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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. Being an inactive rookie for the first 10 games of the season, you'd expect false starts. Being thrown into the fire without any regular season experience is tough on anyone.


    But Good's play was not bad.  He gave up 2 pressures, no hits, no sacks.  The couple times they ran his  way he blocked well -except that time he face a corner and the corner dove under him to make the play, not Good's fault, just great play by the corner.-


    He had a horse collar tackle after the fumble recovery by the Bucks. -How many times do O-linemen practice tackling? -


    The guy moves well, strong, good technique, and kept his QB clean for his part most of the game.  More experience will shake rookie jitters and lessen penalties.


    Not saying he's a future HoF,...but definitely worth more looks.

  2. Good was not even on the active roster last week, which means he was not at Atlanta to play when A.C. went down.


    I do like Good starting this week though.  Less moving parts to plug him in, He's a mauler in the run game,-which is what Indy needs- and M.H. throws fast enough to account for Goods learning curve in pass protection.


    Just makes too much sense to me......so Indy will probably not do it.

  3. Through the first few games, the D-line was unquestionably our defenses best position. The line backing corp was missing assignments, over running lanes, ect.

    Now that our depth is getting healthier, and DQ /Freeman have settled down, they are the strength of our front 7.  Even most of our pass rush this past game seemed to stem from them.  

    DQ played lights out. Freeman covered well. and Irving spelled them efficiently.  I can actually see DQ getting AFC defensive player of the week for his performance.

  4. He's best playing against big formations.  Like 3rd and short.  He does give effort though.  Like the long Freeman run where Geathers missed the tackle at the goalline -blocked out and fell down- but somehow got up and caught Freeman from  behind down the field.

    Yes, his coverage isn't the best, but he did decent considering whom he had to cover.  He should have been the 'over the top' help with Julio though.  Julio would have been less opt to catch deep routes had he been  hit by Geathers after his first few catches.


    Time will help him hone his coverage skills. -IF Pagano stays.....-

  5. The Dis the thing. I think the Anderson injury is going to bite us more than the Luck Injury.  MH has shown the ability at least to still move an offense.  But Anderson run stuffing/backfield  penetration has helped this D more than people think. He hasn't gotten a lot of sacks..or tackles lately, but he holds his line, and forces plays away from him.  Who replaces Anderson?..........

  6. First off, not only coming in playing with an injured ankle that was bad enough to make most people think he would not play,-especially when your key attribute is speed-  But to perform very well and make important plays.  But to take the illegal hit he took, -which obviously dinged him as he layed there for a bit afterwards- then got up, shook himself off, and came back to play the rest of the game is just amazing.  


    For such a tiny fella, he's got spunk, and determination to help this team win.  Frankly, I think he deserves a game ball for that performance.

  7. Those expecting Chud to incoporate the short passing game might be in for a disappointment.  He likes attacking down field.  While he was a Carolina, Cam Newton averaged over 8 yards per pass attempt.  This year Luck is currently around 6+ yrds/game and everyone was already complaining about Pep not making Luck throw more short passes.  If anything Chud will have him attacking downfield more.  Chud is not a West Coast  guy. 

    Don't forget when he was with the Browns, He had Derek Anderson looking like a reincarnation of Dan Marino for a while.  Made receiving Targets look like pro bowlers, whom today are nearly forgotten.

  8. No question of Lucks bad play this year.  You give any other Team our turnovers..they'd be blown out EVERY game.  Overthrows, underthrows, Into traffic, Holding 5+ seconds too much.  These have been Lucks bad qualities.  Yet, we have been in every game but 1 this year.  Most have been losses by a TD or less. 

     Yet the most popular opinion is that Luck IS the team, that without Luck, we are nothing.  Yet, Even with as BAD as Luck has played, we've been in games.  To me, this speaks of how good the REST of the team is.  

  9. You don't need to send receivers 20-30 yards deep on almost every play. Hitches, comebacks and slants cause the defensive backs to tighten up coverages, making them susceptible to the deep ball. This also forces the linebackers into coverage having to account for the middle of the field on any defensive back trailing their men. That in turn opens up running lanes.

    A game plan would be to start setting up a defensive back with several comeback routes to Hilton with Moncreif running hitches. Take all the 5-10 yard outs they give. Sooner or later,the backs will start playing in the receivers hip pocket. That's when you go deep.

