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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. first off, That Eagles front 7 was raunchy...Gang Green maybe best front 7 ever.  That being said, they deserve #2... Reggie White & Clyde Simmons were a nasty Due ( not to mention Seth Joyner and Jerome Brown....>.<)  And I agree Decon and Merlin deserve #1.   Neil and Derek were Very tough also.  But i do think our own duo should be where those Broncos are.

  2. Pagano is a 'players' coach.,  Always has been, always will be.  That is his biggest asset, getting his players to play their hearts out.  Yes, he's made the occasional bone headed calls, like the fake punt where a key player was not in that practice, and didn't know NOT to snap the ball.  But that is human,...everyone, EVERYONE makes those occasionally. 

    On 6/22/2017 at 6:53 PM, 21isSuperman said:

    He hasn't been given much talent to work with, but he had a historically bad defense last year, with his own hand-picked DC.  Plus, if it were just one bad year, that's something.  But Indy hasn't had a good defense in any of Pagano's years.  The only time the defense was even semi-decent was 2014, and even that wasn't a spectacular year.  A good defensive coach would see how bad the middle of the defense has been and at least make some schematic changes, or come up with some good blitzes to compensate for a lack of a premier pass rusher.

     You ever think maybe he had compensated for the lack of talent on the defense, and that it was so anemic that nothing could make it any better?  I remember seeing a lot of blitzing last year, but our guys were just too slow/old to get there.  And our secondary was hurt..i mean like every single one of them...lol  hard to stop a passing game when 2/3 of your DB's are either on the sideline, on the field nursing ankle/knee issues, or so bad they didn't even make the trip to the game.  Injuries/age were our defenses biggest issues last year.  CB fixed the age thing, but have the taken steps to make guys less prone to injuries?  BC explained they were going to have a more physical preseason this year.  "to get their bodies prepared for the beating of the season".  So we'll see if this helps.


    IMO Pags, isn't a bad coach.  He's not top 10...but only 10 people in the NFL are.....


  3. 1 hour ago, pgt_rob said:

    It's from "NotSportsCenter". Sports news with fake twist not affiliated with ESPN.


    However, in this case. This is pretty accurate. lol

    thanks...i didn't notice that..i added 'fake' before espn.  but yeah, is why i liked it so much being how many children he has...lol



    ****if a moderator could change title to 'fake espn', i'd appreciate it.****

  4. 7 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    No, absolutely not. Tolzien should not start unless Luck cannot throw period. Andrew is our franchise QB. We sink or swim with him on the field. Tolzien is a joke. I don't care how many reps that kid has has AK. 


    I know Scott Tolzien graduated from my alma mater & that he backed up Aaron Rogers in GB previously. UW-Madison doesn't mold good field generals. The only thing we're good at are quality TEs usually & our RBs are usually decent in college ball that's it for the most part. Tolzien cannot carry a franchise for a few weeks. He's not that good. Sorry. 

    Especially how bad the passing game has looked WITHOUT pads on so far.  I have read a lot of reports this has been a major problem in ota's.


    But on the hand that Luck is not fully healed, then do we play someone else?  A rusty Luck yeah, I can deal with, but if he's not 100% healed, we don't trow him out there....period.

  5. Even though he makes good points, (things that have been said multiple times on this forum actually) He is still a 'homer'.  He does say something is bad when it is obvious, but when there is any type of hope, he'll gravitate towards it.  But on the positive side of being a 'homer', he knows what truly has been addressed and what hasn't.  (aka the offensive line, ect.)  So i still listen to what he has to say rather than one of the broad beat analyst's.

  6. 10 hours ago, southwest1 said:

    "Initially, Mudd noted Irsay’s recollection of their conversation has gotten “a little bit haywire and sideways.’’


    Is this a polite way of saying that Jimmy took Mudd out of context? Sure sounds like it. 


    I admire Jimmy's enthusiasm & all, but sometimes his excitement gets ahead of where our OL truly is yet. Gelling takes time. I know Irsay knows that naturally.


    The operative word by Howard Mudd being that this line has the "beginnings" of a wall that could protect Luck & give him time to release the ball without feeling our pocket collapse around him. 


    Jim's a great owner, but every time I read a headline quote from Jimmy, I wanna ask was anybody else there & what was really said word for word? It's not that I doubt his assertions perse I just want independent verification of it by other coaches, players, & media members present that's all. 

