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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2635020-tj-green-nfl-draft-2016-scouting-report-grade-for-colts-rookie


    Cris simms gave this pick an A+.

    A lot of people don't like BR, but they say he's as much an athletic freak a Jalen Ramsey,..he just needs to work on his tackling.

    And don't forget, he was a WR and then switched for a year. so yes, he is still in development.  he'll sit behind Adams for a year, and learn from pagano and Adams.  But this guys athleticism does not grow on tree's.

  2. 2 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

    Interesting that the organization views TJ Green so highly. Did we even here anything about him having a visit, prior to the draft? Shows how you gotta take visits, workouts and interviews with a grain of salt

    Apparently Pagano worked him out at Clemson's pro day. and loved what he saw.

    They probably tried to keep him under the radar.

  3. 1 minute ago, MTC said:

    Where's our pass rush though?

    It went in the 2nd round to other teams..>.<  But can't complain about our trade, adding a 4th and 7th and moving back a few spots in the 2nd was a good move after all the so called 'good pass rushers' were gone.

    But on Clark,...darn good pick...he'll be moved back to guard most likely.

  4. 1 minute ago, BlueCollarColts said:

    Because many are upset since they had their hearts set on someone else.  Personally, I think the kids could be our rangy DB we've needed.  Just need some coaching up. 

  5. My thought on Green:

    He's a FS whom started off as a WR..has Hands and ball skills.

    Many see him as a shutdown man corner, but still very raw in open field tackling due to still learning.

    FAST.  and not afraid to go into a box for blitzes or help in run game.

    Overall, This is a Pagano project.  He see's the outstanding talent, and knows if coached well, he could be a superstar.

    My grade B-.


    ((agree with many fans that it is weird that Billings is still on the boards.  someone knows something we do not)


  6. 36 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

    Yeah, look at all those rings on their fingers.


    Genuinely hope that if we finish 7-9 but Kelly makes the probowl that everyone will be delighted as that seems to be how we're measuring the pick.

    the opposed could be that we go to the superbowl over 1 guy whom solidifies the anchor of the offensive line.

    46 minutes ago, SP_21 said:

    A Center doesn't have much of an impact. That's why

    Beg to differ, He is the 2nd most important player on the offense.  

    #1: Reads the defensive front 7, making sure himself and other linemen have the correct guy

    #2: Blocks the biggest men on the defense, pushing or pulling them to either play keep away with the QB, or the RB.

    #3: oh yeah...makes sure the QB receives the football on every play flawlessly.

    #4: when an edge rusher beat the edge blocker, how does a QB avoid him?, he steps up INTO the pocket.  How do you do this without a center that can hold their ground?


    The impact of the Center is HUGE, lack of stats on a Center and not hearing their name called during a game does not mean they have no impact, it means they've done their job well.  aka, We heard Harrisons and Holmes' name called WAY to much past few years.

  7. 1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:

    I wanted Kelly all along so I am extremely happy.


    That said, it seems as though some fans are going out of their way to take any comment out of context. I read a post of a fan who said he/she would have rather we drafted defense. That fan was ripped for writing it. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion guys and gals.


    Kelly is an awesome addition to our team, and most Colts fans like the pick. Some fans (like me) love the pick. Others might need a little time to fall in love with it.


    This pick will speak for itself, once we all see how much it improves our team. I believe Kelly improved our team the moment his name was announced at #18. Some people are a little sceptical. Give them a little time.

    your words hit home, made me realize that not everyone see's things the way i do and maybe never will. no-one thinks exactly the same. And i do understand wanting a Defensive pick.   I may fully agree with this pick, but should not judge others for wishing it was someone else.   Thank you.  


  8. 11 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

    I can't speak for everyone but it wasn't my main knock on Grigson. My main knock was building a defence that conceded over 25 points per game, has an aging linebacker corp and very few true play makers.


    To me center is a position you can be creative with in terms of recruitment. The success of teams with highly touted centers is very much minimal and doesn't lead me to believe that you really need to have a superstar in that role.


    Added onto the fact that his tape is solid but unspectacular with very few plays that look anything but mundane and the common over rating of Bama players it seems to me that the pick doesn't quite push us any closer to where we want to be.

