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Everything posted by bluebombers87

  1. This was exceptionally bad. Like bad to the point where we absolutely should make a huge stink about it.
  2. They did run on 1st and 2nd and threw on 3rd to try for the first. Cleveland burned two TOs. We just didn’t get the yardage.
  3. He gave a nonsense support of the illegal contact but gas lit everyone saying it was close (it wasn’t) but never addressed that the receiver initiated the contact. Then he basically said there’s no such thing as an uncatchable ball but agreed it shouldn’t have been called.
  4. Based on the rule, the point that needs to be made is the defender has to initiate contact. That didn’t happen. Receiver ran into the defender
  5. Even with the garbage illegal contact call, we still had a good chance of stopping them but the PI call…. That’s what did it.
  6. Irsay needs to pay every players fine on Pennie’s and dump it onto goodells front yard
  7. There definitely needs to be some sort of a response from the team and not just a strongly worded letter. They need to rail on how bad they were for the next 6 days
  8. Every player needs to call oit on the harshest terms how bad the refs were and Irsay needs to pay all of their fines in pennies
  9. I am shocked. I have never seen officiating this bad. We complain but they legit gave the game to Cleveland.
  10. That’s why I say arrest them. Show the league you cannot have this kind of crap happen and have zero accountability
  11. Arrest the. And don’t release them until goodell explains these refs
  12. I wouldn’t let these refs leave after the game. Have the state police hold them for gambling crimes
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