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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. The good news, if you want to call it that,  is reportedly the Jets tried hard to move Richardson and found no takers at their asking price.  It appears they will have to revisit that asking price when the season ends.  They clearly want to move him.  When the season ends it shifts from a sellers market at the trade deadline to a buyers market with a bigger talent pool available.  That is when most deals are made. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

    So does being players at the trade deadline mean doing nothing at all?  Because that's clearly what happened.

    I think you are at more of a disadvantage at the trade deadline if you are trying to acquire a player.  The selling team is more apt to hold out to see how desperate you are.  When the season is over and everybody knows their draft position and priorities then more calculated moves can be made with a wider talent pool giving you a better chance to improve your team.  The Collins trade was a perfect situation for both teams.  

  3. They knew what the situation was with Collins.  He wants the big money and they will give it to him.  They always have the franchise tag as an option.  I think Chandler Jones has a better chance to hit the market and even that is pretty slim.  Our best bet is trading for Richardson after the season is over when everybody knows their  situation more clearly and their draft position. 

  4. He is really playing totally out of control.  Like a runaway freight train.  We knew he was a project player but his style of play has to change. Being a big hitter is one thing but totally out of control is another.  We need to see if he can develop into a good player so we really have to play him to find out.  Hopefully he can put it all together. 

  5. I don't know if you can pick one over the other.  The teams play?  They are a team with a great quarterback that is trying to bring in young players and trying to get them to contribute as fast as they can.  Some days they do other days they don't.  And some of these young players won't work out.  That's just the way it is. Can they play better?  Hopefully yes but who knows really.  Hopefully they learn from their mistakes and become better players.  Only time will tell.  Embarrassed by their play no, hoping for better is more like it.  The fans are what they are. Most think they are smarter than the people running things.  That's okay.  They can think that. They can vent and they feel better for it.  The fact is nothing they say is going to change anything really, just make them feel better.  The boss is Mr. Irsay.  And he will make changes when he thinks he should.  He made his decision last year.  That is pretty well locked in stone for the foreseeable future.  If he changes his mind so be it.  But until that day comes I will be hoping for success in all the decisions our team makes.  

  6. Just now, Jaric said:


    Why would the broncos trade for a high priced left tackle who isn't good?

    They have been mentioned as suitors for Thomas and Staley. If we get Thomas that leaves a 34 year old Staley. Costanzo would be an upgrade and more of a long term solution than Staley and anybody else they have.  Costanzo is still considered one of the better tackles in the league.  I don't believe Ray starts as well. 

  7. I suggested going after him weeks ago thinking they would do it for the same reason they traded Chandler  Bummer.  But I think Krunks right.  They won't do business with us.  Time to offer Costanzo and a conditional pick to the Broncos for Shane Ray after we pry Thomas from the Browns. 

  8. This horrible field we play on is going to lead to more concussions and injuries.  They look like they are playing on painted concrete.  Our field is considered one of the hardest in the league and that certainly is not safe. I was hoping Jim would replace it during the bye week but I haven't read where that is going to happen.  A FA would be taking an extra risk coming here and playing on that surface.  It needs to go ASAP. 

  9. 39 minutes ago, Track Guy said:

    Depends on the compensation. Say this was the trade:


    Colts give:

    • Colts 2017 4th round pick
    • Colts 2018 3rd round pick
    • Joe Reitz or Denzelle Good


    Browns Give:

    • Joe Thomas
    • Browns 2018 6th Round Pick


    I could get behind that. 

    But if we're giving them our 1st round pick... No. 

    I just read where they are asking for a 2.  Maybe they take a 3?  Serious minds want to know. 

  10. Good question. He was certainly a solid LT before his contract. He was our best lineman. Now he seems to have lost his quickness and maybe his strength.  He is not a big man for his position.  I always favored bigger and stronger left tackles.  Now, I just think he has past his prime earlier than we expected.  LT is now an unexpected problem. 