    Yeah, i completely understand what you're saying.  When it was blown up all over the media what Irsay said, I was waiting to hear from what Coach Mudd had to actually say.  Thus my post here to set the record straight.  Irsay is an excited 'Homer' so-to-speak.  Kinda have to be when you own a sports franchise.  It's either that, or you have a heart attack worrying constantly.

  7. http://cbs4indy.com/2017/06/16/colts-o-line-fixed-howard-mudd-offers-clarification/


    “I saw (Irsay) and said, ‘I really like the beginning of what you have there (with) the young guys that you’ve brought in.  “He said I said they fixed it. Well, they’re in the process of getting it fixed because they’ve got some guys who I would have liked to have coached.’’

    “If they don’t get hurt and stay together and all that kind of stuff, I think the physical stuff is there,Two of those guys – Kelly and Haeg – they’ve demonstrated the mental (toughness) to go out there and scrap and not give and be determined to get the job done."

    Haeg reminds Mudd of former standout Colts guard Jack Scott “except he’s even more versatile than that."


    A few snip-its of what Mudd said in the article.  His comparison of Haeg to Scott was a good comparison I think.  Except i think Scott had more power.  Haeg has time to build on that though.


  8. I have been saying that I thought the o-line did a great job the last 5 games of the season as a whole.  And another off season with Philbin, and getting to know each other will do more for them than what they showed then.  The real issue i think for the o-line is the unspeakable truth that has hit Indy the last few years.  Injuries. Keep those at a minimum, and I think you'll see a top 1/2 of the league o-line.  ( a few more plays where the ball is out of Lucks hands faster wouldn't hurt keeping the defenses honest and not pinning their ears back on every play either.)

  9. http://newarena.com/nfl/ranked-the-top-24-qb-wr-duos-of-all-time/7/?amxt=fbdesktop2


    11. Peyton Manning/Reggie Wayne: Indianapolis Colts


    In the post Marvin Harrison era, Wayne took the torch as being Manning’s go-to target. During his 14-year career with the Colts, Wayne had eight seasons with at least 1,000 yards receiving. He also managed to haul in 82 touchdowns during this time period. Manning’s resume has been chronicled ad nauseam. He is the all-time leader in passing yards (71,940), and is consistently mentioned as one of the best to ever throw a football in the history of the sport.


    2. Peyton Manning/Marvin Harrison: Indianapolis Colts


    The respective skill-sets of Manning and Harrison worked perfectly with one another. Manning’s unbelievable timing on throws was predicated greatly by Harrison’s ability to separate in coverage. One of the best technical receivers in league history, Harrison’s route-running capabilities led him to become an 8-time Pro Bowler and a 3-time First-team All-Pro. He also led the league in receiving yards twice with Manning under center. 114 of Manning’s 539 touchdowns throws went to Harrison. This statistic is simply mind-boggling — and further validates a top-three standing.


    ( Jerry Rice also got mentioned 2 times.  #3 with Steve Young, and #1 with Joe Montana.)

  10. 4 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

    Not trying to start a new thread, as i'm pulling for Dorsett and what-ifs can drive u crazy.

    but just to put in perspective in my mind, can anyone give me an idea of the top 3 (or so) players available at dorsett pick that would have been big parts because ee're still eeak there. Like edge or ILB.

    just curious

    The best of the defense that was left in the 2015 draft when we picked were positions we are currently solid atm.  Like Malcom Brown, Eddie Goldman, Landon Collins, ect.  The better LB's that were left were Benardrick McKinney , Eric Kendricks. atleast the good ones that people considered worthy of a 1st round pick. IMO.

  11. 3 hours ago, That Guy said:

    But MAN is that line crowded!  I'm excited to see what he can do as a substitute, but it looks like he'll need to work hard just to get his snaps on the field.

    that is the idea of CB.  crowded positions with talent.  This separates the workers from the lazies.  And also makes everyone as a whole better, since they are all vying for the starting roles. :)

  12. 10 minutes ago, Myles said:

    I thought Mathis retired.    Maybe I'm just out of the football loop to far at this time.


    It is nice that they are younger, faster, stronger.

    he is retired.  but he's still on the field as the pass rush coach.

  13. 13 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    I respectfully disagree about overpaying for him. He had 13 sacks in 2 seasons as a rotational piece in New England after being a 3 year starter in Cleveland. 3 years, 25 mil. Miami just gave a 3 year 27 mil deal to Andre Branch who did very little in Jacksonville and then had a decent half year last year playing alongside Suh and Wake.


