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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. 25 minutes ago, krunk said:

    This play right herehttp://www.colts.com/videos/videos/Preseason_Week_3_Andrew_Luck_highlights/9ce93900-1199-47c5-bc34-23ae3827387d


    First play of the highlight reel.  Toe to Toe with Fletcher Cox and he locks Fletcher up.

    As a matter of fact, let stats add to Good's body of work. the majority of the day, he was on Cox, Cox had 0 stats...0 tackles, 0 assists, 0 sacks, 0 QB pressures.  I's say that speaks volumes.

  2. 29 minutes ago, krunk said:

    This play right herehttp://www.colts.com/videos/videos/Preseason_Week_3_Andrew_Luck_highlights/9ce93900-1199-47c5-bc34-23ae3827387d


    First play of the highlight reel.  Toe to Toe with Fletcher Cox and he locks Fletcher up.

    look at the 3rd play as well.  you only get a moment, but Good instantly locks his man up and holds him in place.


    Now that i look at it more...he and Kelly double teamed #97.

  3. 2 hours ago, NorthernBlue said:

    Okay so what will the line look like now? We spent the last draft stockpiling on olinemen. Time to see what level of depth the team has now. Maybe Thornton and Reitz can come back healthy and take both guard spots, allowing Good to shift to the right tackle position (where he spent some time at last season IIRC). So



    That's probably a best case scenario at this point. And even so, that right side is terrifying. Haeg also a possibility 

    I don't see them doing that.  I think Haeg will go to LG and keep everyone else where they are.  Haeg played well at that position in preseason,...so I think we could be ok here.

  4. 1 minute ago, krunk said:


    I still need to watch the game, but so far as I've skimmed over many highlights I haven't seen where Good played bad either.  Full game will tell me more.  I even saw one passing play where Luck hit Moncrief on a mid range to deep pass and Good was going one on one with Fletcher Cox.  Had 2 hands on Cox and jacked him up in the air a little bit.    He still needs a little bit of technique work and maintaining his balance because I think he falls down sometimes but I've seen more than one encouraging play.  Was just watching over the Baltimore game again and watched him move Timmy Jernigan out of a gap amongst other plays.  When I see him he moves people in the run game.  He'll have a snafu every now and then and I expect that for a guy who's learning.  In my opinion I've seen some good things. 

    Yeah, I agree,. he does have a play or two where he messes up, (had a false start this game) and he does loose his balance and fall down time to time, but I think that happens because his feet move before his body does.  He seems to make his decisions in his head, moves his feet as soon as he makes that decision, but forgets to fully disengage with whom he's blocking first.  That is mental error, and expected like you said with learning a new position.  Guard's have to think and move fasterand deal with more people than tackles ussually do. But 1 on 1...Good seems more than capable holding his own.  In time...he could be pro-bowl caliber.  He just needs to work on these mental issues, cause his size, strength, and blocking skills once he's 'locked on', are amazing IMO.

  5. I think you're on par with the o-line.  Granted I think Good played very well, (held his blocks and got push in the run game, but when others around you do not,...then it doesn't really matter. And he came off blocks at last seconds to pick up blitzers, even falling to one knee once and still held the blitzer back,..) I was impressed with him.

    Kelly can be, and has been bullied by Strong d-linemen just bull rushing him.

    Castonzo is having issues sealing the edge allowing guys to run right around him.

    Clark, has the length, but needs to get in the weight room,...just like Kelly apparently, because he also gets bulled over too much.

    The WR's and TE's did thier jobs.  A holding call on Dorsett getting Turbin's huge run called back sucked, (and really it didn't look much like a hold to me...but i guess out on the perimiter, anything is called compared to the trenches).

    Luck still looks great....I mean 2014 form..maybe better.  Get this guy a run game so DC's aren't throwing the kitchen sink at him, and he'll win championships.

    On to the defense.........

    I am not going to be too critical here.  Cause really, how many starters did we play?....4...5?  Parry, D.Q., Walden, Adams.  (not counting Butler cause he played CB1...and he's a nickel back,..besides..he got hurt right after his heads up INT.)

    We basicly played our 2nd stringers 3rd stringers,( and any flag football enthusiast we could find to play DB.)

