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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. I'm right there with you. Was just responding to the idea that tagging Hilton would be a tool for cap management so we could sign the other free agents. Tagging one of the TEs would be more beneficial from a cap management standpoint.

    Well my thought process was that is tagging Hilton ment it hurt cap for just that one year..then it should not hurt long term contracts of the other plays as much. being that guarantee's are generally split up through years..but they can leave a guarantee out one year and double up on a consecutive year.  Was just thinking it made signing easier for other players because there is no hurt in following years if we had signed Hilton to a long term. and able to hold the guy another year.

  2. No way in hell is TY a "true" 1. He is a very good player that is NOT a Antonio Brown type. TY scores when he has clean sailing ahead of him. He is not a make it happen after the catch type. If he wants more than 8 m per I don't see Indy paying him.

    If Moncrief and Dorsett play well he won't be back if he's expecting Dez money. No way Indy can afford it. AC is the priority. Indy will do the right thing.

    I honestly firmly believe T.Y. is worth more than 8 mil.  like i said earlier 12-12.5 is my estimation.  The question is this:  Does the brass believe they can pay him that $$ and still keep one of the TE's, AC, and Luck?  If no, then perhaps a tag, or...we may have to let him go.  But i really see a tag atleast for a year.  Just to keep him around and not have to eat Money that year to sign the other guys we need.  

    I fully agree we should not spoil the main course because we have an entree that fills too much of the plate.


    -but man it would be nice to have all we want, and eat it too-

  3. If Dorsett shines and Moncrief steps up his game, they'll let T.Y. walk. Wide receivers are a dime-a-dozen as the game has shifted to become more pass oriented and WR's are making HUGE money. Which means more and more football players are going to want to start being WR's overall, IMO. Look at all of the good WR's that have come into the league in just the last few years alone. Pretty much unprecedented. Look at how good Josh Gordon and Justin Blackmon are, yet, they don't have jobs. Why? Because the next Josh Gordon and Justin Blackmon are right around the corner. True story.

    To the bold.  If those two shine, then that ends up making Hilton worth even more $$.  If Every receiver plays well and shows that they have to be taken accounted for, then T.Y. will have single coverage all year.  This means His numbesrs believe it or not will actually go UP.  NO single CB can cover Hilton.  This is why B.B. had his best corner on the #2 receiver and had his other corner cover Hilton with safety help over the top.  This cannot happen if both Dorsett and Moncieif live up to their potential, and A.J. just stays A.J. 

    If this scenario plays out this way, I am a firm believer that If the Colts cannot contract Hilton, He will be tagged.  Just to keep that core of receivers for another year.

  4. I agree I didn't really say if we keep Hilton it's preventing us from getting a defensive stud, but a 12-13 M contract really puts the breaks on signing a potential big named FA in the offseason.  I agree with the strategy drafting then molding, but that also takes time!  The time is NOW, to start winning SB's for Andrew Luck though.  Sure there will be many more years for him to get some, but why not put the best team forward every given year.  That's not saying we would be not progressing if we keep TY, but personally I would like to see a top 5-10 Colts defense here soon!  I would place us at 15-22 ish currently, and teams don't make that big of jumps without making big changes (normally)! 


    Chip Kelly took alot of criticisim this offseason, and I for one understand where he is coming from.  He made risky moves, but it also has a possible big payoff!  Only time will tell if it works in his favor.

    Thing is, a 'big name' player on another team may not be so big on a different team.  And vice-versa.  Scheme and supporting cast around them play into things as well.  Colts seem to be in  the mindset of grabbing players whom fit their scheme rather than big name players.  They believe the scheme is the key to making a defense great.  Guys like Langford and Anderson can come in and potentially become great because they fit the mold and have the work ethic along with the intelligence to get it done.  Aka Mike Adams, and Vonte Davis both came in as solid players, but not bonified stars.  The scheme helps them play to their potential.  

    This is why buying into T.Y. does not hurt the Colts chances at improving defensively. -ofcourse this is my opinion of what i perceive is the Colts mindset.-

  5. Because there are others that were clearly better. That may not have the numbers, but numbers rarely tell the whole story. Great player, should have been a 1st ballot HOF, it he isn't even in the discussion as top 5 receiver IMO.

    He should have been a first ballot HOF.  Most nfl media and experts agree.  Only issue was there were so many people that was sitting waiting to get in that belonged in there as well. Including greats that have been on the list for some time at his position.


    "Harrison belongs in Canton ASAP. Forget the bloated passing numbers of this era; Harrison eclipsed his contemporaries. His stunning achievement of notching 143 catches in 2002 still stands as the NFL record. Meanwhile, his career numbers of 1,102 catches (third) and 14,580 yards (sixth) rank him among the all-time greats. Harrison was a more reliable receiver than Terrell Owens or Randy Moss."


