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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. Then why did he respond via the media? He should have kept in house. Not much of a stink was made about 18's comments until the Irsay response.

    Jerry Jones Jr. is back in the saddle. Oh Lordy I am a bit fearful of the future for this team.

  2. Number 1 Tressel has baggage, maybe that is why he is not getting other interviews. No. 2, What in the world makes you think Pagano is bottom of the barrell. I think this will be a home run, my lord let the get here before you start hating. His peers speak very highly of him, what is your bottom of the barrell based on?

    The dude is a troll... don't bother...

  3. There is no reason why they cannot restructure his contract again after the start of the 2012 official NFL year. If they pay him the bonus on March 8th because Irsay believes he will be good to go in 2012, then the cap hit will be set for 2012.... but the future cap hits can be re-worked and in my mind I think Peyton will be open to that.

    So no, he doesn't have to cripple them for the next 4 years. Also, if he does return and play like his old self, who cares? I mean Irsay was fine to pay it for his services before. We will not have to worry about big cap $ from Luck until his rookie contract is done.... and it is very very likely Peyton will be retired by then anyway.

    Once again I think people are making bigger issues out of things than they really are.

    The 28m is "bonus" it cannot be restructured. Only delayed (and I'm not positive about that) Just heard something interesting on 1070. DD just said on air "Manning will not be back" and gave the usual reasons plus .... "I know of a couple more, but I have told these individuals I will not turn them loose (what he heard) on radio"....

    JMV and DD have been spot on about "rumors" they hear from inside 56th street.


  4. The only bearing the coverage behind him has on his ability to rush the passer is in how long it takes for receivers to come open. As a matter of fact, soft zone coverage makes Freeney (and any pass rush, really) completely ineffective. The zone coverage is not an issue. Also, the Ravens play a fair amount of zone coverage. This has very little to do with Freeney.

    19m has everything to do with DFree....

  5. Public perception of "both" sides is a huge factor right now. Irsay does not want to be known to the "Phanbase" as the owner who got rid of the GOAT. Manning has a huge public image to protect, he does not want be viewed as a "greedy, win at all cost player" who bailed on his former team when the going got rough. (ie Kravitz article)

    Both sides will work out the "smoothest" parting plan possible for both sides. The only way I see Manning returning is if he moves the March 8 deadling back. And even then the draft is still only a month and a half away. Is that enough time to get a proper diagnosis of PM's neck?

    I don't know, every sign point to a parting of ways. And neither side wants to look like the bad guy. If Manning doesn't move that March date back then we will all know his "intentions" Manning holds all the cards here regardless of his sappy interview with Kravitz. A very good PR move by the way. Manning is no dipstick.

  6. guys, we don't need big fat guys to play on the Dline for a 3-4. Look at the Texans' line. JJ Watt is 6'5 288 lbs, Shaun Cody (their NT) is 6'4 301 lbs and Antonio Smith is 6'4 280 lbs. Yes size would help but it's more about technique. Moala played DE in a 3-4 at USC so he would not be "out of position" moving there and I think Antonio Johnson, Anderson, Nevis and Ricardo Matthews could also be used in a 3-4 DL rotation though Johnson probably is the only one suited as NT. We could add another NT in Josh Chapman or Dontari Poe who both have played NT in a 3-4 or go with someone like Kawann Short, Kendall Reyes, Brandon Thompson etc etc. Freeney, Mathis and Hughes would have to move to LB positions or be cut/traded. We should be able to get a pretty good draft pick for Freeney if they wanted to go that route and trade him. I'm not sure how willing he and/or Mathis would be to learn a new position at this point in their careers.

    The question is not whether our guys are big enough, but rather whether these guys could learn the new positions and be effective.

    The Texan's front 7 are ALL a min of about 6' 4" and LBers all go 250, and DL are all 290 min. And Cody @ 301 is a very conservittive number. Not to mention they are ALL but 1 first and second round draft choices, they are a talented group.

    Most all 34 NT' are "stout" .... ie chubby run stuffers. They have to be. The smallish NT's are by far the exception, not the norm.

  7. These contracts and bonus money are pro rated throughout the remainder of these contracts... This is why the Manning decision is so big. If Indy pays Peyton they are pretty much stuck with him for the entire contradt.

    If Manning is kept then the 28 m is divided between the 4 remaining years on the contract. If he is released or traded after the 2012 season then the pro rated bonus is accelerated to that year. Trade Manning in 12, then Indy is stuck with a 28m cap hit, trade or release him in 13, then a 21 m cap hit.... Very expensive if Manning's health fails.

    This is just the bonus, it doesn't count his regular salary. This March 8 deadline is a huge decision for this team.

    Unless Manning is 100% healthy on March 8 I just don't see how Irsay can even consider keeping him. And if he is healthy do you draft Luck and make him sit for 2-4 years? I just don't see it happening.

    All this new Era talk, total overhaul of the org., and Manning's health all point to one likely decision.

    The smart business move is to cut ties right now.

  8. In a 3-4 defense you want your outside linebackers to rush the passers as much if not more than you do your d-ends in a 4-3 defense. You count on your front three and two middle linebackers to be the run stoppers in a 3-4.

    For what it's worth Herm Edwards thinks we will go to a 3-4 and expects us to keep both Freeney and Mathis and expects them to make the move to outside linebacker and thinks they will do just fine.

    The biggest thing standing in the way of us going to a 3-4 is really don't have any of the front three for a 3-4. We could move a guy like Moala to end but then he is out of poistion. A guy like Anderson is probably going to be undersized for a 3-4 end. With that said if we make the move to a 3-4 we might have to live with that for a year or two till we get the peaces in place because you don't get all the peaces needed for a 3-4 in one off-season. The biggest MUST if we are really going to a 3-4 is that we have to find a couple of really big guys to play in the middle one to start to and at least one to back them up because right now we really don't have anyone big enough for a 3-4 DT.

