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Posts posted by Btown_Colt

  1. 4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I didn't even read through the posts (no need) but the pick 6 is not why we lost. Our defense was garbage. Let the JB haters have fun all week lmao . Also yeah lets bring in Chad Kelly lmao or he isn't Andrew Luck, post it haha . I already know without reading any posts what is being said.


    Our defense is why we lost, plain and simple. Going down 14-0 to Carr and the Oakland offense to guys I have never heard of just sucks. Our defense is bad, I am hoping it is because Leonard is out.

    Defense was bad, no doubt. Offense was also bad. And Brissett made some bad throws/decisions. But no, definitely not all on him.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Imgrandojji said:

    3 TD, 1 pick, 250+ yards.  Horrible.


    Of the reasons we lost this game. Brissett isn't in the top 5

    Lol. 1 touchdown after a fumble in the red zone, don’t remember exactly where at.


    1 touchdown after his pick 6 that sealed the game.


    The one to Rodgers was legit.


    He was bad today, the whole team was, but so was he. He locks on to receivers, the pick 6 is a direct result of it. And don’t say he didn’t because I was sitting right behind him and he never looked anywhere else besides to Cain. 


    Its ok, I’m not saying we need to get rid of him, but he wasn’t good.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:

    This by no way was JB fault and anyone that says it is smoking something. You can’t have all those dropped passes. Also you can’t rely on two rookie WR.

    Umm he was pretty dang bad. Yes there were drops, more than there should have been, but he made some pretty bad throws and decisions. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:


    While it's not unheard of for professional journalists (sports or otherwise) to literally fabricate stories and quotes and such, it's extremely rare.   A) it's relatively easy to get caught, and (b) it's almost certain career suicide.


    And it's not like this is a complicated story where he's essentially being accused of getting some details wrong (which is not all that uncommon) -- or of proscribing a distorted meaning to a vague or meandering quotation.  This is a simple and straightforward thing.


    And given that we've heard that Reich (and/or Ballard) is intent on Vinatieri sticking it out, the most likely explanation to me is that AV probably did make a comment either similar or verbatim to what Holder passed along....but, after having talked to Reich/Ballard about it, is basically trying to put the genie back in the bottle.


    Ask yourself:  given what's happened the past two weeks, is it really plausible that Adam hasn't even contemplated retirement?  Put yourself in his shoes.  Does that pass the smell test?


    Because it doesn't to me.  I would think it incredibly strange for him to have not contemplated hanging it up after even just the Chargers game.  He lost us the game....even by his own admission.  And not by missing 50+ yard kicks.  He missed one from less than 30 yards, another from 46, and a PAT.  In one game.  That we would've won had he hit his kicks.


    Use some common sense.  Or Occam's Razor.

    First, I never said any of that in the first two paragraphs. I said it’s not hard to believe that Holder sent that tweet with the intention of implying that Adam just all but said he was going to retire on Monday. That was everyone’s assumption as soon as they saw it. Yes everyone was thinking it was coming anyways, but that tweet helped to confirm assumptions.


    I don’t know if he has or not. I could see why he would, but he did say that he hasn’t. Maybe he is a liar?


    Let me ask you this, does Robert Mathis leach out at all reporters? Does he have a history of taking to twitter to call people out? This is the first time I’ve heard of him doing it? 


    Use some common sense. Or believe everything Holder puts on Twitter. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    He actually has it in quotes in this tweet. Several other reporters reported he said the same thing.



    Yup, he quoted what he is saying Adam said, because that is how you show someone else is speaking, you put it in quotes.


    What I am trying to say is, how do you know that is the exact conversation between them?


    When he spoke to reporters yesterday he said he told them he would talk to them tomorrow because for the last 2 decades Monday’s were open the media and he needed more time (meaning he didn’t want to talk right then). He also said people should stop assuming things, which I took as a direct comment to Holder. 


    Just my opinion. I really don’t think Mathis would have went at Holder just because.


