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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. This year was the "Stop the run" year.  NOT 'build the o-line' year.


     Irsay flat told Pagano and Grigson to fix the defense, stop the run.


    They Got Langford, Cole, Irving, and drafted Parry, Anderson, Herrera, and Geathers for that sole purpose.


     If 1/2 these guys are able to do what they were brought in to do,...Grigson has a big fat + on his resume' for this year.

  2. I think Grigson is just a high rolling gambler.  Sometimes he hits, sometimes he misses.  2013 was a loss.  2012 was a win, 2014 was some hits, some miss.   This year the jury is still out, but looking promising to me.  

    No team is great at every position.  Some teams are lucky to be good/great in ANY position.  Right now i'd say QB, WR, TE, ST  )the big 3) we are considered great overall.  LB, DB, are good, O-line and D-line are average.  

    And that is not noting Mewhort learning a new position, Herrimans learning entire new scheme for the o-line, nor adding how Mathis, Cole, Irving, Lowery, or the rookies will effect things.


    How many of you who are complaining were doing so right AFTER Indy whooped Denver in the playoff's last year? 


    They pick a WR in the draft whom they called BPA after NE took away Hilton and we had no passing offence.  And the starting o-line looked less than ready for the first 2 PRESEASON games -when they ALWAYS looked bad in preseason because they don't game plan hardly at all- and the world is coming to an end.  


    You cannot rebuild a team  in 1 or 2 years.  takes time to bring in talent, and time for that talent to learn your scheme.

    Give some players time to learn new positions, their new team, and the rookies time to fit into NFL speed, and you might just be surprised.  

  3. Yes, Grigson used a first round pick for a WR...i have no issue with that since when teams doubled T.Y..our offense looked pedestrian.  yeah, he only used a 7th round pick on an o-lineman.  And a 6th round on a RB where some people would rather had used a 2-3rd round on one.  the rest of the picks were used on defense.  

    FA we grabbed some quality players on both sides.  granted still need to see Irving,..but I have high hopes for him.

    If offense pans out in the skill players,..and defense at least ends up better this year..where do you think Grigson would go in the draft? Even if the starting o-line plays the entire year,...and we win it all,...our Depth behind the starters are weak and he knows it. He'd go o-line early and often.  

    People put WAY too much into preseason.  Colts use this time for evals, not game planning.  If colts game planned,...they's do alot more doubling on o-line, or more chips/draw's when needed.  But itis used to see how players do 1-v-1 against certain talent.  Even AC had a couple bad plays last week and gave up a sack. ....So we should get him of the starters as well???  

    Indy still has to resign a couple TE's, AC, and #12, so they have to be careful with FA's now.  O-line comes from the draft,..and I think Grigson tried to shore up the D first this year.  

    Next year i fully expect him to go o-line in the draft.

  4. I'm not blaming him for injuries. For the most part his picks have been weak. Yea he has selected some developmental guys we like but they aren't starters or high end contributors yet. And his signings & trades excluding Vontae have been pathetic.

    This years stock of rookies have quite a few whom were playing with the first teamers and look promising. Parry, Anderson both played on the 1st team defense and played well. Robinson -perhaps the steal of the draft- would probably be our starter come regular season if we did not have Gore. Dorsett has shown he can play with the best of them. Good is perhaps another steal.  But I do get that those rookies -minus Dorsett..1st rounders are expected to  be starters- playing to and exceeding the regular experienced starters doesn't bode well for Grigson's past endeavors...but atleast he seems to have done well this year.

  5. !st teamer's play until near half time except:


    Gore goes out after  2nd drive, replaced by Robinson. -also like to see them on the field same time, both can run, and both shown they can block and catch.-


    Mewhort plays RT through 3/4's of first team's reps, then Good replaces....just to get a look.


    Parry starts at NT.


    Anderson switches in and out with Langford, -like this past game-.


    See 2 different sets of 4 wide sets, speed and size.  -meaning Carter gets a chance to catch an 'on target' ball.-


    Score doesn't matter.  But I think tackling will be better.  



  6. Collins was 'blackballed' for the draft. After he was exonerated there was ALOT of interest  from ALOT of teams.  Also Grigson drafts not just off skill, but personal background.  there was probably more that Grigson didn't like.


