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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. The Colts go 2-14, so we fire a HOF guy in Bill Polian and retain a guy who seems to have no idea what half adjustments are. Yeah, it is not Caldwells fault about Manning getting hurt, but he is the one that ran the same offense for so long as if Manning was still in here. I just think he is a flat out bad coach. Funny that so much was made out of Chris Polian just getting by on his dads curtails.. Isnt that the same with Caldwell and Dungy. So he went 14-2. Big deal. He inherited the entire time. Don McCafferty, in 1970, won Super Bowl V as the Colts coach after succeeding Don Shula. Two years later, he was gone.

    Terrible, terrible move if he stays. He really is one of the worst head coaches I have ever seen. No adjustments, no nothing.

    WHAT IF.... Bill P was the "puppetmaster" and Jim NOW gets to "do his thing?" ...

    Heck with it ... give him a chance.

    This really is a soap opera.. NFL style .. Irsay really needs to end this silllyness soon.

    One way or another.

  2. This is a message board -- we discuss issues pertinent to the team, frustrating or not. When fans are unhappy with a player should we just keep quiet for fear of "spreading angst?" Don't hurt yourself falling off that pedestal

    Ummmm you are on a Colt message board. We all know very well of the "HORRIFIC" TO Caldwell called.

    It's over... and the fact of the matter is the Colt D had a chance to make a play also... and didn't...

    darn, Caldwell is not my first choice to coach this team but he is not on my "hate list" either:..

    I think your post was a tad bit un .... needed.


  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEidJdiEikI&feature=fvst

    I must say I have to agree with coach G, Herm E and his the "NFL is changing to mobile qb's" may be the biggest slight on Luck... He is huge but runs "very well" ...

    This is just a very strange time to be a Colt fan... Manning stays? Manning goes? Draft Luck? Trade the pick? Makes for a potential fun draft day...... But...

    We all know who we will draft... the Q is... will he play right away or watch the Master for a few?

    Colts off season drama .... yeeehaaaa

  4. The irony of 'Warhorse' asking for peace is nt lost on me..

    But Caldwell coming back was more than probable when Irsay fired Polian and did NOT fire JC

    Caldwell has a year left on his deal..and he probably should get the chance to ressurect the Colts to the 10-7 of 2010 and the 16-3 of 2009..

    Losses aside.. The big thing to me this year is that the Colts played hard..and that's on the coach.

    If we dont make the playoffs with a helalthy Peyton manning......you can still simply not renew his contract in 12 months..

    For Grigson....a newcomer...this is an easy decision...

    Yes Caldwell "needs" respect for keeping Indy in the game late...... that really is something to hanga hat on.

    But for Grigs... this is not an easy dec.

    We shall seee.....

  5. well since irsay hasn't refuted this tweet like he did shefter's i tend to think the rumor is true

    I agree... it would be totally "horrible" business to let a coach twist in the wind like this if he was not comeing back.

    And I will say this. Indy did not quit on JC... and there is a lot to be said for that .... It is hard to get teams to play wiith pride. ..esp when they are losong teams.

  6. You like those names it doesn't mean the Colts do. Also Tony Dungy isn't on the market. He's in broadcasting and has said more than once he's happy there and doesn't want to come back into coaching.

    We shall see like keeps being said it's a rumor that the Colts are going to keep Caldwell. If they do it COULD, key word could, because they don't like the other options out there. Just because someone is a "hot" name with the fans doesn't mean that person is a hot name with Irsay or the new GM. With that said if the Colts do make a change the Colts could do a lot worse than hiring several of the names you listed.

    This (Caldwell doesn't really bother much as long as a "STRONG DC" is hired.

  7. You have posteed this so many times and I have yet seen anyone completely agree with you so why do you keep posting it? :???: I think Irsay will do what he thinks is the best interest for all concerned. I know by your avatar that your a Luck lover but that is okay but there are still some that think that if Peyton is healthy and can play he will probably be a Colt. :thmsup:

    I agree also kinda .... It is all about Manning saying "I am 100% healthy March the 8th... Which I don't think is realistic.

    So Indy has got to release him. They can't trade him.

    And the Colt roster as is ..... Manning would embrace a change of venue......

    Some take this whole thing personally. It is "business".....

