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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. 2 hours ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

    Hi Colts_Fan12 I see there was an exchange between you and supposedly me? I want to apologize first off as I wouldn't just attack someone like that. My posting history would show that? I didn't write any of that but have a feeling that someone who I punished and foolishly left my computer on did? Again my apologies to you and to the whole thread...a young man is in even more trouble this morning.....smh


    Mods please delete the nonsense my Step Son hurled at Colts_Fan12 and accept my apologies?


    12 hours ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

    Lol I'm just an adult unlike you 


  2. OK, For 1, My post was about me believing we have/had the pieces/players we need for an excellent run defense.  But those who just watch stat sheets would not understand this.  So I figured what may be obvious to me, may not be to others.   So I shared and explained my sentiments.

    As for a D-line rusher, yes you can get a VERY good D-line pass rusher in a 3-4 scheme, but if you already have good players (in depth) already in place, and the lbing corps is obviously weak on talent,  why not go with what is more available, shore up a weak spot, and keep what works in tact?  

    As for Parry, yes, he is the weakest link to the D-line, but make no mistake, he played LEAPS & STRIDES better than the 2 guys we had the year  before.  He was very efficient for the first 1/2 of last year.  Whether it was because of playing next to Anderson, or Because of the 'rookie wall', or he just got tired, we won't know until we see me this year.

    My point was/is this :  I pray Anderson Langford, Jones and Parry are able to be for the most part, injury free.  yes injuries is an obvious thing we don't want.  But even without injuries, some teams, (I believe most) don't have the talent we have on the d-line.  then stacking Moore and Irving, and Geathers tackling abilities this next year, we could see a stat sheet reiterate my sentiments.

  3. 8 hours ago, will426 said:

    I have a question..where in the hell in the pass rushing handbook does it say "OLB" is the only position that can attack a passer????Watt isn't an OLB and he's hands down the best pass rusher in the nfl..Aaron Donald pretty much was right behind watt in terms of being disruptive.. You DONT NEED to have a disruptive OLB having a disruptive D-Linemen can do Exactly the same and this draft specializes in D-Line so what's the issue with picking up dline over crappy edge rushers  who either aren't as good as projected or have off the field issues smh

    in a 4-3 defense your pass rush comes from your DE's,...like when we had Freeney/Mathis.  and aka, your Watt/Clowney.  We have a 3-4 defense where a lb is a rusher.  Granted the d-line not only stops the run but is supposed to get penetration and put pressure on a qb.  the problem with ours is, it did, usually from the DE position as it is supposed to. but our rushing lb on the other side was unable to also get penetration thus the qb was just able to roll right and avoid the pressure.  This is why we need another stud olb.

  4. 13 hours ago, CanuckColt said:

    We just keep the 18th pick and USE it on the best player available.

    It is easy to trade down, but taken to the ridiculous extreme you can end up with a ton of 6th and 7th rounders who are no better than UDFAs....no thanks.


    yeah, because the 2nd to last pick of last years draft wasn't worth it. (enter sarcasm).

    There are good players to be hand in later rounds, you just have to do alot of homework on small schools. but i am all for BPA IF it is also anywhere near usefull.  doesn't even have to be a drastic need, but an impact player who'll actually play on the team and make contributions.  i mean, a tackle is not needed (unless he's ridiculously good and/or can play equally well as a guard.) neither is QB,..punter, ect.  Grabbing a 1st round BPA guard, center, OLB, ILB, heck, even RB or NT (if it's Elliot or Billings) if usefull. (though you may be able to trade back to get Kelly if there is someone another team wants picking behind us, still on the board).

  5. 14 minutes ago, UKColt13 said:

    Trading down ahead of time is just stupid.


    You never know who might fall into our laps.


    Just to be clear I'm not against trading down whatsoever. I'm against doing it before we are either on the clock or a pick or 2 before.

    Exactly.  Be aware of whom needs what behind your picks as well.  If someone doesn't fall into the 18th pick for us whom is needed, aka O-line, LB/pass rusher, Corner, ect, that is on Grigs big board at or above your pick, then you need to know whom those guys at 19th-31st picks needs/wants.  if a particular player is there someone else may want, then make the offer.  But trading before hand is dumb. (unless you have a top 5 pick.)

  6. Another issue is that Indy has had a premiere passing attack for many, many years.   And 75% of teams we face use the strategy to run  the ball as much as possible to keep our offense off the field.  This leads to chunky numbers in the run game.

