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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. yeah. other than 2 bad passes, Luck was on his game today, and most of the season so far.  Decent comp %, int/ TD % , and being safer now when he decides to tuck and run.  He's even starting to understand that he needs to do something quicker when no-one is open, so he's not hit/sacked as much. (evidence today...finally) If 5 passes were not dropped,...he'd had had a whale of a game...but since there was...it was just great...lol

  2. For those thinking tanking is the way to go..think on this,...

    You start tanking on purpose, you run the very REAL risk of forgetting how to actually play to win.

    Yes, you get a decent pick, But seriously, how much good does that do when your team gets USED to loosing? Keep playing hard,..win what you can win, draft who you need, and continue to play tough and stay on top of your game.  That is the formula to win long term,...not tank now..hope for better later.


    Plus  tanking for a draft pick is the same as a boxer taking a fall for a big payday.  You want the rest of the NFL and their fans to see YOUR team as such?....REALLY?

  3. O-line looked good, Luck made quicker decisions, Doyle was awesome. TY was TY, Gore did the job he was meant to do, the D-line did ok most of the game.

    Missed tackles, Dropped passes, and PI calls (though i think some were obsurd, like the T.J. Green/ Davis one) and McNary's asinine Personal foul on Walker need to be cleaned up.

    Over all we did ok.

    We were helped a LOT by Mariota's horrible accuracy though.

  4. 16 hours ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

    Well fans who are ok with getting blown out by good teams year after year and don't see the benefit of having one bad year to help get back to being successful really burn me so it's all good.


    I also love when you all throw around the words real fan too like I'm not a real fan. Lol I love this damn team I'm just smart enough to see the benefits of having one bad year when the team is already bad. We will already be picking high and missing the playoffs so why not get a little higher to get into the even better players that are really game changers as rookies. 

    I never said you were not a real fan.  But no-one should want a team to tank a season. not on purpose.  You act like the entire team is horrible but reality is this:

    #1: our running attack is fine for now.  Gore averages 4.3 ypc and is 8th in NFL leading rushers. (we need to aquire a young stud at some point tho)

    #2: our passing attack is fine. 262.8 yards/game is ranked 12th.

    #3: total offence puts up 26.7 points/game. that's good for 7th in NFL. (and we've played the some of best defences in the NFL too boot)

    #4: our D-line is pretty decent.  most of the time they hold thier assignments and someone from the line is in the play getting in the backfield to pressure a QB, or fighting a double team (which is their job to accupy 2 guys for the LB's.)

    #5: our secondary is pretty decent.  Vonte shuts down big time recievers for most of games.  and our safeties can crack heads and be where they are needed when they are needed. Butler has been great when he's played. We have not had a chance to really evaluate Robinson due to #6...

    #6: our REAL weak point on the team.  Out side of Walden, our linebacker play has not  been bad, it has been attrotious.  Unable to get penetration when called for, which gives the qb WAY too much time to pick our secondary apart.  unable to watch Rb's and Te's and cover them in the open field. (maybe ayers, he's done decent in the limited time i've seen him). And the tackling has been bad all around the LB corps. Even D.Q. missed tackles he normally does not.   THIS is where we need 3 picks from the draft this coming year.  (and a 2nd or 3rd RD. RB also.)  We need youth of true talent in the LBing corps.  


    The pass rushers in last draft were not very good, so i won't be upset about not getting one last time, the need to be gotten next time though.  Along with solid inside Backers as well.  

    So as i point out, the ship is NOT sinking, it just has a REALLY big hole in it.  The higher draft pick won't help that much, but GOOD drafting of what you have sure can.  So I say fight hard...play your best, and see where the cards may fall, you might even get surprised.  But tanking on purpose for a few spots on a draft board is outright offensive and poor sportsmanship.  You think the Brown (who have gotten a top 10 pick in nearly every draft in recent years) would trade that now for some self respect of atleast being middle pack team? 


  5. 14 hours ago, deedub75 said:

    I don't want them to turn things around. 


