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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. Thanks.....    good find.  


    These are my thoughts,  and I'm not trying to be clever with what I'm saying.......


    I think you're more right than I am.    But I don't think you're 100% right.     Here's what I mean.....


    Your claim that I responded to was that Mathis admitted to steroid use.     I don't think that's what he did.    He admitted to using a drug to try and help his wife get pregnant (and she later became pregnant) and admitted that he didn't check the banned substance list or call the NFLPA who would've told him not to use it.    


    But he didn't admit to using steroids.   That admission would mean he admitted cheating to break rules and gain an advantage.


    Those who don't believe them -- and there are plenty here -- don't find his excuse plausible.


    Those who do believe him think he made a stupid but honest mistake.    They give him the benefit of the doubt.


    Honestly, I didn't know the drug was in the steroid family.    That's my bad, I should've.


    Either way,  I hope I've explained my meaning....    if you have questions/comments,  please ask away.....

    We may never know the whole truth of the situation.  However I think I am closer to your thoughts than you may believe.  

    I believe he used the substance for a little of both.  Mainly for his own explanation of wanting a child.  But I personally don't use a drug unless I know quite a bit about what it is that is going into my system.  -especially for side effects-.  So I am sure he knew about the muscle enhancement properties without the normal side effects.this drug provides as opposed to most other steroids.  He may not have checked the NFL banned list himself thinking the Dr. would not steer him wrong.  But we will never know the truth like I said earlier.  This has not changed my opinion of Mathis though.  I still believe he wanted a family first.  

  2. That's not what he admitted to -- at all.


    He admitted to suing something on the banned substance list.    There are plenty of drugs on that list that are not steroids.


    You're free to chose not to believe his story,  you wouldn't be alone,  many here don't.


    But that doesn't mean that Mathis admitted to using steroids.    


    If you can find a story anywhere that says he admitted that,  I'll be happy to retract and apologize......



    Mathis released a statement through NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport in which Mathis said the failed test came from taking fertility drugs. He admitted that he made the mistake of not checking with the NFL or NFL Players Association about whether the drugs would present a problem for drug testing.

    "The union has worked very closely with me to present all of the facts and medical records for consideration of discipline that does not include a suspension because of the unique facts of my case, but the Commissioner refused the request," Mathis said.

    Rapoport reported the drug was Clomid, citing a source close to Mathis. However, the drug Mathis tested positive for is "not approved by the FDA for fertility in males and is a performance-enhancing drug that has been prohibited for years," said NFL spokesperson Greg Aiello in a statement obtainedby NFL Media's Albert Breer.




    Mathis, who admits to taking the substance Clomid as a fertility aid in his and his wife's efforts to conceive a baby, sought leniency from the NFL after his positive test late last season. 



    this drug is listed under the steroids listing.

  3. Luckily, Mathis is too smart to use steroids, right?

    Mathis admitted to used ped's, aka roids.  But he came out and told the public that they were for bedroom enhancement due to him and his wife trying to become pregnant.  He said the Dr. told him it would not go against the PED rules of the NFL, but they did.  He apologized to the NFL, his team mates, and the fans, saying he should have checked it himself rather than relying on his Dr.'s word.  This was why he was suspended the first 4 games of last year, before he ruptured his Achilles.


    Most Colts fans buy his story, but the general consensus of other NFL fans do not. Kind of similar -to a small degree- like with what Pats fans are dealing with Brady.  They believe his story because they are fans and will back his word without question, while the rest of the NFL doesn't. but there was not an investigation done over PED usage....so there is ALOT more to Brady's situation.

  4. Hi there,


    I just saw you locked the other thread before I had a chance to let you know that I realize from your post that you spent a lot of time trying to recreate the test case scenario. I think that was awesome that you did that and tried to come up with your own, real world conclusions. I am not sure if we will really get the answers to what really happened that night but there have been numerous reports that have cast a lot of doubt on Wells/Exponents findings mostly based on their test case scenario and faulty premise. I believe in the end that may be enough to help Brady and possibly avoid court but I guess we will see. Either way, wanted to make sure you knew that I appreciated all your work even if I said I prefer to trust the actual scientists on this issue. That certainly does not set aside your findings at all


    I just wanted to say something before I went off to work, testing leather and air pressure integrity for Wilson, haha just kidding.

