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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. I like Jim.  He has had issues in the past, and worked them out. ( and having myself been close to family who've went through what kind of addiction he has, the man has STEEL WALNUTS to apparently beat his.  As an owner, He's made some apparent bad decisions, and made a LOT of obviously great ones.  I actually agree in his decision to keep Pags.  For 1 more year atleast.. I see a lot of things pointing up for next year, especially on the Offense.  If he can just get Grigs to add Quality defensive players this year in positions of need, we have a shot at being a contender,... again.

  2. 19 hours ago, NannyMcafee said:


    If we draft a RB in the first 3 rounds, as if it is more important than oline or defense I will absolutely lose my mind. That is just as bad as drafting Dorsett in the first. What is everyone's obsession with drafting a RB early? Gore just gave us our first 1000 yard season in quite sometime. Give him another lineman and it will serve him and whoever else runs behind this line for years to come. My goodness it's not rocket science. You think Ezekiel Elliot would have made this line look good? Do you really think he would be considered MVP behind our line? A big fat NO. I really hope grigson has learned from his horrible pick at WR. Clearly some others haven't.

    i guess i feel the same way you do about O-line...I see no need to even draft o-line this year...unless it is an obvious immediate upgrade and long term.  I like what we have in our o-line corral right now.  I think A LOT of people in our own forums are underestimating the long term production of the stable we have under contract at this time.

  3. Yeah..definately defense.  atleast 2 linebackers..1 top 2 rounds...1 middle round..minimum.

    A corner would be great if we cannot find a solid CB in FA as a #2.  

    I fully expect a running back top 3 rounds though...not 1st round..(unless bpa absolutely demands it)

    Pass rush is a MAJOR investment this offseason....there is no doubt.


    But remember concerning FA's...we Got a couple of our own we REALLY need to focus on keeping first...then figure the $$ after, for any we might consider bringing in.


    I honestly think additions of a solid passd rusher, and a stud #2 corner would bring our defense into the teens overall.  We have good talent on the defense,...but they were just young, and need more coaching.  this offseason should work wonders because now they know what eacxh of them need to work on in thier time off respectfully.

  4. I think we nailed the o-line picks.  Even Clark.  Clark was supposed to be a 'work in progress' with a high upside.  And it seems we might actually get that.

    Defensively, I think Morrison is our younger version of D.Q.  Solid tackler, good instincts chasing ball carriers,...just not fast enough to be a coverage linebacker.

    Green still has the upside that was there from last year, he just needs more coaching.  Remember, he has not played safety very long, and that definately shows this past year.  But he has the speed and physical traits you want from a FS.  He just needs experience, (most safeties come out of college with 2 more years experience than he has now.)

    Ridgeway.....he is a conundrum.  He flashes big play capability, then makes HUGE mistakes when the running game is concerned.  He does not leave himself in a position to make a play/tackle when a run play is in his area.  BUT he does flash explosive ability to get into the backfield.  This was a similar problem Freeney had.

    Overall...this Draft COULD be our best draft since 2012.   But it'll take another year or two to see how these guys pan in the long run.

  5. On 1/4/2017 at 2:58 PM, akcolt said:

    Who besides Grig's thought Dorsett was the BPA?


    This class if you are going on need like we did in the 1st we should have went OLB in the 2nd. Clark isn't as bad too me.


    Morrison was another wasted pick with 2 CB's and 3 RB's sitting there. Morrison is in the same mold as Herrera and Jackson very slow box backers without much future 

    I don't think Morrison is in the same class as Herrera.  Herrera was stiff, AND slow,..with no instincts.

    Morrison is slow..and that is his only real flaw that i have noticed.  He tackles VERY well, and plays 100% until the whistle blows.  And he has VERY good insticts,...he's had quite a few "WOW" plays in the last couple games.  AKA a HUGE hit behind the line of scrimmage for a loss on a running play, and a flying tackle on a TD leap from another running play saving the TD, to name just 2 off the top of my head.

    His speed is a concern,...you do NOT put him in coverage, but he does look like a young D.Q.

  6. I'm ok with this.  We had a VERY good offense overall last year.  And just not enough defensive presence to make a top 1/2 defense in the NFL.  Some solid drafting at the LB'er positions, another Good corner, and a playmaker at RB would be solid for this team.  

    I was pleasently happy (not surprised) that the o-line improved as the year went on.  We had a top passing attack, and adequate running game.

    Defensively, we lack Linebacker play. to pressure the QB, and to add more coverage.  both compliment the other.  

    I am not really worried as much about defending the run, i honestly think we have the personel for that already, just need them healthy, and more experiensed.  (a lot of 1-2 year guys on defense right now.)

    Give us a couple guys, that's it..2-3 KEY playmakers,..and we're in this easily.

  7. Whatever Irsay does...i'm ok with it. If he cleans house..fine..If he keeps them all because this is in effect Grigson's 2nd year in the "build in your own back yard" scheme, then I'll actually be impressed with him.  For the last 2 years,..the drafts have had more Berring on our team than in previous years where Grigs went off the boat and went all in with free agents.  

