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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. 2 minutes ago, jchandler7 said:

    What did you see from Mcnary to make you say he is GREAT? Was that a mis-type? He was playing against 3rd string. He may not even make the roster, let alone be a starter.

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    What i saw was a guy who seemed to show up at every play he was in for. He was very fast, decisive, and strong tackles, and got to the QB fast on his delayed blitz for his sack.  I was impressed.

  2. our biggest offensive issue again is holding the line and getting lanes for Rb's.  I hope this game is used as a pivot for Philbin to get these guys on track...without a running game, I don't see us winning enough games to get into the playoff's.

  3. 1 minute ago, krunk said:

    Saw RonThompson had a nice pressure/should have been a sack on Cardale Jones.  He looked pretty good coming off that edge from what I could see.  Kind of reminded me of an old school Dwight Freeney rush on the play.  Can we keep all 3 of these guys?  They all have potential to me.  Add these guys with Mathis, Cole, and Walden and I personally think we'll be alright this season with the sacks and pressures.   They'll only get better as the season goes on. 

    Like i said earlier..all these guys seem to have potential.  Even Okine.  He seems deceptively quick with his long frame..he doesn't look to be moving fast, but when you really time it, his strides get him places quick.

    Morrison is as advertised.  relentless persuit dog.  

    Mcnary is just great. I think he could be a starter.

    Bates and Maggitt are both fast and decisive.  some experience is going to do them wonders in making big plays.

  4. 1 minute ago, RockThatBlue said:

    The secondary as a whole was pretty good tonight. The Bills WRs were clearly having trouble getting much seperation for most of the game. Those guys played their tails off.

    maybe. but Lumpkin seemed to get open at will...i thought is was the play of our corners..but perhaps the Bills just have a special player.

  5. 1 minute ago, krunk said:
    • I've got to watch the full game, but from skimming over highlights I think Chester Rogers will definitely make the final roster.  He's smooth.

    Roger is also so slim.  6'1" 180lb.  He is smooth like you said, and very Nimble.  his borken tackle through me for a loop cause with his frame i would expect a strong wind to tackle him. but he proved me wrong.

  6. 1 minute ago, krunk said:

    Got to remember neither Djoun Smith nor Tevin Mitchel played the game.

    True.  And Winstone Rose is Very slim, but seemed the most stand-out to me.  He had a few good cover plays.


  7. Also, i really like our Lb'er...like nearly all of them.  I know it is just preseason...and yes they had a fews mistakes like over persueing and such, but I really think over all they did great.  Very Impressed.  The depth on the corners has me somewhat worried though.

  8. 5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    If I understand you,  then Taylor would be getting #27 Mill over two years and not 27 over 1.


    Or, am I misunderstanding you?      If I am,  I'll head over to Spotrac and check out his deal there.....



    Sptrac doesn't have the full contract yet...but it is 28 (round up) over 2 years.   They haven't got all the signing bonus' and other details yet though.

  9. 2 hours ago, CoachLite said:

    People put a lot of faith in the performance of well-known names, maybe too much. But did you see Boldin's YAC last night? Not bad for an old man.

    yeah, i saw it.  When you're a seasoned vet, and been at the top of the pecking order for some years..you will still get some highlight reel type plays time to time.  But to play an entire game...then 19 of those is ussually another story.

    And yes some of those guys can still perform and contribute..but i figured it was fairly obvious it was all sarcastic...lol.(especially after the 'seniors' we got in FA last year)

  10. 10 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:



    I don't know where Joe Schad got the $100 Million figure.     ESPN reports $90.    I've also seen $92.

    But the part this story doesn't talk about is that Buffalo built in all sorts of early outs.    It's practically a series of one year contracts with options for Buffalo to pick-up or decline.      It's a good deal for the Bills,  not a bad one as the story implies.


    But if i read this right..He's supposed to get $27 mil in the 2nd year if the Bills pick it up...that's A LOT of money in a year....yes the option to pick up or drop are nice..but it seems to have a cost.

  11. 3 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    It's amazing how little you actually follow football.....


    Most people who follow and analyze the Luck deal say that Luck actually left money on the table.    It's not that Luck's deal is too big,  it's that it's not big enough.


    Luck got the deal he got because he was great for 3 years and injured in his 4th.    He was the first pick in the draft and a franchise QB.      He's a top-10 QB and before last year he was viewed as a top-5/6 QB.