    I commend you for your diligence  and effort in following up on the science of the situation and writing it out for all to see your conclusions.  Not many have the fortitude or gumption, to see something like this through.  If there were, we would have less arguments over something like this, because they would see for themselves the Mathematics, rather than just going by what others tell them.  Math is a universal language, and an outcome would be the same for anyone with the same initial denominators. 

  5. I'm beginning to feel my age....    because I read that and my first thought was......   "could I please get that translated into simple English?!?"


    OK....    He can't wait to get back on the field and perform....   but as another poster in this thread wisely pointed out,  Mathis needs to be 100%...   because a blown achillies can often blow up a 2nd time if you rush your recovery.


    I'm hoping we get Mathis back by October....   that's when the meat of the schedule hits....

    exactly.  I have a friend whom ruptured his, and 2 years later he says it is still not right.  He is also a workhorse. granted without the facilities Mathis has, but non-the-less, shows the damage that kind of injury has.  A second tear would 'more probable than not" end Mathis' career, so make sure before putting it to the extremes of full game vigor.

  6. I assumed he would have stated it and again I will trust the professionals over an Internet chat board ...

    The wells investigators ARE professionals...but you do not take their findings.  AND find a scientific outlay that debunks this.  You cannot because math is math, it is universal.  2+2=4 whether you are in 4th grade, or have a masters in rocket science.

  7. And here we are discussing this across 2 different threads, but that's exactly the point I just made...to make the case that balls were tampered with, it should require conclusive scientific proof, no? I mean set aside the bias you have against the Patriots for a second. Isn't it clear that the league had no idea that the balls deflated on their own?

    Conclusive proof is not needed. ALL the owners, including Kraft, voted that "more probable than not" is strong enough conclusion to convict a few years ago.  Just as similarly in a court of law.

  8. I get that he is hungry, and would probably give his all next season.  I don't expect 19.5 sacks due to the injury, and his age, but breaking double digits would be a huge help.  First thing's first though, Mathis needs to be 100% healthy before being on the field. Even a nagging little injury effects performance.  Be at 100%, i don't care if it is mid-season.  We'll need you late season/post-season alot more than on the field week1.

  9. Agree


    The great TEs can catch the ball with people draped all over them 


    Fleener needs to catch those balls, vs complaining to the refs.




    To me, Jason Witten (2 years ago) was the role model for TEs


    Tough as nails, and catches almost everything.... and can block



    I have high hopes for Fleener, but lets be honest....... he has been used as a WR almost as much as a TE


    His number of catches arent as impressive, when you constantly see him in the slot



    I am hoping this is his year......  (Remember its his "money" year......)

    perhaps he should do alot of practices with a corner and a lb covering him at the same time.  that way he can learn to catch in traffic, while expecting to be hit, and know he'll have to be physical just to bring it in.  

  10. Honestly, I think college football does it right with how they hand out awards:


  11. I have always wondered given this slant toward the QB position why the league does not have a most valuable QB award and a most valuable non-QB award. I also think they should have both an AFC MVP and an NFC MVP the way baseball does.

    They do have offensive and defensive players of the year for both conferences.  I think that is what those awards are generally for.

  12. I read it, it was just very hard. The bolded isn't true and the article didn't say that. Landry and Brown both graded positively last year, even more so than Lowery. That being said I like Lowery and think he'll be a good player for us.

    After re-reading it, you're right, it did not say they were in the negatives.  I know i read somewhere that Lowery was an "upgrade" to both of them somewhere today though, and that probably just got mixed in the mess.  My apologies.

    But really, with the way Pagano can take 'average' pass defenders and make them better, I think Lowery has a shot at being much better.  And with Geathers having a 'clean slate' when it comes to learning NFL safety, he should pick up Pagano's teachings even faster.  All in all, i think our Pass defense has a chance to be very good this year.

