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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. Lets see what B.B brings first though.  He has seen the way Indy has played the past few weeks also you know, so what is he game planning for? the MH offense? or Lucks?  

    I'd say let luck go out there, execute a few run plays (cause pats can't stop the run for nothing) and let Luck and Pep observe.  Be prepared to do what it takes to win.


    P.S. The same could be said about EVERY game played..not just NE.

  2. I dont use stats because they dont take into consideration things like how many defenders were in the box, injuries to the RB or the supporting cast...or the defense for that matter.


    Fantasy has ruined fans perception of reality. One RB could average 5 yds per carry and total 145 yards, but it was against a 4/3 where they rushed 4 for most of the game and dropped 7. Another RB could average 3.5 ypc and total 95 yards, but it was against a 3/4 rushing 6 with only 4 dropping into coverage for most of the night.


    Stats can point you in the right direction, but stats can also lie, occlude, and mask truth.

    To me, how many defenders are in the box makes no difference really.  There are run plays that have more blockers for heavy boxes, and passing plays that neutralize 7-8 man boxes to make defenses play more honestly.  Play calling on both sides of the ball determine the number in the box and how many blockers you have.  

    Last game there were multiple times Gore ran vrs 7-8 man boxes yet still gained good yards because of the play call. Including the 20+ yarder.

    The problem with stacking the box is this...it ends up averaging out. if a RB gets past the first level when you stack the box, he gains A LOT more yards than he it was not. Because less people in the secondary to come up to stop them for a good run, rather than a huge play.

  3. I personally look at Yards per Carry more than Yards per game to determine if the offense or defense had a good game or not.


    Yes 120 yards rushing looks good on paper, but if that RB had 40 attempts for 120 yards, do you still  consider it a successful day?


    Indy's defense is in the bottom half at 18th in the NFL in yards per game,but teams on average have attempted to run the ball an average of 29 times/game -7th most-, giving them an average of 3.8 YPC so far this season.-Also 7th-


    To me, this shows Indy as one of the better run defenses right now in the NFL.  


    The issue is Indy is behind most games nowadays, and the opponents run the ball to eat clock, even though they are not doing it very effectively.  If Indy's offense picks up, you will see the YPG start to go down dramatically


    On the other side of the coin you have the NE Pats.


    They have played with the lead most games so their attempts against them are VERY low. But that is only part of the picture.


    Teams have attempted to run against NE the league fewest 72/game. But NE gives up 117 YPG. -9th most- for a league leading average of 4.9 YPC.



    Many analyst's say Indy still has a bad run defense, But I am a firm believer It is top notch ATM.


    Yet looking at NE's,..I'd say they are the NFL's worst.

  4. Actually when you factor yards per carry theyre almost top 10

    Actually, At 3.8 ypc...were are tied for 7th ATM. people want to look at yards/game,...but if you use 40 plays to get 120 yards....you didn't do very well.  Teams run a lot against us because they have had the lead most games.  Even though we defend the run very well.

  5. /sigh


    Any other pregame thread we have mostly sensible fans from other teams come in and make projections and wish list's like Colts fans do on here.  Occasionally you get the over zealous ones who say " 50 burger".  But in general they are respectful.


    Then ANYTHING related to NE and you get those fans jumping in by the score to trash talk and/or just troll.  There are the few NE fans I can respect because they throw their wishlist's and projections that are realistic. And don't try to rub things in over and over. But so many are just so out right rude it is almost not worth being in that thread.


    Yes, the Luck / Brady match-up has been 'salty' to us fans of Indy as well, not just Luck. But why do NE fans feel the need to rub it in 24/7 any chance they get?


    I normally do not ever wish for a blow-out.  I like good games close games. But all i hear anymore from many NE fans is how Brady will be looking to break the single game scoring record on us in week 6.

  6. Sounds pretty arrogant to me.

    Truly, Most NFL fans are somewhat arrogant, even if their team is not that good. 