    The difference is the guarantees, all of which are this year. If he doesn't do well we can get rid of him and it was 9.9 mil guaranteed. Miami owes Branch 16.8 guaranteed. We got the better player and more flexibility at a fraction of the cost.

    Better player and all doesn't mean he is worth 9.5 mil this year.  Even if we do have the cap room.  We paid the higher $$ because we were desperate, and there was no top end rusher in FA.  But you're right, his contract allows us to part ways after this year if he doesn't work out.

  14. 1 hour ago, MacDee1975 said:

    Why do you all care so much what people are getting paid?  Is it coming out of your pockets?


    Colts are well under the cap.  Thats all that matters.  This splitting hairs over a guy making 1 million more per year than *you* think he should is irrelevant and bizarre.


    I get what you're saying.  I just think we got at least an equal, if not better, player in Simon, for about 1/2 the $$.   And being there really was not any 'top end' pass rushers on the open market, i understand why Sheard was payed the way he was.  (doesn't mean i like it though)

    I understand we were in NEED of a pass rusher.  WE drafted a potential, and signed 2 in FA.  And i think with the D-line we have now, we should be able to get more pressure on QB's and clog running lanes much better.

    Overall, i am very excited over the 'potential' we have on defense.  But i'm not getting too hyped before they even play a snap.

  15. 3 hours ago, bananabucket said:

    Kinda weird how the article bounces between obscure guys and pro bowlers.  I mean Joe Thomas, really?


    If we're going with "pretty good players that casual fans don't know about", I'd say someone like Moncrief, Mewhort, Doyle, Langford, or Anderson.


    I don't think Spence is a great choice.  If he was so good Tennessee would have retained him considering how thin they are at the position as well.  Rattling off some arbitrary stat then saying "this got him noticed" is a pretty lame point to make considering we're desperate for ILBs and only gave him 1 yr / 2.5 mil.  I'm thinking the author was struggling to come up with someone for us so he just went with Spence (who wasnt even on our roster last season)

    Well, not always.  They could have been worried about injuries (IE Dwayne Allen), or they wanted to go in a different direction (more speed, or something.  since his leg injury, he has lost too much to be a rangy TE covering ILB.)  But what is most impressive is this:


    "According to Pro Football Focus, Spence's tackling efficiency (number of attempted tackles per miss) was the third-best in the NFL last season. Spence was one of only three linebackers to not miss a tackle in the run game."


    THIS is what we had issues...missed tackles.  If he is a tackling machine in the run game, throw him in D.Q.'s old spot, and run with him IMO.


  16. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2711510-the-best-kept-secret-on-every-nfl-roster


    "Linebacker Sean Spence

    In many respects, Indianapolis Colts linebacker Sean Spence is lucky to playing football at all. After the Pittsburgh Steelers selected Spence in the third round of the 2012 NFL draft, he suffered a serious knee injury—serious enough that it wiped out Spence's first two seasons in the league.

    After two more years of playing sparingly in the Steel City, Spence joined the Tennessee Titans last year in free agency. He took advantage of the most playing time of his career during that one year in Nashville, starting six games inside and piling up 54 tackles and three sacks.

    According to Pro Football Focus, Spence's tackling efficiency (number of attempted tackles per miss) was the third-best in the NFL last season. Spence was one of only three linebackers to not miss a tackle in the run game.

    That effort and those numbers got Spence noticed by a Colts team that badly needed help in the middle of the defense, and from all indications the 26-year-old will be afforded every opportunity to win a starting job in camp.

    I expect that Spence will not only win that job but that he'll lead a remade Colts defense in tackles this year. He might never be quite as rangy as he was before his horrific injury, but he's still vastly more athletic than anyone the Colts had on the roster prior to his arrival.

    Inside linebacker was a glaring weakness for the Colts in 2016. Well, to be fair, defense period was a glaring weakness for the Colts last year.

    That isn't going to be the case this year, partly due to Spence."


    I can honestly see this. Spence was not a high profile acquisition.  But his numbers and stat's do not lie.  And as CB said "the film does not lie".  We have him for a reason, let's just hope his injury past is behind him.

  17. Honestly, Grigson is doing something he is actually GOOD at.  Scouting was never his problem...it was decision making and player interactions that got him terminated.  Let him tell someone else who's worth what, and let them have the decision to make.



    (watch,...Browns win the SB now)....................................................................................................................:hide:

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