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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. Why are we calling it games? I mean, doesn't he have until March 8 to make a decision? Really, there are a ton of decisions to be made by that point, and I don't think any of us could possibly fathom what either Irsay or Manning have to face in the days and weeks ahead.

    I doubt it's a game to either of them. I think the media, and a select few around here, have made it out to be something more (or less) than it really is. I also highly doubt that there's even an ounce of hostility between them, despite what everyone is trying to suggest. They've played the media, the sports networks, and the bloggers for fools this entire time. What in the world gives anyone here the authority to suggest they have the faintest idea as to what's transpiring?

    drama = ratings.. / hits...

    sad but true.

  2. he's young..its his first GM job and he's waiting for the situation with Manning to be resolved....

    I'm glad he talked to Peyton but there's nothing he can add...or analyze...

    He's waiting for Irsay to make his decsion..andkeeping low-key

    Exactly, Irsay will be the one dropping the bomb on Indy not the new GM...

    He is just waiting for all this mess to blow over...

  3. Ive already read a couple fans compare Peyton to Frave how he wants all the attention....really

    Cause it was only a couple days ago that the media was saying is career is over...

    so if he didn't come out and kill these rumors they would do nothing but talk about it even through the SB. So maybe he thought if i go head and release this info they would stop taking about it....

    Wrong...now they are just talking about where he wants to play next year and he and Jim Irsay has made it more then clear.....that's in Indy

    So lets knock that comparison off before the media decides they want to head down that road...

    Ok, lets start ......... now?

  4. Here's a tweet from John Clayton sometime today after the Peyton announcement. Clayton is an ESPN guy and pretty stand up in my opinion:

    While Peyton Manning remains optimistic about his return, people in the Colts org. aren't as certain because of nerve in neck and triceps

    Right.. now we are "doctor fighting" ... I mean seriously...

    I truly expect Manning to be a FA by this time next week.

  5. They cleared him from a safety standpoint not a performance standpoint. The nerve still has a ways to go from everything I've heard. I'm sure something will come out soon where he's at considering he worked out with Colts receivers this week.

    not playing ping pong here but ESPN radio said Manning was "cleared for ALL FOOTBALL" related activities..

    What this includes under the CBA?

    Who knows.. Crazy scene...

  6. not true! if you read the whole story, the doc who performed the surgery is ONE of the two doctors who cleared him, and the other is THE COLTS TEAM DOCTOR...and the team doc is the one who was quoted as saying "If Peyton were my son, i would tell him to get out there and play ball."

    link please...

    all reports I have read state that Indy's team doc's have not looked at him.

    I could be wrong.. but ... this is big info if Colt doctors clear him..

  7. Years of poor drafting and mismanagemet have caused this mess to happen. In 2010 we saw it start to fall apart with nearly losing the divison to the Jaguars. Lack of depth everywhere with injuries.

    This past season showed just how bad things have gotten everywhere. There was also again, little depth and most importantly at QB.

    With Irsay firing just about everyone it became clear to me (or so I thought) this team was rebuilding.

    If you are starting over why do you have Manning? It makes little sense to me. I don't see this as being a SB caliber team anytime soon. Not with a rookie HC. And not with Houston in this division. Be honest with yourselves. Houston even without Schaub was a contender. That is scary. Add in Schaub and they are a top 5 team in just about every statistical category.

    You bring back Peyton and not only is it going to be difficult to win a title it's going to be tough to even make the playoffs IMO.

    This team has been the Peyton's for years. Personally, I want to see a team again.

    This does not mean I don't love and appreciate all Manning has done and hope he has a healthy future. It means I care deeply about the future of this organization as well and I don't think it helps the team or Manning to have them co-exist right now. I really don't.

    If this rubs some the wrong way I am sorry.

    I had to get this off my chest.

    Lastly, there is no reason for the Manning camp to release information this week or to do interviews. It is taking away attention from the two QBs in the SB who deserve the spotlight.

    Fear not my child.. or young lady... :)

    Irsay is no dummy, he IS laying he groundwork for the "biggest" FA release in NFL history....

    BUT... lets then see who is SO eager to pick up Manning and PAY him what he "demaands"... and it will be huge in a "bidding war"...

    And as Andrew Brandt stated tonight on ESPN radio... "the NFL has the benefit of time regarding Peyton Manning, the Colts DO NOT"


  8. Didn't Irsay say after the Polian empire was fired that "He wanted his team back."?

    I think Irsay is going to do what he wants.

    Peyton might be released.

    Heck, Montana was released too. People get cut. It's sports. You root for the laundry not the player year after year....decade after decade.

    I sound cold lately I know.

    Ding Ding Ding Ding...... and personally I am very; afraid of this scenario... Jim had hs chance in the late 80's...


    Please, I hope Irsay lets the new GM and coach do their jobs.... but honestl... I wonder...

  9. It seems near impossible to avoid the ego. They all got em. They all want what they want.

    Honestly, Luck could play this out a lot like Rodgers did by saying all the right things. He could end up looking like the innocent one in this threesome when all is said and done.

    I still love me some Peyton but I also feel like he is going about this all wrong at times. I also think at times Irsay is too. I swear the two of them are trying to almost out do each other now at times.

    Yep, but we are talking about "multi zero having individuals"... they roll on their own time table.

    Thus the cat fighting... neither is used to "not being in control"...

    I just hope it ends well... Because Manning needs to be a part of Indy forever.

  10. "Peyton has not passed our physical nor has he been cleared to play for The Indianapolis Colts. Team statement coming on Friday."