    I’m out in this one, already spent more time on it then I really care to.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:



    How do either one of these statements apply to what Holder said in his tweet re: Vinatieri? He quoted him verbatim, what more do you want?

    How do you know he quoted him verbatim?


    I’m going to venture to say that Mathis and Vinatieri speak to one another. Is completely unimaginable that Vinatieri told Mathis, man that’s not what I said at all.

  7. 2 hours ago, chad hugo said:

    As a colts fan from up north, Im not really familiar with the colts media, can y'all recommend some good reporters to follow on twitter for team news ?

    None. LOL 


    I wouldn’t call JMV a reporter really, he has a local radio show. He does seem to have an inside source and is usually pretty accurate when he drops something.


    Holder, Keefer, etc aren’t that good to me. They don’t ask good questions. They don’t seem to have reliable sources. They are just kind of there. And no, the subscription to the athletic is not worth paying for just to see what Holder has to say. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:

    No. There is other media guys that heard Vinny say the exact same thing that will back up what holder tweeted. Adam didn’t even deny what he said. 

    Not denying it and not even bringing it up are two different things.


    In the very tweets that you posted to this forum...Adam said he had not even contemplated retirement in the last 48 hours.

    1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Vinny admitted to saying it. He said after sitting on it he decided he needed another day to clear his head before talking to the media. Holder never mentioned retirement in his tweet. 

    When did he admit this? I hadn’t send it. All I had seen were the tweets that said he hadn’t thought of retirement the last 48 hours.


    I never said Holder mentioned retirement either. He sure implied it through.

    1 hour ago, luv_pony_express said:


    Who knows?  There was also a report that Vinny was ready to hang it up but Reich/Ballard we’re intent on talking him out of it.  Maybe Holder was right but Adam just didn’t want it shared, and now they’re gaslighting Holder to make it sound like he made it up.


    And now there’s a report that we’re working out other kickers.  Actions speak louder than words?


    It’s a shame this is happening, really.  It’s not uncommon when a legendary player tries to stretch out a career beyond their abilities to perform at the highest level.


    Shoulda kept Money Badger.

    That could all be true. I just find it odd that Adam supposedly said all of that, as if it were a done deal, then on Tuesday says that retirement has never crossed his mind in the last 48 hours. 


    I would be concerned if the team wasn’t working out kickers. It doesn’t mean that Adam said what Holder reported.

  9. 36 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Holder did nothing wrong. All he did was tweet what Vinny told him. 

    Or maybe he twisted or added to what Adam told him?? I’m sure you weren’t there to hear what was said.


    Holder definitely made it sound like Adam would be retiring Monday and that we would for sure hear from Adam the next day. But then we don’t hear from Adam and he comes out to say that he hadn’t even considered retirement. 


    So either Holder twisted/exaggerated what was said or Adam lied. I think I’ll take Adam’s word.

    • Like 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    What does everyone think are the keys for a win.


    Limit screen plays by running backs 

    They have their TE back

    Limit AJ Brown 

    Adam Humpfries in the slot could kill us


    Get pressure on Mariota

    Not only is lewan out but they might be without their right guard.


    This will be a bigger test for Brissett I think. Their defense I think is better then the chargers. Plus half the fans won’t be colt fans like Sunday.

    Stop the run. Keep Mariota in the pocket and make him pass. Not worried about AJ Brown, or any of their receivers really.  Walker is Mariota’s go to guy. Screens should be a focal point this week.


    I don’t feel like the Titans D is better than the Chargers. Chargers definitely have better pass rushers. I think our line can win their battles, run blocking and pass blocking, all day. 


    Establish the run and short passes on O, but take some shots down the field. Control the tempo.


    The Browns gave that game away. Mayfield was gifting them the ball.

    • Like 3
  11. 6 minutes ago, Btown_Colt said:

    Refresh my memory please...I know we did it like this year but I don’t recall all the specifics.


    Wasn’t it stay the same spot or pick an open spot? I don't recall picking any spot you wanted. I thought we had a couple opening last year which is why we did it?

    Never mind, I read last years thread again. I’m good to go.

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