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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. Per his own admission B.P. was no judge of O-Line talent and we have long suffered for that. Ryan Grigson had little ability to fix our long standing O-Line problems last summer but that's going to change soon. I feel very sure that he will go after quality O-Line and frankly I'm comfortable with whatever combination of free agent(s), trades or draft picks that he's going to acquire. The Colts (and Luck) will be upgraded in this area but I doubt even Grigson knows right now what form that upgrade will take.

    As for our existing O-Line, A.C. is a good tackle and will continue to improve, Shipley got a 40 on his wonderlic (higher that Luck), will always play hard and is hungry so he also stays but after those 2 guys I don't really see any lineman that is a must keep.

    I think that O-Line is a fairly portable skill (unlike say a CB) so a FA that plays well somewhere else can kinda plug in (and I don't see how we cannot commit some $ to at least 1 FA) but the bang for the buck has to be in drafting multiple linemen in middle and late rounds.




    I think you sell Griffin short by saying that Luck could do what he does in the Redskins' system.  Luck would look better in a WCO-style offense and he would probably be pretty good at executing the zone read if he was asked to.  His short-intermediate accuracy still isn't what Griffin's is.  His ability to sell the play action isn't what Griffin's is.  His ability to make on-target throws under duress isn't what Griffin's is.


    It's also insulting to call this a Mickey mouse offense.  It's a pro offense that borrowed an element from the college game.  That element hasn't been figured out by 13 different NFL teams, some with two cracks at it, because of the way it's been implemented into an established and historically successful NFL offense.  Teams may learn to defend it in time but they won't be able to know when it's coming and they won't be able to defend it without having vulnerabilities elsewhere that can be exploited.  The Redskins coaching staff is extremely good at identifying and capitalizing on those types of vulnerabilities.

    My main point was let's not compare them because the systems they play within, the talent that surrounds them, and the particular strengths of each player are too different to do more than speculate whom is "better".


    I guessing you would agree that as a fan you would not like to see the Redskins make a 1-1 swap of QB's with the Colts and neither would I.


    As for being insulted by the "mickey mouse" label for the Redskins read option plays that are a part of their offense I apologize if that offends, I would amend that if I could to the word gimmick. The Redskins are taking advantage of RG's exceptional physical skills at running the option as a part of their offense and RG is very good at it but if you really think that if RG will play for 13 years (like Manning) running a read option then you are kidding yourself. A read option offense allows the defense exactly what it needs, more opportunities to hit RG and remove him from the game. 

  3. Could Andrew Luck play in a college style option offense with a power running game, a big successful RB, and a short play action style passing game? If Luck played in this kind of offense would he be successful and would his stats be very different (read better)? Could Luck run Washington's offense? Yes, yes, and yes. Could RG 3 play in a high risk, big chunk passing offensive, where early in the season he sometimes had to pass 40-50 times in a game to have a chance at winning, behind a sub standard offensive line under constant pressure, with Rb's that had to make yardage thru thin holes? Would RG 3's stats look different in this type of offense (read worse)? Could RG 3 run the Colts/BA offensive system? Would RG 3 run the Colts offense better than Andrew? Maybe, yes, maybe, no.

    Bottom line here's is what i am convinced of, NOBODY could have run the Colts offense better than Andrew did this year.

    Here's what I suspect, a college read option offense run by a pro team is a passing phase and the success of that offense will pass as pro defenses get the opportunity to defend it more (like the Wildcat). By keeping RG 3 in a "mickey mouse" college offense for short term success the Redskins are limiting RG 3's growth and potential as a QB.

    Let's compare Luck and RG3 is like comparing Apples and Oranges. My response is let's not.

  4. 2012. There was no stability for the 2012 line Castonzo being the only real constant with massive substitutions at every other line position all year long. Since the line has to function as a unit I think we cut them a little slack on some of the performance in some games. The way we ran the ball at the end of some of our games (1st game against Tenn in OT, 2nd game against Jags, KC, 2nd Houston game) and never had to expose our defense 1 more time, We haven't done that since the 2006 playoffs. That was an accomplishment since all the linemen are journeymen except Castonzo.

  5. Shipley has the wheels to play somewhere other than center???? I don't see that but Shipley got a higher score than Luck on his wonderlic and that is what you want in a center a really smart player that knows the line calls and can take advantage of the defense if they are not ready. Emergency guard maybe, starting center probably, backup center more than qualified.  Keeper for next year even if we high draft picks on the line, without a doubt.

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