  11. I would normally not be in favor of such a move but Costanzo has regressed so much you just have to see what the asking price is.  We now have two tackles at either end who can't stop bull rushes.   At 32 he can protect Lucks blind side and give us time to develop his replacement.  At 32 no one is going to give them a  No.1. We wasted our No.2 and 3. picks this year on project players. Clark is at least a year away and Green plays totally out of control.  I could support giving a 3 and it wouldn't take much to talk me into a 2.  We have to protect our QB.  I think with our compensatory pick we could move up if we really wanted to.  Oh how we took Tarik Glenn for granted. 

  12. 22 minutes ago, SkyBane said:

    That's not true at all. The Colts offense had 31 20+ yard passing plays before this week, good for 4th in the NFL, and only 3 such plays behind the league leading Redskins.

    That's right not to mention the injuries during the game that forced lineman to switch positions with additional new players coming in to the game. 

  13. 11 minutes ago, Track Guy said:
    • Pass rush. We need one, badly.
    • Inside linebackers. This position has been handled terribly.
    • Secondary depth.
    • A better running game. 

    I agree.  The two things I would add are a LT.  I was hoping Costanzo would get his game together but he is having too much trouble for the veteran player he is.  He seems to have regressed.  I hate to say it but I might be open to a Joe Thomas trade even if he is 32.  Second we need a new playing surface.  It's horrible and contributing to injuries. I read where it is one of the worst and oldest in the league for an artificial surface.  No nap at all.  Looks like they are playing on painted cement. I was hoping Jim would replace it during our upcoming  bye week.  If I was a free agent I would think twice about coming here and playing on that surface.  Lots of injuries today for both teams and I don't think that hard surface helped to cushion any blows. 

  14. !958 when I was 12 years old and I watched my first pro football game on TV with my father. I pulled for the Colts because I was a kid who loved horses and I thought their helmets were "cool". It was the "greatest game ever Played' and The Colts won the championship in sudden death with Alan Ameche running it in against the Giants.  I have been a Colts fan ever since.  Back then there was no such thing as licensed merchandise.  We played tackle football as kids and only had plastic helmets with a single bar.  My helmet was blue but I took first aid tape and taped a horseshoe on each side. Oh those were the good old days.  

  15. Stephone Anthony sounds like an interesting candidate if he is available. Richardson certainly is.  I don't think Grigson is afraid to deal for the right player.  He sounds like he really values draft picks now so I think he might be more inclined to trade a player.  Someone like Mike Adams to the Bears for Willie Young. We have Adams covered and I read where the Bears could use a safety and we could use a pass rusher.

  16. 4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I don't see the Colts using a 1st round pick on a RB.      Almost no one does anymore.     The NFL game has changed so much you can get a quality back in the 2nd or 3rd or 4th round...     and in some cases, even lower, you just can't expect a back taken that late to turn into something that good.    Plus, the Colts already got burned in the Trent deal.    You don't want that kind of history to repeat itself.


    They will get another year out of Gore unless he gets hurt.    But they need a quality back-up to lighten the load and get seasoning for 2018.


    And you don't have to take my word for it....   if you read the twice a week letters to the editor column that are answered by Colts.com writer Kevin Bowen,  he has said it's his view that the team will indeed take a RB pretty high in 2018.      He's predicted 2nd-4th round.        He's predicted pass rush and corner and running back and inside linebacker.     That's not set in stone,  but that's his view and he's inside the building following the team closer than any of us.


    I've reached similar conclusions months ago.



    Bowen said in his column yesterday he thinks the Colts will explore a very deep RB class this year.  He said taking a RB this year falls right in line with his thinking.  He's not predicting a 1st. round pick but he has no idea on what the circumstances will be at that time.  IMO you don't pigeon hole a position to any round. You should take the BPA in a position of need.  Once you have locked down your PON's any round is fair game.  Right now I think RB is one of our PON's.  So if a RB is the BPA at our pick you draft him.  Round doesn't matter.  

