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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. Well said. Since I moved to the northeast, I have been to several stadiums for Colts games. I've been to Washington, Philadelphia, New England, and Baltimore twice. The image of Baltimore hating Indy is hyped up by the media and the Baltimore fans just like to play into it. I never felt any real animosity in Baltimore. I more got the feeling that they were harassing me in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way because they're supposed to hate Indy. It's kind of like how you might give your friends a hard time about something but you don't really mean it. Or the Indy fans booing the girl in the Pats jersey that won the punt, pass, and kick competition. They weren't actually booing her; they were booing as a joke because they're supposed to hate the Pats. It was all in fun.

    I'll also say this for New England fans. I was treated better in Foxborough than I have been treated at any other stadium. And that's not saying anything bad about the other places. It's just that everyone in Foxborough was that nice. I was expecting the worst and was pleasantly surprised.

    When will Balt. fan realize they stole "Clevelands" team...


    Go Niners............

  2. All I can say to Indianapolis fans is that, I know we all have our bitter rivalries and teams we don't want to win etc.

    But when SB weekend comes along and the dust settles, it should be time for us to show our midwest hospitality to any set of guests that will be in our town. It is going to be a good one for our city, we need to make our city feel proud.

    At least Peyton going down for this year makes this a little bit more tolerable, IMO, knowing that we had no chance to back the Colts in the SB.

    I live here .... and I know how Indy does with "major sporting events".


  3. Ugh not the sweater vest. I hate Ohio St and have always hated Tressel. Having him as our coach will just be so dirty.

    He could be good, but the odds are just against him. Most college coaches leave the NFL with their tails tucked between their legs and running back to college football.

    Hopefully he leaves his reserved offense at Ohio St.

    He will forgive U upon hire..

  4. He just doesn't seem like the type to be a good NFL coach. He tends not to be aggressive. Not that it's a bad thing, but I fear the offense becoming way too predictable due to his history in college ranks. It's his style of play I don't like. The only good side is that his teams were historically sound on defense. If Tressel becomes the head coach, I hope he proves me wrong. If he does I'll admit I'm wrong. Yes, I'm an SEC fan and i don't think any coaches there would be successful in the NFL either. I'd just rather see someone with coaching experience in the pro ranks. In the college ranks, there is a noticeable different in talent level between teams than in the pros. Whoever management chooses I will support, all we do is give our opinion. After whoever is chosen, it's up to them to get the players ready to be successful.

    Golly how could I guess..........

  5. All I know (from Wiki) is that before New Orleans, he worked in Tampa and Oakland. Imagine if we had what the Saints have for O-line

    It will be lovely with him working under Tress.....

  6. Tressel's Ohio St. led teams couldn't beat SEC teams in BCS title games. Sorry, I don't see this guy as a successful NFL coach.

    What makes a "successful" NFL coach?

    Rah rah... in your face EGO from heck.... ie Saban, Spurrier, .....

    or the Communicator ... ie Dungy, BB, Landry, Noll., Gibbs,???

    Tress is a Dungy clone in white skin as far as "people skills" ... and as far as football "smarts"... Tress's resume is .... outstanding.

    What makes a good NFL coach.... I think it is a "football smart man" who can "talk to men like men"..

    I'm ready to sport my BLUE sweater vest. I think it is going to happen.

    JT is a very charismatic mam, ... he will get the job.

  7. There's also not much reason to think that he'd try to implement the same system he used in college either. He's now spent the better part of a year observing the pro game up close, and I'm sure he's been asked before. For all we know, he's just being interviewed for a coordinator position.

    If he were hired in some capacity, and Irsay and Grigson believed this to be the best decision, I would trust them. We've seen no reason not to.

    This is a man of great insight. :)

  8. Tressel's Ohio St. led teams couldn't beat SEC teams in BCS title games. Sorry, I don't see this guy as a successful NFL coach.

    Hmmm... maybe the NFL needs more Nick Sabans and Les Miles? Oh ... wait.. Saban had his shot.

    Big Ten academic standards and SEC acadimic standards are 2 very different worlds.

    Not to mention every time a Big Ten team plays ANY bowl game it is either in SEC country, Texas, or Califorinia.