    No matter the case, everyone knows this teams needs upgrades ALL across the linebacker positions, and another shut down corner. Hopefully those are the targets for the top 4 picks this year.  that is IF ofcourse they drop in the BPA also.(yes, and a runing back NOT picked up in the UDFA.)

  8. We are 3 hits in the draft from being a contender. in no particular order, but ALL need to be pruductive.:

    #1  Pass rusher.  This is obvious to everyone. Walden was a nice emergence this year, but we didn't get as much pressure from the line as most would have hoped for.  (a lot of that due to injuries also)

    #2 a Cornerback.  We desperately NEED a 2nd corner opposite Vonte.  We would then be set even if Pops Adams is not resigned.  Geathers/ Butler/ Green (after some tackling and peruite angle work in the offseason) can make up the safety position.  Robinson needs to be back at nickle where he belongs.

    #3:  A Running Back.  Gore does his job, but man,...he's 33....:(  And I just don't see a cowbell running back on the team after him.

    Those positions get filled, we can be a solid team overall.  I honestly don't think we need more O-line help.  I think we have them in house now,..just more time and coaching.  They got better and better as the year went on.  Other than RB...i honestly think we are set at all the other offensive positions..I think Defense should be our 90% concern this offseason.  Mainly because of a few stats:

    #1 10th overall offense in the NFL.  

    #2 1/2 of our games (8 for those who can't devide by 2...lol) we against top 10 defenses...and yet we still 8th in the NFL in points per game, averaging 25.7.

    #3 We were the 4th best passing team in the NFL.

    there are others, but i woun't bore you....

    Defensively,..We need help,..mainly against the pass.   Colts have shown multiple times over that they can stop the run if the have 7+ in the box...it's when they have to drop into a nickle pachage, they get chewed up on the ground.  when they think it's a run..they have stopped for little/no/ or loss of yardage many times.  Getting a pass rush, and another corner to help in the passing game helps the front 7 worry about the run, and not worry they need to help by dropping someone else back give help where they are deficient.


  9. i say keep him.

    Not only is he a short yardage monster still, he is great at picking up blitzes.

    On the non-production note, next year if we get a good RB, LB, and corner, with the way our young guys have been playing and progressing, we should be a much better overall team.  with a chance to make a run late in the postseason. (atleast this is my hope.)

    If anyone deserves a chance to get a Lombardi,.....it is Gore.

  10. 3 hours ago, will426 said:

    I'm worried about the OLINE tbh  Ac I think might be bull rushed to death by clowney like last game and mercilus destroyed haeg and  I'm sure he can handle reitz 

    Defensively, this is my worry.

    The Texans Defensive front manhandled our o-line last time, especially the edges.

    I would expect Allen and Doyle to be primarily doing a lot of holding back to help, or at least major chipping before going out for a safety valve route.

  11. http://www.houstonchronicle.com/sports/texans/article/Texans-hope-improved-run-defense-shows-up-against-10784066.php?t=a3d774fd5a438d9cbb&cmpid=twitter-premium


    The lowdown on the Texa's based article is that Gore, NOT Luck, is their #1 priortity come Sunday.

    Never mind how good Luck has looked over his past 3 games, It still in thier head the Indy broke that 55 game streak without a 100 yard rusher against them.


    I know that stopping the run is important, makes a team 1 dimintional and limits how good the play-action works, but 'Frank-ly', setting the edge against him is not as important as with outher Rb's in the league.  Gore goes to his assigned hole, finds the crease, and just plunges through for everything his hard churning legs get him.

    If Gore averages 3 ypc, he has done his job.  It makes them continue to play the run knowing playing otherwise would give him another yard or two, and that would come back to the week 6 outcome.

    .......On a side note, I wonder how many times they have practiced against the wildcat being Gore has accepted direct snaps a few times this year? 


  12. As the year progresses he gets more and more back to himself.  The injury to his other knee set him back some though.

    I think if he stays healthy and continues to play, he should be back to his old self (even better i'm hoping with the better pass rush repertoire), by the time the end of the regular season comes.

    If Indy can just beat Texans this week and grab atleast 2 more to hopefully win the division,...his Play as stated above will come in handy.

  13. 1 hour ago, Tyler Shaw said:

    Maybe tolzien will get some bruised ribs or something and get knocked out for the game. One can hope.

    How about Tolzien not even touching the turf?  I know it's not probable, but in this scenario,...we win.  We'll probable have Butler playing safety again, and Robinson @ the nickel.  We'll need this for the recieving corps of the Steelers.  Useing a lot of blitzes and pressing the recievers to make Big Ben unconfortable going a loooong way to beating them.   We didn't do that the last couple times we played them and Ben tore our secondary up.  I say run run run...screens, and quick slants.   TOP with an agressive defenseive play calling is our only shot of beating them.

    Morris only comes in the 2nd 1/2 IF the steelers build a huge lead in the 1st half.

  14. Walden has had the pressures/sacks that we neede from SOMEONE/ANYONE this year.  

    But the biggest jump in impact so far this year has got to ge Geathers. He has not only player a special part in special pachages, but he's played them well.    The last couple weeks, when Geathers is in that nickel, big run plays are limited, and TE's have not been heard from very much (unlike earlier this year when they were tearing us a new one.