    On 10/19/2016 at 1:35 PM, Colts_Fan12 said:

    The only thing we can do now is make our draft pick worse the playoffs are out of sight 


    On 10/19/2016 at 4:47 AM, AZColt11 said:

    Could they still win the division?  Sure.  This division is up for grabs.  The REAL question is do we want them to?  And do what, get blown out in the playoffs by a REAL team?  Then settle for the next 20-something draft pick again and watch a top-flight stud pass-rusher light it up for another team?  I'm done with that.  If there is no legitimate chance to get to the Superbowl, what is the point if you can't get draft picks that have a chance to make the difference the next year?  Then you are essentially insane, doing the same thing year after year and expecting different results.  I'm not so sure I WANT them to win the division right now.  They have no business doing so really.

    Fans who speak like this burn me.

    No fan should WANT there team to loose just for draft picks.  Especially when your team has been historicly good in the recent past and have a reputation of winning.  If they loose, then they lshould loose fighting tooth and nail.  At least THIS is honorable and worthy of a real fan base. Be proud to be a Colts fan and support them when things are not going well, Not boo-hoo and beg to loose to get better draft picks. >.<

  6. Offensively, yes.  we have a VERY good overall offense.  The o-line is run blocking well, and our passing game is good.  a few tweeks here and there, and this offense can be great.

    Defensively..no.  until we can stop the run consistantly and find a way to get pressure on the qb a lot more often, QB's are going to have time to pick our secondary apart likey've done all year.

  7. What's the most upsetting about this season so far is we are 2-4, and yet every game was in grasp on the last posession.  What makes the texans game hurt so much is that for the first time, WE were in  the lead and we were on the wrong end of one of those late game heroics.  Our linebacking corps are killing us.  I really don't see much wrong with the rest of the team, mostly average to above, except the linebackers.  RB's get free to the secondary/ QB's have 3-5 seconds to watch receivers find an opening./ TE's running free across the middle/ and RB's on catch and go's.

    Walden has been our only real posative in the pass rush, and Ayers has shown some possability.  But D.Q. has been missing tackles along with everyone else.  

    Brock had lots of time to set and trow, and he got comfortable in the 4th .  This is the worst time for a QB to get comfortable.  IMO, you have a 2 score lead late, you send the pressure and play man-2-man bump and run.  with 2 deep safeties.   this eliminates deeper throws, and does not allow a QB to sit and pick you apart.  especially young qb's who have not been in those situations near as much.

    There is still a chance to this team to make the playoffs and have a good run. The offense looks good, even with injuries at key positions.  We just need better playcalling on the defense, and more effectiveness from our linebackers.  

    Otherwise, we start looking at who the best LB's in this coming draft is, because we'll have a shot at him. (i'd rather turn things around and make the playoffs, than get a high drat pick tho.).

  8. 2 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

    He literally spewed the same crap he always does?? If that interview gives you hope then I don't know what to tell you lol


    "We gotta try harder" "we gotta keep grinding" "we didn't finish" "this team will fight" "we are 2-4" hey Chuck WHO Cares!! You say all this crap after every a** whoopin and yet nothing changes hell you actually get worse on D. You are right we are 2-4 and our 2 wins are against the bears and chargers lmao and you wanna bring those wins up like they are an accomplishment? We played like garbage then too the other teams just choked we didn't do % to win haha:lol:

    it's not what he said that i was eluding to...it was how it was said.  this was not the typical down in the dumps, "we lost, we have to get better" speach.  it was more of a "this is F^%$&*@  B$%^ S$%!."   anger speach covered with his typical words.  that fire is more important than any words to me.  It shows he really cares, and is mad at what happened.

  9. 2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I agree Brock is Average and actually played terrible for 3 Qtrs. To his credit he did bring them back but he is very Average IMO. They will probably end up winning the Division again though because our Defense is just plain Bad. I thought it looked good at times last night but we still had no Pass Rush. Vontae played a Great game covering Hopkins but we still had no Pass Rush.

    yeah, i am on that pass rush kick now also.  I think our o-line is 5x's as good as it was last year.  the sacks don't show it, but he does seem to get sacked after holding it a bit.  and Gore seems to be getting better chunks than last year also.  offensively, they seem set IMO. (especially when the younger guys get more experienced in the positions on the o-line).

