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richard pallo

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Posts posted by richard pallo

  1. I remember many comments last year about Jack Doyle being a great locker room guy as well.  After listening to CB's presser it would seem he is a player he is going to want to keep if those comments were true.  We know they are trying to resign him and he is a known commodity they like very much.  It makes too much sense to keep him.  Hopefully no one is drawing a line in the sand and they come together to make it happen. 

  2. 35 minutes ago, CR91 said:

    I really cant see the pats letting go of jones and collins and not retaining hightower

    I agree.  The franchise tag is too high so that isn't a good option.  They should be able to sign him to a more reasonable figure without having to tag him first.  He would be a great leader and addition to our team. Especially if we sign a real NT and he would have more blitzing opportunities. If the Pats should lose him to FA all they have to do is trade Garoppolo to the Browns and draft Ruben Foster and get another comp pick.  

  3. The more I think about it the more I think they are hoping someone signs him to an offer sheet.  They have little cap space with other decisions and needs to think about.  Getting two 1st. rd. picks is what they might be hoping for but it is a steep price.  Now that he is tagged they could settle for one no.1 pick in a trade. Who knows maybe a future no.1   At the end of the day there is the possibility he could still be on the move in a trade. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    I actually heard the opposite, Berry is getting tagged, and the Chiefs are letting Poe test the open market. Could be a godsend for us if Ballard can get him.

    Berry and the Chiefs are reportadly close to getting a deal done before FA.  If they do they can then tag Poe. 

  5. I read an article recently stating that the Skins might tag Cousins again then trade him to the 49'ers after the league starts the new year.  After he is tagged the acquiring team could work out a long term deal with him now with the Skins permission.  It could all be done and ready to go by the start of the new league year.  Maybe that is what the Chargers are trying to do?

  6. NFL analyst Brent Sobleski just posted an article listing every teams "Dream Target" in the draft.  For the Colts he came up with Dalvin Cook.  Mentioning Andrew needs Cook like Peyton had James.  Interesting other choices if Cook wasn't there.  2nd. OT Cam Robinson, 3rd. DE Derek Barnett, 4th. CB  Sidney Jones.  I thought it was interesting he chose Robinson since every one is so focussed on defense.  We do know how Ballard views the trenches though.  It's amazing how many times Cooks name keeps coming up in the mocks. 

  7. I just read an article saying the Eagles might be making Connor Barwin available by either a trade or even an outright release.  The 30 yr. old is set to make 7.75 mil. in 2017 after trying to move to DE from OLB as they switched to a 4-3 last year.  He told the Eagles he would take a pay cut to stay.  The switch to DE apparently didn't work out but he was a very good LB before the move.  The Colts were mentioned as a possible landing spot.  Thoughts?

  8. 5 hours ago, ponyboy said:

    How do Lang and Zeitler compare to Mewhort?  I'd be all for upgrading the line this year with one of these FA, but it might mean you have to let Jack walk next year.

    I believe they are both ranked ahead of Mewhort and also are a little older.  I think the idea is to keep Mewhort at LG as he is solid and will only get better.  Zeitler would go to RG.  Mewhort is a keeper IMO.

  9. 54 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    As the Stanford guy who has seen every game McCaffrey has played,  I would've been fine drafting McCaffrey in the 2nd round if we already had our lead back of the future.       But we don't.


    I'm not sure I see McCaffrey has a traditional 3-down back.     He can play every down,  but he might not do the things a traditional 3-down back can do.      So, instead of carrying the ball 16-20 times a game,  CMac is likely more of a 12-15 carry guy.      But he might also catch 3-5 passes a game and return kicks as well.     He can impact games in a variety of ways.     Not every RB can do that.


    But our needs on defense far outweigh our needs on offense,  and since the strength of this draft is defense,  then I want to use our first 3 picks on defense.      Drafting an offensive player is a luxury we can't afford.     If we don't make a commitment to defense now,  I'm not sure when we ever will?     The time is now.   And we don't have to reach.    The players we need are there in this draft.


    It's going to hurt watching the top backs go off the board to other teams.    But we need defense.    We have to have defense.      If you think our defense was bad this year,  wait till you see how bad it is next year if we don't commit to it.      The time is NOW.




    I agree.  I think everyone agrees we need to address the defense.  But you can do it through FA and the draft. I think we will know more after FA.  With any luck we could have two maybe three impact starters on defense from FA.  Then it's the drafts turn.  It all hinges on our board and who goes off before our pick.  I don't think he will reach so anything could happen.   I am ready for a surprise or two. 

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