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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. 21 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'd love to see what Good could be at 325.


    I think anything above that is not very good weight.     But that may be just me.....



    IDK. on average, i would agree with you, and you may be right.  But weight is a fickle thing to some.  He has played this size his entire life.  It's not like he came into the NFL and got lazy.  Loosing that weight may lead to less power behind his blocks, or an imbalance in his footwork.  I have lost weight before and felt 'not right', so i put it back on.  (granted i went from 255-235, and don't play a professional sport)

  2. 6 hours ago, Gavin said:

    I'd personally rather be responsible for 1 man most of the time even if it is Miller than having to keep my head on a swivel all the time. But that's just me

    Especially as a young lineman.  you can focus on that 1 guy,  rathar than constantly looking for delays or stunts.  With more experience, the game slows down for you, and you begin to be able to 'see' more of what's going on before it happens.  

  3. 7 minutes ago, krunk said:

    We are more of a zone blocking team this year, but there will still be a mixture of power man blocking also.

    oh yeah..i forgot that is something we inherited when Philbin was gotten.  They talk a lot about pulling guards as well for lead blockers in Chud's scheme, Could you imagine a lb'er who has to deal with a 6'5" 350lb 'dancing bear' coming at you at a running pace?!  Can't wait to see this in game action...lol 

  4. 17 minutes ago, krunk said:

    You put Good at guard and I expect him to do more of what he did to that Tampa Bay defender.  Size wise the kid is massive and very strong.(just speaking size here and that's it)  I mean he's 2 inches taller than Larry Allen was and 20 pounds heavier.  Plus he moves well.  I have to see what he looks like against the pass at that position, but against the run I think he and Kelly will open some things up for us. 

    I agree with you.  I believe he could very well be our best run blocker with the right coaching.  And being Indy is a 'power, between the tackles' run team, having him at guard just seems logical.  I think he did well at pass defense when he played tackle, but that is a different position, so only hope he can translate that to guard and then just improve.  

  5. 7 hours ago, Gavin said:

    your on but if Thornton is healthy he will be the rg come regular season. He is familiar with all the blitzes/Stunts Guards see....which is exactly why I say playing Guard is just as hard as Tackle if not harder because Tackle your usually only responsible for 1 man and that's a DE or OLB. Good no so much. The line that Tackle is so much harder than Guard is a myth

    Either way, Good or Thornton,...the RG position should be much better.  Yes, even if Thornton starts.  Reason for this is because Thornton has not really had serious competition at his position.  Good is obviously pushing for the spot, and Pagano/Philbin is obviously showing thier collective interest in Good with the amount of reps they have givin him.  If Thornton earns the spot, it won't be because he's just 'familiar' with the position.  It will be because he honestly put forth the work and effort and outperformed Good.  

    If Good gets the position, it will be because he has learned from those reps during practice, and listened to his position coach.  Compiling his naturaly gifted traits with the work put in to learn what it takes to be a RG.

    So all in all, either guy winning it, I will be feeling much better about this position come the beginning of the regular season. As they say, Iron sharpens iron.

  6. Since we are deep on d-line, I can see Ted backing his words with agressive calling by putting 4 down linemen occasionally.  And once Green is more comfortable at the pro level, useing him as a single high safety to use those extra blitzes he's been talking about.

    Wr ranking may be on point for now.  Dorsett and Luck seem to be off on thier timing by all accounts i've read.  This obviously could (and hopefully will) change.

    The biggest x-factor right now to me is the rb corps.  I have faith in the o-line, but will need Whomever the 2nd/3rd string RB is, to step up and play well.

  7. last year was Langford.

    Kinda excited to see who this year will be though.  There are a few names that will be starters this year who was not starts the majority of the year last year, or even on the team for that matter.  

    Possible names:




    even Ridgeway

    I think all these guys are under the radar as of right now.  And very well could have a great year.

  8. 8 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

    Wonder if Grigson will get any credit for finding Good in the 7th. Hell a lot of 7th round picks don't even make it after preseason, let alone be starters in their second year which it appears he will be. Heck of a find by Grigson in the draft imo. Assuming he plays as well as we think.

