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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. I think another factor that is not talked about much is what team takes either of these 2...

    The Colts hire of Ariens, I think sets in stone either the drafting of Luck or keeping Manning or both.

    But RG3, IMO, needs to go to team that is committed to the run if he is to play early. I think Washington would be the perfect fit for him. Shanny likes mobile QB's, he loves bootlegs and waggles, and his teams always run the ball ALOT.

    One QB I think everyone is selling short is Russel Wilson.. if he were 6' 2" or so he would be neck and neck with Luck and RG3 in the QB talk... that said I think whoever lands this player will get a steal...

    I can't wait to see how this all finally goes down...

  2. That is Superman's call. This is his mock roster, and his mock cap.

    If he thinks he can get a better DE for equal or less money, that is a risk he will have to decide on.

    He is getting older and he is one dimensional... After witnessing the over haul Indy is still in the process of.... I don't see a future for DF on this team...

    I actually think he could have trade value to a team like the Bucs or Bills who have plenty of cap room... and who are desperately in need of an end.

  3. I didn't say anything about RG3 did I? This was in reference to Case Keenum. All the guys that played for Texas Tech under the Mike Leach system,names like Kliff Kingsbury, Graham Harrell, Sonny Cumbie, guys that threw for record breaking yardage in the Big 12 but are obviously not league material. They just plug QB's into that system and they get production. You could probably look back on these forums and somebody probably said, we should draft Colt Brennan or Graham Harrell because they threw for X amount of yards. There is a reason most guys from systems like that are 7th round picks and more often suited for the arena league.

    You just made what will be the arguement against RG3.... that and when they measure his height I suspect he will be a lot shorter than 6' 2"... and smaller than 220... Combine numbers are not exclusive to arm strength and 40 time.

  4. Here are some facts to consider:

    The current franchise tag for DEs is $10.6MM

    Here is Freeney's existing contract:

    6 year term

    Signing bonus paid in 2007 of $15

    Miscl. bonus paid in 2008 of $12.5

    Salaries: 0.75; 0.75; 6.22; 8.825; 11.42; 14.035

    Average per year income to Freeeney = $11.58MM

    I don't see that his income is out of line. What provides the perception is the strange way his contract was back-loaded.

    The way I understand it is his cap his THIS next season is 19m. The average of his contract over the 6 years being "out of line" is debateable. If you simply want sacks and a few forced fumbles then he is your man.

    But, he is non existant against the run... how many times have we Colt fans watched BOTH of our ends zoom right up field and the RB blow right by them off tackle? In my mind a DE that is getting paid the big bucks should do it all. But thats just me.

    If Indy keeps him they have to get that # down. IMO

  5. I doubt Luck even throws at the combine he doesnt want to go head to head against RG3 bank on that

    They are going head to head, both players Pro day is on the same day.

    Luck is so superior to RG3 it is not even close. Watch Baylor highlights, RG3 throws to "wide open" recievers the majority of the time. He was also throwing to the second rated WR in the draft. And he was facing Big 12 D's. Who are not good....

    If onw watches both with an unbiased mind Luck is simply the better QB, not athlete.

    And keep in mind, Luck runs 4.7 40.... Cam ran a 4.6, just sayin...

  6. My question is will Freeney agree to such a deal? I feel like he, Mathis, Wayne won't offer discounts..

    Freeney would... he has been "stealing" money for years... but I would hope Indy does not even try.. just trade this dud to a sack hungry team. Cause that is ALL DFree is good for.

    Mathis won't give an inch I am thinking... He is 2x the all around player D Free is. I hope Indy keeps Mathis and lets DF go on somewhere else that will pay him a million a year for "A" single solo tackle a season. Oh and his 8 or whatever sack totals for a team that's D was on the field 24/7.

    Freeney's gotta go...

    Wayne? gone.

    I just hope Indy keeps the productive player on the DL over the "hyped" player. Mathis will be a MONSTER OLB in a hybrid 3-4.

    A more gifted Vrable.

    Big changes a coming.... :colts:

  7. 1984.. My dad bought season tix and our family has held them ever since... And the early years sucked. But "the Irsays" finally got a GM, first Tobin and then Polian and .... poof...

    The team starts getting good, I really hope Jimmy is not thinking after watching B Polina for so many years he thinks he has "figured it out" ...


  8. Let's see..... a degree in communications, a splendid ambassador for the game, more TV face time than darn near anyone but the president and he just flat out has an incurable case of football on the brain.

    I'll take that bet.

    Some day they'll even ask him who his favorite broadcaster is... and he'll say "Mah Dad!"

    Peyton is an Alpha male, a control freak, and above all... a very private person. If he just goes and decides to become an ESPN, FOX, NBC, CBS, or NFLN talking head I will be shocked.

    He is an owner type... not a coach, and certainly not an * taliking heak.

    Think about it.... do the "BIG NAMES" ever do the booth?

    Marino..... and after that ...???

