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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. ESPN has dropped Ron Jaworski from its Monday Night Football broadcast team and he's being reassigned to other duties at the network.


    Many folks have long thought that after his career is over that Peyton Manning would do a great job as a game analyst.

    If this neck/nerve problem doesn't pan out.... its a plum job and he'd be great at it. And it may well be time.


    Petyon Manning has more $$$$ than GOD... He will be an OWNER... of a team soon. He will not coach, he will not be a talking head....

  2. Kind of ridiculous.

    The Colts have the number one choice and will take Luck with it, right?

    Why do the Colts have the number one choice? Because they only won 2 games, the worse in the league.

    Why did they only win 2 games? Because they did not have Peyton Manning, who proved by not playing that he is the reason the Colts win.

    So the Colts, having the number one choice because the Colts were so bad without Manning, are now going to kick Manning out and draft Andrew Luck with their number one choice. A choice they would not even have had if they had not been so bad without Manning.

    I don't see how Jim Irsay can sleep at night.


  3. Like I said earlier teams can go last to first. The dolphins came within a hair of going 0-16.The next season they won the afc east.Michael Vick left the falcons in complete shambles & their recently hired coach ran back to coach in college. They drafted a franchise qb(Matt Ryan) and have been a solid playoff team since. Our own Colts had the worst record in NFL and drafted Peyton Manning. In our second season we won our division with a record of 13-3. Its not uncommon.

    The most important position in all of sports,as we all know is the QB, and we will very most probably have a elite QB for the next 15 years, Manning/Luck. The other factors involved in rebuilding are a good GM & Head Coach. Since our new hires are not yet proven at their positions just means we have to wait and see about them. But how much worse can Grigson be than Polian was the last half-dozen seasons? How can our new head coach be worse than Caldwell was? Can we run a worse defensive scheme than the cover 2 that we had with Dungy/Caldwell? I don't think so.

    As far as being pessimistic about the Colts, I don't blame anyone. From the Bert Jones era to Peyton Manning there were 2 decades of utter failure and embarrasment except for a rare season here and there. And if we would have won a couple more games this season and NOT HAVE THE 1ST PICK I would also have had a bad vibe with Mannings age & health up in the air.

    Now if someone is a Manning fan more than a Colt Fan I don't see the problem. If/when the Colts cut him he will hook up with another team,if healthy. Maybe the 49ers,redskins,phins,etc. Whoever he winds up with you can root for him with his/your new team. Maybe he can win that other Ring with someone else,I hope he does.It doesn't have to be the end of your football world if he's cut, at least not until he retires. And don't forget theres his little bro in NY to cheer for.

    I like Eli, but...... he has been one of the luckiest post season QB's ever.. and it's only 2 runs. But darn man.... games were NEVER given to the Manning led Colts ... EVER.

    03, 04, and 05 Indy had their BEST teams of the Manning era... and they ran right into NE twice and Pitt... and every one of those games came down to the end ... With no "gifts" for Peyton.

    Oh well .... such is life...

  4. Next season the Colts will indeed take the field and play football every week. Regardless of QB, they will be the Colts in Colts uniforms playing Colts football from Indy.

    That is all.

    And as long as this happens we should all be happy and thankful.

    Right On... it's only the Peyton fanboyz whow are flipping out...

    This happens to EVERY TEAM at some point in time.

    I just wish Indy's owner would act more like one than a over age hipster...

  5. You think thats bad? Dakich called him a "liar" and a "shady operator" and added that "if he were Manning or one of his support group he would not trust Irsay".....

    And I must agree....

    The Twitter Master's brain is fried as far as I'm concered. He fast becoming a leauge wide laughing stalk.

    Do as I say not as I do... sheesh....

  6. Bob Allen - Here's what I heard and this could be very interesting with a lot of moving parts. Someone I know who is close friends with the Manning family says Peyton is definitely interested in possibly coming to the Texans. Peyton will be released by the Colts early next month and will be a free agent. The person who knows the Mannings says Peyton wants to play on a team that has a chance of going to a Super Bowl, and the Texans fit that description. Another big plus is that the Texans are in the Colts division. Manning not only knows the division, but I'm told the relationship between him and Colts owner Robert Irsay now is strictly business. And don't underplay the competitiveness between Peyton and Eli -- it "does" matter that Eli has two Super Bowl rings to his one. This is one that won't be played out publicly; we won't be hearing anything from Manning or the Texans unless something does happen.

    A big factor is Peyton's arm strength and right now he's still not back to what he was, but it's early. And then there's Matt Schaub to factor in as well.

    All that aside, be it a long shot or reality, I know for a fact that he does have a definite interest in the Texans.


    Oh Lord... another month of this... ???

  7. Don Banks of Sports Illustrated hits the nail on the head when describing the end of thePeyton Manning era in Indy:

    Under Bill
    Polian's stewardship, the Colts were as secretive and tight-lipped as any franchise i
    n the league, guarding every scrap of football-related information as if it provided the competitive advantage that would make the difference between winning and losing the Super Bowl. That was the way the longtime Indianapolis football czar did business, he won with it, and it was understood that his methods would be followed.

