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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. Are we taking into account all the drive stalling holding penalties committed by the O-line?  


    If the O-line's sacks/hurries/hits stats look good it's only because they committed a holding penalty nearly every time they got beat.  

    Frankly...the o-line was called on 3 penalties, We had 5 total penalties.  Just 2 of those penalties we back to back and killed a promising drive so they stuck out more.


    The bills had 6 o-line penalties and 11 penalties total, But no-one mentions that.

  2. Then why did they stop running? It didn't work? Gore got hurt? Or the latter?

    Pagano said in the press conference, "They kept putting 8 men in the box so we took what they gave and opted out of running plays"


    But I think this is a mistake.  Sometimes you run into 8 man boxes for 2 reasons:


    1:  Show them you're not afraid of them.  If you run against 8 man boxes, you show them you're willing to take the challenge and they have to continue to honor the run threat.


    2: sometimes those 8 man boxes are disguises. Running into it when they are disguising their play will have the RB hitting the hole while lb's are still back peddling into their coverage area.

  3. just because "we stopped running" doesn't mean you can say "plus our running game was better than the Bills".  That is a false statement.  The Colts running game is predicated on their ability to orchestrate running plays as part of the overall game plan, then execute that plan.  

    ok..how about 'our running game was consistently gaining effective yards than the bills were'?

    I'll even edit that in for more accuracy.


    ...................................................NVM...won't let me edit it now >.<


  4. Our run game was non-existent.  One we think we know about Pep's offense - its has to be balanced.  There was no balance yesterday.


    As for the OL - did you not see the OL kill two drives because of holding penalties, an illegal formation.

    Did you see the Bills o-line get called on twice as many holding penalties?

    Holding happens, especially when you play great defenses. the timing of 2 back to back hurt yes,...but all in all..we had 5 penalties.  that is not horrid overall...especially considering bills had 11.

  5. I stopped reading at "Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills."





    When Indy WAS running the ball..they were better...period. they just stopped running.  Nearly every run indy made was 4-5 ypc.  At that time,..Bills biggest run was a 5 yard carry...and had 4 stops for losses, and many more for no gain.  If we had kept running, We could have stayed on the field...probably atleast kept our average, and the bills would  have had to pass more.


    Just because they had so many  more yards in the end, does not mean they ran it better... they just ran it more.  

  6. Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


    If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


    The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

    Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

    Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

    The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


    The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

    The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


    Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


     On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


    And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.

  7. Their criticism seems about right though, unfortunately. Of course, this was a very tough test for the O-line and I do't think they fared too well. I don't think our "high-powered" offense ever got going. I think Pep could have game planned better and called a better game (and the players could've executed better to help pep out a bit).


    As for the penalties, many of them were on the O-line. The O-line was frazzled by the crowd, the atmosphere, and the Bills D-lineman. They were getting beat and they had to hold to save Andrew's life. Offside and holding penalties are a sign of inferior play and lack of discipline.

    There was ALOT more holding penalties on Buffalo's o-line holding our d-linemen...but no-one wants to see that.

  8. Fully agree. The D-line is not the problem..it is our bright spot.  The olb's Waden, Cole did ok..not OMG...but effective.


    But i was on the Irving bandwagon when he was first signed.  Same with Moore.  Maybe not start them right away, but rotate them in early and often until they get fully comfortable with the scheme and the guys they play next to.  Evaluate, and see if they deserve to start.


    With the drastic moves the brass has done so far, I believe this is more possible than in the past.  They seem to be taking performance over veteran status this year.

  9. The result of the game is what I thought it would be. Our O-line was man handled all game long. I just don't understand why Grigson hasn't thrown everything at building this position. 


    Before too much credit is given to the defense or the D-line in particular, we were down 24-0. The Bills went passive, which made the defense appear to play better.


    The Colts had a lot of mistakes, (holding and fumbles) which played a huge role in the outcome of this game. 

    The D-line played hard nosed the entire game..not just the 2nd half.  I actually think they performed better in the first 1/2.before the late half TD run..i am fairly sure the bill rb's had a total of either 0...or negative yards running. All the rushing yards before that was due too bad containment of the QB.

  10. Positives:


    D-line looks good. ALOT of penetration all game from Anderson and Langford. 

    Run defense of the line looks good, don't let those numbers fool you, alot of that was the QB, and missed tackles of the MLB's...the D-line looked top notch IMO.  Shady had what,,,2.5-3 YPC?


    We can run the ball.  I have no idea why we didn't run the ball more often from the get go. Every run but 1 was 4+ yards.




