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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. I don't Know that we NEED O-line help right now.  I know i am the minority, but i think the o-line is progressing as it should.   When you have youth on top of playing positions they noramly don't there is going to be learning curves and a waiting game.  the o-line has gotten better the last 2 weeks game to game.  Good has gotten more aquainted with his role, and played VERY well vrs the titans.  Heag is learning the ropes as well, but also needs some strengthening.  I think those 2 plus Kelly Mewhort and A.C. are our line moving foreward.  and I beleive it will be top 10 when it is said and done.

    I we trade for anything, it needs to be a athletic younger (under 25) linebacker.  Inside or out, hopefully outside for pass rushing skills.

  2. 1984.  (8 years old)

    I <3 'd football, and had the choice of Bears, Browns or Cinci to choose from.

    To me, When Irsay moved to Indiana, he moved so I had a team to root for that was my own.  Irsay may have faults, but because of what his dad did, his family always have my appreciation.

  3. Taking a poll.  Would like to know: What do you think will be our biggest issue with K.C.?  There are many things about them that are under the radar.  there is a reason they have the best record in the past year only loosing 2 games in the last 16.  And with the Colts deficiencies this year, it could spell serious trouble the Colts might not be able to over come.  

    With Luck we always have a chance, but these few things worry me the most about K.C.  

    Hard to pick just one, but i say Alex Smith over all the other.  Simply put, he is already efficient, and does not make mistakes.  Add he probably will have the equivilent to your average commercial span to decide where to go with the ball, considering our lack of pass rush. How does he NOT have a great game and pick our secondary apart?

  4. 58 minutes ago, AustinnKaine said:

    If that was the case they would be extremely easy to gameplan against. Okay mathis is in, he will not be dropping, okay morrison is in, he is only going to watch the running back. It's silly. 




    4 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

    I disagree.  Seeing them drop Mathis or Morrison into coverage shows there is a problem with the DC.  I'm not saying he's the only problem, but he does contribute to the defensive problems we have.


    2 hours ago, dudeski said:

    That's foolish


    those are responsibilities if they are on the field 

    I am going to have to concur with the others here.  Maybe you've missed it,..but there is times (rare indeed) where even DT's and NT drop back to cover the middle of the field when the LB's are pressing.  It's just gaps and assignments.  If you switch things up and disquise things, there is going to be mismatches on the field.  I am sure the DC does not find it ideal to have Rob or Antonio covers people, but sometimes things like that will have to drop down to them.

  5. 11 hours ago, ThatOneColtFan said:

    There are a minority of posters here who believe that Luck is a negative on the team. 


    That minority is minuscule. 


    If we had more wins he'd be top 5 in the MVP run.

    Frankly, you don't have to win to be MVP candidate..it helps but many MVP's either didn't go to the playoff's are barely made it.   justy lately MVPs end up being superbowl contenders.  EVERYONE knows Luck has been doing what he's been doing this year with many injuries on the team,...different o-line looks with young guys/rookies playing the majority of the line positions at times,..and a shoddy defense.

  6. 9 hours ago, braveheartcolt said:

    ......and getting rid of the ball quicker would means what? Less yards, less TD's and less wins? Probably. But he would be super healthy. Yay!!!

    yeah, that is why i said what i did at the bottom.   Still rather have him, even if he does hold the ball to make things happen.  It's just the o-line do have moments,..but all o-lines do...no QB is clean every game all game.  Some of those 'hurries, qb hits, sacks" are on Luck.  But the conundrum is : Do you make him give up on the play to be healthy?,..or try to make something happen?  IMO ,If you are behind, yes,..make something happen.  but if you have the lead,..let the play go.  Most teams would give thier QB and #1 wr, and probably a pick or 2 to have a QB with Lucks skills and physical ability.

  7. 7 hours ago, BCoop said:

    The whole "holding the ball too long" rhetoric is ridiculous. You could argue that happens what, 2-3 times a game? Out of ~40 passes. It's even more ridiculous when you consider that's exactly what those plays call for and the alternative is trying to make a risky play that could turn into a fumble or interception.


    I'm perfectly fine with the decisions Luck has made so far this year. Zero complaints.

    I have searched and searched and cannot find where i read this, but i KNOW i did and it was a statistics site, not an opinion board., so i appologize for not having a link to back this up,...but:

    I did read that so far this year A. Luck takes the 2nd longest in the NFL to let the ball go.  And was like 5th longest to decide to tuck and run when he has made that decision.

    This is averages for the year,..not picking out a single play and timing it.  So yes,...he does hold the ball too long still. 

    But like said earlier in the thread, i am NOT bashing Luck,...just some constructive critism.  I like Luck and think he's the top QB in the NFL at this time i would want.   Yes over Brady, Rodgers, Newton, ect.  When Luck is 'on',..no-one is better than Luck.

