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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. 4 WR Sets with Hilton, and Dorsett as Burners with big bodied Johnson and Carter has me frothing at the mouth, and surely is causing preemptive nightmares for opposing DC's. Throw Fleener / Allen into the mix, I don't know how anyone can possibly defend that.


    I don't think it's possible to stop this aerial attack, even if you drop 6 DB's into coverage, I think we will still be able to throw it, Defenses will not be able to dictate how we play the game this season and that is HUGE. If they want to drop 6 in coverage, what will they do when we play action fake to Gore?


    This season records will be broken.

    I've been saying this since dorsett was drafted.  Especially for week 1 vrs. the Bill's.  Sure they have a strong front seven...but best way to deal with that is play a 4 wide set.  How damaging is that front 7 when it turns into a front 5....and have to put so-so corners on 4 good/great receivers?....And how much would Gore be grinning from ear-to-ear if he lines up seeing dime formation with safeties backed up cause of the speed they have to cover?

  2. He's going to 'blow up' this year.  I fully expect with a year off, him being unhappy and feeling like he has something to prove.  Plus Teddy being a decent QB and them drafting a potentially legitimate #1 WR...opposing defenses cannot stack against him like they used to.

    I think it is quite possible he hits1700+ yards...and maybe  6ypc this year.  he'll lead the league if he doesn't get hurt in nearly every RB stat this coming season.

  3. "Hilton is also a big piece of the puzzle for resigning Andrew Luck; Luck may not be so willing to deal with the Colts if he sees them shipping off his weapons."

    "It looks like a deal between Hilton and the Colts might be done by Labor Day but he will most likely have to take less money in the short term to stay with the Colts.   "




    Short article, But hit on a few things others didn't think about.

  4. Luck threw 2 of Carters 4 receiving touchdowns today so I'm sure it was against the starting defense at some point

    Yeah...this is how it went:

    Hasselback drops back to throw on the second team, same time Luck drops  back for first team.  Luck has no-one open and glances out the corner of his eye that Matt does not see Carter wide open in the end zone.  Luck decides to remedy the situation....on two different occasions...lol

  5. The Run game was not there after Bradshaw went down.  Herron is not much of a power back, and puts the rock on the ground too much.  Richardson just sucked.  Gore, Robinson, and  hopefully, Ballard will be a much better stable.  Those 3 are all one cut downhill runners.  our o-line is good for one cut runners.  man blocking allows a back to make their decision as they get to the line and go from there.  It's not made for shifty backs like how Trent tried to run.  

    But I  agree Luck needs to tuck and run is he sees 10-15 yards open in front of him.  But slide immediately, and not press for the yards.

  6. with the way the colts are built -similar to the '04-'08 colts, but maybe even better-, the run defense would  just have to play well for the first 1/2 of most games.  Once you get a double digit lead, most teams slowly begin to veer from their game plans.  So a good/great pass defense I think is more important during the regular season for Indy.


    It's the playoffs where you need the run defense.  You have more balanced overall teams in the playoff's, and have to be good in each aspect of all 3 stages of the game.

  7. gore is a throwback to Edge, he doesn't like to come out, Given his track record you are worrying about something that has been a none issue for the bulk of his career in terms of injuries, as for wearing him down no back gets 100% of the carries in the NFL anymore. With that said assuming he's producing he's going to get the bulk of them that's why the Colts spent what they did to sign him. Since he's done it most of his career I don't think that's going to be a problem unless he hits the running back wall that running backs hit with age but if that happens it's going to happen due to age and number of carries won't help that because normally it means backs have lost a step.

    I still think he'll only get 60% of the snaps.with 30% going to a back-up like Ballard or Robinson, and 10% to Herron as a change of pace back or situational.  Bell cow his whole life or not, you still want him as fresh as possible in the 4th quarter without letting up on the ground game the first 3 quarters to do so.

  8. Anyone else notice David Parry was drafted as a NT...but now he is listed as:


    54 Parry, David DT 6-2 310 23 R



    I think that probably was a good position move considering his size compared to NFL standards for a 3-4 defense.


    Should not be a tough move, being that he and Anderson played every spot on the d-line of a 3-4 in Stanford, switching in and out to find favorable match-ups.


    Also, it is GREAT news that Mathis was cleared by doctors and is now active.  The coaches taking their time reintroducing him back into the folds of full contact is great, but that he is already cleared gives high hopes he'll b ready for the season opener.  He'll be a MAJOR factor in how good this defense is next year if he does come back 100%.  Even if he is not the same guy, a step slower, his presence cannot be underestimated.