    Feel free to read.      ESPN and NFL.com are not premium sites.     You can get great information without paying for it.      Just go to the sites,  click on the stories and read.     It won't hurt you.


    You might actually sound like you know and follow football for a change......


    Your call.......


    I like a lot from SB nation as well.

  12. Just now, Jules said:


    Well to be fair.......Brady is a heck of a lot more proven in this league then Andrew Luck is. Sad but true. I love Luck, but I do have concerns on his durability and decision making thus far.


    I honestly don't have questions on his durability...4th year after being hit more than any other QB, and his body finally takes it in the kidney/shoulder is pretty amazing to me.as for Brady, I think he's a heck of a QB on the field...it's his morals that \has been the focal point the past couple years. 


    9 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

     If I went to Patriots Planet and said Tom Brady is overrated or didn't deserve his contract people would eat me like a Polar Bear over there.

    instead of polar bears..i tend to view the majority of Pats fans like Zombies wanting to feed on the rest of the NFL fan base. (not all....i know a few decent/good/reasonable Pats fans,,,,)



    Sorry for feeding the off topic convo's...just wanted to put my 2.5 cents in...lol

  13. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    What's stunning to me is that when people put down Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck in anyway, people somehow think it's wrong to defend them on a Colts Site with facts. Last I looked this is a Colts Site. I know it's Bogie and I actually get along with him so I don't have a problem with him or you. Having said that whether it's him or you or anyone on here, if someone is going to Post anything negative about Andrew or Peyton I will normally defend them unless the criticism is warranted. If Andrew stinks in a game I will be the first to say so, etc.. If I went to Patriots Planet and said Tom Brady is overrated or didn't deserve his contract people would eat me like a Polar Bear over there.

    Wait...they don't eat outsider's like polar bears anyways?.....:p

  14. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I hate to break it to you,  but there are plenty of teams who draft projects in the 2nd round.


    And just so we're clear,  there are teams who draft projects in the first round.    Even high in the first round.


    And your last line about helping in 3-4 years is a complete straw man.     No one said that or hinted at that.


    But guys like Green and Clark and Morrison might not help much until their 2nd year.   


    There are plenty of projects going in the 1st two rounds.


    Like last years 1st for Indy,...Everyone and thier mother knew with Montcrief, Hilton, and T.Y. as the top 3...Dorsett was not going to provide much help in year 1 (other than the 'hope' he could return punts.....)  They knew he was raw...but his upside was just to high not to take a chance on.  Yes a lot of people bashed the decision then AND now...but the fact is...he will be relied on heavily this year and hopefully many more down the road.

  15. 2 hours ago, BloodyChamp said:

    That article is ummmm......short. This contract is actually genius by the Bills. Why aren't there more contracts like this? It's only 9.5 million guaranteed, 1 million in year 1 and the option for the Bills to totally back out in 2017. The rest are all incentives down the line.

    "NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reported the deal is for $92 million over six years plus incentives, per a source. Rapoport added that Taylor will make $9.5 million in 2016, all of which is fully guaranteed

    The team has the option to pick up the contract in 2017, and he'll make $27.5 million ($15.5 million with option, $12M base salary) if they do so, two sources informed of the deal told Rapoport. However, in the unlikely scenario he plays out the entire extension and gets paid all incentives, Taylor would make $112 million over the six years "


    To the bolded..the 9.5 mil guarantee is year 1..., yes Bill have the option to drop him next year, but if they don't there is more guarantee'd in the pick-up.  also, where do you get 'the rest is all incentives down the line"? From what i am reading the contract is $92 mil..the incentives are $20 mil. making for a possible $112 mil.

  16. 4 hours ago, SupermanLuck12 said:

    Probably TJ Green..


    But I'm loving that the kid is getting all of the first team reps. This could pay off for us down the stretch. The kid definitely has the tools..

    I agree, like i said, Green is my 2nd worry, and he is so raw, having so little Safety experience period.  But he may have the biggest ceiling of all the rookies we have.  Just takes time practice and hard work to get there.

    Taking all those reps could spell great things for us in the future.

  17. http://cbs4indy.com/2016/08/10/risky-or-not-colts-likely-will-rely-on-rookie-starters/


    In this write-up, they have 4 rookies potentialy starting week 1.


    1: Ryan Kelly - Obvious choice, no quams here.


    2: T.J. Green - With Injury to Geathers...he may have to start.  Mike will be back there with him, so i don't have too much worry,...mike should help him if something comes up. Plus, he's gotten a LOT of praise thus far from coaches.