  8. There are plenty that agree with me. Peyton IS NOT healthy, i don't know why so many people keep chanting this, because it is not true and has never been verified, so tell me why THIS is constantly posted? Of course I am a Luck supporter, because it represents the best for our future and I will continue posting this.

    And this is the issue confronting Irsay... take a chance and pay 28m out of unconditional loyalty (which has ened every great teams run) ... outside of GB and SF. or cut ties and just say "hey, we are starting over" ??

    I guarantee Peyton wants to play in "meaningful" football games. Indy is in a tough cap spot "this season"... I just cannot see how they can keep Manning and Luck. I just doesn't add up.

    But I am on record....... I want Peyton back if "healthy" .... and trade the top pick.

    But the whole scenario is so dicey I really think Irsay will roll with Luck and move on.

  9. Jake Query is trying to copy what he did when he said the new GM would be named by the middle of the week. I am not sure if it's just a guess on his part (which he has been known to do) or if he really has an inside source telling him that. Either way I would wait to see if we have another source that says it beyond just him. Not that I am saying he is wrong.

    I hope it's not true, but if Manning "IS" coming back to Indy then I can totally see JC back. Problem is they will draft Andrew L and lose a lot of FA's that just simply will not be "capable" of resigning.

    If this happens then I will really be disappointed. The Colts with Manning next season and the current roster are probably a playoff team but nothing more. I just can't believe Manning will want to end his career with an average team when he set his conctact up with an "OUT" .....

    No Manning, No Caldwell. I am convinced it will happen.

  10. This may have been posted before by somebody else, but I just read an interesting article concerning NFL athletes with spinal fusion procedures.

    The following paragraph was especially interesting,

    "Nearly 3 out of 4 (72 percent) of NFL players who were treated surgically for CDH returned to play and continued to play in an average of 29.3 games over a 2.8-year period after surgery. In contrast, less than half (46 percent) of those treated nonsurgically returned to play; those who did played an average of 14.7 games over a 1.5-year period before retiring."


    Here is what 29.3 games over a 2.8 year span breaks down to mathematically.

    If a player were to play in all 16 regular season games over a 2.8 year span that would be 44.8 games total. However, a play who returns from a spinal fusion surgery plays 29.3 games over a 2.8 yr span. That is 15.5 games less over that 2.8 yr span. That breaks down to a little bit less than 10.5 games per year (10.46 to be exact) for the remaining of the athletes career.

    I know these numbers are only averages. However, according to the AVERAGES, Peyton may be playing in about 10.5 games per season for the rest of his career. This further cements in my mind the importance of drafting his heir now. And chances are if we draft Luck he would not have to sit for 3 years, he would likely get reasonable playing time while Manning plays out his final 2-3 seasons.

    The problem with nerve issues are that "if" person X just ignores the problem for too long. Permanent damage can and will eventually occur. The question is how long has Manning put up with this? 6 months is generally a "alarm" time that someone should get treatment on an issue. If it goes longer... nerve damage can become permanent.

    Many variables in Peyton's recovery.

  11. Football in general and the Colts in particular are a unhealthy part of my everyday life so I read stuff all the time - Colts sites, twitter, ESPN, etc - and have seen nothing from anyone who has definitively said he will be ready next year. If I missed something that profound, I would be shocked

    Right, there are no guarantees on spinal issues. Only Peyton know's... and he may not still.

  12. It's simple: he isn't going anywhere, because 100% of every report from everyone involved or knowledgeable on the situation has said he will be ready. Irsay won't let him go (unless he retires), and if Peyton can play, he will. He doesn't owe anything to anyone to stand aside for a college kid.

    What impact does that have on the cap? :-)

    Ah grasshopper.... you are NOT factoring in the Q.... \

    Does Peyton WANT to play for Indy? This contract was structured in a way that really gives "MANNING" leverage. His agent is a 'blue chipper" ... very solid on his part.

    Manning will not be back, he will be released. And he will be THE BIGGEST FA TO EVER HIT THE OPEN MARKET.

    Indy blew this one, they got snookered.... they can't even get trade value for him.

    Either keep him.... which just destroys this team in the now.... Or, release him. Which is what Peyton wants I am sure.

    It's not a bad thing, It happened to Montana also.