    Right On... a couple fat NT's and Indy will be in business... And if Indy really is going to a 34, we will find them.

    But I think Freeney will be gone unless he restructures his contract.

  9. If Pags is going to a 3-4 right away then a fat NT is all that is needed to get going. Freeney would be released or traded, because he cannot play the run. Mathis can play OLB, and I see Hughes playing OLB also along with Conner and Sims.

    Brackett ?


    Wheeler and whoever else inside.

    Pags has coached the DB's his entire career so this position worries me least.

    I love the idea of an aggresive D with this hire. But the unknowns on Pags HC "qualities" scare me just as much... Oh well, gotta get your start somewhere and sometime.

    This entire off season and upcoming regular season will not be dull.

  10. This is a good hire IMO as long as he doesn't try to bring along Cam Cameron.. Cam is horrible

    This guy has never been a HC at any level, I think I would very much like to see him bring along Cam and a strong DC. He will be learning the ropes on the fly so a strong staff is a must.

    Decent hire, only time will tell if it will be great, horrible or just ... decent.

    Rookie GM, Rookie HC.... Manning soon to be released? I have a feeling we are headed for a heavy dose of Jim Irsay involved in everyday opperations I don't know if that will turn out to be a good thing or not.

    Ok, lets get this party started and get to work.

  11. Don't forget Irsay hijacked the Indianapolis taxpayers for LOS.

    "The fact is that there is no money to operate Lucas Oil Stadium because Fred Glass and Bart Peterson gave away the store to the Irsays during the negotiations on the new stadium construction. Notice there is no talk of reopening those negotiations. No other NFL team owner has received a larger subsidy thanIrsay's Colts. The deal is the biggest taxpayer ripoff in NFL history. Irsay gets most of the revenues generated from the stadium and pays absolutely none of its operating and maintenance expenses."

    what fanbase doesn't get jacked for a stadium.... It's he price of addmision.

  12. Don't forget Irsay hijacked the Indianapolis taxpayers for LOS.

    "The fact is that there is no money to operate Lucas Oil Stadium because Fred Glass and Bart Peterson gave away the store to the Irsays during the negotiations on the new stadium construction. Notice there is no talk of reopening those negotiations. No other NFL team owner has received a larger subsidy thanIrsay's Colts. The deal is the biggest taxpayer ripoff in NFL history. Irsay gets most of the revenues generated from the stadium and pays absolutely none of its operating and maintenance expenses."

    Easily the coolest owner in the league. I'll give props where props are due. Even though I wasn't born then, from what I gather, the apple fell a pretty good distance away from the tree.

    The Nest 2 years will define Jim Irsay as a clown or a true "winner" ...

    I'm on the fence....

  13. The new GM and the next HC are and will be much more media friendly than during the Polian era. Jim Irsay has alluded to this in his press conferences.

    Do the Pats do it? Does NYGiant do it?

    Did the Pack? Saints..... I am personally sick of the Twitter world.

    I wish Irsay would hire Parcells and Bill would roll in here and smash Jimmy's keybourd to heck.

    Bunker mentality wins games not "prizes" for correct trivia...


  14. Hmmm...I think he is just a little bit confused over this turmoil at the team right now. The whole system is changing, new staff's coming...add analysts' guessing about him, therefore he is unsure...

    Reading that ominous article, I've got the feeling, he would like to stay, but feels he doesn't get as many attention as many he deserved.

    the owner and "new" GM have not even had "a conversatioin" with him...

    Is this a tad disturbing? I am thinking we are going back to late 80's Colt era ... rather than a new one...

    and anyone around in the late 80's will know what I'm getting at.

  15. I think he is one of the best owners in sports. It's so hard to believe he is his dad's son at times.

    Even the way he handled one of the darker moments in his life I respect him for. He came clean with his issue and got the help he needed for it. I respect him for that.

    It's pretty clear Irsay loves his fan base and yes the city of Indianapolis and will do anything he can to make both happy. As a fan he's all you can ask for in an owner. He goes out of his way to do anything in his power to make sure he fields a winner.

    I disagree.. completely. Mannig's stance via Krav.... confrimed my worst fears...

    This Organization has crumbled. Irsay is a "kid with a new computer" .. and he acts like one.

    Jim Irsay needs to act like the leader of the 11th most valuable team in the NFL... instead of acting like a HS kid quoting his fav lyrics to his peeeps.. .

    Ughhh.. I am getting really worried about the state of this team.

  16. Don't worry!

    He's just raising smoke to cover his moves.

    Why is it such a big thing not to talking to Manning? They will have a talk when new HC will be named. I think Irsay keeps it evidential, that Peyton will play next season for Colts, and doesn't thinks it so important.

    Manning don't see it that way... Krav's articale today sounded like a "goodbye" to me.

  17. Irsay had a tweet earlier this morning regarding a contest to guess the new HC.

    The winner gets two tix to the SB -- nice prize....and entries have to be in by midnight tonight.

    Does this mean the new coach will be announced tomorrow??

    yipppe.. SB tix if WE pick the coach...... yayyyy

    this is totally embarassing.... We are back to being ..... '

  18. Irsay... "post your choice for Colt coach before midnight and win a prize"

    Are you * kidding me?

    This man is drinking again and doing ...

    He has lost his mind. This is Jr High ^cowpatties^.... ..

    Name a darn coach and move on....

    He hasn't even spoken with Manning? according to Kravitz?

    this organizatioin is dysfunctional. Right Now... not even talking to Manning is ..

    chicken chiz.

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