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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. 3 hours ago, Gavin said:

    As far as depth goes and ONLY depth NOT starters














    Our depth is not unlike a lot of teams, A lot of unproven players or players that really have shown they have no business seeing meaningful snaps

    Am i missing it?..or you missing the DL?  and plz say you rank the DL depth higher than a D+....(which seems to be your average.)

  2. 1 hour ago, ClaytonColt said:


    Just a quick question on this. 


    How many new coordinators come in and say anything different? 


    "My system is all about being really passive and defensive. We want the opposition to keep us on the back foot but I envisage that we can cling on to games by our fingernails and maybe a couple of big plays will fall into our laps." Said no defensive coordinator ever.

    Many co-ordinaters believe in just sending 4..and getting pressure that way.


    3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    To your number 2.....


    Manusky always said the exact same thing.    So did Pagano.     We've always tried to be an attacking defense.


    We just haven't succeeded to the degree we'd want....


    I think we'll end up roughly in the middle of the pack on defense.     Somewhere between 15--20.


    Could we end up higher?      Sure,  it's possible.     But I don't think it's likely.      Hopefully in 2017.


    I agree Manusky attempted alot of blitzes at times as well to generate pressure.  But our new coach is a linebacker focused guy. Like Pagano is DB's.  He should be able to pull a drop or two of blood from what seems to be a turnip at LB.

    And overal, yes middle of the pack i agree..i just tend towards the better part of middle...12's-15-ish.  There were times in the first 5-6 games last year our d-line was just flat out dominate. and our Lb's let us down on plays that made the stat sheet look average at best.  Hopefully Ted can fix some of those.

    2 hours ago, Gavin said:

    20-30th range. I expect our #2 Corner situation to be a liability to often though I expect he will also make a few plays. Also we need an upgrade at NT, Parry is not and wont be the answer. Also questions about the pass rush will remain likely all season long. The defenses best friend will have to be the run game. That has to be good..Not great...But good enough so the defense is not gassed come late in the season (or earlier with some players)

    Agree'd on the run game, but disagree on Parry.   I thought he played very well in the first 1/2 of games, but just played too many snaps/ game.  and got gassed himself.  i truley think a tandem of him and Ridgeway to compliment each other and keep each other fresh could be another big key.

  3. I can see Indy being in the top 1/2 of defensive stats overall.  I think we'll probably be in the top5 for TFL's, but possibly also top 5 for allowing big plays (20+ yards).

    Just looking at our players and coaching staff kind of shows me a few things:

    1: Our D-line will get more penetration than our LB'ers.  Which means TFL's 'should' be abundant.  And that is alright if the LB'ers hold to their assignments and not over-persue.  IF they do, then look for a lot of long runs by medeocre RB's as well.

    2: Our D Co-ordinater has already said he's plans to be agressive, attacking.  Again this play's into my #1.  

    3: I think the pass defense will be more effected on what the front 7 does this year than in years past.  Before a lot of our sacks were coverage sacks.  This year i beleive it is more likely to be our pass defense will be more effected by the pass rush.  


    So basicly, our D-line's skill set of being able to get get behind the line of scrimmage, plus the agressive play calling will put our team in a 'feast or famine' scenario. Some of which we will win,..some we will inevitably loose.   Question is this: Which one will happen more often, Feasting on them?...or them feasting on us?  I think our defence will suprise this year.


    ***P.S.  This entire spat is predicated on Jones, Anderson, Langford, Parry, and Ridgeway being healthy and playing the majority of the season.

  4. I bet Gore drops 1200+

    O-line keeps Luck a little less dirty ( but not as much as people think, alot of his hits were because he just held the ball until the last second, not because of a blown assignment of an o-lineman.)

    Because of the upper 2, Luck throws 4500+and 35+ TD's.

    I Expect the D-line to get 15+ sacks...Mathis 12+ so if 2 others can get 5-6..then looking very good there.