    Seems like Irsay is the politician. Isn't there an old saying that goes something like the flaws you see in others are really the flaws you have about yourself?

    huh??? I guess a 28m dollar potential "flaw" is worth at least checking out ... fully? By all doctors, and not just Manning's. Which are who cleared him.

  11. Someone said this on the radio the other day.

    "You have a man and a woman thinking of getting a divorce. It's the Holiday's. The family is in town. The couple decides to hold off "the talk" until they all go home. But, neither the man or woman can help it. They take cheap shots at each other publicly while drunk and everyone in the room knows something is up."

    The SB is the family in town.

    I am guessing Luck is now the other woman for Irsay?! Peyton feels cheated on. Peyton wants an answer. Peyton is saying "Jim do you still love me. Jim we went through so much together. Oh JIM PLEASE NOT NOW. Luck is young but I swear I still have much to give you."

    Now see this is what we all want to "avoid"...

    It's business... but... teh EGO is a ....

  12. Sorry, I missed this earlier.

    One way to determine how often these "once in a generation QB prospects" come about is to look at various professional scouts ratings of these prospects.

    Currently, Mel Kiper has rated Luck as a 99/100. We can look back through history and see if he has rated any player (not just QB) as high (or higher).

    Currently, Todd McShay has rated Luck as 99/100. Similarly we can look back to see his historical ratings on other players.

    You can continue to do this to a big sample of professional scouts, and determine how often these "once in a generation QB prospects" come about.

    I think the last person (besides Luck) Kiper rated as a 99 or 100 was Elway. Someone will let me know if I am mistaken.

    Sure there are other QB prospects in all rounds of the draft that will become good if not great QBs in the NFL. And...there will be those QB prospects that will bust in the NFL. The problem is determining which ones will and which ones won't before you draft them and attach probabilities. Generally, the higher a QB prospect is rated, the less likelihood (although no guarantees) there is of a bust. What also complicates matters is that busts may not be the fault of the prospect. If a team's situation is such that even the best prospect gets mauled behind an ineffective OL (ala David Carr), it could lead to injury and loss of confidence to trigger the bust.

    Yes, the scouts have got it horribly wrong in the past, and these cases are often talked about ad infinitum. However, to see the big picture, the scouts are more often right than not about a prospects potential in the NFL. That's why NFL teams pay them for their services.

    darn, I just look at what wins in todays NFL....

    Luck is Big, Fast, and he is SMART.........

    Stanford.... yes STANFORD was a NC contender the last 2 seasons!!!!!!!

    This kid is a no brainer.... Manning's health or lack of.... Indy has the first pick in the 2012 NFL draft. And the pick is Luck.

    Nice potential problem ... Manning and Luck on the same roster..... ehehee,,

    It won't happen tho...

  13. Irsay and Peyton SURE have NOT been quiet though.

    And TBH I doubt everything is lovey dovey between them either. Irsay's tweet tonight is cold and to the point. He called him a politician.

    Peyton has forced Irsay's hand right now.........

    This is going to get VERRRRRRRY interesting.

    Won't be interesting at all... they are parting ways... it is just a matter of "public perception" now.. Nobody wants to be viewed as the bad guy.

    And they both have huge EGO's and .... and the SB is in "their" city RIGHT NOW....

  14. It has nothing to do with the price of eggs.

    I am just clarifying the fact of the matter. Given the facts, I can see how someone can mistakenly construe Luck and Peyton having the same agent.

    The fact of the matter is that they have the same company (agency), but different agents.

    Just to clarify.. WNDE stated about a month ago or so that Luck was looking to hire TC as his agent. I just assumed..

    and we all know how that turns out .....


  15. I agree about the statue and possibly being involved with the team.

    However, I see no reason for Irsay to sell part of the team to manning unless he's strapped for cash.

    I certainly wouldn't give up any % of the team if i owned it. What would be the advantage to Irsay?

    Just more cooks in the kitchen.

    Its a family business. You keep it that way, or sell the whole thing.

    I can totally see Irsay, in the future, hooking Manning up with a "piece of the pie" ...

    And in all honesty.. Irsay should, Manning saved his teams sorry butt. Indy was very close to "moving" again. Plus, Manning is a very "football smart individual" .... Irsay has proven to be....... horrible when running the show.

    I really do see Manning buying into the Colts.

  16. --->Irsay just swore on national television that no decision had been made yet. What possible benefit is there for him to lie about it? More to the point, if he is just going to release Peyton anyway, but possible benefit does he get but holding out to the last second? The pleasure of torturing everyone involved, Peyton in particular? I don't think so.

    --> Yes, it is a bit silly to conclude that just because Luck isn't acting like an inmature jerk with an attitude problem that something must have been concluded behind the scenes. Perhaps he simply ISN'T an inmature jerk with an attitude problem. That would be a good thing. Not to mention the fact that the draft is MONTHS away.

    --> No, they don't have the same agent.

    There is a pretty fair probability that Manning with be replaced by Luck, but I don't agree with your theories here at all. This is going to be playing out for a LONG time. We won't have any idea about Peyton until at least March 8th, and there is no reason for Luck to even politely hint anything (much less made a demand for which he has absolutely no leverage what-so-ever) until well after that point.

    huhh? If Luck's father Oliver (former NFL QB, and AD @ WV) had one tid bit of a bad vibe about Indy I guarantee you they would be rocking he boat.

    BUT, alas..... it's smooth sailing for the Colts... on the Andrew Luck front.

    It's a done deal.

    Oh and were Eli Manning and John Elway "immature jerks" for utilizing thier "hand" ????

    And if you recall correctly Peyton Manning walked into his Colt "interview" with a "huge" list of Q's HE had for Indy.... and he was satisfied. Don't kid yourself, these players hold the hammer. Not the team owners....

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