    Agreed.  Grigson gets a LOT of heat from bad drafts/trades/FA's.  But he's had a few really good grabs as well.  Good started 3-4 games ( can't remember exactly right now) last year due to the injury to A.C. and he did VERY well.  Not 'very well for a 7th round pick' but for any rounder.  He had a couple penalties which are atributed to being a rookie, any rookie, but his field play was VERY good for his first game actions in the NFL.  (IMO)

  9. While he is working on his footwork...maybe Manning could come by Indy's camp after he's done in Miami and show Luck how to sidestep rather than taking a hit dead in the breadbasket...>.<


    Manning might not have been the most fleet of foot,..but somehow he had the ability to sidestep at the last second and make a would-be-sacker grab for air.

  10. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    To the bolded, not really. It's a myth that the Colts hesitate to play younger players in favor of experienced players, including at OL.


    Last year, they benched Reitz and started Mewhort at RT, then fixed their mistake in Week 3 and moved Mewhort to LG and put Reitz on the field, where he stayed the rest of the season. That's after Mewhort started 14 games his rookie year.


    Later in the season, when AC was hurt, they started UDFA rookie Denzelle Good at RT. This guy was Division III a year ago, but started a game as a rookie. This is just a few weeks after they released the veteran Herremans, who they benched when Mewhort was moved back to guard.


    The year before, they benched Shipley at center and put UDFA rookie Jon Harrison on the field for two months -- ahead of Shipley and second year / heir apparent Holmes -- which most of us hated. Shipley and Holmes are gone, and Harrison, warts and all, is still here.


    This year, the Colts chose not to pursue the best center to hit free agency in a long time. Instead, they drafted and basically crowned Ryan Kelly as their starting center. Then, rather than adding a couple proven veterans, they decided to let their first and second year OL duke it out in training camp. One of them is currently the favorite to start at RG.


    In all these cases, the Colts had options, yet CHOSE to play a younger OL over someone with more experience.


    The Colts staff might have some issues, but they don't rigidly default to experienced players ahead of younger, more talented players. Just because Grigson said three years ago that it's tough for a rookie OL to start doesn't mean the Colts won't start a rookie OL, or that they favor experience over perceived talent. 

    Sorry to nit-pick, but wasn't he the 2nd to last pick of the draft? Though he probably should have been UDFA,...

    2 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    Not to toot my own horn (but I'm going to) after the 1st preseason game last year, I posted on this forum that I thought Good was good and that I thought he had a future in the NFL, it's just rare to see a guy with that size move the way he moves.  Not many people believed me then.  Then when he played a few games in the regular season many other fans started to come around.


    Like any player, you don't know if they have what it takes from a mental standpoint to work and prepare themselves to get better.  It's one thing to do it when the coach is there yelling at you but it's another to have the fortitude to do it in the offseason.  Good seems to have answered that question, at least for this year... that is is willing to put in the time in the offseason to improve.

    I was there with you. I was pretty high on Good as well, but then again,...i was on Robinson also.

  11. http://horseshoeheroes.com/2016/08/02/despite-what-depth-chart-depicts-denzelle-good-looking-like-starting-rg/


    I've been rooting for Good since he was drafted, (probably like a lot of others because: who don't want to see a 7th round pick play, let alone become a starter?)

    But his size/strength, and foot quickness apparently are for real, and he just needs to learn the RG position at the pro level.  The author of the article compares Good to  Leonard Davis and Shawn Andrews.  Mighty big comparisons (figuratively and literaly)


    I think they are practicing Good because they believe he can/will be thier best player for the position once he gets reps in and some experience.

    But Thornton made the starter on the published depth chart because as of right now, he has more experience and is thier "better player" at that position `right now`. (this ofcourse is an assumption based on what i've read)

  12. http://www.heraldbulletin.com/indianaanderson/rookie-olb-bates-could-figure-into-colts-edge-rusher-mix/article_d49b9dbe-5767-11e6-98a0-771b55f83f97.html


    "Very smart and instinctive player," Mathis said. "He's kind of one of my favorite rookies right now. So I'm a big fan. He does what he needs to do to get better each and every day."

    If Trevor has Mathis' attention, that is a good thing.  Similar size, hight and weight wise.  If he continues to listen and work, He could churn out some good help where the D needs it most.


    "I've gotten beat in coverage by T.Y. and stuff like that. It's just little techniques that I gotta work on and stay disciplined with," Bates said. "But as far as up front, they're big boys up front, and so you've gotta be physical. You've gotta be violent.


    I absolutely LOVE the last sentence.  This is what we need from our front 7.  Hard nosed, physical, 'violent' players.  between him and Morrison, it seems Indy knew exqactly the kind of guys they were looking for to add to the linebacking corps.  And I like it.  Now if they can make the first step and impress enough to make the team.