  8. I would not go FA if i was Grigs.  I liked his grabs of Moore/Irving when they happened, but look where they are now.  

    While i do agree going all in for linebackers in this coming draft like we did for the o-line is most probably the best choice, i'd still use a high pick ( top 3) on a RB.  and also keep an eye on a CB.  it really depends what talent drops to what pic,k from which position.  Still got to go BPA overall.  Just more of a selective BPA.

  9. IMO:

    Yes if we want to be nit-picky, we could 'use' upgrades in EVERY position.  There is a difference between already have servicable players and wanting better, and NEEDING servicable players.

    We have 1-2 servicable LB's.  We need 2-3 more.  That is ALL i see we absolutely NEED.

    I believe we have great depth with good/serviable d-line.  And good/servicable depth in the backfield.  With a good mixture of youth and experience at both.

    Our linebackers on the other hand are absolutely killing us.

    Our DB's are playing thier butts off, but when you're covering for 4-6 seconds, you're going to loose at some point.  no pass rush allows this to happen.

    The linebackers are not tackling well, and not playing the run efficiently enough.  Allowing gaps to open by over running plays or running directly into but not through blockers.

    To have a good top half defense, I think the OP was very close to the mark.  But i'd add ILB's also. Aside from Walden and Ayers, our LB's have been shoddy at best, and game killers at worst.

  10. On 10/24/2016 at 2:47 AM, Smoke317 said:

    I definitely think he's back to form. Also I was at the game. Sitting in the bottom corner where that pass interference call was made. It was a good call. Vontae definitely pulled a sling shot move on him. Pulled the jersey and slung himself in front of the receiver. That's a veteran move though. Not mad at him for trying it.  A lot of times the ref doesn't see it but he was in good position. So was I. Lol. The funny thing is the Titans fans in the row in front of me missed it to and thought they got a gift call. Lol. 

    He pulls the slingshot a lot.  Denvers Sanders has called Vonte the 'master of slingshot'.  And the move is perfectly leagal as long as ou don't see him turn the defender, since it is legal to have a hand on the reviever.  Just can't pull him or turn him.  I didn't see the jersey pull you say you did, but if you were there first hand and saw it, maybe it did happen.

    Vonte's biggest game he's gave up is 78 yards.  And that is considering he has been put on top recievers the entire game once in a while. He has had a whale of a season so far.  Never has been a turnover machine, but blankets recievers with the best of them.  And tackles so well for a corner.  He almost never gives up YAC yards.

  11. Ted adding more blitzes to at least pressure the QB helped our secondary last week.  Mariota had to get rid of the ball quicker and his recievers didn't have the time to wander around the field useing GPS looking for an open spot, unlike the previous games.  Pressure of any kind helps out the secondary.

    missed tackles were the other issue.  Last week they were better. Seems to me Pags is weeding out those responsible whom do not seem to be fixing their part, and giving others the chance to prove themselves.  

    A healthy D-line makes wonders in the run department.  Getting Jones and Anderson AND Langford on the field in the same game will help our run defense.

    That being said, A really good pick in the upcoming draft 'should' do wonders for the defense as a whole. We need the best pass rusher we can get.  But I still feel the same as with last years draft, if he's not a 1st round talent,...wait til the 2nd round to get one and use your 1st for something else that is also needed. (RB or corner or ILB would be nice...depending what talent is available at what position then).

    There is a chance our defense can come together to not keep putting our offense on a limb by itself before the end of the year.  And I hope this gets done if we have any shot of making the playoffs.


  12. 6 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

    I'd switch it up. Keep Good at RG and put Haeg at RT.

    the added bonus to this is 2 fold.

    1: Heag is know to be able to handle speed rushers, and have issues with big strong guys bull rushing him. (atleast so far)

    2: I have seen Good last game see Rietz have an issue with a bull rush, and Good just put his hands on the D-lineman and flat-footed, shove the man backwards onto his back, and the switched back to his guard spot looking for someone else to block.

    This is what i am hoping for more often from Good. Awareness to see no-body is near him to not just stand there, pop a guy next to him, then quickly look back for someone else.  Once he gets more experience in him,...a little more coaching, and awareness...I think Good can end up being a pro-bowler.  

    I don't watch the o-line as often as a should, but this year alone,..i've seen Good accumulate at least 5 pancakes....just because they popped out at me and i rewound it...lol 

  13. I think Good has been better and better each game.  His size and strength has been a huge boon for the team. 1-1, he seems to bully people. You just don't see him even give ground to people he is actually on.  Last night watched him just 'punch out' from standing position on the guy Rietz was blocking and that guy literally flew away to his back.  His biggest problem is watching for end arounds and delayed blitzes when he is already locked onto someone. He needs more awareness in that area because teams have caught on to that and send those type of blitzes Good's way.  But he has gotten better the past couple games.  And he'll need to to keep his starting job.  But this IS the first time he EVER played guard,...so he not used to watch his sides when blocking...more time at the position and i think he'll get accustomed to it.

    Another guy i have had a lot of critism for this year has been A.C. .  But this last game he was VERY solid.  Reitz is seems just doesn't have the 'it' power really for me as a starter,.. very goood filler man a long the line though.  Same a Heag.  But this beeing his first year, i fully expect Heag to be a starter in the near future.  