    Bright spots on D...McNary and Morrison still show me they could be quality football players.  Green still shows explosion and toughness. (though he still needs more practice) Irving and Cole showed signs of being actuall pro football players.

    The bad on D....Injuries obviously.  Not going to mention a single CB...cause well, no reason too...we had none after Butler went down.  Where was our d-line????? Seriiously, that has been our strength for the past year, and not Philly made them look like PS players.  Yes all but Parry are back-ups, but they were all supposedly good back-ups.  They were manhandled today.  Adams played his butt off, but he took a couple bad angle today and allowed the ball carrier to get more yards than he should have.  Walden other than 1 play, looked lost, normally our edge setter, today was making VERY poor decisions in that dept.


    Man I for one cannot wait until we get our starters back on D...........

  6. yes, i like Trey over Josh right now, but remember it is not just the level of competition these backs are going against.  Trey was drafted by the Skins LAST year, so he's had more time to get up to speed in the NFL, and set himself.  Ferg has a chance, even though he's not produced yet, I do see the potention in him.  It is possible one of these guys makes the team and the other goes to the PS.

  7. 34 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Probably picked up an ankle injury in the Baltimore game as well.  Not sure, but I don't care if they sit all the defensive starters in this game to be honest.  Our numbers are getting low.

    yeah...after this preseason game the defensive starters may look something like this : 

    Nt: Yuka

    DE: Sarah

    DT: Sammy

    ROLB: Sable

    ILB: Megan

    MLB: Mary Kate

    LOLB: Mallory

    CB1: Lexie

    CB2: Leanna

    SS: Kuyhla

    FS: Kaiti


    (for those not understanding, that's a small list of some of the Colts cheerleaders....)

  8. I'm not overly worried.  (injury bug yes,..but not that we have them right now).

    This is a blessing ...kind of.

    Let all 2 of the healthy back-ups play...lol

    anyone not hurt that can play will learn something.

    Who knows...might find someone decent.

    But most of these injuries we have right now are all listed to be back by week4.  So if we can cut back on them until then, get these guys healthy, we'll have a whole new and improved defense by week 4.  So team can sit down and watch the game films of what we did defensively vrs. the Lions, and game plan accordingly,...only to have healthy Langfords, Andersons, Davis', Geathers, Robinson's, ect to deal with :hat:

  9. 3 hours ago, CoachLite said:

    Last year, we could have signed FA Evan Mathis for guard. We didn't and Denver got him for one year. Denver did OK. Andrew Luck (and every other quarterback on the roster) didn't fare so well. What was the logic behind that?

    IMO, Mathis is/was a short term solution, (he tried his teammate Herrimans and failed miserably)and he wanted WAY too much for someone who was not going to contribute past 1-2 years.this years phylosophy is one I personaly agree with.  Get them young and train them up.

    I think our o-line will be quite servicable this year.

  10. "What does not kill you, makes you stronger"

    Injuries have forces extra playing time for young guys, and new hires to help as well.  Since none of the injuries are season ending, there is a real chance that by week 4 we can have a healthy team, with very good depth.

  11. I know, I know..nay-sayer will say/have said: " he's dropped off, he wasn't all that good last year"  or "we've been down this road before..aka. Johnson and Cole".  

    But I think this was a darn good play by Indy.  He says we wan't healthy last year, an wants to prove he's not falling off.  This is a good chance to prove it with the Colts.  If he's 1/2 of what he used to be..then great.  If he was just unhealthy and continues to play at a high level,...then awesome!  Either way, we needed help DESPERATELY with Vonte's injury.  If Vonte comes back and He's played well,..then putting him at the #2 spot and Robinson at nickle would make our secondary that much better.  

    It was the weakest spot on our team (along with pass rush) this preseason,..Cromartie has a real chance to help nulify that.

  12. 52 minutes ago, BOTT said:

    The running game has to improve.....keep that defense off the field and fresh.

    I honestly think the running game will improve week to week.  It takes time for an o-line to gel, especially when two of your main inside blockers are either a rookie or new to his position.  Let them acclimate some more, and gel with the rest of the line, and they should get much better.

  13. As for playmakers,...yes T.Y. MG. That's just obvious.

    Rogers is going to make the team. (like to see him keep his feet under him better tho)

    I still like Mcnary also, and Edwin Jackson over Morrison. I know i'm going to take heat on this, but right now, I think even though Morrison has the effort, I just don't think he's able to go sideline to sideline fast enough to make big stops BEFORE the player gets positive yards.