  13. honestly..i need to know more first.

    Who is going to RG?

    When is H.Anderson going to come back?

    How will Robinson do?

    Is it going to be Nate or Sio beside DQ?

    Who is on the otherside of Mathis?


    These things play out how we are going to do.

    If everything turns out well, then yes, 10-11 wins.

    But if we cannot get make sure the RG spot is at least solid, and get someone other than just Mathis getting to the QB ( but I do see Mathis having 14+ sacks this year)...then i'm afraid 8-8 might be more the outcome.


    We don't want Luck putting games on his shoulders anymore. At least not all season long.  We got to be able to run the ball, protect Luck, and create pressure on other QB's. (I think we will tho...but i still want to see who fills those spots)

  14. 10 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

    Great interview, thanks for posting. 


    I can see him saying "whatever you guys say is the truth" in a very tongue in cheek way haha. I can't wait to see him back on the field. 

    Thank you.  My favorite thing about the interview was :

    " Hope so, hope so. But that’s definitely been a point of focus for me this offseason, just getting better at rushing the passer, because it was almost embarrassing for me last year — at least coming from college, where whenever I worked one of my moves, I kind of expected to beat the guy. In the league, I guess you kind of have to accept that the dudes across from you are getting paid quite a bit, too. You’re not going to win every single time, so that’s definitely been a focal point for me, working on that this offseason for sure. "


  15. 2 hours ago, Smonroe said:


    He's one of those unfortunate ex players who have taken a few too many hits to the head.  They gave him a TV job because they feel sorry for him and want him to think he's still somewhat rational.  


    Just go with it and try not to laugh in his face when he starts babbling.

    though i do not agree with his decision on this...Heath DID predict last year, game 1, that the Bills would beat Indy...but um..that is 1 game...

  16. They have us going 1-5 in our own division...that's the killer.   Sadly, i think that anyone outside the Indy fan zone does not realize the significance the 39 players of 53 injuried last year played into our final record.  

    Ok,...the other teams got better, but um..Indy did NOT regress you know.  Maybe they also do not understand how important that first round pick was to Indy....

  17. I honestly think Good ends up starting at guard.   His size and strength and run blocking prowess would be a HUGE improvement over the past couple years at the position.  He may just need some time to learn playing with someone outside of him.  

    And the new OC like to pull guards for the running game, and Good's maneuverability has been well documented for a guy his size.

    I agree with Krunk that i bet Colts want Clark to be the RT.  but he may need to sit and learn for a bit first.  Still need the best player at the position on the field, and Rietz is probably that guy until Clark gets up to speed.


    The other 3 positions..they are locks..and i am ok with them fully.

  18. If we keep Jones...week 5 our d-line should be solid.  Having Jones, Anderson(hoping he's 100% by then), Langford, Ridgeway moving in and out should be a VERY good line.

    LB's are a ? due to we don't know how Moore/Irving will turn out.  It's just a wait and see approach really.  I have faith in Mathis' ability to get to the QB...he's never let down on that yet. (even last year, his snaps/qb sack ratio was quite good)

    I'm ok with our secondary right now...just not the depth. if someone goes down,...we could be in trouble,  just like the last couple years.  Hoping Smith turns out to be a decent coverage guy.

  19. I've been a 'pro-Jones' guy this past year when people have been calling for his cut due to the inability to be on the field.  While not attempting to make excuses for the guy, i am wondering if the PED's were used to strengthen his glass ankle?  If so, perhaps it was worththe shot at getting caught in his eyes.  He knew he was on a very slim ledge with Indy, (aka, his restructured contract) so it may have been his plan to make sure his ankle could stand up.  (but why not just wear a brace the next couple years instead?....IDK).

    Either way, IDK if that is what is was for.   If it was, Indy may let him sit his 4 games and then go from there, with ANY set-back spelling his doom afterwards.  If it wasn't, then i'd be in that line to give Jones his termination papers.

  20. Gore is not your average RB when considering his age and touches.  Not only does he keep himself in shape, and is not used much for preseason games, He has never really relied on speed to get his yards.  He is one of those rare RB's that see's the field great, can slip in a needle hole, and power through arm tackles.  Yes his speed doesn't allow a lot of 20+ yard gains...but he gets a LOT of 9-12 yarders,,,,,,

    He'll be fine next year.

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