    But Polian has been gone for about 40 days now,
    fired along with his general manager son, Chris, and an information free-for-all has ensued on the Manning front in his absence.
    I'm not saying I miss the Polian Way, but this story, the team's messy end of the Manning era, has been like a driver-less car careening out of control. We're all just following it warily, trying to see where it goes next.

    Two reasons for the unprecedented way the Manning saga has unfolded pop to mind: It's such a unique story to begin with, with No. 18's mysterious neck condition being such an unknown, and Jim Irsay is such a unique team owner. And calling Irsay unique really doesn't even tell the whole story, does it?

    Irsay's life is just an open book, and with him, there's seldom an unexpressed thought. Or at least un-tweeted.
    He did tell us plenty even while the Polians were in charge of his team, but there has never quite been the confluence of a story of this magnitude and complication combined with a team owner who is committed to social media, and keeping the multifaceted lines of communication open.

    Read more:

    And this is EXACTLY why we have seen all the "posturing" on the TEAM front.. neither wants to look bad.

    And this is sad.. it is obviouus Manning wants to move on... but he wont give the Colts that out.... I don't get it.

    Both sides are still trying to win the PR battle...

    Who fycjubg cares????????? It is OVER.

  8. Im all for getting Andrew luck and having him possibly sit behind Peyton but instead of wasting a 1st round pick for the future what about trying to make a move for Ryan mallett in terms of

    Qb he was said to be the best in last years draft if it wasnt for off the field stuff and he has been quiet this year after learning this "patriot" way and he would come to us for maybe like a 3rd rounder I think that could be a good scenario and we trade down to like the browns and get

    Their 2 first round picks

    In a couple years Brady will be sitting in Manning's seat... for what ever reason...

  9. I was out driving last night and heard an interview with Mort. He was asked where will Peyton play next season and the first place he said was Indianapolis which threw the guy interviewing him for a loop. (The guy by the way was Doug Gottlieb). Mort said he could see it happening for the following reasons:

    1. The fact we hired Arians as the OC and kept Clyde as the QB coach. He said he saw those as moves that were done to help make Manning comfotrable with the change that was going on in Indy.

    2. He pretty much said it's easy to talk about cutting Peyton Manning or if you are Peyton think about leaving in January and February it's a whole other thing to really do it in March when they have to make that call. He said the closer we get to that date the more emotions are going to come into this and he thinks deep down Irsay doesn't want to cut Peyton because he knows how the fanbase will respond not to mention he loves Manning for the same reasons the fans do. He views him as the guy who saved his franchise. He also said he doesn't think deep down Manning really wants to leave Indianapolis and that he honestly wants to finish his career here and while some people can't understand why he would want to stay in Indy that Manning hates change and wouldn't want to leave the city that he has played his whole career in not to mention Manning really means it when he says he wants to play his whole career for one team.

    Mort did go on to say that he thought Maning staying in Indy would still be a bit of a long shot but you can't rule it out. He said while he would be surprised he could see a way Manning stays in Indy. He went on to stay if that happens the Colts will still take Luck in the draft. He's said that's the one thing that has not been a question in this whole thing. He was then asked what about RG3 and he said the Colts would take an honest look at him but unless something completely shockng happens he feels the Colts have already decided on Luck but are just waiting to make it offical. He was very clear though that having Manning or not will NOT impact what the Colts do with the top pick.

    So take that for what it's worth. Just more media speculation. It'll be interesting to see if people who have done nothing but kill Mort and ESPN now love him since he's the one saying he sees a way that Manning can come back here.

    Blind loyalty is the only reason Irsay has to "make the committment" to Manning.... Manning 100% is a no brainer... but he is NOT 100%, irsay wauld be taking a risk that "could" cripple this franchise for the next 4 years if Manning is kept and his health fails.

    I would think... based on all the sillyness that has already occured that Irsay will make the "unpopular" but "wise" decision.

    And lets not forget Manning can provide the Colts some "relief" on the time table and salary... but as of yet he chooses NOT to...

    The Colts and Manning are moving on in different directions.

  10. You would still hear people saying "You can't have a Heisman trophy winner sit on your bench. He needs to play, he has to play, the world is ending. Play him before the world ends"

    RG3 has p


    Winning that last game did not affect Manning's health. Whether his replacement was here, being drafted, or whatever, the "Manning-Gate" would still be going on.

    ??? If one has been reading between the lines through out the last few months then the team's intentions have been "clear as could be" ... No conspiracy.. just a change... it happens all the time.

  11. Wished it at the time and still do. I said at the time that the Colts were heading for the biggest soap opera ever and got dismissed how it would be a seamless transition with Peyton mentoring Luck and no controversy. lol.

    That was never an option...

    and who is creating the "soap opera" .. ??? It's not teh media... It's our team's owner and our "soon to be former QB" ...

    I just don't get it... If both would just keep their pie holes shut then the split would have been smooth .... but both ego's have got to have it go down "on their terms" ... Silly....

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