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Everything posted by bluebombers87

  1. They can only operate within the confines of the rules. Doesn’t appear there’s anything stopping teams from doing that.
  2. Some really wild stuff happening with this story. FBI was apparently involved with “extremely sensitive content” found per Ian Rappaport. https://www.totalprosports.com/nfl/alan-williams-raid-fbi-chicago-bears-sensitive-content/
  3. Do you have specifics on that? The only thing I’m seeing is just a vague description on expanding healthcare for current and former players. I hope they do as there have been too many instances of players coming out of the league injured with little to fall back on.
  4. I think one possible solution is the NFL sets up an injury fund that all players contribute to and players who have earned a lifetime dollar amount less than X are able to draw from for a specified amount of time in the event of an injury. This provides some security for players on rookie deals while not putting it all on the owners to pay a risky contract.
  5. Largely ignored in respect to possible collusion. If this ends up being proven true, I see two possible outcomes: A - JT plays and plays well and is traded for a decent haul of picks or B - JT plays and stinks and is cut at the end of the season.
  6. My thinking is in regards to the contract talk is whether or not it was wise to pay him what we did, if this was another bad ballard contract, etc. I don’t subscribe to either notion but this being a message board, 🙃
  7. Even throughout the game he got better. One of those last punts was a real beauty.
  8. Hopefully this is his welcome to the league moment and he realizes the value in protecting himself. He was going to find out sooner or later this isn’t college where someone his size can crush defenders. They’re just too big in the NFL.
  9. In general I don’t like to compare any injury to another as there are too many variables in play. We all know it takes time to come back from an injury but he’s not helping the team if he’s out there trying to come back. Typically, speed isn’t something that comes back solely from playing. It’s primarily a conditioning and strength situation at that point. All of which can be done off the field or in a pitch count kind of situation. We have to be competitive. We all saw what happened when the team quit last year. But again, only logging two tackles is going to invite questions. Does he need more time to recover, has there been a setback, etc. These are all fair game on a message board. I’m not saying trade him or cut him and I know this is just one game, but nonetheless when your star defender is playing this way, there will be questions just as there were questions with Manning. I hope next week he comes out banging. But I’d wager even he would admit this past game was not a good one. And I’m glad you aren’t upset. And I know it’s not just you but we have some people that even mentioning players not playing well gets them all fired up.
  10. I think it’s not wise to compare Manning and Leonard in terms of injuries. Too many variables. However, only logging two tackles when getting paid as much as he is, is a fair point. I know he was injured but you can’t get mad at fans for pointing out that for as much as we’re paying him we expect more. If he’s not able to perform and needs more time, fine. Let’s rest him a bit more until he’s conditioned and put the next man up in there. Surely they can get two tackles.
  11. After spending 15 years in NW Indiana being a Colt fan, I can say a good chunk of them do not.
  12. Lions got hosed on that last play. There’s letting them play and then there’s influencing for an outcome.
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