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Lawrence Owen

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Posts posted by Lawrence Owen

  1. I'll spare you the obvious JJ Watt reference (which is entirely unrealistic, but he does remind me of Watt, not just his frame, but also the way he uses his hands). Let's say an early Cory Redding, when he was a 1-gap pass rusher with the Lions. Or even a bigger Antonio Smith (but few have Smith's tenacity). Not an elite athlete, but he has tools, motor, awareness, he's quick off the snap and plays with a good pad level...

    Only real issue i see with Anderson is the reason he was so disruptive in Stanford.  he sometimes gives up his footwork and balance to get past a blocker and get in the backfield.  This is excellent at times, and devastating at others, since too often it ends up with him on the ground, albeit still in the backfield.. -like Freeney's speed rush taking him out of run plays sometimes.-.  If he can shore up that, I think he has a bright future.

    Robinson i liked from the get go.

    Had hopes for Good. -seems like his size/athleticism are huge benefits.- And showed alot in the first preseason  game.

    Parry to me is performing above expectations so far.

    Still need to have reps going against 1st team'ers to get a good look, but so far, they look promising.

  2. 6-01 308. Low center of gravity. Sometimes that extra 20 pounds is just enough to slow you down and make you ineffective. I for one don't get hung up on that weight of a player. I know you cant expect a 270 pound guy to play NT and take on double teams from modern day NFL offensive lines but 308 seems solid and might just give him a quickness edge.

    Parry and Anderson were about the same size weight wise -Anderson having height advantage- when they played at Stanford.  Though Parry was listed as NT and Anderson DE, they both switched positions often throughout games to  get better match-ups.   Shows me both these guys work well with each other and can play multiple positions.  also makes me wonder if this past with them could lead them to being able to do this with the colts when they are on the field at the same time.  it's could cause confusion, misreads, and missed assignments for  opposing offenses.

  3. Looks like Parry has been impressive enough in the Eagles game that he not only earned some 1st team reps in practice this week, but according to the wrap-up video on Colts.com, he should see 1st team reps in the bears preseason game due to his performance against one of the leagues best centers in practice with Long.  I think that speaks alot considering he is a smaller rookie compared to our larger more experienced NT's.

  4. just because i think if Bradford stays healthy, eagles, giants and cowboys are all going to be very good.  this IMO puts the Skins in a bad predicament if they stick with RGIII all year.  in terms of win/loss predictions..i'll go the skins being the worst.

  5. First off. I think matt will be fine. he is accurate, and healthy since he's not been beat up for the past 3 years-like other aging QB's-.

    Remember, this was the 2nd-3rd stringers he was playing with....


    2ndly, I think the o-line when season starts will be better than 90% of people think it is.  we have some VERY talented people in the 2nd tier of o-linemen that can step up if needed.  but last year,   injuries and lack of continuity was the o-lines real issues.  this year -knock on wood-  hopefully will be different.

  6. The most interesting missed read by Good was the play Robinson scored on. He had a TE on his right, and a defender on his nose, as did the TE. Good blocked the defender on the TE instead of the man in front of him. That defender stepped right into the backfield and squared up at Robinson. What happened next was awesome, Robinson moved straight at him until it looked like their face masks would touch. Then, he cut left so quickly the defender ended with nothing but air. If you can take your eyes off Robinson on the highlight tape, you'll see the Good error and some awesome RB instincts.

    I was watching that play over and over, and Good was in a bad predicament there.   the TE did not block the LB/DE at all so good had two choices.  he saw both if you watch his helmet movement. he first was on his guy, then saw the outside guy coming free.  looked like he tried to block the outside -probably faster guy- instead of the larger guy in front of him.  his block may have actually saved the play because if he had blocked the guy in front of him instead, the outside guy would have already been at an angle where a side-step that Robinson had done would not have worked. Blocking the outside guy though allowed Robinson to side-step a larger slower defender.  I'm not sure it was a misread....I think it was the correct call on his part.

  7. I've been saying since early on that Good is going to be a keeper.  The dude looked massive out there.

    Kinda like Bryan Mckinnie or something similar.

    Same here.  I was just worried about him playing in such a small school.  that can make it tough to transfer to the pro's.   But he showed that he man's up vrs pro's quite well.  and he is still SO RAW...imagine with more exp, and coaching.....

  8. I did not realize until the Colts post, Good played by far the most snap counts of any player on the field Sunday -75%-.  Plus, he may have quietly and unceremoniously had the best overall day of any Colt. 

    Yes he made a couple read errors at the snap, but like you said, he quickly made up for them and did not let them effect the outcome of the play.  He made one mistake the entire game, a false start.  But that can be chalked up to being in there so much for a rookie.  His power cannot be questioned.  he pushed d-linemen with just his arms.  If he learns to get low and use that size and strength in run blocking, the guy is going to be pushing for a starting job.  -granted it is early, only 1 preseason game exp, but he had alot of playing time to evaluate him.-

  9. Besides Dorsett, the best rookies IMO of that game might have been the last two picks.  Robinson played hard and fast, breaking tackles.  Goode was incredibly impressive for a 7th round pick.


