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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. you know I think sometimes Irsay floats these things out there to just to mess with people. Remember the Favre tweet earlier this year? With that said it wouldn't shock me if there was something to what he sent here.

    How about our "teams owner" starts actling like one instead of Alex Trebec....

    I am personally sick of this stupid tweeting.. With Jimbo showing how savy he is in the 60's pop music culture genre.

    Run a team man...


  2. You go through Frank Kush and Ron Downhower times there Dee? or a bad time when Mora missed the playoffs one year?

    heeh.. I'm

    It wouldn't matter if our Head Coach was "defensive-minded," because that's not his job. His is to instill leadership, attitude, an overall gameplan, and some measure of player control. He has to be concerned with both sides of the balk, but not at the micro level. If our HC starts trying to micro-manage one side of the ball, we will be in trouble. His job is to hire coordinators he can delegate to. Whatever the future of the Colts defense will look like will be 100% up to the DC, not the HC...that is, unless we want to fail.

    Doogs you are kicking str8 knowledge lately...

    Right On...

    44 I'm a man...

  3. I understand that they aren't Bill Belichick. The Jets issues have been mainly on offense. They can't run the ball like they used to and Sanchez isn't an elite QB. They got to 2 consecutive AFC championship games using the ground-and-pound mentality that Ryan brought. They decided to swerve away from that this year and put the ball in Sanchez' hands and it didn't work.

    Lewis has had to deal with some real characters during his time as head coach in Cincy. We saw how stubborn Carson can be and we all know about Ocho. We've even seen Bill Belichick not be able to work with flamboyant people like Haynesworth. Only difference is Belichick has a talent filled roster whereas Lewis' GM doesn't give him as much to work with. It's also going to be hard to have lots of success when you are in the same division as the Steelers and Ravens

    Ryan and Lewis's issues are with "the personality" of the team not X's and O's..

    Ryan has encouraged an outlaw reputation. guess what Rex? now you have it.. Good Luck. Your team is a wreck, and it will have to be fixed form within. Not gonna happen with that sorry bunch.

    and Lewis "has had to deaal with a bunch of characters" ... oh Lord seriously.. Lewis enabled this atmosphere to fester. The Bengals have drafted the must "undraftable" players in the last ten years... WHat has it got them? Besides arrest after arrest.

    You don't buy pork steak and expect to eat filet.

    Neither of these men are "strong" HC's.. We as Colt fans have been spoiled by Mora, Dungy, and yes Caldwell. Strong locker room personalities who demand respect. Because when Indy gets it's own Rex in here I doubt too many of us will like it.

    This is why I like Tressa and Zimm.. . they won't put up with any ^cowpatties^ from entitled players. Tress gave too much rope to some at OSU and his kids burned him... In the NFL, he won't have to worry about that nonesense.

    Everyone loves the Colt culture... but don't want to take realisic looks at who is likely to continue said cultrue.

    I think Zimm or Tress are the ones...... The rest, we are rolling dice.

  4. John Dee, based on your OBJECTIVE point of view excluding Tres. man, who do you think is the MOST qulaified person to be HC of the Colts?

    Honestly put Tress's, Carm, Zimm, Chilli, Morningwig.... line them up and I promis you will all end saying Tress is most qualified for a "SHOT NOW"

    Next Zimm.

    The rest have glaring faults, or are inexperienced... (Pagano) they should not even be considered.


    I have sat through bad times before... I don't want to do it again, and I hope Irsay nails this.

  5. Rex is knowledgeable. He understands schemes and players well. His downfall is his mouth. Marvin Lewis is alright. He had to deal with Ocho for most of his career and Carson Palmer too. Now that he has solid guys like Green and Dalton, the team is doing well.

    Rex has divided his own team because of his willingness to let everyone "be themselves"... He is done as the Jets HC. He won't recover.

    These Alpha/player friendly types NEVER succeed. And Lewis.. seriously. how many years do you get ot finally make it happen? Heck Caldwell got 3, had a winning record and got fired.