    I'm also expecting a top 10 run defense.  ..but a bottom 10 pass defense ( mainly because of Colts O controling the clock and the game most of the time, and other teams throwing more often than running.,

  5. I like watching preseason games, just because of the withdraw ...lol


    But I don't put much stock in seeing players in preseason action.  Look at last year for example, Robinson looked to play well in preseason, but made it all of just a few games into the season before getting cut.  The benifit is for guys whom need some real game action to fine tune themselves.  Like Green or Clark.  This benifits them the most.  5 meaningless games to help them move into the pro's and get up to speed.

  6. The obvious answer is Kelly, but I won't say that because I'm EXPECTING him to play great. (sadly)


    The one I am most intrigued to see play and hope he pans out is Ridgeway.  Parry played well the entire season, but did his best in the first 1/2 of the season, wether that was an Anderson byproduct or not is up for debate.  But either way, if Ridgeway shows he can be as disruptive as his college tape, then splitting reps at NT with Parry will have HUGE benefits on the D-line.  A fresh NT = a solid foundation.  A fresh NT with disruption, and Lanford, Anderson, and/or Jones on either side (if the latter 2 stays healthy) = exciting and fun to watch.

  7. i like reading the comment sections also......


    In this one play Ridgeway has more broken tackles and Yards after contact than T-Rich had during his entire tenure with Indy...lol




    My favorite plays from Ridgeway were him beating up on Nick Martin from ND

    Who coincidentally is now projected to be the texans starting center. Interesting pick grigs

    "Sixth man of the year"


  8. While I will agree that the Jags Seemed to improve vastly on defense this year, I think other teams have also.  I actually like the additions Indy brought in.  We didn't get a top rated Pass rusher?,...Can't fill every hole with big names, but the new DC will help, Mathis healthy will help, and I bet a couple guys we got in the draft/UDFA will surprise.

    Offensively, I think Indy has the tools to outscore anyone in the NFL if it has to come down to that.  But i don't think it will considering My belief we may now have the deepest D-line in the NFL.  NOT the one with the most BIG names..but depth wise, we're stacked.  Which keeps the line running at 100% from the coin toss to the final whistle.

    I think this year will be fun to watch.  We'll get to see Dorsett play more.  We get to see how our #2 pick from last year plays, Smith should have learned quite a bit, just like Luck and Anderson, while on the sidelines.  We had SO many names that could have/should have been difference makers off the field due to injury last year, that if they stay healthy this year could mean wonders for our team.  

    Sadly, last years draft played dividends for us last year, even though we lost some to injuries, and couldn't play others because of depth, but we should see those guys come to fruition THIS year.

  9. Let me go more in depth with is he teachable.  What i mean by this is:

    Anyone can look at a play when it goes this way and say"bonehead mistake".....

    Center snaps the ball, Luck drops back and see's blitz.  He looks to his primary, and see Hilton streaking down the sidelines with a half step on the corner, but the deep safety close enough to make a play,...figuring he has the arm, and no time to look him off, he throws anyway,...resulting in a pick.


    But what is by lucky circumstance Hilton catches the ball?.....both the defenders run into each other, and Hilton run it in for an 80 yard TD?

    Is Luck calling that a great play?...or a LUCKY play on a bonehead mistake?  

    Some throws you don't even attempt.

    Some guys you don't try to run over.

    Sometimes quick 4-5 yard plays over and over are better than 1 big 20+ yarder.


    As I stated in the original post, I absolutely LOVE Andrew.  And I know his skill sets can carry a team.  But this is a team,..he has playmakers around him to help.  He does not have to risk injury to make another 2 yards on a scramble, or throw into ridiculously tight coverage / double coverage, to get down the field.


    Yes the extra o-line help/improvement should ease Lucks nerves somewhat.  And a lot of his throws last year were VERY errant, and probably from injuries.  But HE is the one who has said "I make boneheaded mistakes, and and going to work on correcting them."  I'm just wandering if he is trying to do so?...and if he has been trying,  where is these results of fixing them?  I pray we see the results this year.

  10. Don't get me wrong here, i love Andrew. his competitiveness and skill sets make him fun to watch and gives Indy a chance on every play. But can he really learn from his mistakes? 

