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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. It isn't 40% of the team's cap. It is about 19-20% of the team's cap on the QB position if we keep PM with his current contract, a #1 overall pick QB at 5% over what Cam Newton got last year, and a #3QB at league minimum.

    LOL, if Luck and PM take up 40% of the cap, you would have to dismiss the entire defense to stay below the cap.

    I'm,just stating what Andrew Brandt stated tonight on ESPN radio.. I think he was refering to the "total" commitment in year one.

    28m + 7m for Manning and Lucks would be 20m commitment if they draft him first... THe 28m is "owed" regardless of whether Manning stays post 2012 or not.. Same for Luck's $ It's guaranteed. Something like that ... I will try to round up the podcast.

    Total amout owed, not just for salary cap year x.

    Here is one podcast on the subject. Good stuff...


  2. guys ryan leaf was a cant miss prospect ...luck is no leaf but u never know who would of thought cam newton was going to have a beast season i thought he was going to be a vince young.....i been posting for years that are defense is suspect we cant stop the run and i used to get killed in the forum.. we were ranked in the high 20s on stoping the run but ranked in the top 10 on the pass put 2 and 2 together teams where to busy running us that they never needed to throw...lets stop the run cause some pressure and watch how are corners get better ..we also need linebackers angre is good i like the kid but who else do we have ????? scrubs are we getting any comp picks????

    Wrong, Leaf had several "red flags" pre draft... And lets look at what Cam Newton came into his rookie season in Carolina.

    Steve Smith All Pro WR

    Olson, and Shockey .. 2 first round All Pro caliber TE's

    Williams and Stewart 2 first round running backs, and very productive.

    the OL is a very good run blocking line, or has been in the past.

    Newton landed in a QB friendly O with a OC who knows how to bulld a O around his QB's abilities. He got Anderson in the Pro Bowl in Cleveland.

    Newton cooled way off after teams took Smith away from him. He did his damage the last third of the season on the ground primarily. And did you see him in the Pro Bowl? eeeeeeeeeewwww

  3. The more and more I watch Luck video the more I want him. I would even be willing to draft him and keep Manning on the roster. And suck up 40% of the teams cap just to ensure Luck is a Colt.

    I think he is going to be that good. And I think he is going to be pretty darn good pretty darn fast also.

    If Luck is the day one starter, keep building a strong OL. Carter, Brown, and Addai are strong backs.

    Keep Garcon, along with Collie and couple new WR's. This and DB will be NEED areas come draft day.

    Clark? I don't know how I feel about him yet. But I suspect he may get cut. Tamme has proven more than an capable replacement.

  4. The more I think about this whole situation the more I simply cannot believe that the Colts are in a postition to transition from a Peyton Manning, still in his prime (regardless of the circumstances) to a player the caliber of an Andrew Luck...

    This franchise totally Lucked out....

    And watching that video the thing that stands out to me, as is the same with every game I have watched him play is his mobility. He will add a dimension to this team the Colts have not seen since Harbaugh was here. And what a nice feeling it is to get a "cheap" (running) first down on occasion.

    If it goes down like it appears it wil,... next season will be a bitter sweet one to say the least.

  5. Honestly, this is no different than people here complaining about how people from Baltimore misrepresent Indy. I live just north of Baltimore, have for 25 years. I have never had an issue while in Baltimore, and I'm there with my family constantly. Like any city, there are some areas you tend to shy away from, but even then, we don't completely avoid them. Are the people generally as nice as in the midwest? Absolutely not, but that doesn't make them terrible people. Try not to lower yourself to the "East Coast mentality".

    Sarcasm is a "midwestern" thing... obviously...

  6. no, it actually IS true. If we dont pay the $28million bonus on March 8th, it makes his current contract null and void...thus making him an unrestricted free agent...so he can sign anywhere he likes, including here

    Wow... that just doesn't sound ... legal..??

    Not doubting you, but I will do some diggting..

  7. No we got lucky with Peyton, who's to say luck will strike twice...3 times if u count Elway

    I just don't think the luck will be with us....

    I mean were the Colts we don't need luck, we have Peyton...

    I love Peyton, and I have been on record as saying if healthy keep Manning and trade the #1pick.

    I have had a change of heart.

    Indy must draft Luck even if Manning is on the roster. Which he won't be.

  8. lol....what a twerp. I like when he was on 465 and pointed the camera toward our city and commented "Thats the whole city right there", in reference to how small it is. Has this twerp not seen Baltimore?


    wow...so much bigger?!?!?

    Are you kidding? dude breaks out a camera in Balt. he will get mugged in a matter of seconds....

  9. Cardinals.

    Larry Fitzgerald Sr. @FitzBeatSr

    Archie Manning &I were talking about our sons having dinner tonight.Manning thinks highly of my son as I do his.Who picks up the check???

    In case anyone cares, the Cardinals forums are going nuts over Manning rumors of him going there.

    I think Peyton will probably retire... but if he doesn't... Miami will be his destination.

  10. lots of 38-39 yr olds on that list.... and pardon me for pointing it out, but Jim Harbaugh wasnt considered the greatest of all time by ANYONE, either and was a free agent i believe

    the ages posted were retirement age not "SB winning age" ...

    And one thing that list does point out is that the league IS going to a QB driven league.....

    Luck is a must take ..... regardless of whether or not Manning returns.....

  11. it wouldnt so much be "reworking" the contract as just if we didnt pay the option, then he isnt under contract anymore, so he is free to negotiate a completely new contract with any team, Colts included

    I don't think this is true... kind of like collusion... But I really don't know..

    It does sound too easy to be true...

