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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. I definently agree, if we traded away the first pick and passed on Luck to get someone like foles or keenum chances are the colts will end up with another Curtis Painter or Jim Sorgi. then fans will want Irsays and the new GM's head on a silver platter. Luck is the safer bet, and should be done come draft day even if they keep manning. Irsay isnt going to mess up again on passing on a qb that is the future of the team. people dont remember polian saying him not drafting a back up plan for if manning went down for the year is some of the reason why he got fired.


    AND a jr varsity .... whatever wwilll lll seeit coming throough with a passiron,,,,,

  2. Im all for getting Andrew luck and having him possibly sit behind Peyton but instead of wasting a 1st round pick for the future what about trying to make a move for Ryan mallett in terms of

    Qb he was said to be the best in last years draft if it wasnt for off the field stuff and he has been quiet this year after learning this "patriot" way and he would come to us for maybe like a 3rd rounder I think that could be a good scenario and we trade down to like the browns and get

    Their 2 first round picks

    OK... the first Ryan Malott ... thread..??


    BB is a genius after all............................

  3. I remember when I was rooting for the Colts to loose the last game of the season because I wanted the #1 overall pick so the Colts could trade it and get numerous picks to address several area's of need. Now we have sat through a month and haif of Manning Gate and it is the same thing everyday. The soap opera continues everyday. Now I know how the Packers must have felt when Favre was replaced but at least they had a prepared Rodgers ready to take the reigns.

    If I only knew what I knew now I might have rooted for them to win that last game so we wouldn't have the #1 overall pick and all this talk of replacing Manning would be different I think. What would we be thinking then? Wouldn't it be nice to be #2 overall and have a healthy Manning coming back into the fold? Would we be talking about drafting RG3? How things could have been different if we just had won that last game.


    We got 18 lookin "good" ..... Right Now,.,,,

    Or is it ... "right now" ...? ????


  4. Do you really think you can just trade Pro-Bowl D ends and plug in some rookie or unproven 3rd year players and get the same production?

    Ummm ya... 18 tackles 8.5 sacks for D Free, and what 43 tackkes and 9.5 Mathis? Pretty darn average numbers for "All Pro" ends....

    Mathis I want back, but Freeney has been the most over rated and over paid player in the NFL for a few years now.

  5. Yeah, it appears as if you can't find a negative word about the prep and presentation of the Super Bowl this year. Hoosiers did yourselves proud. Major props to you!!

    I can't imagine how...where...the "Super Bowl Experience" will be done next year. The stadium is 25 mins from downtown NY and in another state altogether. Nothing to do around the stadium since the Xanadu project went belly-up and is a mess right now.

    Maybe they'll have a zip line from the stadium to midtown New York? Now THAT would be an "exprience"!!

    The entire sports world got a taste of how "user friendly" Indy is .. The college and Pro BB world alrady knew this ... but now EVERY HACK IN THE SPORTS WORLD KNOWS IT.

    Indy is simply the best "Big Event" city in the US... We just know how to do it....

    And I totally expect another SB.

  6. The reality is that Peyton should be on this team if he will be ready to play this fall. The Colts gave Peyton a huge gift last year even though he never played a snap. Peyton's deal needs to be redone to reflect his health status and his commitment to bringing in talent. The fact is, Peyton's market value has dropped. He cannot command the salary that he once did.

    Peyton's should be gettting no more the 15 million per at this point. I am tired of the games. Offer Peyton a new and reasonable contract, if he doesn't take it so be it. NO MORE GAMES!

    When Manning is released you will see what his "true market value is" ... and you will be shocked. THe Colts 0ffered Manning this deal.... Why are you mad at Peyton? THe Colts don't have the luxury of time, the rest of the leauge does.. when it comes to evaluating Manning.

  7. Ive read alot of people mention past QB busts and such since the 90's. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents out about it while I think most of them dont compare well to Luck's situation. Im really only talking top 10 QBs here. Sorry about the length of the post. Tried to space it out not to hurt the eyes!

    1.) Ryan Leaf - Leaf had all the physical tools but the guy was a headcase and just couldnt handle the pressure of the NFL. Obviously no one knows for sure how Luck will react to the pressure of the NFL. Judging the way he handles himself in the public eye with all of the hype surrounding him for the past two years, I find it hard to believe he wont be able to. He certainly appears to have the maturity necessary. ALL SD HAD TO DO WAS TALK TO ANYONE ON THE WSU CAMPUS AND THEY WOULD HAVE PASSED ON LEAF.

    2.) Tim Couch - Couch played in a passy happy, spread offense and threw alot of INTs in college. Kentucky was one of the earlier pass happy spread offenses. Luck plays in a pro style offense with basically a bunch of TEs and average WRs (granted very good O-line) and looked even more impressive than Couch ever did. WENT TO A BAD TEAM AND GOT THE heck BEAT OUT OF HIM LOST ALL HIS MOJO

    3.) Akili Smith - literally had one good year in college and was taken by a team with a history of bad draft picks and was considered the black hole of the NFL at the time. Not only did this kid probably need to develop more and be taken lower in the draft, he was also thrown into an absolutely terrible situation. Again Luck has consistently been good his entire college career and will not be put into the black hole of the league. STUPID PICK, A ONE YEAR WONDER AT OREGON

    4.) Joey Harrington- once again really only had one good year (which wasnt even off the charts impressive) and played at Oregon when they started instituting the spread philosophy. Harrington also wow'd alot of people with his stature and arm strength but wasnt really ever "that good". Was again thrown into a starting job with an awful franchise and expected to start on top of it. SEE ABOVE...