    Kelly and Mewhort has easily been our most consistant linemen though.  Glad our 1st round pick was worth that first round pick. :)

  14. 8 hours ago, Mr Coffee said:

    Let's see if you're "giggling" about the defense after the Green Bay and Pitt games.


    3 hours ago, Jdubu said:

    I am one who is not impressed with the defense the way they played today, just short of a few individual plays. We gave up the long 3rd  downs and then these Neanderthals who keep performing stupid, drive helping penalties, they have to be fixed. The missed tackles, omg, they need to work on those. If it weren't for an inaccurate Marriott throwing the ball and a few drops, this game could have ended differently. Now some of the inaccurate throws were because of some pressure but not all. I was not any more please with this defensive effort than I was last weeks or the weeks before that. I am still disappointed in the defensive game plans much of the time that we seem to put in. I think if we start to think Sundays defense was pretty good, weve really lost sight of what good defenses should look like.

    I'm not saying the Defense was great...or even overall good.  I was applauding the DC for the aggresive play calling to suppliment the lack of QB pressure we've had so far this year.

    Tackling is a HUGE importance to get fixed.  If we can get these guys to just tackle better, being an aggresive defense would pay off dividends.  The ONLY playcalling i had real issues with is that last drive.  Why this DC wants to play prevent on the back end, and soft up front when you have the lead is beyond me.  Forceing them to make mistakes like what happened many times throughout the game seems a better choice.  Why give them free yardage?

  15. Just now, krunk said:

    We got to Mariota 3 times I believe so not bad.

    and hit him multiple times, made him move around more often than not.  This made his timing go awry.  which added to bad accuracy. 

    Sacks are nice numbers, and gives help on stopping 3rd downs,..but pressures are a main reason for good pass defense.

  16. 11 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Thought Patrick Robinson improved on his play from the Bears game.

    somewhat yes.  He's had injuries quite a bit so far this year, so some explinations to his play.  but no QB pressure is a big point.  Without being able to get to the QB with just 4, blitzing is the only real way to get pressure.  This was my point of the entire thread, pressuring the QB in any way shape or form, (even if you just make him move around without getting to him) make him throw off,  and does not allow a WR to just keep running until he finds an open spot. ( which makes corners look bad even when it's not thier fault)

  17. 4 minutes ago, ColtStrong said:

    I disagree. There are people on here that are down after a win, and really up after a loss. Get over it, it's human nature. Should everyone be just like you? It would be pretty boring.


    As far as the defense, yeah they look horrible. Oh well. I don't know about you, but my life keeps going on and I have to go to both of my jobs tomorrow. Whether the Colts win or lose, my life stays the same........ Go Colts!

    Wait, seriously?...if the colts win you don't get a raise on EITHER of your jobs????....or when they loose you don't get demoted?...OMG....haha

  18. i Know the goal is to make the playoffs..then the superbowl.  And yes,..right now our defense does not show playoff caliber play.  But it is still early.  Tackling and QB pressure is our biggest problems.  Today, Ted made a step towards helping in the pressure dept by dialing up some blitzes early and often.  Tackling is something that can be cured over time with proper coaching.  Still plenty of football left to play this year before the post season gets here,...just need to keep working on those things.

    I personally think our offenseIS already playoff caliber.  and We are not even healthy on offense for the most part.  The o-line is starting to play better the past 2 weeks, and Luck has steadily improved every game, in all areas of his development.  

    There is a chance we can grow into a playoff team by the years end,...but would be all for not if we don't win enough to get there in the first place.

  19. I saw some VERY aggressive play  calling today by Ted.  I bet they blitzed more than 50% of the game today.  With multiple different looks.  Even a few time where all of the front 7 were standing up.  This is inspiring.  

    Bad tackling still needs work, but the aggresive nature of todays play calling has me giggling.  I love blitzing, Even Run blitzing.  If you KNOW they are going to run the ball (like the Titans love to do), the why not send them all gunning for the runner instead of leaving them back and letting the runner come to you.  Just have the safety watch for the screen and gogogo.

    I just can not say enough about how much i enjoyec the defensive play calling today.

  20. 1 minute ago, krunk said:

    I was glad to see we finally limited Mathis playing time this week and went more with Ayers. Glad to ser TY Mcgill making plays too! Geathers is struggling in coverage though.

    I said in a different thread last week i think our only upside on our LB's is Walden and possibly Ayers.  Ayers showed some competent play last week in the coverage dept.  this week he did well again.

  21. 1 minute ago, BOTT said:

    I didn't think they played that bad...all things considered.  I was expecting the Titans running game to have much more of an impact.

    Murray had over 100 yards rushing...but just over 4 ypc.  Considering the doom and gloom a lot of our fans have about the run defense, and the way the NFL experts say, i think we did ok in that department.  BUt we really need to work on better tackling.  Even D.Q. has missed quite a few this year.

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