  17. 1 hour ago, Douzer said:

    Not to be too argumentative, but you must be joking. Good is fast becoming the Colts best O-lineman. He gets so much better every week and his power is impressive. Way above Mewhort… and way,way, way above Reitz and Haeg

    Good and Kelly are the anchors going forward, those two move people and Good is a man among boys. He’s knocking D-linemen on their butts.

    Haeg & Reitz on the other hand are getting shoved around and tossed aside on 50% of the plays. Haeg  may have a future at tackle, if he ups his strength a bunch. He played the position in college so he knows what to do, but he’s given up more pressures, hits & sacks than the rest of the line combined.

    The idea that either Reitz or Haeg should play before Good is a joke. I recommend NFL Rewind, Condensed Version with Slow Motion.

    Totally agree.  Good is a man among men and then some. He gets to the second level and is destroying people. They have to be thrilled with his progress and he's only played six games.  He will be our starting RG for a long time. Great pickup by Grigson.  I agree on Haag as well.  Needs to get much stronger.  A strong bullrush drives him into the QB but he has great potential.  I think this is going to be a great line going forward. 

  18. 24 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

    Yeah, well their defense is considerably better than ours at this point.  You could throw Fournette onto this roster and it's not going to change what we do on the other side of the ball.  It depends on who's available, of course, but unless this class is so deep that we can get our guy in the second round on defense, Fournette would be a hard swallow.   Not saying I dont' want the guy, but BPA on offense in next year's draft in the first round?  It'd be Grigson's job to lose at that point.

    Don't forget the caveat "in a position of need".  You could argue their defense couldn't have been to good last year year to get the 8th. pick.  They lost a lot of games.  Elliot is helping them turn their season around.  I am not saying you disregard the defense in favor of the offense.  I am saying take the best player available in a position of need who can start.  The idea of pigeon holing positions to a certain round is dumb. Don't take a RB until the 3rd is dumb.  Don't take a center until the 4th. is dumb. If those positions are a position of need you don't wait to a certain round to fill them.  I don't think Grigson is going to lose his job if the BPA in a position of need turns out to be a RB and he drafts him.  He would have done his job IMO.

  19. On October 23, 2016 at 0:04 PM, KB said:

    Four-letter would be able to contribute immediately. Honestly, any pass rusher that is picked up in this year's draft is going to take a bit before they can contribute. Look at Clowney. It's year three and he's just really starting to get in the game. This is also a deep class for pass rusher so a round one rusher isn't a must like everyone says it is. Pass rush is a need but it's not the only need. The best player available is needed. Garrett might be gone (might not even fit our scheme) and I would take Fournette over Peppers since nobody has a sure idea of where he will play.

    I agree.  Best player available in a position of need who has a great chance to start. Dallas took Elliot last year at no. 8 and I don't think they are having regrets. They took a RB with their 1st. pick and we took a center, Kelly, who the majority on this board thought was to early for a center.  Thank God we took him in my opinion. I'm on board with best player available in a position of need. 

  20. I think you have to keep an open mind on the RB need.  Look at Dallas.  People have been saying they have had  the best Ol for quite a few years now.  They drafted 8th. last year.  You had to lose a lot of games to draft 8th.  They needed a lot of help.  But they took Ezekial Elliot.  What a difference he is making for them and they lost Romo too.  I have always been a proponent of getting a starter with the first pick in a position of need.  Hopefully the first two picks.  We got it with Kelly and the majority of the board couldn't justify a center with our 1st pick.  I'm glad we took him.  I am keeping an open mind.  It's a crap shoot anyway.  Last year Polian had Elliot as his No. 1 player on the board.  Kelly was 4th.  You can't get hung up on position when you have multiple needs to fill.  I like best player available in a position of need who has a great chance to start. If it turns out to be a RB that's okay with me. 

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