    5.) David Carr - He played at a small school who played bad teams. Carr did show some skills but I think the situation he was put into ruined him. Forced to start for an expansion team and consistently faced high caliber players for the first time in his career. LAST ONE IN THE BUILDING, AND FIRST ONE TO LEAVE... ONCE AGAIN.. A TEAM THAT PAYS DEARLY FOR NOT DOING HOMEWORK.

    6.) Alex Smith (even though he is not a complete bust) - Played at a smaller school, in a spread offense and scouts only really had a year and half to go by. Smith obviously needed time to develop coming from a spread offense and shouldnt have been taken #1. Alot of people questioned this pick at the time too. The funny thing is even Smith has shown with a good staff and time develop he can be a solid player. WHAT 7 OC'S IN 7 YEARS NOW, JURY STILL OUT

    7.) Vince Young (wasnt a complete bust either) - While he was a good college QB alot of people werent sure about him being worth a top pick during his senior year. It really wasnt until after the national championship game that people started to mention it. Even then he wasnt a conseus sure fire pick. It took the Titans owner falling in love with him and forcing him to be taken for him to go top 3. BUYER BEWARE....

    8.) Matt Leinart - Ill admit I thought Leinart would be a good pro but he was just too much of a party guy and didnt have the maturity to make it on this level. Leinart also had very questionable arm strength and also played on a very talented USC team with alot of offensive weapons which helped to inflate his numbers. Again I dont think maturity issues will be a problem for Luck and he is considered a much better prospect than Leinart was anyways. SEE DAVID CARR

    9.) Jamarcus Russell - is another headcase who really only had one good year in college. I remember people were very surprised he was being taken #1. Russell certainly had the physical tools but the guy just wasnt mature enough to handle the NFL and wasnt ready to be the face of a franchise. Especially a dysfunctional one. LAZY... ANOTHER TEAM DOESN'T DO HOMEWORK

    10.) Mark Sanchez (isnt really a bust persay but not worth #5) - Again played for a very talented USC team where his numbers were slightly inflated. Sanchez also only played one season. I dont think Sanchez is a good QB but he certainly is better than alot of players listed above. Luck is considered a much better prospect than Sanchez was and also has been scouted much longer than Sanchez. The fact he was another USC QB also helped his stock jump quite a bit. ENTITLED...

    Another point that I would add is that alot of teams have historically reached on QBs because of the value of the position and their desperation to get one. Alot of the guys above I mentioned should never have been taken top 10 based of their limited playing time in college or playing in non-NFL offenses. You also see alot of teams fall in love with guys because of their arm strength (Jamarcus Russell) or stature (Blaine Gabbert, who should not have been a 1st round pick at all) despite question marks. While the Colts do need to think of the future of the position, they arent in a situation that dictates being desperate to draft one. It really is a luxury pick.

    There is no garuntee with Luck and there isnt with any player but this kid just doesnt have the obvious flaws or question marks. He plays in a pro offense, has a good arm and is accurate. He has the prototypical NFL QB stature and the benefit of good athleticism on top of it. Most importantly the kid looks composed at all times and has excellent decision making. He appears to have the maturity to handle the NFL pressure and will be coming into a pretty good franchise and possibly a chance to sit behind a HOF QB.

    Time will tell I suppose but should be interesting to see where the teams goes in April.

    There are a lot of factors that go into a QB "being a bust" ..... work ethic, team drafted by, college situaion. ..ect.......Luck is by far the most NFL ready QB to come out in a very long time.

    Luck is the real deal... Has done it for 3 years, works hard, and is humble...

  8. Joe Adams, WR, Arkansas would be a great pick in the top of the 3rd for our KR/PR. Allow him a year to figure out the Offense and he could be a good WR too.

    21isSuperman is absolutely correct, though. It's the ST blocking that NEEDS to be adjusted. It doesn't matter if we put Devin Hester or Josh Cribbs back there to return kicks/punts, without proper blocking the Best return guys wouldn't do squat!

    Actually it is "speed" in general that needs adjusted... this team is slow...

  9. RG3 has stated in the Robert Gottlieb radio show that he would sit on the bench gladly because of his respect and admiration for Manning and that he didn't want to be the guy that sent Peyton packing.


    Andrew Luck has stated that he would rather start in an interview today.


    How would you feel if Mr. Irsay decides to draft RG3 over Luck because of RG3's stated willingness to sit behind Peyton, and Luck's stated desire to start?

    Personally I want a kid who wants to compete ... not one who is willing to just "give" a job to a vet. because he feels he "deserves" it... Peyton Manning or not, I want a kid to go out and try his best to put Manning on the bench.

    Didn't we go through this with Caldwell?

    That quote by RG3 tells me he is happy to be be where he is ... And I don't care for that ...

  10. And yet, there are some of us who would be happy to trade the #1 overall pick away for multiple picks later in the draft to address a number of positions that they feel are more important than QB, since they are confident PM will return to his pre-injury form in time for the season to start.

    When push comet to shove... we all know what Irsay is going to do...

    His family already let John Elway escape... it won't happen again.

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