  9. If I'm not mistaken, Sounded to me as though right at the beginning of the press conference Pagano said Mathis was medically cleared by the Dr.'s. That they were just taking it upon themselves to reintroduce him back into football so the chances he could come back 100% and not re-injure himself was better. If that is the case...that is incredible news. And VERY smart of the coaches.

  10. I think the o-line will be better than last  year. Granted the Center position to me is the only real 'gloom' position. The other 4 slots will be solidified by the time the season starts.  But I Honestly do not think we have ANYONE that is good enough to be a starting Center in the NFL.  To me, Both are back-ups.


    Other than that....I think the article is trash.


    These guys get reps together,and form consistency/bond, -which was lacking until the end of last year due to injuries-, they will form a solid unit.


    Mark my words...."If the starters stay healthy, the o-line will be good as a team"

  11. Yeah, Absolutely.  Personally, I think running downs should have D. Jackson and Irving as the MLB's, and Geathers and Freeman subbing for them on passing downs.  Freeman is a solid coverage LB.  -he dropped off late last year cause of multiple injuries.-  But he lacks as a run stopper.

  12. Art and the New guys, rookies and FA's both, are key to that.  If Art stays healthy, he will be good, if not great.


    But we need the new guys to pick up the scheme fast.  Langford, Cole, Anderson, Irving, even Geathers in Dime packages apparently, need to be able to know their assignments and execute without thinking for this Defense to be top 10.


    The weak spot is NT.  I like Kerr over Chapman.  If only he was more consistent. There were times last year he looked dominate, Yet other times looked like he was taking plays off.  Could have been winded, Which the weight he lost should help with that.

  13. I'm interested to see how we play things offensively against the Jets.  They are probably one of the few teams in this league that should be able to match up with us defensively.  Buster Skrine is pretty fast, but I'm not sure whether or not he can run with Dorsett.  Chromartie and Revis match up pretty well with A. Johnson and T.Y.  They'll still be some opportunities to be had with Moncrief, Fleener, and Allen.  I can't wait till we play that game!

    Jets have a good defensive front, and good corners.  But there is a reason Revis never played Hilton 1-1,...same reason Sherman got burnt, Revis is not fast enough to cover T.Y. by himself without the threat of T.Y going deep. Revis would go on A.J. .  Cromarte would go on T.Y., with help over the top.  Would leave Montcrief or Dorsett 1-1, and the Jets LB' suck covering TE's.  So expect 4 wide sets, and alot of passes to Fleener and Allen when they go 3 wide or 2 TE set.

  14. IF Ballard is healthy, and shows he can run, stop, cut, and power through tackles still, then he'll be kept.  Robinson won't be cut either.  Colts will keep 4 RB's if Ballard is healthy.  

    The big thing is to think who can pass block the best out of the remaining 3.  I think he'll end up the #2 back.  Pretty sure Robinson or Ballard do it better than Herron.  Herron is faster, and is good on the open field as an outlet receiver, but his ball protection, and pass protection leaves me wanting more.

  15. Not sure if serious...


    I am serious in the way that no way we will be getting Luck for 22 mil/year as the  other post suggested. Luck is a gunslinger. Wilson is a game manager.  They are both important important to their respective teams,..just in different ways. I would compare Luck  more to Rodgers than Wilson in their style of play.  Also, remember Wilson -like Hilton- has been playing on a 3rd round draft picks salary since 2012.   Luck has been on the #1 pick Salary.  Not that it matters much, but I am sure it was a large part of wilson's contract negotiation.  I think Luck is worth ALOT more to Indy, than Wilson is to Seattle. -but not attempting to lessen wilson's importance to his team-

  16. This is actually GOOD NEWS for us.


    WE might be able to sign luck for around 22 million instead of the 30 mill he's worth.

    no way.  honestly cannot use wilson's  contract as a bench mark for luck's.  Two completely different QB's.  Only thing they have in common is young up and coming qb's.  Luck will get quite a bit more.....And i expect, a longer contract.

  17. Finally.  But I think I am one of the minority that thinks we should not use it to sign Mathis.  Instead I think we should let our other guys fight for the spot-guard, since Mewhort will be tackle-, and use the total money we have now to try to get a couple signings out of the way.

    Besides, I still think Mathis would cost too much for his age. And being he is a zone blockers and MAYBE have a 1-2 year deal, he may not even get the system before his contract is up.  just too much that worries me about him.

  18. Luck threw for 40 TD's last year, the offensive line got Todd added. It's already improved. Not saying it'll be the best offensive line in the NFL but it'll be better than last year's group barring injuries

    That was 1/2 of the o-lines issues last year was injuries.  If you noticed that last season game and the playoff stretch, they played well because they played 5 games together as a unit.  10 different starting rotations in a season kills any cohesion.

    If they are able to just keep the injuries down this year, they will do well.

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