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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. A lot of the big name coaches want too much authority. That's not how most good organizations run. We don't want that. Also, Let's find the next Mike Tomlin rather than go for a retread.

    I think Tomlin is coming back to earth really quickly now... The Steelers are not the "STEELERS" any longer. THey are a passing team with an aging D. The next few seasons will define Tomlin. Cowher establiished and Identity in Pitt. and that identity is long gone.

    He like Caldwell got handed the keys to a Cadillac (and Dick LeBeau). Lets see what he does from here on out. BTW, I do think Tomlin is a good coach. But how much is the DC and OC (who just retired)... ????

    Just think... Had Manning played this season we would still have the Polians and Caldwell.

  2. Guthridge? If that is Bill Guthridge from North Carolina I would have to disagree with him being lumped in with those other jokes.

    Gut put in 30 years at UNC on Dean Smith's staff before Smith walked away. It is true Smith walked away at a time that might have made it harder for the school to run a full search from a timing perspective but Guthridge was qualified for the job, far more qualified than I would say any of the other three guys were.

    If you are talking about another Guthridge then I have no clue who you're talking about.

    yep BG... I don't think he was qualified at all to take over the top program in the nation. Plus he was in his 60's... and the fact they soon booted him IMO proves so. He was a nice man and "Dean's pal" thus the "gift" ...

    And business or sports organization that does what UNC or Indy did need to be slapped around. One always must look for the best possible fit. Regardless of relationships. Loyalty gets you L's.

  3. Love ya, Tony....but shut the #$%* up.

    It's called cronyism.

    Because Tony participated in cronyism, we got stuck with JC.


    Partiality to long-standing friends, especially by appointing them to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications.

    Caldwell, Mike Davis, Guthridge,, ..... Chris Polian... the list is long of those who got handed a great gig and were totally unqualified for the job.

  4. Jim Tressel would be a disaster hire for the Colts. I know a lot of you say, "I don't watch college football, but he seemed to be a great coach." Let me try to explain why he wasn't:

    1. His playcalling was extremely conservative. If you think Caldwell lacked aggression, you will find that Tressel is not much better, and possibly worse.

    Was his play calling conservative with Troy Smith? You "adapt to the talent on your team" Pryor cannot throw the ball

    2. He underachieved at OSU. Sure, he got to BCS bowl games coming out a pretty weak Big Ten conference, but when he ran up on an SEC school, his teams usually got waxed. Heck, there was even talk among some OSU fans that I know about wanting Tressel out because of his teams' tendency to choke in bowl games.

    Hmmm how many NC's has the SEC won in a row now? Please wise one tell me who would beat these teams? Underachieved.. now that is truly silly.

    3. He won games because he had superior talent. Ohio is a hotbed of good college football players, and Tressel was a good recruiter. It was a perfect match. He was able to lure the best players to OSU, and he won games. Unfortunately, his prowess as a recruiter would not help us any way.

    So what was his excuse @ Youngstown St.... loaded again? seriously man look @ his resume. Here I'll link it for you.

    5-3 In BCS bowl games... Underachieved? sigh...


  5. Tressel would be way to conservative as head coach of the Colts.

    This was taken from Wikipedia on Tressel...

    As Ohio State's head coach, Tressel is known for a conservative style of play calling (dubbed "Tressel-ball"), winning games with just enough scoring, strong defense, and "playing field position. Tressel often refers to the punt as the most important play in football.

    Please Mr. Irsay Not Tressel!!!!

    This is comical... have you watched Colt ST's the last DECADE? ST alone has cost the Colts how many games, let alone playoff games? GREAT ST's will win you football games.

    The SB vs the Saints...

    Jet playoff loss

    Steeler playoff loss...

    Miami playoff loss...

    I can go on and on... coverage, or lack there of... missed FG's, .... Absolutely NO return game, save the Pyatt games. very poor in Indy for a very long time now.


  6. I was out late for my friends birthday :drink: Beside the fact that I hate Tressel. I think he is a REACH at best... Most coachs who were good in college fall flat on their face in the NFL. Take Nick Saban for example

    And why is that? My guess is that they were control freaks who wanted and GOT total control of the team. Saban, Spurrier, Holtz all failed because they are Alpha males who talk down to their players. Tress is NOT that kind of person. He knows how to communicate with MEN. That is KEY in the NFL. I am telling you all as an OSU fan, he is more Dungy than Saban.