    I mean really. TBT travels every single postseason. The SEC plays in LA, GA, or FLA... you all don't think that comes into play?

    All the while the BIg Ten is the second best conf. year in year out.

  9. Hey all.... I know how polarizing the 1st overall pick is on this board, so let's avoid it. Let's leave it at this-- per this report, Irsaw WILL draft a QB 1st overall. Whoever it is is still to be decided, but that is NOT what this thread is about. My question to you all is this-- who do we take second? I would love for us to grab a WR in the likes of AJ Green. My roommate is a Bengals fan (God bless him), and I watch a lot of Bengals football as a result. Yes, that Zimmer defense is a powerful asset, but offensively, two rookies (Dalton and Green) carried that team to the playoffs, and look to be very promising for the future.

    Who do you think we select second? A WR? I would like to see that, even though I know our secondary needs MUCH help.

    Edit: Whoops-- forgot the link. Sorry! http://profootballta...ton-is-healthy/

    A cornerback !!!!!! or Safety !!!!

  10. I mean seriously, Jim Harbaugh? Chris Hinton? Bill Brooks. All nice players but it kind of speaks to how pathetic the Colts organization was in Indianapolis before Manning that all these decent players are in our ring of honor.

    Well I have no idea what it takes to make it but these are not the "best" to play in Indy ....

    Dickerson, Faulk, Belser, Daniel, Bickett, Goose, McCoy were all great Colts ....

  11. Can anyone prove why he shouldn't be considered? I get the not liking him, but how does that reflect on his coaching per say?

    I'll be honest, I dunno much about CFB or care much, but I know who has been around success, Ohio State has some.

    He coached the Ohio State U. As someone stated earlier.... you either love him or hate him.

    When simple facts are looked at Tress is as qualified if not more than any candidate the Colts have interviewed.

  12. ...okay, ONE last statement. I don't know why everyone here assumes what Tressel's style will be. When Dungy came, because of his background, everyone thought we would have one of the top dominant defenses in the league for years, because that was his background and his style. But he ADAPTED...he worked with what he had and built around that. I think Tressel, or ANY good coach worth his salt, would do exactly the same. Good coaches know how to adapt, adopt, and build. I know many of you will say Tressel can't and/or won't. I think he, along with most of the other candidates being mentioned, would do exactly that. So while Polian might have gone by the "past is prologue" theory, it ain't always so.

    Thank YOU... great post.

  13. For the Cowboys to release Romo they would have to eat about 7.7 in cap space. I could see him going to San Fran long before Dallas just because of the Eli connection. I wouldn't call the Dolphins a QB away from the Super Bowl, and they will likely bring Matt Flynn in now that Philbin is in place. NYJ/BLT could use him.. KC/Denver could be interesting... Spots are limited and cap concerns for many of those teams will help dictate the direction they go. I could see the Jets cutting Sanchez long before the Ravens cut ties with Flacco.

    Manning would make any team in the NFL an instant contender.

    I think Ariz, Sea, SF, and KC would be most attractive... and maybe Denver.

    I would include Miami but with the new hire, I do think also Flynn will be their new QB.

  14. The timing might of been a gift, but 30 years coaching and keeping the same system makes him qualified far more than Davis/Caldwell/CP.

    They didn't boot him, he retired. He was free to come back to finish his contract. He did far better than the guy that followed him and his winning%'s aren't far from Smith or Williams.

    He does not deserve to be mentioned with those other names.

    UNC wanted Doughrty (sp) .bad... Bill was given the opportunity... to retire. UNC was bringing in MD regardless. And yes it was a horrible hire.

  15. The vacated game was against Arkansas, actually, but good try.

    He might be the next coach, but in two years you'll be calling for his job. I guarantee it. Also, this might be the worst thing that could possibly happen to a young quarterback that gets drafted by the Colts. Look at Tressel's QB products: Craig Krenzel, Justin Zwick, Troy Smith, Todd Boeckman, Terrelle Pryor...world class lineup, right there.

    Yep, OSU has been QB talent "light" ... and yet "TRESSEL BALL" has 2 of the 5 you mention as sorry... earning and NFL paycheck...

    Give up yet?

    Oh .. ARKANSAS.. and SEC TEAM.. hehe..

    Now do you give up?

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