he moves and it puts more pressure on the defense.  Well it's been a long day. Time to turn in.  As Scarlet O'hara said: Tomorrow is another day.  Or something like that.  

  8. 28 minutes ago, Pagano's Realtor said:

    He's also getting destroyed on his beloved Twitter account by many media members as well. Now, to say the season is over is an overstatement. Remember, no other team in the division is very good and 8-8 might win it. This team isn't a bonafide Super Bowl contender by any means though.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that the team never quits.  They are fighting hard and playing hard all the time. Yes they are dropping balls and making stupid penalties but they are not mailing it in.  They didn't last year and they are not this year.  They have come back many times.  I agree. To say the season is over is an overstatement.

  9. 22 minutes ago, ColtfreakDVA said:

    Not over yet but the window is definitely closing.  We have only 1 division loss and in 2nd place in a pathetic division.  I figure we can drop only 3 more games all year and none of the division games.  Thats a tall order but still plausible.


    We have to fix it starting next week.  They need to let Luck air it out early, play the hurry up offense from the kickoff.


    The most worrisome thing i have been seeing is the LT.  He has been abused over and over.  We have no anchor on the Oline.  That makes it a lot harder to scheme when the doors are wide open on both sides. Costanzo wasnt supposed to be the weak link.  This defiantly screws things up with a young line.


    Maybe the D plays better with a lead.  We havent tried that yet.




    Mewhort might be our anchor.  I read that before today's game Mewhort had gone 925 straight pass protection plays without giving up a sack.  Longest streak in the league by an OL who is not a center, according to PFF.

  10. 1 hour ago, LJpalmbeacher said:

    that he would like to see Luck make changes at line. Like when it looks like a blitz is coming make adjustments accordingly.

    He said it seems like whatever play is called in, Luck just goes with it.

    I was thinking the same thing.  It seams like he is hardly ever changing the play once he gets it.  He used to.  Now hardly ever.  Maybe with all the newbies on the line?

  11. What amazes me is after watching how we played we still had an opportunity to tie or win at the end.  With all the bad drops and stupid penalties we still had a chance.   It goes to show you how important execution, concentration and discipline can be to victory.  A few players might have lost there starting jobs today or will see there roles change.  Cromartie and Ferguson come to mind right away.  If you don't perform someone else is going to get the opportunity.  You only get so many chances.  That is going to be one long miserable plane ride home.   And it should be. They all need to do better at their profession.  I don't think the sky is falling yet.  Chicago, I think,  is going to be very big for this team.  How they rebound.  How they perform.  It is a long season and we play in the South so to me there is no reason to abandon the ship early.  Lots of football ahead. 

  12. When Butler gets healthy he goes back to nickel and Robinson to the number two.  I would put Vontae on their number one all the time.  No matter what side of the field they play on.  If he's one of our best players then I think we should use him on their best receiver all the time.  Cromartie has shown he is no longer a full time starting corner.  He was on the street for a long time before we picked him up.  Today really showed why.

  13. 7 hours ago, krunk said:

    Still a chance Clark could end up playing and that scares me. Brings back nightmares of that Philly preseason game although the Jags dont have the same pass rushers as Philly. I'm hoping hes gotten better.

    Me too.  Clark makes me very nervous.  Certainly not ready for such an important position when Andrew is out there. 

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