    And regardless of the sillyness that went down @ OSU he is a good man. And his teams always played ballz out for him. Honestly... Who would be a "better" choice? Outside of Dungy, Cowher, Marty, or Gruden?

    Jim Tressel will be a great choice when he is named HC. I am geeked.

  7. I am severely disappointed at your lack of recognition of ....

    Dedicated fans

    Old School fans

    I dont know about your level of "fanhood", but I just replaced mine. It had low sone noise and 60 watt lights. Ducting in the attic was a mutha.

    heheh.... I follow every game... does that make me a "true fan"...


  8. I hope everyone has a chance to look at it, especially Irsay. He basically said Peyton is put Qb until he retires and the hardest worker in the nfl. This is coming from one of the most well respected veterans and reminds us that it would be better for our future replacement to learn.

    Petyon is the best QB to ever play Pro Football. Why does it need to be regurgetated (SP) and don't care by the way... "P... over and over?

    The Manning scenario is about ONE thing. Can Peyton pay, and they DOES he want to play, and then......... WHO does he want to play for.

    I guarantee you all.... If Manning plays in 12, it will not be in a Colt uni. And I am fine with that.

    I think that is the way "business" should go... Communicate. and talk about it.. and make an educated decision on the "best course of plan for TEAM X, and player Z. What is "best for both?"

    A parting of ways in no way makes PM less of a Colt. PM will be a Colt forever.

    heck, Harbaugh had one great play9ff run... and he is a SAINT in the city..... and deseverdly so....

  9. Pat McAfee shot that down earlier this year when he said Caldwell is the one who brought Tressel in, why would Caldwell bring in a guy to be there just in case he got fired? McAfee also said the players rarely saw or talked to Tressel and when grilled on if he Tressel was brought into replace Caldwell should he be fired he said, and I want to stress these were his words not mine, "Those people that believe that need to get a clue."

    He talked about on one of his apperances on WNDE this season so I am sure there is audio if someone wants to look it up.

    With that said the fact Tressel has been around for a year probably helps him getting interviewed now.

    Pat Mc ... is .... kinda ... ummmmmmm... unreliable? maybe?

    I guarantee you all ... Tress is a "legit" prospect.... And with Fish off the market... Seriously, who is really better qualified?

    Tress is a Dungy / Noll personality type.... If given the chance I would bet the ..... well ... my back yard Sweater V does a "great" job.

    I am actually geeked to hear TSV gets a chance at it....

    And yes I am a OSU fan..........

  10. Hence what I said about other issues... Also why I think RGIII is going to be a good QB in this league because he doesn't have those issues.

    Personally I think taking Luck if we keep Manning makes more sense just from the fact that people say Luck is the one guy to come along in a long time that can do the things Manning does on offense.

    And Luck can RUN. Imagine Manning with 4.7 speed. Wow....

  11. Leaf had personal problems and that was evident with his drug problems, the only reason i like RGIII more than Luck and it sounds ridiculous is because he is younger and much quicker and also has a really nice touch on his deep balls... things are much different than it was during the time of leaf and manning.

    I dont doubt Luck will have success or RGIII because Coaches this days in college cater to what teams are looking for in the League.

    I personally think, if manning stays the colts are almost destined to take RGIII...

    If peyton is cut then its a no brainer that they will take Luck for the simple fact that he is a ready now QB unless RGIII really amazes in the combine.

    RG3 6 months younger than Luck, and Luck is much bigger, plays with far less skill position talent, and RUNS A 4.7 40. I don't get all this "take RG because he can run" ... darn watch a Stanford game and you will see a BIG QB that can really move.

    Luck is simply the total package. There is no way in Wabash IN. that the Colts take RG3 over Luck. Manning on the roster or not.

    RG3 also played in the worst defensive confl in the BCS. NOBODY played D in the league. RG3 has a lot of "ifs" surrounding him. I think Luck is simply a "given."

  12. And posters scoff at my idea that the Colts bandwagon will get very light when Manning retires. The OP is a perfect example.