    Pats fans are arrogant because they have the right to be -for now-. until the day come where they are beaten at least


    I personally do not expect to win week 6,...But i Do HOPE it's not another blow-out.  A close game can give this team confidence for the rest of the season, and even more so come playoff's.


    To keep it under 2 td's lead if NE wins would  allow me to hold the mindset from Rocky IV.


    "He's worried! You cut him! You hurt him! You see? You see? He's not a machine, he's a man!"


    ​But then, if something miraculous happens and we win,....


    "I defeat all man. Soon I defeat real champion."

  7. This pat fan babble about judgement and karma is beyond annoying at this point. I hope we get healthy and carve up their porous secondary. 

    actually, Pats have the worst RUN defense in the NFL. Giving up nearly 5 ypc.  I think Pats come in thinking to throw...a lot.


    Would be nice if things turn around and it's Indy Who runs all over them, and Keeps Brady and their offense off the field.

  8. Deal is,yes.our defense is better. Run defense is vastly better.  We give up a lot less per carry than last year to Rb's. we give up 3.8 ypc vrs RB's this year, as opposed to NE's NFL worst 4.9. -just put that stat in for a cherry topping-

    Teams have ran a lot more times against us, but we give up less per carry. They run more this year  because we are not playing with the lead as much as  last year, our offense picks up, and those total carries drop vastly.


    Pass defense hurts because of injuries, actually feel lucky to be where we are -2/2- due to that.  


    Pass rush will get better as the year continues. We have a lot of young guys, new guys, and guys coming  back from injuries.  They more they get comfortable with themselves, the scheme, and the guys beside them, this will improve.


    Our offense kills the defense though.  Considering they have had trouble sustaining drives, and putting points on the board, Our defense have really had to step up.  If/when the offense ever gets in sync, you'll see a difference in the defense stat sheet as well.

  9. That is true, I'm not sure though what that has to do with my post though.

    Sorry, i saw the 47 drop back mention in an earlier post that was complaining he threw to much.  when i went back to quote the post and respond to it, i guess i clicked yours instead seeing the '47' mention.


    But yeah, Holmes did well, the only real bad mistake was when the DT pulled right and the DE swept in on a curl, by then holmes had already engaged and did not recognize the stunt.

  10. I don't think lucks release is that slow tbh. Is it any slower than league average?

    Luck has a 'round-up' release. Meaning he use's his shoulder to get more power into his throws. As opposed to MH's or Rivers trigger release, where they use more just elbow and wrist.  

    The round-up release has more power and can be more accurate, but when you do short, quick passes, a trigger is more effective.

  11. You guys have to understand we aren't playing to our strengths were playing Zone and then every week a damn CB goes down and if an outside db goes down butler is forced into the spot he sucks at..Toler needs to bring his behind back he's hurting this team a lot

    I'm sure he wants to.  But he has to wait to be cleared by doctors first, him doing drills is a good sign though, hopefully he's back by week.

  12. Good on pass protection, horrible run blocking in the first half but they improved on that in the 2nd half. 

    Jags had  8 in the box nearly the entire game.  They were daring MH to beat them.


    I didn't see the game so, this comment is just regarding your post.  I just wanted to point out that MH dropped back 47 times, if Holmes made two mistakes that is a 95% grade for pass blocking.  That is really good.

    47 drop backs Because of MH's quick short passes means more plays,...meaning more attempts.

  13. The first half, pass defense was bad, but the run defense looked good, then Brown went out and Freeman went out, and they completely flip-flopped. The run defense started to give chunks, and the corners shut the passing game down.


    The D-line still looks good, DQ had his best game of the year, and McNary/Sio did a solid job in covering TE's for the most part in the second 1/2.


    Butler is a nickle back, period.

    Vonte made some Pro bowler plays.

    and Geathers is definitely a nickle LB'er.