    Defefensively, our linebackers are frieken killing us.  When a QB hasd 4-6 seconds to decide who to throw to,...you can have the all-time-all-madden secondary, and it won't matter.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Nadine said:

    I don't know why people put so much emphasis on showing emotion.  

    If posting around here is any indication of what anger does for your actions, then I certainly don't think it's a performance enhancer.

    Anger is just coming unhinged.

    There's a lot more than emotion that's needed.

    I agree to that.  but my point was maybe, just maybe his anger will bring upon something different in him and his coaching.  Some kind of "do your job the full time you're there, or go get in a different line".  like what happened with Moore and Cromarte'.  He needs to lite that fire under his players that he had in the presser.  (some of the player play with intencidy the entire game, it's obvious, but others kind of just go throught routines.) 

  11. Watch the post game presser :  http://www.colts.com/videos/videos/Chuck-Pagano-Full-Press-Conference---Houston/822a8215-74fe-4db4-a494-c2748f108f92


    The first half of that presser, Mike Wells started a line of questioning that put fire under Pagano.  I thought he was going to swim move the podium and blitz Wells...lol.

    Not seen that kind of anger from Pagano....ever.

    If he can take that emotion, and use it in practice and games, he'd have my full support again.  Normally see him more composed, upset in a loss, yes, but not angry, not like that.  That is fire I want in a head coach.

  12. Let Green be the guy they want him to be. the single high, so he can cover the deep routes so davis and robinson can man press.  Geathers can then play around the box.  

    I left Adams out for a reason.

  13. 22 minutes ago, SkyBane said:

    No it's numbers. We have about 1 linebacker, a half of another, and 3-4 tackling sleds.

    IDK, i am slowly growing on Ayers.  Did you see the pass he defensed on the dive? it was a remarkable play.  Just hasn't had enough reps to get a good evaluation on him yet (still learning the system probably).  But i've liked a few things i've seen so far.

  14. 3 minutes ago, coltsfanatic24 said:

    Both are about average. The offensive line isn't as bas as some make it out to be. Yes, Luck has been sacked 20 times but some of those are from him holding on to the ball long and from coverage sacks. We avg 27 ppg which is 7th in the league and this is with an injured Moncrief. The offense is not the problem it's the defense.  

    Agree'd.  Most of the sacks seem to be coverage sacks.  If you count to 3, and he's not been hit yet,..the o-line has done it's job...it's on the QB after that. (and some on the recievers, but a QB needs to know when to get rid of the rock)

  15. Joe H. needs to get stronger and learn leverage on big guys.

    Good Has a problem with focusing on one guy and not seeing an end around.


    But for their credit:

    Joe can move his feet well and keeps himself balanced when dealing with speed. (something we've been sorely lacking this year so far)

    Good's man (the one he focus' on) almost never gets by him. You see him a lot still pushing his man around in the linebacker level when the play is done.


    P.S. I have NO issue with Goods weight.  He uses it well.  He keeps other Big strong D-linemen out of the backfield.  This is his biggest upside.   1v1 against the biggest/strongest d-linemen he has faced this year, they have not sniffed the QB or the ball.  It's his awareness of delayed blitzes and end arounds that get him.  And that is coachable. Besides...does he really LOOK so overwieght?  I don't think so, it is proportioned quite well.

  16. Luck makes mistakes, everyone does.  Look at the ALL MIGHTY Rogers right now. (heck last year also).

    Many peole have an exceptional season..or two,...even 3.  But you need to average out thier careers to see the whole picture.  Luck turns the ball over.  Period.  But on the flip side, when crunch time, something in him 'clicks' and he starts playing like an all-pro seasoned vet.

    He has decided to not take big chances on his health when he moves out of the pocket, that is a plus.  He is taking what the defence gives him with high percentage check downs more often instead of forcing deep throws that aren't there. again growth.  