  13. I'm not altogether opposed to this. Mathis = the most underrated DE in the League.

    Yep... and I don't even want DF's contract re worked. Let him go, eat the cap hit and move on. This team is at a really "sticky" point. I say eat a year or two of ...... average "talent"... (which would be debatable) And in a couple of years be fresh and shiny like new...... a NEW LUCKY CHARM.

  14. lol.....I guess I was wrong.

    But the alternative was to let him go somewhere that would have been glad to pay him QB money. I agree it was a bit much, but do you think it would've been wise to let him walk only to pay some bum to replace him?

    Freeney has been the most overpaid player in he NFL the last 3 years. His sack numbers are fine. But, he does NOTHING else. Nothing...

    And yes a solid SS or CB, or OL and that money is better spent. Dwight is a one or two highlight a game player. NOTHING else.... Nothing. Look his numbers up. Mathis's stats dwarfed DFREES.

    It seems everyone on this board wants to keep the "name" DFree... when the one that "hustles" and "makes plays" is the one making nothing.

    I want Mathis back.... and lets trade Freeney.

  15. ..and as a new executive..if you dont want to blow up something that's been working ( 2 out of 3 years)

    If you fire Jim C....he's gone..and you upset some players

    If you retain him...you can still fire him next season .and you gave him a chance..

    But, how many of the "OLD GUARD" are retained? This team is cap strapped even if Manning is realeased.

    Irsay did what he did for a "reason" ... This franchise is starting over. And all the "usual" moves will soon follow.

  16. Two of our biggest cap eaters are Freeney and Manning. If asked, I doubt any of us would have protested their respective contracts.

    I have been ...... "crying" about Freeneys for the last 3 years. He has been getting paid QB money for "how many sacks a game?"... and HOW MANY TACKLES....? ...

    19M............. Really? OK, Mr. Irsay... if you pay this sum to D Free.... YOU sir are an dipstick, and this is single handedly a severe handicap on the Colts ABILITY to be flexible in FA.

    Freeney has been getting QB money for the last several years. He is NOT Julius Peppers. He is NOT close.

    Cut ties..... Lets start over.....

  17. Manning is a class act and has taken less money more than once when his contract was up just to keep other players we couldn't afford to keep otherwise. Peyton also said he could and would be willing to co-exist with Andrew Luck on the same team. I have no reason to believe otherwise.

    If Indy keeps Manning and drafts Luck..... that will occupy so much of the cap that Indy will not be able to keep or sign anyone of value.....

    In theory it sounds fine... but when #'s start getting crunched.... The Colts ARE rebuilding NOW.

    All signs point to Manning being released or traded. Unless Irsay is willing to set this team back 4 or 5 years just to be "loyal"

    ??????? I don't think he is that stupid, esp after the Polian move.

    A new direction is upon us all..... lets embrace it.

  18. I'm not sure. I heard an analyst say they'll probably find a GM job, but if so, why have we not heard anything? Why are Bill/Chris not the same "hot commodity" like other personnel, such as Jeff Fisher? Nobody needs to ask the Colts permission to interview Bill/Chris, so why the wait? Could it be teams have settled on their GM's? Maybe Bill/Chris are taking time off?

    Something seems fishy... I think teams don't want to touch Bill/Chris. They don't want the drama. Terrell Owens got two chances with Buffalo and the Bengals, but he's a player - what about GM's? We possibly lost Howard Mudd, Tom Moore, etc. to Bill/Chris. Would a team willingly risk their staff, team chemistry, and everything else for Bill/Chris?


    My guess is it would have to be a desperate team pulling the trigger.

    The answer is simple, teams would hire BILL in a heartbeat..... BUT they don't want Chris being a "package plan" as in Indy.

    I think Bill has actually hurt his kid more than he has helped him the last few years.

  19. Bill P is a HOF GM, hands down...

    But, if he has to bring his kid along in a arangement.... I fear they won't work together again.

    Bill is a no brainer, but he is 70 years old... he willingly tried to turn over the reigns to his son in Indy and it started with the Tony G pick. And it totally blew up in Indy's faces.

    Chris's drafts just were not solid, and I think that is what scared off Irsay in the direction of a "known" talent evaluator."

    I think if Bill gave Irsay a guarantee he would be "the GM full time" the Polians would still be here.

    Bill is just old and ready to retire, his kid had a GOLDEN opportunity at his finger tips and it slipped through his hands.

    Had Indy hit on the last 3-4 first round selections. The Polians are still here... IMO

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