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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. I still see him running all over our defense!

    Yes and the problem is that the Texans had never beaten us until that game so like a duckling imprinting on the mother duck their institution memory since that game is that when they beat us they do it by running all over us (as they did in the opener last year). For sure they'll believe they can run right thru us.

  2. OMG why be afraid of abad loss? Did you never play sports yourself? From personal experience, nothing motivated me more than a bad loss especially one where you're embarrassed. On a team full of rookies who have had great success this season I don't want them to go home for the off season thinking this NFL "it's not so hard, look what I did my first season". If we lose badly, they go home thinking "I'm never gonna let that happen to me again" that's how I felt after a bad loss....and then I worked twice as hard to be ready for the next time. Come on, Man.

  3. Hope not. I'm hoping that we are saved from BA leaving because I don't think he will be a candidate for a top tier team and I don't think BA will leave for a KC or Arizona where there is no QB. BA has said that he still loved coming to work in Manning's rookie year even though the Colts were losing and taking a pasting because Peyton got better every week, he was special and you could see that it was only a matter of time. I'm hoping that with his past experiences with Peyton and Ben that BA is spoiled and doesn't want to be in a situation where he has no QB because as he has said you can't win in the NFL without a QB.

  4. BA is right some of Luck's int's are mechanical (ball sails, ball under thrown) and those are on Luck not the line (to be fair some are on his receivers, not crossing the face of the defender, per BA in Detroit). That being said, Luck's ability to keep his eyes focused down the field given the never ending pressure he always faces is nothing short of astounding. Once we have a good pass blocking line in front of Luck or even if we replaced the current line with a great run blocking line so that the defense was always concerned with run first and Luck was mostly play action passing then Luck will be unstoppable.

  5. Our Run D is great this year, after the Jets game they definitely made the right adjustments because all season none of the big time RBs have had great games against us

    Forte-80 yds

    AD-60 yds

    MJD-177 yds (yuck)

    Alex Green-63 yds

    Shonn Green- 161 yds (yuck again)

    T. Rich- 8 yds

    CJ28- 99 yds

    Bush- 41 yds

    Ridley- 28 yds

    Spiller- 107 yds

    CJ28 again- 44 yds

    Texans arent the same team when they have to rely solely on Schaub...Schaub isn't elite yet....

    Shonn Green didn't have such a good game because he's a good back (he's not) but the jets line was so much better than our d-line that day. Unfortunately it's the Texans O-line that scares me not Foster. Will our d-line be pushed around by the Texans (as has happened many times in the past)?

  6. I think the Texans will run the ball from power sets, occasionally pull the ball out of those stretch plays and throw the roll out pass, and I don't think we will be able to stop it (similar to what happened in the Jets game once they got it going) :gloomy: . If the Texans get ahead by a couple of score they will open up the offense and try to run up the score.

    If the Texans give the ball away with a couple of fumbles then we might have a chance to keep it close. Obviously I hope that I am wrong.

  7. On Paper, the Colts are not very good..

    On paper, Andrew Luck is not very good either.

    Andrew is the 31st rated QB in the leaque by passer rating and is rated as less effective than Jake Locker, Christian Ponder, Michael Vick, and only slightly higher than Mark Sanchez. The Qb rating system rewards QB's for TDs they produce by passing and ignores completely TDs Qb's produce by rushing. Alex Smith is the #2 rated QB and is only 000.1 behind the #1 rated RG3 but he has been benched as not as good as the second string QB for the 49er's. The Qb rating system does not take into account #'s that could be a part of the system like 1st downs produced by passing. I would further suggest to you that Reggie is great this year because he's catching balls from Luck not Curtis Painter. Even If you don't watch the games with your own eyes you would be a fool to rely on the QB ratings to determine who was a good QB and I dare say the same is true if you rely on many of the statistical ratings for the other positions and team units.

    I don't care what the stats say or the experts say because I've watched every snap from center the Colts have played this year so I don't need stats to confirm what I have witnessed with my own eyes and that is that when the game is on the line Andrew is able to produce and play his best a very high amount of the time and the same can be said of a number of the other Colt players.

    The Colts are not an elite team.....I know that and I absolutely don't care....I am enjoying watching them play and rooting for them each Sunday more that any Colt team since 1966.