    MLB's killing us.  Freeman and DQ were bad.  


    Butler cannot be an outside corner...it is quite obvious he's a nickle where he excels.


    Containment was poor.


    Missed tackles at LB and Corner positions killed us.

  11. It appears I was the one that needed the explanation.

    Then they go and get rid of the greatest WR in the NFL in Carter


    Then for TEs you have Stone hands Fleener and Dwayne I'm injured again, Allen.


    I'm just glad i wasn't drinking coffee when i read those 2 lines....nearly dropped my laptop as it was, laughing so hard...lol

  12. When ever someone is trying to use stats to make a point but they dismiss either the worst stat or the best stat then the point is invalid.

    yeah, that's why i threw in the afccg just as a reminder..it was bad weather. And no-one need to forget how that game went. 

    bu i wasn't trying to make a point,i was answering someones question of how luck does in bad weather.

  13. Well, there... you... go.  I guess o' Lawrence put me in my place.



    Most people got it but since you didn't I will explain... it was a joke my man, a summary of everything we've been reading on this forum from various posters.

    I got it,...Sorry, reading it i saw it was WAY over the top...so  i thought i'd throw in the sarcastic remarks as well.  I wasn't attempting to 'step on you,...i was trying to add to it. Sorry, maybe next time i should just leave well enough alone.

  14. Does someone know of a rainy / windy game where Luck put up excellent numbers?  The temps will be mid 60's, but with rain and winds between 10 and 20 mph.  I'm not sure what the field condition for RB's and receivers will be, nor if the wind will be crosswind or with / against the QB each quarter.  The Bills D is tough, but can be game planned.  The weather, not as much.

    Discounting he AFCCG.....Luck actually has a BETTER QBR  outside in the weather than under a roof.  Though, He has not played in many bad weather predicaments.  I read this somewhere last night, And for the life of me, and cannot seem to find it again to post a link for you,..my apologies.

    On a good note, it's a 50% chance of rain...so that's a 50-50 chance for rain,..or just a cool day of football.

  15. Reasons to worry about Buffalo


    1 A great D by far most talented Rex has ever coached .


    2 Rex knows how to slow down top offenses is a master at game planning on D side of the ball


    3 Tyrod is a wild card if he plays like in Pre Season he will get the ball in the end zone regularly with his arm or his legs


    4 Tyrod has Wilson type pocket awareness and the legs to make plays .


    5 Has anyone mentioned we have been weak against mobile QB's


    On our side of the ball


    1 Can our line hold up against a top tier D Line


    2 How is our D gonna play ?


    3 We were not executing very well in preseason


    4 We have a starting corner that is really bad playing on the outside


    5 Will we be able to run the ball with the rooks Gore is on a pitch count

    And I cannot blame ya for forgetting a couple players. We did add 11....11! new faces on defense...that an entire staring line-up!


    -but ofc we didn't do anything to improve our defense...lol-    SMH

  16. The defense was good last year... You can't rightfully expect a top 3 offense and a top 5 defense...

    They had some tough games against good opponents, but still had a good season. I chalk up the stinkers to subpar coaching and injuries, myself.

    If the defense is as good as last season's version, we will be in the SB, IMO.... Pats got worse, we got better on offense and I believe we are at least as good on defense (Robert Mathis).

    Most in the media and many on this forum suffer from recency bias. The Pats games were outliers in a fairly stout season against some great RBs... We defended the pass well all year (except the one game against the Steelers).

    We have issues vs. TEs and I'm certainly not saying that we are a lock for a top 10 unit... What I am saying is that the "can't stop the run " rhetoric is overblown and we should be a tougher opponent against NE this season.

    Everything these days is political memery (thought I'd make up a word). Most of us watched the games. We saw the Colts get after QBs and shut down probowl caliber RBs all year, but many give that AFCCG too much weight in the equation, IMO.

    I like the young guys on the D-Line... I think that this Chris dude is onto something.

    Exactly...people read into the last game of he year too much.

    the game we lost badly in:

    Steelers: was close until the 2nd 1/2...we lost because we had NO decent depth behind our starting corners,..and 1/2 of them went down in that game early...and Big Ben took advantage.    Result: we drafted smith for depth.


    Cowboys: Was the end of he year, we benched anyone and everyone who had a 'ding' so they would be healthy for the playoffs...including T.Y.


    NE: They sit useing  6 linemen every game and run it down our throats. This is a coaching problem. NE says they will continue to do it until we stop it.

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