  13. That site's a piece of %. It's a complete mess on my phone.

    ah, i have add blocker on my comp to cut out that stuff.  So many sites nowadays have 10 billion pop up's, you cannot navigate without an adblocker anymore.  But the site is "horseshoe heroes".  on chat sports.  Basicly says Geathers or Lowery could start, and that Lowery was an upgrade to either of our SS starters last year having been graded at a +1.3 compared to the negatives our previous ones had.

  14. Here is the deal.  The AE report cannot be used in the appeal hearing because all it does is try to debunk a report, without any scientific evidence of it's own...it just tries to discredit the scientific findings of the wells report.  No new evidence.  And Goodell said that only NEW evidence will be heard at the hearing.  And the buck stops at Goodell.    


    Tomorrow will be the end of it.  If Brady convinces Goodell with new evidence and has his suspension lowered or erased, or is unable to do so and it stands in full, that will be the end of it. 


    There won't be a federal appeal since it is obvious Brady does not want his phone records touched.  And the Federal Judge will demand it, and Brady and the Lawyers know this.  Failure to cooperate in court is known as Contempt of court and is usually punished immediately by jail time.  usually while the hearing is still going if it continues further than the initial day.  Then the judge would have those records pulled by his service provider anyhow, and whatever it is he wants to hide would be out in the open.  

    So no,...it ends with the appeal, and Goodell.  And whatever happens there is the end of it, if Brady gets to play week 1, good for him, if not, he just has to suck it up and deal with it.

    But no matter what the end product is, Brady gets suspension lifted or no, Pats fans will ALWAYS say he was innocent.  (And i get that, they love their QB and their franchise)

  15. I really don't understand it either. Their contract is virtually set as a rookie and they still hold out?

    Get to work boys, college is over and it's time to meet the real world!

    They haven't missed any time, as a matter of fast, they stayed a few days over after OTA's to do some more 1 on 1's with coaches.  I would not worry to much about their contracts, they'll get signed. They may be wanting a clause put in over encase they ever start.  both are projected as rotation, yet both these players are good, and maybe they think they can beat out the projected starters.

  16. The question then becomes......   what's the definition of "crazy money".


    10 Mill might seem like the ceiling for now.    But with the salary cap expected to go up,  way up,  in the next CBA which starts in a few years (during the life of Hilton's next contract)   then the ceiling for "crazy money" is also expected to go way up.


    That's the same problem that all the true #1's like, Green and Thomas and Bryant and Brown and Hilton are facing.   With the salary cap going up,  what does the ceiling look like for the top WR's?


    That's the difficulty everyone is facing.....    And the answer (whatever it is)  might be higher than any of us are expecting....


    Just thinking out loud.....

    Thank you for dropping another angle to the scenario. (not sarcasm)  

    Even though we 'may" be looking at higher caps in the future, the organization can't take that into consideration right now though with the contracts that are needed this year.  Too many quality players need to be signed.  Castonzo HAS to be resigned..no if's and's or but's.  so does one of the TE's(Allen if he stays healthy,..Fleener if not).  T.Y. is important..just because of the amount of qb/wr attunement he has with Luck.  That takes time, being a talented receiver does not make this happen alone.  With your suggestion of the up in the cap, maybe they make it a 3 year deal instead so they can re-evaluate the circumstances of the cap for him.  (just throwing idea's)

  17. Way I see it, Grigson/Pagano have said a few times,: "We are Drafting players to contribute immediately." This makes me think some of the top picks were grabbed to play now.  Maybe not as starters, but at least for quality rotation until one shows dominance over the other.  Already spoken as using Geathers as a dime package LB.  If he performs well enough there he could be looking at a more prominent role.  But yes, I'm sure they want to see them in pads first.  Defense is one side of the ball you cannot make judgments on until they are allowed to hit in pads.

  18. If the Oline is at 18 or there abouts, where would most Colts fan put the Dline?

    Cannot really rank the D-line right now. It has had a 1/2 face lift.  Kendal Langford, Henry Anderson, Parry, all new.  plus some of the larger guys have dropped weight.  The linebackers will look different also cause i think Irving will end up replacing Jackson sometime next season.  And Cole and the return of Mathis, the front 7 just seems like a different monster to me.

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