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Everything posted by bluebombers87

  1. Agreed. And yes we knew this was going to happen with our secondary but for the team to overcome that many obstacles (self inflicted or otherwise) to just have it taken away like that is the frustration.
  2. Correct. But they do buzz down and assist the in field teams. And just because it says they can’t, we unfortunately aren’t given access to their transmissions to verify.
  3. https://operations.nfl.com/officiating/instant-replay/replay-assistance-rule/
  4. Also said in regards to the refs in general they need to be told from upstairs if it’s an obvious blown call.
  5. Pat McAfee and the gang pretty much all said Colts got robbed.
  6. Agreed. He played with a ton of effort. I said it in the game day thread but that’s gonna be what’s needed to rehab his image with some fans.
  7. I think when you add it all up, we need to keep remembering we weren’t expected to win that many games. And here we are competing for almost every game we’ve played and even hang with some big dogs. Stinks AR won’t have the experience from this year but another year for Ballard to address the roster should help him acclimate once he’s back.
  8. No because they almost never overturned them. It was a good idea but still relied on these officials to be humble.
  9. Honestly there is a lot to take away that’s good from this game. We overcame a lot of obstacles, which is why I’m frustrated at how it ended.
  10. Too busy being allocated to the line I think.
  11. Review - Take another look at Challenge - Initiate the formal process of questioning the play. They review plays very often, in fact they did so at the ineligible man downfield.
  12. There is a difference between reviewing something and challenging it. Challenging is what you’re referring to, meaning the team throws a red flag which doesn’t apply here obviously, which is why I didn’t use the word challenge and instead used reviewed as that can be initiated from a couple of different parties. NY, upstairs booth, other officials…
  13. Which is why I said reviewed and not challenged….
  14. What gets me additionally is when they reviewed it they didn’t even give it a serious review. They took one look at it, determined they were of course right and dismissed it.
  15. People are allowed to have differing opinions of course. But the manner in which it’s communicated and the acknowledgement of reality are just as important. The issue also is if we stop talking about it, nothing changes. More fans need to express themselves as well as the players before anything changes.
  16. At this point in my life I just assume kickers are gonna do that against us.
  17. Wholeheartedly agree. The team definitely bears culpability. But to ignore the impact those calls had is obtuse bordering on trolling, which shouldn’t surprise anyone.
  18. The colts had the lead. Made a huge defensive stop that would have ended the game. The refs decided otherwise with two bad calls. Even non colts fans are saying this. Cope.
  19. I think it’s because he’s a smaller receiver. His route running has always had to be good. Couldn’t physically overpower in college so he developed good hands and crisp routes. Those types usually translate well early since it’s the same type of play.
  20. So just gonna ignore how the receiver ran into the defender and then went on his route unimpeded? He initiated the contact. Not a penalty
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