    Vonte is Vonte, we all know if he's not playing our secondary drops to sub-par.

  15. With Vonte having his ankle sprain's over and over this year, why don't he wear an aircast 24/7 to prevent this from happening?.  

    I had this same problem when i played football @ the safety position.  I wore an aircast after my 3rd sprain in a 2 month period and it never happened again.  

    Yes it feels uncomfortable, and it hinders you, but only sleightly.  Well worth the protection it provides and allows your tendons to heal up faster.  

    Tape does not provide the same stability.

    He is our only real 'lockdown' presence in the secondary, and that ankle has really been a HUGE thorn in our defense.  When a 'golden boy' is sidelined due to an injury, you would think prevention would be top relevance.

  16. 50 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

    Not very....



    And it's not because he's a young player who needs more time to develop.

    I think you are wrong as My opinion.

    I have seen this guy make plays i have not seen maybe 2-3 players do in the 30+years of watching the NFL.

    That being said, he does have awareness issues when dropping into pass blocking.  i think he's givien up 3 sacks that i've seen. ( i am pretty good at o-line watching each play, but not every play, he may have given up an additional 1 o2.)  He has only been beaten once that i have noticed by the man he actually had his hands on. it is stunts, delayed blitzes, ect he has issues seeing.

    In the run game, he is powerfull and thorough.  He can be seen blocking his man to the second level at times, or simply to the ground.

    1-V-1, no one on this team run blocks better.  but he needs to be a game film junky when talking about pass blocking.

  17. 1 hour ago, Indianapolis-Colts-Fan said:

    Colts match up well vs tenn every year but even this year we played them good. They are probably the best team to face coming off the bye week. Might be able to get some momentum going before the steelers game. 


    But who honestly wants to see the colts win...?

    I never want to see Indy loose.  not for even the #1 pick.  Top picks don't mean jack without a since or winning, and a team who WANTS to win...(see browns)

    The bye week is great time.  i would have maybe even wanted it week 11 AFTER the Titans game.  To be fresh for Pitt.  But i'll take it where it is, WE have a LOT of starters who need the rest and get healed up.  Mainly along both lines.


  18. 2 hours ago, IinD said:

    Kelly also had a good one like that as well I remember. Second guy almost came free and he close lined him and handled his guy at the same time.


    Oline played much better today, they get major credit for playing like that in a tough stadium.

    yeah. there was a few times GB sent overload blitzes,..and too many people to block, or a RB would missed his block or get overpowered.  but all in all..i think they did ok.  Especially since this was the #1 run defence, and Gore found multiple big runs. (but a lot of no gains also in the face of obvious run downs in the waining minutes)

  19. And going into the bye week, with a win against someone NO_ONE gave Indy a chance to beat is a huge confidence builder.  Should get some guys back before the next game.

    (and on a side note: did anyone notice how Good stopped a blitz with one hand, while blocking his regular guy?..I know Luck was under pressure like always most of the game, but my jaw dropped at seeing that kind of strength.)

  20. He has his games where he is off some (see last week's where he was throwing behind recievers the entire game), but overall, i agree.  He has played remarkable this year.  Most of his bonehead mistakes he's learned from.  He still holds the ball too long imo, but he has not thrown into double coverage, tried to make scrambles and fight for extra yards on them, or throw so many 50/50 deep balls when the reciever is in tight coverage, nearly as much.

  21. 2 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    Robert Mathis dropping into coverage against almost anyone is a mismatch.  It doesn't matter if it's Lamar Miller, Hopkins, or whomever.  Robert Mathis, at age 35, should not be dropping into coverage.  College film shows you Antonio Morrison is awful at coverage.  Recognize the abilities of your players and put them in situations where they can succeed.  You don't put Peyton Manning in a read-option offense, you don't put Warren Sapp in a 3-4 defense, etc.  Understand what your players can do and maximize their abilities

    Ok. now i understand where you are coming from.  

    Even though i agree with you that putting players in a position to succeed, calling a  play that does not noramlly happen does sometimes spell success because the other team does not expect it.  Aka: Calling a bootleg at the 7 yard line for Peyton to run it into the endzone.

    But yes..this should not be a norm.  This play i think happened 2 times the entire time Manning was the QB here. (that i remember)

  22. Just now, 21isSuperman said:


    Right, I understand that LB responsibilities include dropping into coverage.  But a DC needs to understand his players' strengths and abilities.  Having Robert Mathis drop into coverage on DeAndre Hopkins is asking for trouble.  You can't just blindly make a guy drop into coverage simply because he is a linebacker and he has to cover from time to time.  You need to look at matchups and do your best to maximize your strengths.

    But when a DC calls the play, does he know that a WR goes into motion? or a RB moves to reciever?  Does he know how the offense is lineing up at all? pretty sure he calls when he see's the personell grouping coming to the field.  Would that not take some kind of esp to know how they line up?  Once they do line up, can he tell guys 'hey, i'm changing they defensive play,..gotta get that player out of zone coverage against that other player' or is it too late?

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