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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. i been thinkin...

    its time we change our helmets

    We need to go with Solid blue helmets with a white horseshoe

    im tired of these helmets been like they are for too long now

    time for some solid blue no white stripe down the middle just a solid sexy blue with white horseshoe and blue facemask that would be straight up awesome!! what do yall think?


  2. Hmmm. Forgive me for not being able to decipher the writing on the wall.

    How do you get from ...Peyton is throwing and working out now in the Colt complex to.........medical clearance to play football is now expected?

    What details do you know that connects these dots?

    If I had 3 knee surgeries, and you heard that I was jogging and working out now in the gym, does this mean you think I am going to get medical clearance to run in a track meet?

    Manning is "IN THE COLT COMPLEX 24/7 SINCE 98. " He cannot "do what he could do"

    They,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Irsay/Colts football know EXACTLY WHAT THEY WILL DO...

    And deep down we all do too,

  3. MAC .. I will provide u with factx........

    Don't be rude. I've read everything NSurg has posted and spoken to him by PM. There is no doubt in my mind that he is legitimate. I'm not sure how anyone following this process on this board for the past few months wouldn't have noticed and appreciated his posts here. You might want to search his content. Bayone is another doctor who has been helpful - but he isn't a neurosurgeon - and neither is Dr Huber in Columbus Ohio. And a knee isn't a neck.

  4. Don't be rude. I've read everything NSurg has posted and spoken to him by PM. There is no doubt in my mind that he is legitimate. I'm not sure how anyone following this process on this board for the past few months wouldn't have noticed and appreciated his posts here. You might want to search his content. Bayone is another doctor who has been helpful - but he isn't a neurosurgeon - and neither is Dr Huber in Columbus Ohio. And a knee isn't a neck.

    Yes Sir.....

    and Huber is an "orthapedic" (sp) Not Neuro.

  5. Arians biggest failure was emptying the Steeler backfield and going away from the run game that powered the Steelers for years and years. The running game helps make the passing game effective. You have to make the DBs respect the run or getting separation is nearly impossible these days. I'm amazed how many completed passes over the last couple of years have had to be pinpoint accurate and reliant on receiver ability to out-physical the DB to be in position to make the catch. Eldridge may block like Heath Miller but he can't catch passes like him. Arians better be able to change his offense to suit the personnel because it doesn't work in the other direction.

    Have U followed or watched Pitt the last couple of seasons?

    I guess not.... They have been ...........


  6. Even the neurosurgeon on this board said most of the muscle strength should have returned by 3 months or so and it's been almost twice that long and we are hearing no reports that Manning is even close to 100 percent. I know Manning won't give up on it until it's obvious that there will be no more improvement but I don't think things are looking good just going by NSURG's comments. I don't like it but I do think he is ultimately forced to retire. I also think Irsay knows he can't risk the franchises future by waiting a long time for an answer on Manning. No doctor will be able to say for sure by March 8 that Peyton will make it all the way back.

    That is just not true, One would expect ot take as long as 18 months for "full" recovery. Anything longer is very dicey.

    But PM's nerve can take up to a year and a half for an "full recovery" ...

    This is why March 8 is doomsday. PM cannot guarantee health. He is still waiting.

  7. He has been QB coach, WR coach, RB coach, all on the offensive side in college. I don't see why not.

    Clyde has been WR coach for the Colts before, and QB coach for the Bucs before. He couldn't be QB coach here because Dungy had his guy Caldwell in it :) but came over from the Bucs once Dungy was fired and was WR coach for a while for the Colts till recently when he became OC.

    He is 60 and has been a HC for the last 25 years of his life ... minus the replay booth stint.

  8. My thoughts on the Bruce Arians hire:

    1. Runs a lot of WR screens
    2. Offense not always about timing, a lot of vertical go routes in the playbook
    3. Does the hiring of Arians mean we are going to draft speedier wideouts like a Mike Wallace or Antonio Brown (I can already see one of the Arkansas wideouts Joe Adams or Jarius Wright on our roster after the draft)?
    4. Does the hiring of Arians also mean we may go with a more mobile QB like RG3 over Luck or is Luck mobile enough for Arians' system?

    You go with what you got right?

    Pitt has the most OL injuries over the last 2 seasons... Pitt could not run the ball. What would you do as OC?

    Pitt has "outstanding" WR talent... roll with it.

    I love this hire.

  9. Yeah every coach wants and thinks they have the best staff in the NFL. I didn't take much out of that comment other than just coach speek.

    With that said I do like the staff he is starting to put togeather right now. If he lands Davis combined with this move he's off to a good start.

    Get Davis in here with BA and Pags hit a home run...

  10. Don't you guys listen to 1070? Although DD is smug Edit.

    Straight from the horses mouth...


    He has other podcasts on the Gray and Big Joe show ...

    He has said all along he doesn't see how Indy can keep Manning and draft Luck...

    He's the best.

    Sorry, page 5 towards the bottom, and he has other podcasts just have to dig through and find them.

  11. I am in Arizona now and all the sports talk is how to get Manning. I haven't herd that much coming for the Cards just the media. It would be great for me though. I would rather he played in Indy though.

    When Manning is released, and IF he does not retire we will see a bidding war unlike any other...

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