  9. according to CNNSI, a source who has knowlede on the manning situation has said there has been no talk about money reguardless of what irsay has said about the talks. now this could just be speculation and another tactic by the press to cause problems, but if its not, could this mean peyton is on his way out..... thoughts?


    Just look at the facts... If Manning returns "all things staying the same" it will be a shock.

  10. The Dolphin loss..... thanks for nothing Vandy..

    03-04 The Pats were just better...

    05 This game literally made me just sick for a week following. I won't even go into the 'blown" chances Indy had.

    The Chargers, they have just had Indy's number.... And Sproles against our woeful ST's didn't help.

    The Saint SB loss.... sigh... see 05, Garcon's drop was huge in the first half... as big as the Hank onside drop.

    And 2010.... the TO.....

    Crap like a PR muffing 2 punts just didn't happen too Indy the last decade. The Colts had to play "at their very best" to win.

  11. There is one way we can >>> this up but I don't think it's likely.

    Keep Peyton have him not be able to play again and in the process have Luck say oh you kept Peyton I don't want to go to Indy. I know Luck has said all the right things so far about coming here but if you listen to him when he talks he always leaves the door open to forcing a trade. I think he's being smart and letting the Peyton situation play out before he fully tips his hand.

    Well IMO .... all the "talk" from Irsay and Manning is just that .......... "talk"..

    Manning will be released and Luck will be under center in 2012.


  12. Hey Colts fans. I have been one who has been saying Peyton will remain a Colt until he retires. Why does Irsay publicly announce Peyton can stay if...... What happened to money was not the problem, his health is. You were the owner who bragged about making your QB the highest paid man in the NFL. Now you got it. Sounds like you got carried away. I'm personally tired of the all the secressy surounding every personell problem this team has had since Polian came on board and seems to continue right along. Its tough when you have followed a team as long as I have to allow this crap to become anything more than a side show. I think team wise, the Colts probably should move on, change their logos and their uniforms and start over. Will I be there to watch? I don't know. As I mentioned before, when you have been a fan a long time, I saw the Colts clean house and let Unitas go. Bubba Smith was the last one released. Then they let Bert Jones go. Things were pretty dismal until Harbaugh and Marchibroda brought life and some respectability back to the Colts. I met Harbaugh and Bill Tobin on the Golf Course shortly after that Pittsburg loss in the Conference championship and told them both what they had done for the Colts fans here in Florida. The Manning era Kind of made you forget about all those bad memories. Now here we are at another crossroads in Colts history. Do I have the intestinal fortitude it takes to be a Colt fan one more go around?

    This is a NO LOSE situation...

    Keep Manning and trade pick for the world...

    Draft Luck and release Manning and have the "next" Manning on the roster...

    or... Draft Luck and keep Manning....

    This team was cursed for years now they are blessed.

  13. and I don't expect him too.

    I was just saying if we went down that road there is no way we release him without a contract already in place. I think Peyton is going to say thanks but no thanks to our offer.

    Yep... Arizona or Miami.. If DUDE can play,..

    Which is the genesis of the entire issue.... CAN HE PLAY?

  14. If we release him and we are going to resign him I would bet the house that new contract will be in place before we release him and him singing that contract will be a formality. Not unlike what the Colts did with Jeff Herrod years ago.

    Of course... BUT... A 36 year old Manning will NOT choose to stay and rebuild. It just wont.

  15. You know, the problem is, if Luck will be great as QB, ESPN and other analyst will keep on bashing us as a "One man army", but then Luck will be the "One man"...

    Oh you are sadly mistaken grasshopper... Pags is going to make a mark on this team from the "first" KO...

    ST and D and now "priorities"...

  16. I'm to the point now where I don't even want Peyton back on this team next year. The biggest reason I say that is because I want us as a franchise to prove we are more than just one man. I want us to succeed beyond Peyton to SHUT all these ESPN analysts up when they continue to keep bashing the Colts as of late. I want us to start anew with Luck and have the money we save from not signing Peyton to go out and get very good players in FA to help turn this team around soon.

    Your thoughts on my take on this?

    Bottom line.... This is a "perfect storm"...

    1 Manning "not healthy"

    2 A Huge "bonus" due at the start of the new NFL year.

    3 And most ................... Astonishing.........

    Andrew Luck is looking YOU in the face..

    It is a NO BRAINER decision, as far as I'm concerned. You take the "young gun" over the ... ummmmmm, "hurt' VET QB.. ??

    I ain't feeling Irsay's tactics.... but I am felling his direction,.

  17. He may not coach but he doesn't have that much money. If you took Mannings average earnings over the last 5 years, he would have to maintain that earning level for about the next 400 years without spending a dime to match the Bill Gates' net worth right now.

    Oh good lord man.... Peyton Manning is worth at "LEAST" 200m .... factor into his future earning potential and Peyton is a "heavy hitter" That's just off the top of my nugget.

    Comparing Gates to "any" jock is .... silly...

    Bill Gates HAS more money than GOD.

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