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Everything posted by RollerColt

  1. I agree with everything you said. I appreciate your insight my friend! And it's already spreading faster than a wildfire in California on a windy day... I've seen countless social media posts mocking her since yesterday.
  2. Source? Or is this your opinion? Not jesting or mocking you. Dead seriously asking if I should keep having the slight slimmer of hope lol...
  3. I really don't want us in that scenario if we can help it. That'll be a Stroud legend-making game.
  4. Your boy Mahomes is still out there. And he knows how to avoid getting injured.
  5. I'll be curious to see how it all effects TV ratings and viewership. Will the general public (outside of the team diehards) continue to spend time watching mediocre games? Obviously I'll still watch the Colts and Bengals because I'm a masochist... But I could see the average joe losing interest.
  6. He needs to. That or do whatever Mahomes is doing.
  7. I think it's safe to say that no QB is safe. They're all injury prone at this point. The iron man days of our youth are over. I remember on one of the ManningCast games, both Peyton and Eli talked about all of the injuries they accumulated over the years that they tried to play through. If I recall, Peyton even said he was injured practically all of the 2010 season.
  8. The ironic thing is that is what we thought would happen coming into this season... "Oh Joe will finally go into the season healthy!" And then his calf blew out in training camp... and it just snowballed...
  9. With the trade deadline gone it really sucks that we can't see something magical happen... ... Like the Bengals getting Andy Dalton to play out the rest of the season LMAO.
  10. And that ladies and gents is why we have so many rookies all starting...
  11. I knew this was coming... That'll be another kick to the groin.
  12. I think we (they) will be reporting bad news on his front in just a few hours... I'll let the hope fester a little longer but it's dwindling by the minute.
  13. Welp, we're definitely going to be favored against Cincy now as long as Browning stays in at QB. Our best chance is for our upcoming QBs to be flat out more terrible than Minshew... Which looking at the schedule now... Yeesh... We're in for 6 more bad offensive contests aren't we? You know what will probably happen? We'll actually go on a decent run, and get into a nightmare "win and you're in" scenario at the end of the season against Stroud and Houston...
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2023/11/16/charissa-thompson-fabricate-sideline-reports/ To me this is so damaging for future reporters. You have to build trust over time to speak with coaches: https://theathletic.com/5064216/2023/11/16/charissa-thompson-sideline-comments-laura-okmin/ @NewColtsFan as someone with media experience, what are your thoughts on this?
  15. If the Bengals want any chance to get back into the playoff race then I'd say they have to be interested. The biggest question is will the Titans just let him go? I could see them holding on to him in case Levis gets hurt.
  16. Nice! Those are decent guitars. I used to have one back in college. My current everyday work hero guitar is my Gibson Nighthawk. I'm using it for all of my gigs now.
  17. I hope someday Jim will build a museum for all these instruments. He literally has a mini rock and roll hall of fame going on at his place. I would go visit in a heartbeat just to see those guitars!
  18. As long as they stay healthy, yes that's correct. Raiders could also have a shot with how they're rallying around Antonio Pierce. The biggest losers in all of this is the general fan. Get ready for even more bad primetime games with Burrow gone...
  19. It's looking bad. He was already wrapping that wrist prior to the game. And then he made it worse. He could be out for a while, and by that point the Bengals could be 5-9, and out of the playoffs. He's been too hurt all year, it's time to just shut him down.
  20. Burrow is most likely out for the season, so the Bengals are done. The Bills might get newfound life after the wake up loss to Denver and the firing of their OC. With Watson and now Burrow gone, the Bill's path to the playoffs just got a little easier. The Steelers literally have to just keep doing what they're doing: allow their elite defense to win games. They're a lock for the playoffs now. As for the Colts? I'm just not optimistic about Minshew leading us into the playoffs. We'll get curb-stomped by that Kansas defense if we even make it that far. We can't get into a shootout with the likes of Miami or Baltimore... And the Texans are not the same team we faced in week 2. Let's see how we fare against Tampa...
  21. Add the Bengals now to the list of teams who could use Tannehill…
  22. A very good, and correct observation! Deforestation and desertification are some of the biggest threats we face ecologically. And unfortunately it’s now taking hold out in the western part of the U.S.
  23. If I’m any team considering him, I’d be thinking very carefully about bringing the “Patriot Way” into their building. They’d have to be 100% sure the unquestioned leaders of the locker room, including the QB, buy into it. If not, then it gets ugly very quickly.
  24. So… should we just give the Chiefs the Lombardi now or…
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