  6. You're clearly a delusional blue kool-aid drinker.

    As for Harrison being not great....He caught ALOT of nearly impossible catches from some very poor throws from Manning. Hands were amazing, and his route running was superb.  And we have not even covered the fact that he was the greatest sideline receiver ever.  He turned the getting both feet in bounds on a catch an art form.

    Seriously...go to youtube and type "marvin harrison highlights."  so many of those catches ,..just a mediocre receiver could not do,...even if they were dreaming.  Harrison is considered by many as one of the greatest possession receivers in history.

  7. yeah, Superman is right, being a #1 receiver does not mean he is that same caliber as Megatron, Dez.  It Does mean however he is a Qb's #1 target, and that he is a top 10 WR in the NFL. 

    Hilton gets double covered all the time.  He won't see those kind of coverage's this coming year if the WR corps stay healthy.  Being he has fined tuned his hands and route running working with Reggie the past few years to go along with his speed means he will still get the majority of the targets this year, even over A.j.. projecting that means he should actually have a better year statistically than last.

    Hilton only real disadvantage is his size, and that is only a disadvantage in the redzone. This fact should drop his contract and is why i think he is a 12-12.5 mil/year qb instead of a 15 mil.

    I just hope we can swing that kind of long term $ for a WR long term and not hurt our chances signing other needed players the next few years.

  8. 1432670377-jess-jessica-day-32432367-500


    I'm sure TY and his agent are watching this very closely. They are going to shoot for the moon. 

    eh,...if shooting for the moon means 12-12.5/year, then ok.  He is not a 15 mil /year receiver, he knows that, his agent knows that...and so does everyone else in the NFL.  he'll get paid though.  And i am sure Irsay is pushing for a close to a contract.  he is a proven #1.  you take the dallas game away since he did not play, he made those yards/receptions in 15 games.  plus he missed 1/2 a game another time.  adding it up he would have had about 97 receptions for 1500ish yards.  THAT is #1 receiver numbers no matter how you cut it.  No corner can cover him 1 on 1 without help, that is another sign of a #1.  but he's not top 5 receiver yet,...next year he might prove he belongs in that category, be show back to back great seasons.  

  9. Well, i was calling for 1-11 mil/year.  so yes, i believe these contracts do effect T.Y's.  Even though he is not the size receiver those two, and megatron, are.  It still raised the bar for receivers as a whole. 

    12-12.5 mil year i can see now for T.Y. .Prolly 25-30% guarantee'd.

    And he will still be a majority shareholder of Lucks targets, and teams won't be focusing on 'tying him down' like they were last year.  So I actually think his #'s should actually go up, even with all the receiver talent we have now.

  10. He's fine.  Yes he was brought in to be a QB rusher, but fact is, he had one of the best tackling/run stopping ratio's on the team.  If injuries have been holding him back, then he will turn out be be not just good, but great.  

    Honestly he should be a strong side Lb'er rather than a rusher.  This way he can put his abilities to better use.  A strong tackler that once in a while goes in to rush the QB as a change-up to the weak side.

  11. Your first paragraph isn't true at all

    I beg to differ.  I Agree QB is the most important position, and QB's re the most valuable players to the team.  I have no issue with Rodgers getting the MVP, he was the MVP, but Watt was the best player on the field over the 2014 year.  Being MVP does not make you the best player. 


    As for the part of highlight reels, I will not argue that Rodgers had a ton of highlight reel plays, but Watt had so many that it would take an hour to go over them all. He has just a few of them in his #1 announcement vid.


    So I will stand by my remarks I made.  And frankly, so say they are not true is saying that these statements are conceived as facts.  But to name off whom the best player is, or what consist's of a highlight reel play, is all eye of the beholder opinion's.

  12. Watt is #1.  period.  No other single player makes the kind of Impact plays he does week in and week out.  You may say, "well, Rodgers is more important to his team", yes...but I can guarantee that there were more Highlight reel type plays from Watt last year than ANY other player in the NFL.  


    Honestly...I'm kind of surprised Texans didn't grab up Vick to play QB next year.  He is better than the other QB's they have plus has dangerous legs.  If they had any type of air attack to go with their run game and that defense, Watt would have a chance at NFL MVP because they'd get to the playoff's.

  13. i am one of those few whom thing the fins have a shot at the afc east..especially if brady's suspension holds up.  they have a good qb, good defense, and acquired some wr's.  they may make some noise this year.


    and i personally do not see the pack loosing their division.


    upset in the nfc for playoff's is interesting.  

  14. Yeah, that is not it.  Their contracts are based on where they are selected and not whether or not they are starters.  The only thing for there to be any negotiating on is offset language of their contracts.



    this is a post I found explaining why they have not been signed yet.  And it seems to me I was correct in the assumption that it is just the language of their guarantee's and bonus'..


    and the only real reason to fight over that from what I can gather is if they believe their impact/playing time is in dispute.