    The season this year will most assuredly end with a painful loss....but until the magic of this season has run out I'll keep hoping for the ultimate miracle and I'm enjoying the ride and nothing anybody says or writes can diminish that for me.

  8. how long are people gonna hold a couple fumbles early in his rookie year against this kid?

    As I said, I'm excited to see him play, i have confidence in his running and I don't hold the fumbles from last year against him. I think the only way the Titans win is if we shoot ourselves in the foot by turning the ball over and past is prolog so it makes me a little nervous.

  9. Every Year at the Beginning of the season my girlfriend tries to tell me the NFL is fake and set up, claiming they already know who is going to the playoffs and who will win the superbowl. Now I obviously wont and dont believe her, but What would the odds be that first round of the Playoffs Andrew Luck and the Colts head over to PA to play Bruce A. old team and Big Ben(who luck is compared to alot). Then we head over and Play Peyton Manning and the Broncos where Luck gets to face the Man this organization has seen the past 12 years. With the Broncos pulling away and heading to the AFC Conference game to Play against New England, we would have yet another Brady vs Manning Show down. Broncos would win that game in a shoot out. Which takes Peyton back to the Superbowl, or better yet, back Home to his dads old stomping grounds to play nobody else but little brother Eli and The Giants. Talk about a nice set up. Big Brother vs. Little brother on dads old turf, With Big brother winning to match little brothers ring total.....Yeah! if any of this happens Ill believe the NFL is Rigged....Just thought Id share my thoughts on it, and hope my girlfriend isnt the only women out there that believe the NFL is like a big Soap Opera

    Can you ask your girlfriend if Joe Thiesmann's broken leg was real or were he and LT just play acting......I'm dying to know!

  10. Ballard will be okay...I'm worried about Carter....fumbles could absolutely lose this game that we should and must win. I have zero questions about Carter's talent and ability to run but his past ball security issues make me nervous (while at the same time I'm excited to see Carter get a chance....I remember a run against N.O. last year that wowed me).

  11. I have to say, I am really not a fan of BA. I give the guy all the credit in the world for leading this team this far but I really don't see our offense being sustainable. Heres why:

    1. There is no cohesion between run & pass. Run plays look exactly like run plays in this offense, and pass plays look like pass plays. There is no "running to set up play action" or "spreading them out to run". It is an extremely predictable offense, but not in a good way like the old Manning/Colts system.

    2. The system takes precedence over the talent, instead of vice versa. Frequently, this team is in 3 or 4 WR sets, when the talent would indicate 2 TE sets are more appropriate. The plays often require alot of time to develop and have 5 players in routes, when this offensive line would be better off on quick plays or blocking help. Even just some designed roll outs would make more sense with this QB than what we are doing.

    3. Arians is willing to let Luck fail when it comes to passes, yet he isn't letting the team learn other lessons. He mentioned on the radio that he doesn't trust them to run no huddle more because of the other rookies and that he would never allow Luck the amount of freedom that Manning developed. There are college teams that require their freshmen to run no huddle offenses the entire game, professionals aren't capable of that? He has one of the most intelligent QBs to come out of college, if you don't trust him, who would you trust.

    4. This offense doesn't seem to have any of the cutting edge features of modern offenses. It isn't fast, it doesn't have multiple play packages in 1 play, it doesn't use no huddle except when it has to. It doesn't take advantage of athletic mismatches with TE. In sum, in the middle of an offensive revolution, Arians is a bastion of the old way.

    Contrast that to what is going on in Was. There the coaches have a system they have developed over decades, and are famous for. Yet when they looked at their team, and the expanding landscape of offenses they modified their system to fit their teams talent, not tried to make the talent fit in their system.

    New England is another example. Every year, they change and tweak their offensive system to match the talent they have. Seems to be working out for them. I bet if you grabbed an offensive player from the Steelers of the last few years, they could tell you what Arians plays are named.

    Long story short:

    The Colts were 1-7 in 1 possession games last year, this year they've flipped that. These 2 teams are only marginally different in actual ability, and at least from an offensive play calling perspective, I've seen nothing to say the new system is better than the old.

    Maybe you should root for the Steelers they have the same opinion of BA and his abilities as offensive coordinator that you do. Maybe you would be happier over there.

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