    Anderson, Parry, Herrera all had flashes.


    Smith did not have enough playing time for good evaluation.


    Geathers was......so-so at best.


    Carter looked spooked.  seemed like he was thinking of other things than bringing the ball in, like being hit, or looking down field.


    Those are what i saw the rookies.

  10. Parry, Kerr, Quarles and Okrine all stood out to me today.

    On the D yes.  they each had shinning moments -except that late hit on Tebow by Kerr-.

    Offensively, I think Goode looked awesome.  I have been waiting a long time to see if he was a diamond in the rough due to being unknown.  yes, he had a false start, but that is just a rookie lineman mistake.  but his blocking was great.  My eyes never left him on each snap and he never gave ground and most of the time gained ground in run blocking.  and pass blocking was great also from the tackle position.  I thought he moved VERY well for such a big man. covered the edge speed rush, then the very next play he covered the guy faking the speed rush then spinning inside.

  11. Indy does not win preseason games. So much so that Even though i firmly believe our second/third string guys -especially on offence- are better than theirs, we loose. 17-21. But Colts end up with 500+ yards of offense.

    The coaches order the skill players to down the ball at the 1 yard line after they catch break-away passes from Hasselback in the 2nd 1/2.

    -you don't want to beat up the 'special' kids that show up at your party. let them win and feel important-...lol

  12. I wouldn't call Smith a disappointment. He's a rookie - who hasn't even played in one preseason game yet. I understand that Jalil Brown is impressing everyone while having a solid camp, but in time I think Smith will be our third guy. It may take a year or two, but having Brown step up gives me A LOT more confidence in our CB depth.


    Unlike the two previous years, if someone goes down, at least we have the depth to manage a somewhat decent rotation at CB. It's still early.. Smith is a rookie going against some of the games best receivers.. Getting beat by guys like Hilton, Johnson and Dorsett is expected. Be patient.

    Absolutely. Last years game vrs. the Steelers is prime example of that.  3 starters go down,and Big Ben took advantage, lighting us up.


    I never said Smith was trash and we need to move on, just he seems to have a wider learning curve than some of the other rookies we have. Dorset, Carter, Geathers have had non-stop compliments starting back in OTA's.  And Anderson -and last few TC days Robinson- have been impressive.  To have so many rookies impressing already is a blessing.

    I think Smith will end up a good player for us, But right now seems Brown is the man who will be doing the job on the field.

  13. youre basing this assuming on a rookie going up against most likely the top passing team in the league this upcoming year with playing a single game. 

    Granted.  But the philosophy is who is playing better now.  and Brown is playing starters, while Smith has played rookies.   Yet Brown has performed better.  So thus far, Brown is getting the edge.  Smith is just a rookie, and has a learning curve to deal with, so I am optimistic he catch up to it in the long run, but can he do it by the end of preseason? 

  14. So far in camp, Jalil Brown has had a multitude of impressive plays, including vrs. starters while Davis has been out.  Coming in as a free agent from Miami. - Flash back to Vonte Davis-.


    But D'Juon Smith thus far has been a let down considering the hype of OTA's.  He has been burned a great many times by our rookie/young receivers.  These are guys on the same learning curve he is on, not Vets like Hilton or A.J. .


    Looks like Brown may have 4th CB locked up.  But preseason is starting, so perhaps Smith can pull it together and make a run for that spot.

  15. The whole stacked box argument is kinda skwed with Gore. The 49ers probably ran far more jumbo sets than anyone else in the league.

    that is a good point.  But how much is his yards after first contact.  having trouble finding this stat. that imo is the most important stat for what Indy needs from him.

  16. No, no team can. But it's still a nice problem to have. There are teams that would kill to have half the WR talent we have. Make no mistake, whoever we release will get picked up faster than a $100 bill lying on the street.

    And now with T.Y.'s extension, think on this:  Carter is on a 1 year, base min. salary.  Meaning if he 'shows up' the little he plays this year, we probably will loose him to another team next offseason...

  17. To be clear,  all you've done is make a case for Moncrief based on his measurables.


    But you don't know who has better hands?    Runs better routes?    Reads defenses better?      And all of these qualities are just as important if not more.     


    Right now,  we have a nice problem.   The three WR's fighting it out for sports 3, 4, and 5 are all doing really, really well.   In the grand scheme of things,  whatever order they come out in,  the Colts are deep and loaded!          :thmup:

    fully agree'd.  But can Indy pay for them all in the long run?

  18. Carter has a few nice days in camp and it's bye-bye Moncrief, huh?

    Carter is taller, stronger, and faster than Moncrief.  But don't get me wrong, I like him also. the Colts are set @ WR for years to come if they are  able to keep them.

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