    Rex is a Buddy clone, and will never win big. He blew his shot. And Lewis... ???

    Mike Brown, need I say more?

  6. It's funny how nobody heard of this guy until now, yet everyone is eager to have him as the coach................. :loco:

    Yep, I am convinced half of this board just look at "names" ... ie RAVEN DC... yipppeeee..

    or Tressel, NCAA violations.

    instead of really looking at a mans qualifications. Of all the potentials so far... Pagano is by far the LEAST qualified of all of them. Yet some "savy" Colt fans think this is exactly what this team needs.

    whatever, we shall soon see.

  7. So if we all basically agree that the NCAA is messed up and corrupt and generates more money that the NFL, what does that have to do with the guys "football" credentials? He had to much at stake to be keeping his mouth shut over something as trivial as jerseys for tats. In a X's and O's sense I'm against being blindly against or for, because I've noticed that generally Ohio State fans have been the most enthusiastic about this possibility that really doesn't surprise me, but the people who are against him won't point out the character flaws so much, I've just noticed a general unsubstantiated "football" dislike for him.

    I dunno where I come down.

    keep listening to Zappa and it wil all come to you.... :)

    Tress is qualifed.. Tress is the best candidate. of the known ones.

    OSU is not a Div 3 outfit. They are top of the food chain in the NCAA. Next to maybe Texas only in terms of sports related revenue.

  8. I would love for this guy to be the HC, defensive minded, great personality, the complete package.

    Careful what you wish for, "complete package" ...

    1 year as an NFL DC...

    1 year as a BCS college DC...

    a career secondary coach...

    This is who we want? He may be bread and butter and he may be...

    This is the kind of hire that scares me.... NO HC exerience at all .... ever.


    sorry wrong link .. Marv's is far more impressive..


  9. Rex Ryan has an annoying personality from a fan's perspective, but he certainly knows his coaching. Mike Nolan isn't a superb head coach, but he really knows how to run a solid 3-4. Marvin Lewis has done a solid job of being the head coach of the Bengals. Sure, there are better coaches out there, but he has still done pretty well

    Rex is horrible and Lewis...


    how does he still have his job... folks are on Tress's butt about "standards" ... Do Bengal standards equal ours?

  10. That's what i was going to say former Ravens DC's have gone on to have success in this league as Head coaches. Not that is a promise to keep going here but hey I like him but like you I am hoping for Zimmer.

    Have they? Outside of Rex and quick 2 year run...


    Nolan ... bust

    Lewis... how does he still have his job? Zimm's help maybe.

    and Pag has been an NFL DC for all of one season...


  11. Of the guys interviewed (that we know of) he would jump to number 1. I like the fact he would bring along the 3-4, although it would take some time to bring in the necessary talent for it. Chuck's defenses have always been near the top of the leagues best D's. Only concern is that as Ravens DC its awfully easy to look like a good coach with Ray Lewis, Terrell Suggs, Ed Reed, Haloti Ngata and Jarrett Johnson.

    On another note I'm friends with a whole family of Pagano's I'm sure they would keep letting me hear it "one of them" coaches my team

    He's been a full time DC for all of one season... but has a ton of D experience... I am mixed.


  12. I know nothing about this man... and have not looked yet.

    the last few Raven DC' s to get promoted..

    Rex Ryan ... NO THANKS

    Mike Nolan

    Marvin Lewis

    Just sayin... is it the talent or the "coach"...

    This is the very reason I am leary about a coordinator... because teh coordinator takes a "new" job and no longer does the one that got him promoted...

    Regardless.... I like the direction.

  13. Irsay missed the boat on not hiring Fischer; U mean Tresel over Fischer?

    I love Fisher... but darn Brian Schottenheimer? eeeeeeewwwwww

    OC and DC hires will be huge regardless of who is HC,. and Brian Schottenheimer is the last person (who is a known) that I would want running my teams O...

    Watch the Jets lately? or Redskins under ^cowpatties^? He coached Brees early and got Drew and his dad fired.

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