    It's fairly obvious to me and most fans, give him an o-line, he'll eat up any defense the way he has played so far this season.  He just need more than 1.3 seconds to make his decisions.  

    Indy is working on that...(and saying too little to late is non-sence.  They've tried to get him o-line help, they've just been bad decisions in the people they get)

    We have good young linemen now..and i expect 2-3 more in the next draft.  This may not be his best year,...but keep building and he'll be set for the rest of his career. 

  17. 9 hours ago, GOCOLTS_ROLLTIDE said:

    Horrendous 1st qt,

    pitiful 2nd qt,

    good 3rd qt

    Play off contending 4th qt



    With the rookies and young players we have, Plus the injuries we had to deal with in the first 1/4 of the season, I think you are dead on track.

    Rookies take time to mature into the NFL...as the season progresses, they get better, (at least that is the theory.)

    So While our first 4 games have been bad, Expect the next four to be a little better with health returning, and our young guys getting the learning curve down.   (excuse me for being sleightly optomistic :coltshelmet:

  18. 28 minutes ago, JPFolks said:

    I've been pointing out his terrible play since last year and still find it laughable that some people insist he's our best lineman.  They really need to watch more football linemen to tell the difference between good play and bad.  Mewhort has been our best lineman even though he's far from perfect, and only obstinate people or those who simply don't know the difference think AC is doing a good job.  


    At the rate he's going, I wouldn't be shocked to see Haeg be his eventual replacement.  Sure, he's still learning as a Rookie, but he has raw talent and 4 years of solid coaching in his corner with excellent technique and in pre-season, he outplayed (albeit briefly) Castonzo when given the chance (and I still think he's a better tackle than guard).  I think perhaps 2 full years ago AC was our best lineman, but that ship has sailed.  It might all be in his head, perhaps a physical limitation or he's just regressed as a player a bit younger than many.   We need to hope Clark's raw abilities can turn into solid tackle play at RT and that Haeg can step eventually into LT if AC just can't get it together.   I don't think an aging Reitz is a solution should AC have to be benched. 

    For the most part, I agree with you.  Only 1 thing gives me pause.  Clark is TERRIBLE right now.  He gets dozed by power rushers, and he seems too slow for speed guys.  Watt would eat him up..(and I mean now while Watt is on IR)  He needs to beef up and get tecknique down.  Yes, a year or 2 strength training and coaching can do both of those things, but i'm not holding my breath.  I still see OLB, Corner, and Tackle being top 3 needs in offseason.  (with RB being not far behind.)

  19. I am sorry, but from the games I've watched, He seems to get burned on the outside speed rushers by everyone and thier mother.  

    I know A.C. has quite a following on here, and saying he's playing horribly is almost "taboo".  But this IS what I am seeing.

    Our rookies soom to do better than him this year.  

    So, is he hurt or dealing with a nagging injury? Or has he just gotten complacent after he got his payday?

  20. Cromarte had to go...ty.  I was hopefull when we signed him, but he has obviously gotten slower and has turned to grabbing people when he gets burned.

    Moore i also had hope for, (many of us did). but glad he is gone also.

    I see Morrison in during 1st, 2nd downs..and Jackson/McNary during 3rd and distances.  This IS what worked during preseason and these past couple games.  

    Now that we are getting people back healthy, I fully expect better play.  The health of our front line will help the young guys on the LB corps.  And Davis/Robinson/Butler is what we had When the preseason started and was happier about that than the last couple years.

    Glad we have Geathers and Green to work with in the back end also.  Thier pressence during different packages should also help out.

  21. I think in time Ferguson can be a real asset.  But right now he should be used sparingly.   Maybe 10 snaps/game..not 23+.

    He has the potential to be a real good football player, but he is young and still learning the nuances of the NFL.

    I completely agree Turbin should have ATLEAST as many snaps as Ferguson right now.  He is a better between the tackles runner, and can make people miss in the open field.

  22. He'll be our guy to take over D.Q.'s place being he can read an offense and attack a b all carrier..  But we'll need a coverage guy next to him unless theyu plan on useing the Geathers/Green combo a lot more than i hope.

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