  14. Luck overall is strides over Matt. No argument there.


    But there is one thing Luck should atleast TRY to do while he has him on the team and has the opportunity.


    With the O-line problems, It is very evident the Matt's quick release saved him from many hits.  


    Yes, he was sacked twice, and hurried a couple times, but that release he has allowed him to be rid of the ball the instant he made a decision.  Which kept him from be hit overall A LOT less than Luck generally does.


    I know the release  is a personal thing, And it is incredibly tough to relearn throwing mechanics, but if Luck can do it, it would make him that much more dangerous.

  15. If that's so then BAD COACHING is highlighted EVEN more because they will go to that gameplan to PROTECT a 40yr old qb instead of having that mindset for Luck behind a subpar line! In their eyes Luck is strong and can take the hits which is why some defensive players on opposing teams compare him to a lb playing qb.

    Agree 100%.



    But some of it could be Luck being Luck and audibling out of short passes or runs, because he see's something...he is TOO competitive in that way.


    But yeah...if Luck does that too much,..and he is hurting the team, then it is still coaching fault for not taking away that privilege from him.

  16. A few analysts have brought up this, and I tend to think they could be on to something.


    It ALL depends if we win though.


    With Luck out, and MH in, Indy is nearly FORCED to utilize the run game, TE's, and short passes more.

    The same things everyone has been saying ever since the Bills game and the o-line was exposed once again this year.


    If Indy does revert to the above mentioned game plan, and wins with MH, then perhaps it will open up Pep and Lucks eyes to the realization that you don't have try win EVERY play.


    It all depends on the outcome of this game though.

  17. I know ALL about Matt and he was a fine qb but 40 is still 40. If he can muster any of the things he did in the past to win ballgames I will be VERY happy but I'm not sold from what I've seen in the preseason because to me Matt looked like his better days were FAR behind him. The Colts are playing the Jags so oldunclemark I do give him at least a shot....

    I'll grant you the first couple preseason games he looked awful. But the one he started in, he looked quite good, much better.  I think he just had some rust to shrug off.  he even had a couple very accurate deep throws...-though they were rainbows-

    MH has a much quicker release, so the short game is his thing, and that with a ground pound is what we need to do any how with the o-line issues.

  18. Going to put this out there...Today without Luck, we have our most dominate game of the year.


    Jags try same thing the Bills, Jets, and Titans did...blitz...a  lot.


    But because MH is at QB we have short quick outs, a few screens, TE's get involved, and we pound the ball down the Jags throats for 175+ total rushing yards.


    They won't be able to run against us very effectively, Vonte locks down their new 'go-to receiver', and Mathis/Cole combine for 3 sacks by themselves.

  19. Butler plays nickle, Brown #2...-god i hope-

    Secondary plays it's best game of the year to  this point.

    Davis dismisses critics, post's a shut out and gets a pick.

    More Moore and Irving, plenty of time to get acquainted with the team and playbook, now to get more reps.

    Mathis gets another sack, and Colts get 4 on the day.

    Werner  continues to succeed at strong side, behind Walden -could end up being out most solid 1-2 combo at the LB position-


    Keep running the ball early and often, seems to be the strength of this o-line.

    Luck plays, but more check down passes, screens, and quick outs to TE's, i am hoping due to a sore arm, -then realizes the benefits of said passes.-

    Dorsett splits time with A.J.  rather than coming in inthe 4th, he comes in intervals throughout the game.


    Colts jump out to huge 1/2 time lead, -maybe something like 24-3- but then slacks in 2nd half, final being closer......34-27

  20. We're 19th in total run offense, not that great.

    But we are 6th in ypc allowed,..that is what I look at. IDC how many yards we give total.  A team gets 120 yards in a game,  but carries the rock 40 times to get it does not mean they had a good game.  The Colts have given up alot of run yards, but on average gives up less yards per carry than all but 5 other teams in the NFL means other teams run the ball to their own detriment thinking we are still last last few years Colts.  

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