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Posts posted by Btown_Colt

  1. On 12/11/2019 at 4:41 AM, Narcosys said:



    You fell back there at the end. I hope it continues instead of having another unfortunate loss like our last matchup where I scored 140. Though our projections are pretty close, I'm really rooting for one of your players. I've got Thomas in my money league, helped get me to the semis last week and I really need some good points from him this week as I face the #1 seed.  Our projections in that league are only a point and a half difference. So lets both hope for a 40pt game from him...but only catching TDs from Taysom Hill and not brees lol.



    Yea my RB’s have hurt big time the last month or so. I knew I wouldn’t make it far in the playoffs unless I had players go off or some 0’s by the opponent. 


    Its OK, I’ve  managed to win the last 2 years. I’ll get the crown back next year! Your team is going to be hard to beat. 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    I got to 4! :yahoo:


    6 more and I will be worth 10 likes/thread.  That's Manning-status!  :lol:

    I gave you a like just to throw the math off...12 likes/thread is unheard of. You are now above Manning status. Congratulations!

  3. 29 minutes ago, EastStreet said:

    FYI, there's been plenty of discussion about 2018 vs 2019. I actually created a thread with all the stats/comparison, etc.. I think I actually showed 2017 as well for those still here.

    I know, I read your thread. That first paragraph was sarcasm, it was your thread/posts I was referring too.  I actually almost tagged you in it, but decided it wasn’t worth getting in to with him. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 45 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    The bolded seems contradictory.  Starting something, then finishing with another one, is actually exactly what you're doing.


    So you have seen discussions about the stats of our WRs?  And they were used to place judgment on the WRs, and not the QB getting blamed for too much (which was the comment I was contributing too)


    Why did you bother to start a back and forth by providing me with your opinion of me instead of just answering the question?  


    And then you call ME the troll?  LOL


    Well, I did answer your question & I wasn’t actually trying to call you a troll. I said it was trollish...and it is. I’m still trying to decide if you are a troll, or if you’re really this obtuse? As I said, I think you’re smarter than you let on.  I really had no intention of discussing stats, or football with you, because I have seen plenty of times how that plays out when you finally get someone to bite.

    You’re smart enough to know that this is a team sport, and there are a multitude of reason why a receiver could have good, or bad, stats, the same for the QB, the RB’s, etc. It’s not as black/white as you’re trying to make it. 

    But yes, I have seen stats on this forum, used to say that the WR’s are no good, and that it was not the QB’s fault....which is what you were trying to say. 



  5. 2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    I'm pointing out a true observation.  You may have seen otherwise.  


    Have you seen any talk about WR stats this season, or is the lack of them solely on the QB?  


    Why would a statistical top 5 WR be given a larger contract than an Inman UDFA?  

    Nope, I have not seen one discussion on this forum pertaining to the wide receivers this year. I have not seen one stat comparing the numbers of some of the same receivers between this year and last year or the numbers of the passing offense this year VS. last year. 

    I really have no interest in doing a back and forth with you. 

    Like I said, I believe you enjoy this. You do it regularly. You actually have some good thoughts/opinions from time to time. But when you get on your contrarian kick....amusing. 

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to make sense of WR stats now, which I haven't seen any lifted up for discussion this season.  I guess they are the result of great, or bad, QB play, so quoting them is meaningless. 


    If you have WRs with bad stats, its due to the QB? but bad QB stats are not the result of bad WRs.


    You’re funny. I think you’re smarter than you let on & I think you like being a contrarian and ruffling feathers....it’s almost trollish. Amusing, but trollish. 

    • Like 1
  7. 19 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

    @Lucky Colts Fan, @BPindy, @Matthew Gilbert, @Bluefire4, @WarGhost21, @onebad150, @Btown_Colt



    First off I'd like to thank everyone for one of the most interesting and intense seasons I've ever seen. We currently have two teams with 9-4 records,  two teams with 8-5 records,  and two teams with 7-6 records.  


    There is zero room for error for those 6 teams, as 4th place is still up in the air. Unfortunate season for the others. 


    Second I want to apologise for the lack of trophies this year.  I hope ESPN finds a way to bring them back. 


    But with the end of the season,  comes the end of season review and discussion about things we might want to change for next year. 


