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Posts posted by Btown_Colt

  1. 10 hours ago, Narcosys said:

    Draft position choice order is based off of last years final standings and is as follows:


    1. @WarGhost21

    2. @Matthew Gilbert

    3. Luck Be A Lady

    4. @onebad150

    5. @Bluefire4

    6. Myself

    7. @BPindy

    8. Team Hulce

    9. @Lucky Colts Fan

    10. @Btown_Colt


    Since we have confirmation from the first four, @WarGhost21 can you start us off with what position you want to draft from, followed by @Matthew Gilbert?

    Refresh my memory please...I know we did it like this year but I don’t recall all the specifics.


    Wasn’t it stay the same spot or pick an open spot? I don't recall picking any spot you wanted. I thought we had a couple opening last year which is why we did it?

    • Like 1
  2. 13 hours ago, DerekDiggler said:

    Do not get rid of them before you talk to me first!!!

    And after you talk to him, give me a chance to match or beat! Seriously, I’d be interested as well.



    • Thanks 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, Superman said:


    So do I. 

    I think I do too, but I’ve been thinking about this a little bit, and maybe it’s nothing.


    It wasn’t until after the Funchess deal broke that the news broke about tendering Chester Rodgers and Marcus Johnson. Do you think that is coincidence, or was it part of a plan? I mean why did signing Funchess make them decide to go ahead and tender the other two? Do you think Ballard was trying to get a Humphries or Beasley and realized he wouldn’t so he went ahead and signed Funchess and tendered the other 2?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Aren’t Williams and funchess peetty muxh the same player.

    Aren’t you the same person that asked if Funchess is a slot receiver yesterday?


    Then didn’t I see you post that he and Ebron were the same?


    Now your asking if he and Williams are the same....did you even know who Funchess was before yesterday?

  5. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Can we please stop with the “players don’t want to come” here nonsense.


    The Colts are getting outbid.   Other teams are offering more money.  Ballard is sticking to his pre-determined dollar figures.   


    There was a post this morning with a link to a story...  15 agents lusted the most and least desirable teams to play for.   Indy was 8th most popular.


    Other teams are offering more.   Ballard is disciplined.   That’s the only issue. 

    Wasting your time. When you have an unfounded belief that players don’t chase money, your left with they must just not want to play for the colts. 

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:


    No that isn’t what I meant. I was saying 5 million for the entire two years and 7 for the entire 3 years. I don’t know what a safety gets in this league I was just making up a example.

    Sorry, I read it the wrong way. You’re right in that case it would be better to go with the 2 year deal...as it is more money per year. I’m not sure why you did it that way but I still believe if he is offered a 2 year deal for 5 million total or a 2 year deal for 7 million total, he would take the 7 million.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Its not like the colts are going to offer him ten million less. In that senerio your right. But one or two million I would take the team I know is in the right track and close to winning a SB. He is also married with a kid so uprooting the family can also make a decision easier or harder.


    We will see when FA starts but I don’t see anyone that is going to give him a ton more then the colts will.


    I was using your example: 5 million x 2 years vs 7 million x 3 years = 11 million dollars left on the table....no?

  8. 11 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Money isn’t everything if your on a bad team and your miserable. I would rather be a happy millionaire then a unhappy millionaire. There is nothing anyone can’t afford when they are already making millions In one year of that contract they are already set for life.  

    That’s easy to say sitting behind a computer, with no chance of ever having to make that decision. I venture to say when you see that extra 2, 3, 5, 10 (pick your number) million dollars sitting on the table, you wouldn’t make the decision so easily.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:


     Understand that. I didn’t watch the colts last year. So I don’t know how he has played. I have been away from the colts for a few years because I was sick and had a lot of changes in my life. I was just commenting his size is what GM look for in a QB.

    I know you said you was away, which is why I said what I did. Size really doesn’t have anything to do with it anymore, he isn’t being drafted. He proved last year, at least to some, that he could possibly be a starter. I’d take him over a couple QB’s starting for teams currently....Blake Bortles for sure.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    He clearly said that it had to be a wow deal for the colts and Brissett. He wants him to succeed if he is traded. He loves that kid and it showed the way he talked about him. Now I am sure if the colts were word by a deal and Brissett wanted to go he would honor his wishes if it was a good deal for the colts.


    i have been away from the colts a few years. I didn’t realize Brissett was the same size as Luck. I can see why a team might take a chance on him.

    A team my take a chance on Brissett because he showed that he could possibly be a starter in the NFL, not because of his size...

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