    Think of it this way, yes...semi-mundane...in the fact that there is no d-lineman pushing him out of the way to tackle the QB, or RB.  Kelly is not spectacular, because a great Center is not flashy,..you never hear his name except when announcers say that they haven't HAD to say his name.  That is the mark of a great lineman.  

    The man just goes out play to play week to week, year to year, and makes holes for a RB, and keeps NT's and DT's off his QB.

  9. I understand pass rush is a need.  O-line also is.  No guarantee's on anyone..just educated guess's made after a TON or research by professional researchers.

    Colts needed a center,..Kelly seems to be the best in the draft.  Yes, you can get a 6th round Center...(you could also grab  one from Arena..or UFA), but the best bet is on the top one you've done the research on.

    Don't forget, protecting Luck is not the only issue...Running the ball effectively also is.  and we are a 'between-the-tackles' running team..so the up-the-middle running style starts at Center.  We kill 2 birds, one stone.  Run the ball effectively, set up play action, and protect him when he drop back.

    I would not have been happier if Colts had gotten Bosa, or Tunsil.  A need is filled, and we move on to the next step. 

  10. 3 hours ago, MTC said:

    I like Ryan Kelly.


    But over Shaq Lawson and Myles Jack?


    Miles Jack still on the board.  I wander if Colts will offer away their 2nd and 4th for the 33rd pick and solidify 2 spots with 3 picks?

    And getting Kelly IMO was their best move.  Way too much pressure comes from up the middle, and Kelly can move NT's in the run game, and He get to the second level.   Awesome pick.

  11. 12 hours ago, Jason_S said:


    hmm...interesting.   Taking a back seat was not an implication I got from his quote.

    maybe my brain just works differently.  He is still a viable pass rusher tho. so i would hope not.  especially since our first pick was a different need....Kelly.

  12. 9 hours ago, Jason_S said:


    The article literally never says that.  Here are the relevant excerpts:





    Actually, if you read between the lines. it says: 


    " For the Colts, he mentioned that the Colts' "love for Alabama's [Ryan] Kelly is real," 


    " the fact that sources with the coaching staff have told Miller that center and edge rusher are expected to be the top two picks isn't a surprise. "


    "Sources on the coaching staff tell me they're not set on taking an offensive tackle at any point in this draft and instead expect to go center and edge-rusher in some order with the first two picks. "



    For them to get Ryan Kelly, it would have to be 1st round, the majority of analyst's have him going first round now.  and for the above to be true, they'd have to go center 1st round, pass rusher 2nd.

  13. 9 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    You need to watch and listen to Grigsons draft press conference. It may not be exactly as you say.

    oh, i Know he says that reg flags come on and off players for them all the time.  but everyone has had the red flag on Spence, and don't know who has taken it off.  So for me, I don't even consider those with flags. This way, the only surprises would be good ones.  Spence is a terrific athlete, but if the Colts brass still has any sort of red flag on him,..he'd be untouchable.  That's what i got from that press conference.

  14. http://www.stampedeblue.com/2016/4/27/11514964/reported-colts-draft-strategy-would-mean-a-lot-of-wrong-mock-drafts-center-edge-rusher


    Interesting tidbits in this report.  Including saying that the Colts are looking for Interior O-lineman first, pass rusher second.  And that Pagano & Grigson is really in 'Love' with Ryan Kelly.

    Frankly, If they got Kelly in the first round (albeit trading back a few spots first and adding another 3rd round pick) I wouldn't mind at all.  But how many GOOD pass rushers are there in the 2nd?.......



  15. 8 hours ago, COLTS449 said:

    Lets hope he gets to teach a couple young EDGE rushers this season. Spence or Floyd and then maybe Fackrell in the 3rd too. Or a later round kid like McCalister, Judon, Cowser, Holmes, etc, etc, etc.

    I don't see Colts drafting Spence even if he's still there in round 2.  Red flags. And Grigson doesn't do those.

  16. A.C.  Mewhort Kelly/Martin?  Thorton Good

    I do like Goods upside, and I think playing time will only make him better.

    We NEED a Center...IDC who..just not the ones we have.

    Coaches seem to be ready to continue giving Thorton chances...they've said things on multiple occasions this offseason that make me believe that's their thinking. (though another draft pick here would be a darn good idea IMO)

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