    2 years ago, he said he wanted to correct his "bone-head" mistakes.  And from what I saw last year, he made even more.  Yes, injuries plagued his throw motion and power/accuracy, but a lot of throws should not have even happened.  I would also throw in not getting rid of the ball fast on obvious blitzing situations, and not sliding feet first when scrambling as 'bone-headed' as well.

    M.H. a lot of the time last year did not look like he was even playing football.  It was as though he was playing a professional game of "Hot Potato".   And IMO, he would have been selected All-Pro if it were the case.

    Luck this year should learn from seeing that.  "Should" being the key word.  He hasn't seemed to learn from his other past mistakes.

    This makes me wander if he is learning impaired in some aspects, or if he really did come into the NFL at his ceiling.  He should be getting better year-to-year, not staying the same, or as some could argue, regressing.

    Maybe my observations are misguided, and next year Luck comes out and proves me wrong, but if he doesn't, I foresee another long, or bad case VERY short season for him.

    The upgrades on the o-line should give him more time, and help the running game, which also increases time, but if he cannot improve on himself, I will be very disappointed.

  11. On 5/8/2016 at 0:38 AM, Freeupfreeney said:

    To be Honest with you. The game tape on every one of these players is fantastic. And Bates highlight tape is great...only thing is TJ green tapes suck and Bates doesn't have the production id expect to translate to sucess as considering his competition. Anthony Morrison tapes looks fantastic too, not sure why there was soo much dislike with it.

    mainly, because of his 40 time during his pro day.People, (some, not all) fail to realize that his cone/40 times were impeded due to just coming off a staff infection that had him in a bed for 6 weeks just 4 days prior.  6 weeks of bed rest is going to slow anyone down.

  12. I think putting Good as the starter at RG would short up the RG guard position. With his size and strength, He almost never gave ground when big guys tried to bull rush him.  I believe he could be a pro bowl type guard.  He shown to have quick feet and agility for his size so he would be useful in Chuds run game when guards are pulled. He biggest downfall was against speed rushers on the edge. He did ok at it, but he would not have to worry about that nearly as much being a Guard. That would leave the RT position up for grabs with Rietz and Clark. Rietz has shown competence at the position, but not a 'mover' in the run game by any stretch. I hope Clark is a strong learner and can take over the position sooner than later, and we can put Rietz back into the back-up role he is needed at.  He's just too valuable as a plug in play guy at 4 positions on the line.

  13. My 2 cents:

    I go back to last year and look at the "perennial" or "top dog" teams we played.  We played them well.  Nearly all of the games we lost by a TD or less, or won by the same margin.  And that is with a Hurt Luck, no Art Jones, and 1/2 an o-line.

    We have the firepower on offense to beat anyone in a shoot out if it came to that.  And our d-line is good enough to make a team one dimensional.  We need stronger play from the lbing corps, yes, but we had Moore and Irving on our team, and everyone WAS excited about 1 or both those signings when they happened.  Neither played much because DQ and Freeman had those reigns.   This year we get to see one or both in full action I think.

    Robinson should be an improvement over Toler.  And a LOT of our DB's missed time due to injuries last year.  It happens, so I'm not leaning on it, but This is where depth comes in.  We were playing PS guys at times because of nearly ALL our secondary starters were off the field in a couple games. 

    The running game should be improved.  I like our back-ups this year...no matter who makes it.  And our o-line could be a solid force by week 4. *fingers crossed*.

    I LOVE our new assistant coaching staff.  This is where 1/2 the battle was lost last year.  

    So in a way...the slate is clean IMO. I have my hopes up, but not going to get too overly excited.  I hope we win the AFCS this year,...but until week 4, we won't know enough about our new players/staff to make educated guess about the season, playoffs..  Ask me again then. :)

  14. Best 5, but really, with A.C. and Mewhort solidifying their spots last year, (yes Mewhort's rating a LG was better  than A.C.'s RT ratings) the left side to Center seems all made out.