    Toddman seems like a great FA signing.

    Green is getting better.

    Josh Ferguson seemed to do much better this week.

    If Okine can get *smoother* at his hips, he could turn out to be a darn fine OLB,

    Dorsett impressed me today.

  14. I like Swoope.  Decent hands,..and fast for someone so  big.  He's converted from Basketball where contact wasn't exactly earth shattering, so I expect him to get better and better at the affore mentioned broken tackles, stiff arms, ect.

    Yes, he is still a work in progress, but a serviceable one now.  HUGE strides from last year. I hope he's kept.

  15. Just need continuity with the o-line.  stay healthy and play together with no-one getting hurt will elt them gel even more.  I noticed after a few plays that no-one would come near Good,...seemed as though the defensive players were trying to go around him.  Seems like a good sign if no-one wants to go head to head with him...He had many plays where he was slowly working up the field looking for someone,...anyone to block.

    Luck was solid, good decisions, and got rid of the ball quickly most of the time. 

    Like that he slid,....2ce. But had this been a season game, i think he would have went for it on the second one, and prolly got the TD.



  16. You know...have a penetrating NT to go with the same at DE and DT could come in usefull with Sio's injury. Meaning this:

    Sio is a cover LB.  Irving is more of a thumping run stuffer.  With Geathers out, that leaves Green in. So while the down linemen are trying to get behind the line, our MLB's D.Q. and Irving (both run stuffers) can clean up anything that slips by, leaving Green to cover the TE. (whom might be the best we have for that anyhow).  This could all turn out for the best...we'll see.

  17. It has been my belief that the NT in a 3-4 scheme was centered around taking up blockers.  But no-one on our defense is built this way.  Seems to me we have a whole bunch of DE's and DT's on our team.  As a matter of fact, the only true NT listed on the roster is Kerr.

    So my question is, Parry, McGill, Kerr, these 3 guys play NT, yet not as a traditional one does.  More of a penetrating NT to cause disruption in the backfield.  Isn't That the job of the DE?  So do we technically have 2 down linemen of DE's, to go with a tackle?

    And is this a sound strategy?  I understand getting disruption in the backfield is a good thing, and it is an agressive approach to the 3-4 scheme.  But if the NT is about penetration, then there is another offensive blocker free, so then less chance at the true "rushers" getting in the backfeild at the QB.

    Am I wrong, or right, or something inbetween?

    P.S.  Don't get me wrong, I like the agressive appreach of this, just not sure if it is wise.

  18. 7 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

    Agreed. He definitely plays with a little nastiness.

    Only issue i saw was the he'll need to keep plays in front of him.  If they get to his side or behind him...he's out of the picture.  

    One play in specific i saw was where he got behind the LoS and flushed the ball carrier ( i think it was the QB...but not 100% at this time) outside...and i watched as the ball carrier just put distance between him and Morrison.

    It is a good thing he plays at 110% and is relentless.

  19. Just now, GoColts8818 said:

    Still the Bills are pretty nasty defense with what they had coming back from last year.  Look at what they did to the Colts last year.  While they might not have had everyone out there that's still a very good defense. 

    i do agree that even without some of thier primary starters, they are good in and of having Rex Ryan 'Mr. Blitz" himself.

    I actually want to see this team play NE during the season when they have all thier starters going.  I think the Bills could beat out NE for the AFCE.

  20. 3 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Somethings to remember about the o-line. 


    1.  They were playing a very good defense in the Bills



    IDK about how good that team was that was on the field though.  Both of thier top rookies didn't play, and a couple of thier top front 7 starters didn't either.

  21. 6 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Not too concerned about the running game stats.  It's usually kind of trashy in the preseason with most teams.  Especially when the starting QB is not playing.  I don't know how many other plays were like that, but I know on that Blitz were Todman scored the Bills had like 9 men in the box.  It wouldn't surprise me if the numbers were heavy for most of the night.  No reason to respect Tolzien and Morris. 

    There is one thing to note.  Though we could not run the ball effectively.  with 8 man boxes and all the exotic blitzes sent...Bills never got a sack.  Granted some of that was Morris' scrambling ability.

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