    Last year with Luck out  more than 1/2 the season, our passing attack was not the down field threat it has been in  the past.  With Luck back, and our new D-line, I believe it could go back to them trying to run the ball on us at the beginning of a game, but HAVING to go more towards the passing route against us because they begin to fall behind on the scoreboard.  this would fall back into our hands if we can grab a pass rusher in this draft.  Our d-line not only can bottle a run game, but put pressure on QB's.  Langford had a good season this way, and though Anderson did not have many sacks, he had quite a few pressures.  Having another pass rusher with Mathis on this defense would then be even better. especially in this circumstance.

    IDK how our new #2 CB is going to work out, but he's got to be better then our last one.  And we really haven't seen Smith in enough action to determine his contribution.  

    Stopping the run is a MUST, and I think we have the tools for it right now. We just need our pass rush to get better, and more consistency from our #2 CB.  

    And i believe in BPA as well....to a point.  if you board has a WR, QB, O-lineman, pass rusher in that order left on your pick...you have to skip the first two...but if your board have the o-line and pass rush talent another level lower than WR or qb..then you have to go with BPA....IMO.

  7. But it all depends on people staying healthy.  

    D-line:  When Anderson was healthy, they limited main RB's to VERY low averages (3 YPC or less).  It was back-ups ,aka change of pace backs, that would slip through occasionally and burn us for a 30 yarder once or twice/game.  If Anderson, Langford, Parry, and Jones can stay 'for the most part" healthy the majority of the year, Our D-line could be top 5 in the NFL.

    LB's:  DQ can tackle. He may not be the greatest coverage lb in the NFL, but he can tackle downhill.  Freeman's loss could actually be our gain.  Again, depending of their health, Moore and Irving are both known as hard tacklers.  We may loose some coverage skills with this set-up, but tackling should not be among the downgrades.  

    X factor:  Geathers.  If he is the new starting S beside Adams, He is our new  (forgive the comparison) "Bob Sanders".  In the time he played last year, he showed us he is more that eager/capable as an 8th man-in-the-box.


    So in turn, we had the pieces last year for a great run D, but it just was not our time.  Current starter's and injuries hampered the run d progression.  And I did not even delve into the new change in Defensive co-ordinater.

  8. Mike biggest upside isn't being a tackler,..or being fast. it's about his experience giving him the intuition to be at the right place at the right time. He seems to know where the play is heading and is there,..somewhere.  And just being in the area allows for him to make plays.  IDC how fast, or strong you are..if you're not there when the play happens...you cannot make plays.

    I'm not against selecting a BPA if it's a safety,...But I would not go out of the way to pick as if it is a drastic need.  I'd wait until next year to do that, ( like with the RB position).

  9. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000649532/article/glennon-to-the-jets-six-trades-wed-like-to-see



    Jamaal Charles to the Colts for a second-rounder in '17


    Jamaal Charles is a special player and widely beloved in Kansas City. From another angle, the Pro Bowl runner turns 30 in December with two major knee surgeries under his belt. TheColts, meanwhile, can't afford to viewFrank Gore -- soon to be 33 -- as the answer heading into next season.

    With a healthy Andrew Luck returning, the Super Bowl window remains open in Indy. Charles would give the Colts a legitimate presence on the ground at an affordable $5.75 million for 2016. Kansas City won't part with their star back for cheap, but the Chiefs thrived withCharcandrick West and Spencer Ware carrying the load last season. After signing both to matching contract extensions on Thursday, getting value for Charles -- a second-rounder in 2017 -- would give Kansas City true fire power heading into next year's draft. -- Marc Sessler   "

    NO,  NO, NO, NO!

    I'm sorry, but first off, Irsay already expressed the need to get younger.  Yes 30 is younger than 33, but in what way is a 30 year old RB worth a 2nd rounder?!  Especially when VERY solid RB's are found in the 2nd.

    Marc Sessler, don't quit your day job....oh wait...I mean find a different day job...lol.


  10. The guy averaged 4.1 ypc for the Jags..and runs a 4.4 - 40. Good pick up now have 4 RB's on the roster now.  All of which have real potential.

    Holes we have still as I see them =

    1: Olb

    2: C

    3: CB

    4: RG

    5: S

    Doubt they all get filled by the draft,...but a good 3 of them could.  Still need a couple more signings.  Still plenty of time...Even just to get a couple stop-gaps to hold until next years draft.

  11. A good signing. May or may not draft a rb now.

    Rather have the draft for our real starter needs anyhow.

    Grigson last year showed he is actually capable of drafting guys whom can plug into the starter position,..and produce.  Get a C and G to block for this guy and Gore in the draft, and we may have our offense fixed-ish.

    (just don't forget about LB'ers and a corner)

  12. I don't have the issue so many do.  

    QB: Luck

    RB: Gore (draft a 3rd-5th for backup

    WR: Hilton, Montcief, Dorsett

    TE: Allen, Doyle

    LT: A.C.