  12. Add to this he will be 36, and history says some loss of skills/ability will happen anyway. So few 35+ year old QBs sustain performance levels. Can he? If anyone can, it could be PM. But even healthy there was a chance his play, arm strength, general physical abilities would start going soon. Elway, Favre, Warner, Gannon, and a few others were still exceptional into their late 30s. But it is rare.

    He is coming off of a third neck surgery... I have serious doubts about Manning..

  13. irsay asked manning to retire?.. any truth to this?

    irsay asked manning to retire?.. any truth to this?

    This has been the "rumor" around Indy for a couple of months now...

    Thus all the "friction" between Irsay and PM.

  14. Does anybody of you think that - apart from all the "Peyton and I will remain friends forever" stuff - there is the theoretical option that Irsay wants to postpone THE decision to a date as late as possible in order to make it more difficult for Manning and interested teams to become acquainted with each other (for example: prevent Manning from getting familiar with other offenses)? I got that thought after Manning said that he wants a decision - rather sooner than later...

    I am naive and somewhat a romanticist when it comes to sports (in fact I hate the gibberish "it's all about business" talk). So my hope is that Irsay does all he can to keep Manning (asking to postpone the bonus date, let lawyers check the options for a modified contract, give Manning more time to let him prove his health and zip, etc., etc.). But sometimes I wonder whether even Irsay might be in league with the devil...

    The whole "rework the contract talk" ... I have never got a straight answer on ... But as far as I know it is up to Manning to approve a reworking... obviously.

    But why would he? He is a union member and the NFLPA would not look happily upon a Peyton Manning reworking and taking less money....

    I don't know.. there are so many wheels turning here...

    I can't believe a Super Bowl is getting out "media'd" by the Great Peyton Manning...

  15. if you consider 25 30 yard tosses in an hour aggressive what would you call 50 yard tosses or 30 yard bootlegs from 260 lb defenders?

    simply put you can use that crazy symbol on your own ignorant self if youre trying to say doing a light routine over an hour is by any means aggressive. you are simply wrong and trying to spin it to match your agenda.

    Manning has never had a "70 yard toss arm" ... and bootlegs? Nope... guess the rules out Washingiton. Those are Shanny's favorite plays...

  16. The two have nothing to do with each other unless his tweets start having a negative effect on certain aspects of the teams operations, which is not outside of the realm of posibility.

    If your boss got on you for posting so much on the Colts web site I'm sure you would tell him/her that you have plenty of time and energy to do both. Irsay spends less time tweeting than many of us do posting.

    Jim Irsay is an NFL owner... how many others "slum" on twitter? I mean really... I am truly embaressed for this man.

  17. The two have nothing to do with each other unless his tweets start having a negative effect on certain aspects of the teams operations, which is not outside of the realm of posibility.

    If your boss got on you for posting so much on the Colts web site I'm sure you would tell him/her that you have plenty of time and energy to do both. Irsay spends less time tweeting than many of us do posting.

    Do you remember Caldwell answering Q's about Collins... Irsay breaking news that his team's coach did not know about?

    This is horrible business.... and I fear we are about to see a lot more of it.

  18. DISCLAIMER: I do not endorse the questions as my own, nor will I side with any opinion in this thread. I am merely posting questions with regards to some of the more frequent, and dividing comments we've seen recently on our beloved boards. I also only want to see people's personal opinions, not some made up conclusion drawn about the things spoken by the media, which are no more than speculative, or the idea that Mr. Irsay and Mr. Manning are at odds!!! Please feel free to answer one, or all of the questions. Discuss!

    Why are people saying that we have to move on from Peyton even if he's healthy?

    Is winning now not as important as 6 or 7 years from now? Why does the timeframe matter?

    Why is dumping Manning universally accepted as the best thing for the franchise?

    When would it ever be optimal for the franchise to let the best player in football go when he can still win for you as you build the next gen team?

    Why can't he and Luck coexist now that it looks as though he's getting better?

    Just a few weeks ago, when everyone stated Peyton may be done forever, the idea of having Luck and Manning was a fine prospect to many. Why did that go away? The $28 million thing was well-known by that point, so nothing changed, only now Manning's health has improved. Why the change of heart?

    Why is no one is allowed to be positive, or pro-Manning anymore? To even hint at anything positive towards the greatest player to don a horseshoe brings a slew of flames to that poster. Even comments not directed at anyone, not anti-Luck or anti-Irsay, just won't be tolerated around here for some reason. Why is that?

    Did the idea of a healthy Manning and Luck on the same team suddenly become a bad one? It was an idea endorsed by the vast majority only a few weeks ago, and now we have positive news regarding Manning's health, a new system and coaching staff to implement, and the potential to win now AND going forward. Why did it become a "bad" idea?

    That is all for now. If I think of more, I will add them.

    Bro this is a message board not the place you upload your college dissertation.

    Good Lord Doog this is football not the coming of the AntiChrist... Relax and take what is given to "US" as a fanbase.

    wow.........I'm not reading and answering all that just because primarily... I'm too lazy.

  19. I think Jim got stuck after he tweeted at 1:00 a.m. that there would be a statement from the team today, so they put out a generic statement to satisfy that :)

    or just realized as "some do... ME" that it gets increasingly harder to hit keys when hammered... hehe..

    But Jimmy is an NFL owner and hipster... he obviously has NO shame in his game...

    He is boardering on being very embarassing to his team.... with his "tweets"

    Think about it ... a serious NFL owner, in the midst of a serious QB controversy.... and all the while Jim is tweeting away @ 1 AM.... hmmmm wonder how hard he is partying...

    Get it together Irsay... stop with the internet fun and start ROCKING AND ROLLING ON THIS TEAM....

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