    I live in Indy and have witnessed first hand what Manning has done for this city and this organization, but that does not change the fact that we have to plan for life after Manning.

    As amazing as some of these players are their life in football is very very short compared to the organization. In eight years the Colts will still be here, but Peyton will be long retired by that time. The organization owes it to itself and its fans to do what is best for the organization in the long run.

    As much as it sucks to think about Manning not on this team it is only a matter of time before we see Manning in front of that podium saying he retires.

    I agree with everything except the "bandwagon getting light"... Indy is a football town now, and the state is also. Manning arrived at the perfect time. Class BB introduced, and the decline of the Pacers in the mid 2000's. All the while HS football in Indiana is now KING.

    This season is a prime examle, LOS was rocking up until the final game. Andrew Luck and the new Colts will be just fine and have just as loyal a following as Peyton.

    My family has held season tix since the Mayflower arriveed. I have seen a light bandwagon. This city is nowhere near that level of fandom. Indy is a "true" football city now.

  13. Anyone watch the Ohio State offense the past few years with Tressel as coach? Not interested in that at all.

    Why? It's very similar to what Stanford runs with out all the 2 TE sets. Only real diff. is Harbaugh had a legit "Pro" style QB. And the sweater vest had Pryor.

    Tressel has the personality to transfer perfectly to the Pro game. He is not an in for face "rah rah" guy. He is very similar to Dungy in many way.

  14. First of all, how can you people, who call yourself an Indianapolis Colts fan, even speak about Peyton Manning playing quarterback in the National Football League for a team other than the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS.

    Peyton Manning changed the sports landscape of this city from a die hard basketball town TO a city that bleeds blue and white and eats, drinks, breaths football, which has been the case for the last decade. Most of us still have a passion for basketball in our bones that will never go away, but even with that Peyton Manning still rules this city's sports heart!

    No single player has ever impacted his team to the extent that Peyton Manning did to the Indianapolis Colts, in professional football. Peyton is responsible for the MILLIONS of Hoosiers, from all corners of the state, who tune in, every single Sunday the Colts play on, to watch the GREATEST QUARTERBACK TO EVER PLAY THE GAME. He is responsible for the ticket sales that made the RCA Dome to small of a venue, which in turn brought the oportunity to build a state-of-the-art truely magnificant facility for the Indianapolis Colts and the fans. As a current season ticket holder ill comment that Lucas Oil Stadium is a one-of-a-kind stadium and is a great experience for fans and the players seem to agree also. WELL WE HAVE PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS PLACE!!!!! AND OWNER JIM IRSAY HAS PEYTON MANNING TO THANK FOR THIS CITY AND ALL OF INDIANA NOW BEING COLTS COUNTRY!!!!!!

    Now having said all that, Who Wants to Win a SuperBowl Now? ME! I Want to WIN Feb. 2013 SuperBowl!! ill finish this part of the conversation in a different TOPIC with the just asked question as the title.


  15. Mort reported on twitter today Irsay will not trade the pick but wants a full process on the top pick and if they think RG3 is better they will take him.

    Nice mis directiion by Irsy... However, "LUCKY" for us ... Luck is the clear pick at QB.

    Heck I like Russell Wilson better than RG3 and Wilson could probably be had in the 3rd round,

    That would be my dream scenario... trade pick... snatcha tona D.

    and Draft Wilson or mayby Moore or Keenan.. or just draft a couple QB's and see what happens. Manning, if healthy, is a GIVEN.

    But I will admitt. I am excited at he thought of a new "STUD" QB in Indy.


  16. As much as I can't stand Caldwell coaching and his lack of emotion, what does this mean to the new fans, bandwagoners (fallen off already?) and long time followers?

    Still loyal to the TEAM despite what the Owner and GM talked about this being a new era?

    My old man bought seson tix year one at the dome... been there ever since.

    Here is the list of the coaches I have watched "lead" my favorite team.






    Ted... I love that man... and my favorite Indy colt coach.





    In the "Indy" era... we have 3 coaches with a winning record.....


    Meyer ................

    and yes Jim C.

    Mora was .500 and the rest sucked.

    We'll see.

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