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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. I think Oregon will probably beat Washington Saturday. Those 2 teams are pretty even so I can't see Washington beating them twice. FSU, especially without their QB almost has no chance of hanging with Georgia, Michigan, Washington, or Oregon.
  2. You can count on that. They always get all the calls.
  3. That and the 2005 playoffs where we were clearly the best team in the whole league but laid an egg against them.
  4. There are still plenty of tickets out there. I bet the stadium will be 50/50 fan wise, which is sad. I haven't been to a game in 10 years. Makes me want to go and get a bull horn and shout every time the Steelers get ready to hike the ball - I hate the team, they won 4 SBs in the 70's, before half their fan base was even born and these 20/30/40 yr olds claim to be Steelers fans living in Hawaii or Alaska
  5. I never have been able to figure out all the love they get. They are a small market team to boot. I think most of them are bandwagon fans because they have won 6 SB's. Their fans went away during the 80's, then in the 90's they started winning again and then won 2 SBs with Ben, and they came out of the word work. The REFS love that team too. SB 40 was highway robbery in their favor and so was our game in the 1995 AFC Championship.
  6. Mustache can also up his legacy on Sunday. No Colts QB has won 4 games in a row as a starter since Andrew Luck did it in 2018. We are talking 5 seasons. A win over the Titans would do that.
  7. If you look at Michael Penix Jr and Bo Nix play, there is not 1 shred of evidence that Caleb Williams is better than either. I have watched all 3 closely and watched Washington and Oregon both beat his USC team. They all pretty much play the same teams too - same Comp. I am not saying Williams won't or can't be great in the NFL but the hype behind him when people are trying to say he is just good or better than Andrew Luck or Joe Burrow coming is Ka Ka to me.
  8. To follow this up, I don't think I have once paid attention to what a reporter even says on the sidelines at Halftime and I have watched 1000's of games.
  9. After looking at that list coaches, thank God we have Shane - no offense to Belichick out of that bunch because he is a top 5 coach ever, but his time has past.
  10. "This is very telling. Player did not like Reich." or maybe the players just stink
  11. I prefer to stay out of the spotlight. Have all our games at 1pm on Sunday, and the media not saying a word about us. As of now, hardly nobody in the media brings us up as a team that can make the playoffs and that's good. No pressure on us and we just need to keep winning where eventually, they will say how are the Colts 8-5 or 9-5 if we can keep this streak going. It's us against the world anyway, even a lot of our fanbase think we won't make the playoffs. It doesn't bother me; I think it's great - this is most fun I have had since the 2020 season. I think it is funny we keep winning with a backup QB and a rookie HeadCoach because it irritates some out there.
  12. I did at least get my money back. I had Michigan last week and gave the 3.5. I had to try and get back to even. They won by 6. Only 2 college bets i have made all year. 2024 is going to be wild with 12 teams in it. Regarding this season, I am rooting for Michigan to win it all. I would be OK with Washington or Oregon as well.
  13. The 12 team playoff starts next season in 2024. I knew it was either 2024 or 2025.
  14. Yeah the Buffs fell short. I thought I had it in the bag, then disaster happened. Win some, lose some. I think in 2025 it goes to a 12 team playoff.
  15. I usually know by Tuesday night who I am going to pick. I wait all day Tuesday, study the picks/matchups/who needs a win more, etc. on Tuesday and if no big injuries are going on, I know by Tuesday night normally.
  16. Yeah this is fun, I am glad so many people are picking this year. That even makes it better. I rarely try and pick the same as someone else, that is why a lot of times I get my picks in early. If I need to change one due to an injury to a player of a team I picked, I can later in the week. The week I picked the same as you, I just didn't see 1 I disagreed with you on. It was like that with Chad this week. I was hoping Chad would go Eagles, when he went 49ers, I was like crap because I already knew I was going 49ers. Anyway, I see you went 3 different. You did go Eagles + Broncos and Jets. It should be an interesting week. Sorry to hear about your father and uncle. Good luck on the picks this week.
  17. What he pulled was devastating to our franchise, can't argue that. It set us back 5 years. So I know how some feel about him. I didn't like the timing of his retirement either. Had he retired after the 2018 season and just said he is sick of playing injured, before the draft, I doubt anyone would have had a problem with that. Maybe disappointed and shocked but no hatred.
  18. Kind of depends on what the franchise wants. Also as a fan, would you rather be very good, borderline great for 10 years in a row as in 12-5 every year but never win a SB? or be average for 10 years in a row like 9-8/8-9, but go all in for that 1 year out of the 10 and win a SB? I would take the latter because winning a SB is priceless and in the other years at least you had a team that didn't entirely stink either and won some games.
  19. Pretty rich coming from someone who is in NY. I would ask him how the Jets and Giants are doing, or even Buffalo for that matter.
  20. It's a fine line. I am ok with signing 1 or 2 key Free Agents as long as they are in the prime and real productive to bolster the teams chance of winning. Especially at WR or Edge. It's when a FO pays big money to a guy that is 30 or older and is on his last leg is where I wouldn't do it unless it is a great QB. Rivers for example. This upcoming off season, I am all for signing Pittman, he has had a good year and is young so I pretty much agree with your take, in signing your own. I also agreed with signing Taylor to a 3 year deal. The deal Taylor got doesn't hurt the team and we will get him in his prime years.
  21. Jets do have a knack of winning games like this, but I am sticking with what I got as of now anyway. I got burned last week. Your change is noted. Still, plenty of time between now and Sunday but I doubt I change anything.
  22. Regarding Andrew being booo'd, it was only like 1000 fans out of a full stadium. It is not like he was being booo'd by 50000 fans. The way he played from 2012-2014, then again in 2018 is deserving of the ROH. He has the stats and wins to back it up and 4 years is a good sample size.
  23. @EasyE, where you at? I hope you keep picking, you are in 1st place. A missed week this week will put you at 0-13 for the week. Games not picked is a loss. That is why Solid84 is an Honorable Mention. He is 91-57 when he picks but he missed the 1st 2 weeks, so technically that put him out of the running at 91-89, those were 16 game weeks he missed.
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