    LG: Mewhort

    C: God please get Kelly or Martin

    RG: Plug Tretola here?

    RT: Good (have Reitz play filler)


    DE Langford (have Anderson roam the line giving breaks,...let teams deal with him all over the line)

    NT: Parry (maybe a pick to split time with)

    DT Jones 


    OLB: Mathis

    ILB : D.Q.

    ILB: Moore/Irving (hope one shines soon)

    OLB :Walden (another draft pick here for depth)


    CB: Davis

           Smith   (Brown to push smith)


     S: Adams



    ST: Adam V.

          Pat M.

          Matt O.


    Personally Injuries hurt last years defense.  This is why depth is important.  Our D-line was devastated, and our secondary dealt with guys in and out all year...rarely did we have all the starters on the field at the same time.  Toler gone is a benefit.  the only real F.A. move i was looking for was a corner to rep.....maybe a RG also.

    Indy has brought ppl in and talked with them,..even extended offers, just other teams have outbid Indy.  The brass has to knuckle down since Luck's contract is the main priority...(and slightly ticks me off they haven't ironed out the deal yet and got it over with...that is my biggest concern.)

  13. I've been under the impression that most team don't go for Centers in the first round, and since we need one (IMO), what would Indy get in return for taking a chance and trading their 18th pick down for a late 20's pick and hoping Kelly would still be there? An extra 3rd perhaps? if so, would this not be a good thing to try? Giving indy a 2nd and 2 3rd round picks to fill other voids like pass rusher and CB/or Guard....

  14. 28 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:




    Where are these dollar figures coming from?


    10 mill per?     Who says he's asking that?    8 mill per?    7 mil per?    6 mil per?


    You've got all these numbers in your post,   but no link.      Any idea where they came from?


    If you look after my numbers I have a set of ()'s with 'IMO'  in them.  This mean it's my opinion that these are the figures being looked at.

    I do know that other linebackers in the similar rating of last year earn -in or around- these numbers, but it is just my opinion that it is what is being asked.  For one, this is Freeman's one chance at a payday, and he walked past Indy's offer ( whatever it was) and is shopping around.  This seems to be the actions of someone who wants a certain number, and your previous employer is not offering near that. Otherwise negotiations would keep you near where you want to be.

    As for Carlos Danger, I can only speculate he assumes the same.

  15. C: but do it smart...trade down to get Kelly and get another draft pick with him.  Jackson is a good choice for CB, but i think a pass rusher would be more important at the 2nd pick....could possible give our second and the 3rd we get from trading down, to trade up in the second and possibly get someone like Dodd or Lawson.

  16. If i was in the driver seat right now for Indy, i'd sign a RG in FA.  Nothing spectacular, just someone whom will do atleast an 'average' job.  Leave the RT alone(I think Good can do the job,and only get better with reps/experience.) Joe R. can go back to relief if someone goes down or needs a breather, that is his biggest benefit IMO.

    Use the draft,....first 2 rounds going to a pass rusher and a center. (still like the idea of trading down to the late 20's for Kelly and getting another 3rd round pick out of it) grab a pass rusher in the second and another corner in the 3rd, for him and Smith to fight over the #2 spot.  

    If we do what i suggest with the 1st Rd. pick, use the other 3rd rounder to get a MLB, or RB..which ever is BPA at those 2 particular positions for our team.

    This leave 4th 5th and 7th rounders to grab whomever is left that sticks out.

    I think this plan fills alot of voids in the team.  Some would argue we need another NT, that Parry fell away the second part of the year.  But i say that with Anderson, and Jones back, Parry will have quality around him again like he did the first 1/2 of the season when our run defense was quite stout.

    But first and foremost, get Lucks contract out of the way.  Doing this will show you how much you have left to spend on a Guard and whomever else you want to supplement

    your team with before the draft starts.

  17. i knew Freeman played better this year, but when i looked at this listing, I was flat out shocked.  B/R placed him behind only Luke K. as the 2nd best MLB in the NFL...



    So odds are, we're going to need to lean on Moore and Irving much more the next few seasons, because i'm sure Indy is not going to spend 8-10 mil/year on him.  And this is most likely what Freeman is looking for. (IMO).


    Upside though, if he does go somewhere else for that kind of $$, we'd get a 4th-5th round pick next year out of it.

  18. Here is how i see it, another vetran with Mathis to teach the rookie we get in the draft.  

    We're only paying him 2 mil, and Indy cut Newsome & Werner..we needed depth, 

    Cole was not top end pass rusher, But chased and tackled well.  Well worth 2 mil in my book, so i'm actually happy with this move.....Plus they made more cap room.

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