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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. It's one in the same, to me. Not many can argue against the amount of yardage his offenses typically produce. His weakness has always been finishing drives. Even after dropping 35 yesterday, we're still only 17th in points per game, while being 3rd in total yards. Yards are style; scoring is substance.

    Got it BA is the problem. While you are at it, you might want to alert Colt fans to the bigger problem that BA has Andrew's ear and he's teaching him things which you don't believe in.

  2. What does that have to do with anything? I'm talking about results, not relationships. The guy is a notoriously bad signal caller in the redzone. Roethlisberger had nothing but fond memories of Arians as well. Still doesn't change the fact that he was fired by the Steelers because his offenses never produced consistently.

    oh i see, you're not one of those BA is the problem guys, you're a BA is the problem in the red zone guy. Got ya.

  3. Now my wonder is with Vontae back do they throw him into the fire and say "Cover Megatron".

    No they do not per BA who was very clear. Colt corners will cover their side of the field and whom ever gets Calvin on their side will cover him.

  4. BA will interview, he'll consider it if it is a team he really wants to go to but not if it's somewhere like the Chiefs or another bad team without a QB, He won't get an offer from a top flight team and in the end he'll stay to help Chuck hoist the Lombardi here at least once.

  5. Hilton is outperforming everyone in our draft except for Luck. He is outperforming everybody else's middle round receivers as well. Josh Gordon was taken in the 2nd round, wasn't he, ahead of Hilton. At the beginning of the season, our coaches trusted Avery more because he had same speed and more experience. Now, we target Hilton as much or more. He earned that. I predict he will make some really big plays for us at the end of the season.

    I'm partial to Allen as the best rookie besides Luck. Allen is the best blocking TE we have had in a while, he's not bad in the passing game, but the best part is that he seems to be a durable workhorse who's built to do the dirty work and stay on the field.

  6. As long as BA is the offensive coordinator then the Colts will consistently try to get "chunk" gains as BA calls them ( on intermediate and deep passes mostly). It has nothing to do with Luck being the QB or Luck trying to "gunsling". I'll quote you BA's words "I'm not really a West Coast offense guy". What you're suggesting offensively is not something BA believes in so to do as you suggest requires getting rid of BA . Personally, I don't give a frack about Luck's statistics and more importantly I think the more Luck plays in BA's system which requires him to frequently make more complex reads (there's no complex progression to read on a screen pass), throw more aggressive and challenging passes, the faster Luck will become the best QB in the NFL. Luck has the work habits and intelligence/memory of a Manning and the size and ability to improvise and extend play of Rothisberger. When Luck's has enough experience he will have a scary array of skills.

  7. Luck was asked when was the last time you lost a game by 5 touchdowns and he said "I don't know maybe pop warner"? Well I seriously doubt that Luck ever lost a game by that amount and I don't think he's going to play 2 bad games in a row without a big effort......meaning I think Luck will be super motivated in this game against Buffalo and I think that will show. As luck goes the Colts will go.

  8. The Colt defenders should share the abuse......but on a more serious note the Colt defenders should hit him as hard as they can on every play especially when the ball doesn't come his way. Bill said that you have to plan to block Freeney on every play even if he does drop into coverage occasionally and that would be my philosophy too.Plan to have somebody hit gronk hard on every play and take turns doing it.

  9. He would have had to make more tackles if Gabbert could have hit a few more wide open receivers. It's nice that he's a decent tackler, but isn't it better if the DB doesn't have to make a tackle because he defended the pass?

    I'm not saying he's horrible, just that I didn't see anything special from him. Our D backfield will have a real test on Sunday. I hope you're saying "I told you so!" on Monday.

    Don't put words in my mouth, or imply that I took a position on how good a DB Gordy is because I didn't. I said Gordy played well in the game against the Jags meaning when he had the opportunity to make a play he did AND THAT'S THE FACT PERIOD. I didn't say he will play great against an elite QB like Brady or express confidence that he will "pass a test on Sunday". Maybe he will play well or maybe he will be burned all day.....so there won't be a need for a told you so. Are you unable to give a player credit when he plays well, cause Gordy played well against the Jags.

    And so I'm clear (cause I suspect you'll feel a need to respond) my reaction to Gordy's play in the Jags game was, hey he played pretty well....first time I've seen that....pleasant surprise....hope it's not a one time thing....maybe there's some talent there waiting to get the chance....hope so.

  10. I'm pretty sure no one will confuse Gabbert with Brady. Gabbert deserved a team ball last week for making our DBs look so good.

    Good tackling is good tackling it doesn't matter who threw the ball and Gordy did that last week, 4 solo tackles playing the nickle and one very nice one on a screen.

  11. I think teams will line up for Arians after the season.....I hope he chooses to stay until we do hoist the Lombardi at least once. I know some on this board do not like Arians play calling at times but his coaching of this group of players has been excellent. I think of Bruce as the boss for whom you had so much confidence and respect that you would follow his lead on anything.

  12. This is a weird game...I could see us getting blown out as easily as I could see us pulling the upset. We're not consistent on the road, and New England hasn't played consistent ball, either.

    That, ladies and germs, is why they play the game. I wouldn't put $5 on this one either way.

    I agree I wouldn't put 5 cents on this game but if they didn't blow us out last year in their house then I suspect they won't dominate us with their D and thus we will score enough to at least be within striking diatance.

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