  15. Those players who want/need more money because they are 'superstars' already make that' 'guaranteed' money in the form of endorsements.  most of the big name players such as 'Manning, Brady, Watt, Rodgers, ect make more in endorsements than their actual NFL paycheck.  And because of their fame, they generally continue to receive these endorsements well after their NFL careers are over


    The 'second tier' players are the ones who have the most to complain about.  They do not get nearly enough of the endorsements to compile, and yet they are definitely important enough to a team and skilled enough to warrant these guaranteed  contracts.-AKA Vonte Davis, Emmanual Sanders, Jason Witten, ect-.


    The ones whom are on the team but have no real names to the world in large are the ones whom are fighting for a job day in day out.  Just happy to have a job playing a sport for now and ride it as long as they can.  Those are the guys who need to put alot of their paychecks back and save for that rainy day they know will come soon enough.

  16. How about a fake FG with MacAfee tossing a pass to Allen.

    I could see a fake punt happen that way, but Pat is the punter, not the kicker.  Unless it would be a 60 yard+ lineup.  Then possibly.  Pat has shown some skill in doing odd things on the field, big hit tackles, lining up to get his own onside kick, ect.  Hunter Smith was a QB in high school which helped him when he tried that kind of trick play, IDK about Pat.

  17. My only issue is that was the first year he played 'lights out' the entire time, with out having costly mental mistakes once in a while.  Don't get me wrong, i love Vonte, but he's got to show me year in year out he can do it.  and his patented 'hook and pull', or 'slingshot' as Manning calls it, technique could end up being called pass interference before too long. 

  18. If Allen stays healthy enough, plenty of 2 TE sets

    Hurry up offense much like the Eagles run

    Flea Flickers

    Reverses with Hilton & Dorsett

    Pass Reverses

    More QB Draw plays like Muschamp (spellcheck) does with Dak Prescott at Mississippi State

    No more power run formations

    Spider2 Y Banana :cheer:

    Some off-balance formations that'll have the defense scratching their head or calling timeout due to brain cramps



    The QB draw plays would be awesome in a 4 wide set also.  Spreading the field and playaction to Gore to throw them off, just to have Gore block out the MLB as soon as he see's it's not a run play and he tries to drop back into coverge, and watching Luck run by him because he has Gore in his face...lol...that would be fun to watch.

  19. The OC has so many options this year, and so many ways to attack defenses, I was just curious what some plays everyone would like to see this coming year.  Situational, or not, just something you as fans would think may work out great, or would like to see happen during certain games this year.




    Week 1 vrs Buffalo :  a lot of 5 wide sets. -Sure they have a great front 7...but can they cover T.Y., A.J., Moncrief, Dorsett, and Carter on the field at the same time?


    Or using a bunch formation with T.Y. on the left, Allen at TE against the line, then Fleener, A.J., and Dorsett bunched to the right.  Using this formation as a WR screen to Dorsett I think would have a good chance at producing a big play.  Especially against Buffalo whom would attempt to blitz Luck I think if they saw this formation.


    Any other Idea's out there?

  20. funny you started this thread,...just found this:



    i think this:


    dorsett: 40 catches 550 yards  5 td's

    smith:   possibly taking over Tolers job by week 8.  3 int's

    anderson:  splits time with Langford, 30 tackles  5 tfl's  3 sacks

    geathers:  wins SS spot by week 4,  50 tackles 2 ints

    parry:     does not see alot of time, mainly rotational, 10 tackles

    robinson:  becomes 2nd running back by week 8.  100 carries 450 yards 4 td's  

    herrera:  cut by team.  -i think the inside linebacker jobs will be taken by our 2 starters, and irving and hodges.

    goode:   makes the team only as a situational goal line blocker, but is also kept on to continue grooming at OT.

  21. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2510859-has-ty-hilton-hit-his-ceiling-as-indianapolis-colts-no-1-receiver


    good read on whether T.Y. has hit his ceiling and if Indy show contract him now or not.  The post reveals that T.Y.'s numbers could actually go UP, even with more quality targets for Luck.  Paying him now before all the other receivers get their contracts, and before T.Y. possibly put's himself into the top 5 receivers list would be a good idea. he's a top 10 receiver now...but not top 5....

  22. i also think you need to have a certain balance.  yes you pay your QB if he is worth that money, top 5 qb's should have those big contracts because those type of qb's are few and far between, game makers, and changers.  But when you do have a top 5 QB, you have to go all in to make him great.  You either have a solid running game, and spend the rest on defense, or you make him unstoppable.  You can't try to equalize the rest of your money on both sides of the ball.  This is why i think Cam and Flacco's deals are going to end up hurting their teams in the long run.

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