    A few of thoughts I would like to present to the league; 


    1. instituting one or two IR spots. Allowing us to stash our "O" designated players instead of dropping them in order to pick up a replacement.  Thoughts? If you want IR, how many slots, 1 or 2?


    2. Maintain two divisions,  or have one division and the top 4 records make the playoffs.  It didn't happen this season,  but in the past we have had a team not make the playoffs while a division winner with a worse record does.  Thoughts?


    3. Having 6 teams in playoffs with 1 and 2 seeds getting a bye.  This would require us reducing the season by one game,  and is more applicable in a league with one division. But can be instituted in a two division league. We use to have a 13 game season when the championship covered two weeks. So that's not new. 


    4. Waiver wire. Continue with rotational order,  or change to Free Agent Acquisition Budget (FAAB). For those unfamiliar with FAAB, you essentially get $100 in fake money,  for the season,  to blind bid on waiver pickups. You don't see what others are bidding,  so you just have to guess how much that player might go for and manage how much your willing to spend. When you run out of money,  you essentially have to bid $0 and hope nobody else picks up that player.  Gives you a better chance at getting waiver pickups, instead of relying on the randomness of waiver orders. 


    Finally,  this was suggested by Team Hulce, to make it a money league. Doesn't have to be expensive,  $5, $10, $20. Thoughts?


    Any other suggestions that the league wants to propose?


    Thanks again and look forward to discussing. 

    Thanks again for running this league. I do enjoy it.


    Here are my votes:


    1. Yes, but only for players who are placed on IR by their teams, which is what I think you meant. Not for any player that is injured and doubtful or ruled out for a week. I’d prefer two spots but I’d be ok if it was just one.


    2. Not sure I care either way....maybe someone will post why they are for or against and will persuade my decision.


    3. I am open to increasing the amount of teams that make the playoffs. I don’t think it has been an issue with this league, but I am in another league that increased the the number of teams and it has helped to keep everyone engaged and setting good lineups each week.


    4. Keep it as is.


    5. I would be willing to pay. 


    Thanks again. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I do agree with, he holds on to the ball too long and even misses guys down the field at times per the All-22. Actually over half the QB's in the league do that though. Luck even held on to the ball too long at times IMO. Reich is a good coach, maybe he can come up with something where JB is throwing more quick slants and screens. That is a great question, why aren't we throwing more screens to guys like Hines for example.

    To the underlined, yea the bottom half of the QB’s in the league!


    Luck held onto the ball to long but he was waiting for a route to develop or a receiver to come open. JB has receivers open and just isn’t getting the ball out. There is a difference. I believe you know this. Comparing Luck holding the ball to JB holding the ball is apples to oranges.


    I agree with you about the slants and screens. 

  9. 9 hours ago, boo2202 said:



    Now here’s the scary truth. We lost our main difference maker at the start of the year with luck retiring. He was the one guy that gave us a chance every game.


    Wait, did it take you until week 13 of the season to realize this? You’re  right, that is scary.


  10. 43 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Thank you, thank you!!


    I still don't have All 22 on my Dell laptop,  but I installed the NFL app on my iPad, logged in with my NFL account, looked around. Sure enough, there was section to log into game pass account and coaches fil is there, and started up!


    But my screen is on 9.7 inches. So... I fire up my AppleTV, and mirror... It works!


    But It doesn't take long to notice the Slo-Mo feature is missing on the iOS app. :(


    Better than nothing though.  Thanks again. In the future, I'll be checking my iPad as often as my laptop then.

    Right, no slo-mo nor is there a list of plays to jump around to. Have to watch it all or do the 10 second fast forward. 

    I’ve also download the nfl app to a smart tv to use game pass to rewatch games on, instead of using my iPad or PC...but I haven’t checked to see what the All-22 film looks like using that approach. I may try that later. 

    • Thanks 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    He might have it, I just know I still don't!


    Here's proof-



    The choices are-






    Last week games,




    As you can see, I can watch All 22 of any game this season, except the Thursday night game.


    It's has to be available soon, I would think.


    I’m not sure why, but I can get the All 22 for the game on my iPad now, but not there yet on PC. Doesn’t really make sense to me...I keep refreshing but still not there yet.

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