    3: Hassan Ridgeway - My biggest worry.He may have to start at DT if Langford is not back by week 1.  All indicators I've read say he's not ready.  Not as a starter.


    4: Joe Haeg - My second biggest worry.  But not near the level of Ridgeway.  Been some good things said about Joe, but is he really ready to stop some of the NFL's best pass rushers if Rietz is not fully healed by week 1?....


    So what's your thoughts?

  18. http://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2016/08/10/insider-colts-lineman-denzelle-good-good-enough/88529834/


    Another article about Good.  This one more in depth. a few notable cuts from it: 


    Right guard was the weakest link. Has been for a while. So they asked Denzelle Good, the seventh-round pick out of the tiny school who only played tackle for them last season, if he wanted it.

    “I felt like I was up for the challenge,” Good says.

    For now, the job is his. Hugh Thornton, Good’s chief competition, is still battling a foot injury three weeks into the most important training camp of his Colts career. Still, Good has yet to start a game at the guard spot, and has yet to face real competition. It’s only Aug. 10. So much can change.



    Consider what General Manager Ryan Grigson said of Good at last spring’s NFL owner’s meetings: “I think Denzelle Good could play about any spot he wants … he blocked people in ways that you don’t typically see a rookie, let alone anyone, block — in terms of finishing, raw power and athleticism.”


  19. http://www.colts.com/news/article-1/Practice-10-Training-Camp-Notebook-Rain-Shortens-Colts-Final-Afternoon-Practice-In-Anderson/1be9648a-dfa8-4399-95c9-54b9df6c74bb


    • It’s hard for pass rushers to get noticed in Training Camp. No. 95, Earl Okineicon-article-link.gif, has popped up in the backfield several times. It will be fun to see that big guy in a stand-up role, against a different team.


    This was one of the things noticed in the latest practice.  It is good to see him begin to get aquainted with his new role as an OLB.

    Thought i'd throw that out there as a person of interest in this thread.

  20. IDK.  I don't see anywhere that says he's 'close to being cleared"..I see closer, but not 'close'.  They day of surgery is closer to being cleared than the day of the injury.


    I honestly don't see him playing week 1.  Even being cleared, he has to go through individual workouts,..then 1 on 1's,..then practices, ect.  That's weeks in and of itself.


    When he's back, he's back.  And when he does get back, Everyone will be here cheering him on the next time he plays. :)

  21. 9 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    First,   I didn't call him lazy.     And I doubt he is.    But I think he's the victim of what happens with most young players.      They think that by playing at the highest level,  what made them successful in the past isn't enough, so they think they need to get bigger to succeed in the NFL.    Very, very common for young players.


    And, in many cases,  they learn that too much weight is bad for them.    And I'm not just talking about big lineman.     I'm talking about RB's and WR's and other positions too.     It happens.


    And I don't know where you got that Good has "played this size his entire life?     355, his entire life?    Huh?


    When we drafted Good,  the Mars Hill website listed him at 320.      The Colts listed him at 330.


    Then,   he makes the team and is listed at 340.     That was last year. 


    This year..........     355.


    He's been getting bigger and bigger over the last 2-3 years.     I think it's a mistake.


    There's a good reason why very few players in the NFL weight this much.     It's simply too much.



    I'm not, and never was saying that 'you' were saying he got lazy. Or is lazy.  Your listings are correct, and I am not disputing this.   But here is why i said that he has played at this 'weight' his whole life.

    #1: At the age he is/was, your body is not really 'done' filling out ussually.  Generally you have a couple more years of girth growth.  So this would be a normal thing for one his age. 

    #2: Were you ever 'heavy' by popular conception? And then go into a serious workout routine? I've been in sports and had friends in this predicament before.   Ask around and you would find that many who are in a predicament like that, actually gain weight rather than loose it, especially at first.   Since muscle weighs more than fat it is quite typical to gain weight when you work harder.  Especially when you were working already to begin with.  So perhaps this is what is going on.   

        I figure if he was gaining "non-helpful" , or non-expected weight, the trainers and coaches would be all over him. They probably have expected his weight to go up, and probably by design.  If not, then the coaches and trainers would probably be in his ear, (and his face) 24/7.   Just my thoughts.

    (and i appologize if you think i was trying to put words in your mouth, that was not my intention, i just didn't explain myself as well as i should have)

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