    Secondly....There seems no issue with the run game.  over 4.5 YPC for Gore and Robinson seems good to me, i'd take it.  


    Thirdly....it is preseason.  1 guy learning a new position, another trying first time as a starter, and yet another a new different system and teammates.  Give them time to learn each other and their positions...


    If this was week 4 of reg. season,...I'd say you have something to complain about, but right now...you're picking a blossom before it becomes a fruit.

  7. He is still raw, but i really like good at RT. He has great strength and agility.  i hope he can develop fast enough to make Mewhort able to go back to Guard. They must like him as well because he played must of the two games.

    Still Raw, and making mental errors though.  Yes, he's obviously gifted. and solid run blocker, but he has had 1 false start in each game so far. And missed on a block that got a QB sacked today. -granted it was the TE's man...but Good had no-one in front of him and should have stepped into him.-

    I do hope you are correct in your wishlist though.  Good at RT -after he developes enough-and mewhort beside him could shore up the right side....then we just need to trade 2 so-so centers for 1 adequate one...lol

  8. I'm just tired of our franchise QB playing behind a below average offensive line every year and getting killed.


    I'm also sick of teams running the ball down our throats.


    But let's overpay mediocore players to rich contracts, and over-aged players. Let's forget about building within the trenches. They aren't important apparently.

    our run defense -other than that 1 -47 yard run was quite good.   take that away, the bears asa team averaged 3.7ypc.  Forte averaged a humble 3 YPC using our starting defense.

    the O-line did quite good run blocking today.Gore and Robinson averaged over 4.5 ypc each.  _I think it is more the RB though at times.

    Pass blocking was bad, but give the bears credit,..they have VERY talented pass rushers.  Also, this.team has only played 5 drives together.  last year 3 of the five were not on our starting line, or at a.different position.  They just need some time working with.each other in NFL full speed games.

  9. Colts NEVER win pr season games.  Im still ticked about the draft.  I think that is a real problem.  O line is a weakness and we got a WR.  Made no sense to me.

    The starting o-line will be fine. They are run blocking well-though I don't like the scheme-.  and Mewhort is still learning the RT position.  


    Good is a possible RT choice later after he develops some if Mewhort shows lack of consistency once the season starts playing through.  He just needs patience to lock it down.

    Also remember this group has had what, 5 total drives working together in an actual NFL game setting?  Alot of them either were not on the team, was not starters, or played different positions last year. They need time to build cohesion with each other.

  10. Guys i thought played well:


    Lance: stood firm his entire time


    Gore: first look, played with good power


    Robinson: 2nd week in a row love him


    Kerr: had penetration, and looked like a beast beating his man, just needs to watch where the ball is.


    K. Langford: great penetration, and tacked well. 




    P&A: when together, these two seem to feed off each other.


    Good: another false start, and gave up a sack -in fairness was the TE's guy and he was too far to get a hand on him- but otherwise played solid.


    The rest:

    I didn't name certain players who played because of no brainers.

  11. Honestly, I like our defensive coordinator.  Last year he was more aggressive than the colts have been in 15 years.  He called blitz's like 1/3 of the plays. of course that was largely due to lack of pass rush talent with Mathis out.   


    Pagano is perhaps the best DB coach in the NFL, and he is a guy players like and will play hard for.


    Pep,i'm ok with him, even though he seems like a kid who just got locked into a candy store overnight with the new additions he got.


    I personally want a new O-line coach.  One that teach the players to step foreword and aggressively attack their man on run blocking.  our guys all step back like each run play is a draw or something.  I understand that's the scheme, and how he 'develops' run lanes, but it is a passive run scheme.  and I think if you play a man scheme rather than a zone, you should be aggressive, not passive.

  12. I'm not worried about the tackling...it'll shore up as preseason continues and they see more full contact.

    I was actually IMPRESSED with the amount of penetration our  D got most of the game. when the tackling shores up...they'll be impressive.


    Herron should be worried, his #2 RB spot could be in jeopardy.

  13. Parry, Anderson, Kerr were whom in thought looked good today on the d-line.

    Robinson could very well take the #2 RB spot from Herron. 

    Hasselback looked better.

    Good looked worse-gave up a sack and another false start.


    ...................................Hoping Dorsett's injury is not serious.............................

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