    Look,your pro Pep. Me, not so much. Safe to say we not agreeing any time soon. Let's just hope when this train wreck is over no one remembers how it started.

    oh, you get me wrong. I'm not pro Pep...I was one who was seriously going off about him not calling more run plays, and slant routes and screens.  But this game in particular I thought Pep did a LOT better in his play calling, I just think Luck screwed it up this time.  Which makes me wonder how much was really Luck's fault from the get go.

  10. So........simply fix......call plays with no deep routes. Is that so hard to do. Take Andrew out of shotgun. Take away those route options and force him to look underneath the defense. I understand Andrew shoulders some blame. Pep shoulders more, he has the playbook and the play calls. Failure to adjust. What's the saying from a Einstein. To repeatedly preform the same action and expect different results is the very definition of insanity.

    Frankly, i say simpler fix for Pagano,.........................Bench him.  Those deep routes on pass plays are there for Qb's to take a quick look as the play starts,..not develops.   if it is not obviously there, then you're supposed to  go to the underneath routes since those would be at the height of their development by then.


    Staring  down a deep route is a flaw in a qb...benching him would make him reconsider his decisions.  


    MH had deep routes on his plays as well, when he Qb'd those two weeks, but he was smart enough to glance at them and if it wasn't there, he moved on quickly....


    I still say this is Lucks flaw to fix.

  11. It's not his contract year , so no pressure for Luck to agree to a long term deal coming off his worst season. Your correct if they (both sides) decide to extend him next year as his value will no doubt be down. 

    Corrected. it was a typo...i knew it was for 2016, But no good QB's go through their last full year of a contract anymore to sign extensions.  it is just too dangerous to let a good QB enter free agency.  It is fully expected For Luck to sign an extension after this year.

  12. ummmmmmmm.........I'm gonna go wayyyyyyyyyy out on a limb.......3 step drop. Loads of running. That's what they should be doing. Do you see Luck getting abused. I believe Luck should be doing Kleenex commercials with all the snot that's been knocked out of him.

    Pep's job is to work with what he has. Game plan accordingly. Yea we all know Luck can go deep to TY. But it's not there because there ain't enough time. Pep's failure to either see or understand this is so blatantly obvious.

    ummmmmmm, really watch the past couple weeks. Most of the time it is Luck's fault he's getting hit.  No O-line n the NFL can protect a QB who holds the ball as long as Luck does.  That's not Pep's fault, when Luck HAS players running underneath and slant routes, but CHOOSES to hold the ball to let longer routes develope, then because of this the shorter routes are done, and then he has nowhere to throw.  I watched 5-6 times last night where Luck had EASY completions to wide open recievers for 5-8 yard gains, but his eyes were down field the whole time.  This is Lucks issue,..completely, and soley.

  13. I don't know if it is injury, o-line, his competitiveness, or that he really is not as good as people thought, but this year there is no question Luck is playing like one of the worst QB's in the NFL.


    Yes, there is still time to right wrongs.  Win the division and possibly go into the playoff's on a hot streak, and with the team having figured out their issues at the right time.  (homer speak of course.)


    However, her is the kicker, aka, the silver lining.


    This is contract year coming up at the end of this season for Luck.  Irsay gets to decide if he is still his guy, and if he does, (which i fully expect) then that 25+ mil/year contract everyone expected is gone.


    Indy could in fact get him for around (even under) 20mil/year with the current play he has demonstrated thus far this year.


    This could go a LONG way into adding a good O-lineman and possibly another pass rusher or corner.  


    Saving cap with Luck's poor play this year could mean long term benefits towards building a 'real' monster for the years to come.

  14. I COMPLETELY disagree with how people are complaining on this games coaching.  Pep called a great game.  correct play calls the entire night, with the right personal.  Frankly, Luck gave this game away, with a little help from Harrison. 

    Yes, Luck pulled a couple very nice drives in the 4th quarter, but does that take away his 3 picks?.....no.  ALL 3 picks were on him.  2 were in to tight coverage, 1 was horrible throw.