    I Expect Good will probably win one of the other spots, T or G.  Only because they have A lot of expectations from him. If one of the other rookies cannot win the last spot, Rietz plays it, But I believe coaches would rather have Rietz in a back-up role.

  15. On 5/2/2016 at 7:36 AM, Wesk7 said:

    Hopefully one of the tackles we drafted can play guard. If so and they work out we are set at o line for some time. We definitely will need at least 2 olbs next season as three of ours, the top 3 as of now, are 30 or older we will also need a quality rb. We do not know what we have in Varga and Ferguson is even more of an unknown. Gore will be 33 soon. If he even plays next season I can't see much. And corner back is going to need to be addressed again probably. 

    Honestly, as much as I like how Good played in his 4 games last year, I think he'd be 2 x's as good at RG.  He's a huge strong guy, who is quick footed and can man handle large DT's backwards into the 2nd level.


    And kind of on topic with pass rush, I believe we'll be just fine this year.  Mathis and Langford both had 7 sacks, one only played 1/2 his normal snaps due to injury recovery, and the other is a d-lineman.  We didn't have Art at all,...Anderson may not have had a ton of sacks but alot of pressures in his games before injury, and we have the rookie Ridgeway, who is also known for penetration and getting to the QB.  

    I think we'll have a better pass rush this year than last...if 1/2 our starters don't go on IR again >.<


  16. 10 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    For a 4th round pick,  Ridgeway shows far more explosiveness, quickness, power and athleticism than I was expecting....


    This guy is going to move the pocket.    QB's will not be comfortable with him in their face.     I'm not sure why he fells as far as he did --- other than the fact that the DT class was historically good --- but he's got some serious game to him.


    The tape is just 1:23,  but I think you'll see plenty to like....      scroll down to the bottom of the story....   





    I was a huge fan of colts getting him in the 4th.  Kids a beast.  His only issue was conditioning, and our new conditioning staff should whip that out of him.

    He's an athletic guy whom can get penetration,...and is strong as an ox. 

    Like i said in other post's..i seriously think not getting an olb pass rush specialist isn't going to be as much of an issue as people think.  We still have Mathis, but think on this...our top 5 d-linemen can penetrate ...Langford, Anderson, Jones, Parry, and now Ridgeway. Most of our pass rush will probably come from them, because we have 5 people to rotate and keep fresh.

  17. On 5/5/2016 at 11:33 PM, BlueShoe said:


    That would be a big OLB. I can't see him playing Rush, but SAM is not too far of a stretch. He probably needs to drop about 20 pounds to be agile enough though.


    Maybe we will have a new HULK Defense. Roll out our front seven, all 290 plus. :)


    Just kidding. But if they do that then I want naming rights. LOL

    lol...well keep a guy that like 6'2" -ish and 240lbs-ish at the cover LB'er spot for TE's,..but yeah..that would be a big front 7...but look at #92 on Pitt.....Harrison's always been a solid guy, OLB and 275-285lbs his entire career.

  18. IMO:

    aside from Mathis, our biggest pass rush comes from our strongest defensive group; the line. All of our d-linemen are not just run stoppers, but are hand picked for their ability to get penetration.Jones, Langford, Anderson, Parry, and now Ridgeway.  That is 5 potential starters, with 3 positions.  Rotation is better than ANY past Indy team.

    For Okine to have success, (or even make the team) he needed to switch positions. I say we give the guy a shot, see what he can do, Preseason is longer this year for us so he'll have a few shots to impress.

  19. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Hey.....     I'm a fan of Henry Anderson!      No one here loves him more than I do!     I followed from high school in Atlanta to Stanford and now to Indianapolis....     I love him.


    I just don't think he's our 2nd best player.     Not better than Vonte...    not better than TYH....     not better than AC....      Even if you think he slots in here,  that makes him 5th overall which is impressive.


    I just wouldn't put him up there in the 2nd spot based on basically a half a rookie season.....


    pretty much same thing I said, "not enough info to judge...yet..but loved what I saw."

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