    Defensively, we did well overall.  A lot of blitzes called when it was time, and for the most part the running game/Superman's legs didn't kill us.  Yes we gave up yards, but it was an OT game, so expect that.  But allowing under 4 YPC is good, means they were not running at will on us.  

    Davis should have never been on Olsen. I think that must have been a miscommunication on the secondaries part.


    If Luck continues to throw away games...bench him.  Yes he is a good QB, but he needs time to think about what he has done/is doing.

  15. If he truley has fractured ribs, he needs to sit a few more weeks.  Even with the MEAT of our schedule coming up.  MH gives Indy a shot with him playing to the teams strength, and a fully healed Luck is more important for playoff's than mid season.


    On a side note:  

    If he truly has fractures, then Grigson and Pagano has been lying to EVERYONE.  If Irsay knows, then he needs to do something about lying in the organization.  As far as I can tell, Irsay, and Pagano has not commented on this new report, but Grigson has, and swears it's just shoulder, no rib injury.  If Luck does have rib injury, that is cause enough in my opinion to fire Grigson alone.

  16. At the rate Indy has played...:


    Cam have 300+ passing/100+ yard running, 4 total TD day.


    Gore has  86 yards in the first half, then carries it 2 times in the second half for 98 yards total. 


    Colts have 1 half where they look great and score 20-24 points...but lucky to get 3 in the other half.


    so..at that rate...Indy looses atleast 24-28.

  17. I don't think Grigson survives this either. This is the team he built after all. I know that no GM is perfect but he's spent a whole lot of cash on free agents and not gotten much ROI.

    Not to mention his track record on 1st round draft picks. The only one that's worked out was a pick 80% of America could have made.

    I'm fine with keeping the younger guys, but most of Grigson free agents need to pack it up. Especially the ones over 30.

    I'd say Gore is the exception.  He's played quite well and not having 100 yard game yet is not his fault by a mile. 

  18. I'm sure zone coverage is also on the players as well when we know this is a man to man type of defense

    Zone coverage is a defensive coach decision based on the personnel he has to work with, and the personnel he is facing.

    Players are a reflection of the coaching...

    That's my point.  Penalties, fumbling, even tackling are something that is on a player.  Coaches at this level should NOT have to teach these fundamentals.  It's a reflection of a players previous coaching.

  19. Turnovers and penalties are not coaching problems,..those are player problems.


    These are fundamentals that are poured over from Pee-Wee football.  Thus if this is a coaching problem, then EVERY coach Each player has had over their entire football careers need to be held accountable.  These are player issues that need to be addressed on a personal basis.


    The play calling from the past few weeks (save a couple plays here and there that are questionable) in general have been acceptable.  When a team goes down by more than 2 scores, then play calling is effected.  And when it's turnovers and penalties that directly effect the 2 or more score deficit, then it's players that should be held accountable for these problems.


    AKA, Luck holds the ball too long and telegraphs his throws.  This is something that has not new.  He has always been this way, yet everyone wants to blame the o-line, and coaching, for not 'cushioning' his flaw.


    Certain players are not securing the ball with both hands when contact is about to happen.  This is a players fault because they are wanting to perform moves to gain extra yards over using both hands to secure the ball.  Blaming the coach for this is ludicrous since this is something taught to them over years and years of playing.  You make a decision: to try to gain extra yards/possible big play,  with an added chance of coughing the ball up, ....or not.


    Holding/false starts/encroachment are ALL not new concepts to players.   These are penalties in Pee-Wee, middle school, high school, and college as well.  Thus, Players whom commit these type of penalties on a constant basis are to be held accountable. Since they should know by this time in their careers, what NOT to do.  


    These guys are supposedly 'Professional' football players.  The simple, basic, fundamental aspects of this game should be ingrained in their souls by now.  If they are not, then it's the players fault. NOT the newest coaches in their newest term of their careers. 


    If this past game was lost due to offensive play calling, or defensive schemes, then I'd agree it's on the coaches.  But it was not, it was due to fundamental errors in the players themselves.

  20. O- Mewhort/Gore: The run game has been solid this year when it has been used. And can't give all the credit to the RB's for that. Mewhort has been the most reliable at the line, At either position he's played.


    D- D-line: Yes, Anderson Parry has been good, even surprising.  But as a whole, the entire D-line -including rotation- has stepped up this year.  

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