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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. CJ has had a bad year because he held out and had to deal with a shortened offseason to get back into shape. I'm not saying what he did was right (in fact, I think it's completely stupid when players hold out), but that's why he is having a bad year. On the plus side, Brown is having a better than expected year.

    In one of his games, CJ averaged 2.1 yards per carry. Honestly, I think I could do better than that in a game

    CJ got paid and then did what a large amount of NFL players do.... He QUIT. And it is not debatable.

    I think Tenn may have done the worst contract in the history of the NFL, if Fitzpatricks isn't.

  2. Two good games over two seasons does not make for a good career.

    IF he can do consistently well then you know what? Great! Maybe he just had a slow start in the NFL over his first three seasons and is finally coming in to his own.

    As of right now, he's a bust and only he can write his own destiny.

    Oh brother... .. Brown has shown talent the entire time he has been "healthy",,, I guess U are a Joe "tap out" Addai fan?

    Donald has really impressed lately.

    Oh.... and Joe keeps "tapping out" .... of every game....

  3. This really tears me....I am SO GLAD we won, let me say that.


    What if we win out and lose the #1 pick?? It's not out of the realm of possibility...Houston just lost to Carolina, Jax got KILLED by Atlanta

    I hate for the Colts to lose games as a fan, but we all know that the #1 pick, regardless of what we do with it (trade for picks, draft Luck)...is very important to the future of the team

    So I am torn now...

    What are your thoughts??

    The #1 pick is a roll of the dice... I would totally NOT want it.

    Brees 2nd round

    Brady 6th round

    Rodgers 23rd in the first round

    Big Ben 12th or so....

    Alex Smith 1

    Carson Palmer 1

    David Carr 1

    Cam Newton 1 or Andy Dalton 2nd round, and AJ Green in the 1st... they are set.

    I am totally against taking a QB first overall. Peyton Manning is the exception.... the rest have been below average.

  4. That D just got ripped by the Panthers and is missing their DC. Let's just see what the Texans are going to do, if you believe John Clayton they might sit people down and who knows the Colts might be super fired up Thursday. That's why they play the game though. As beat up as the Texans are it's a winnable game but it would be an upset if the Colts do.

    If Peyton is healthy, I hope Indy wins out to NOT get the second pick.... Then Indy will be "forced" to pick the best available player... @ CB or DL hopefully. or trade it and get mucho picks....

    But lets not kid ourselves here Indy was win less for a reason. And I would be shocked if they cab win out. And Indy is now "DUE" for a huge letdown next week.

    By the way... early line is Houston - 7.5

  5. Obviously you tie the game and then win it in overtime. Your question seems based on the assumption that going to OT is akin to losing. Don't quite understand that. If you've played even that long, there is no reason to be scared of OT.

    Now if what you really meant was that it's the end of OT, and your choice is between trying for the win or going home with a tie, I'd try for the win this year. In a normal year it would depend on the circumstances. IE: If I tie locks up a playoff spot, you take the sure thing. This year, having a tie won't mean much. If you have a chance to win, you take it.


  6. This is a historically bad combination. Only coach in modern history who has been successful making personnel decisions is Bill Belichick, and he always had Scott Pioli. It's been pretty well documented that the Pats personnel decisions have suffered without Pioli's influence, not because Belichick can't do it, but because it's good to have another meaningful voice in the room.

    BB has been a colossal "failure" as "BIG CHEEZ" in NE since the "GM" was let go. NE has had how many draft picks since 08 or so... and how many have they hit on? Mayo is the only one I can think of.

    BB has put NE in the same boat Indy is in... getting old... and running out of talent.

    But to chime in on the OT... Yes it IS the best possible situation to have "multiple" opinions contributing in on matters of importance. Dungy "demanded" that kind of respect... Caldwell, probably just sat there and said ... "hmmm" ... "ya, that sounds like a plan Bill"... Truly Sad...

  7. Surely 1-15 won't be considered alright.


    Caldwell is done. And from what I have gathered lately on 1070 AM, Dungy AND Caldwell were .... "IRSAY" hires! NOT Polian hires.

    Very interesting ay... here is the link to PB Wilson's chat...

    Ok, cyberwebz issues currently. But it is in this podcast log. Easy to locate. It's a 12/15 interview... and a 2 part one. First discusses Caldwell, Second Manning.


    well worth the listen.

  8. People, just stop talking. It's embarrassing to read these comments.

    "What will happen when Manning takes a hit?"

    "How will his spine hold up to contact?"

    "Will PM ever be the same?"

    "The wear and tear on that spine...."

    "What if he gets injured again?@#$@??@##?!@?!!?"


    That isn't what the research, or previous cases have shown at all. Do a little Anatomy and Physiology research before opening your mouths, seriously.

    Nearly every expert on the subject will tell you that the fusion of this type will normally form a stronger structure than before it was damaged, if the fusion takes (which it did). Much the same way as a broken bone is LESS likely to break once it's healed because of the callous to the osseous tissue, Manning will be less likely to ever suffer nerve damage of this kind again. Some doctors have claimed that it can heal to 115%. Oh yeah, and now Manning will be playing without pain. That's not something he could have said after the 2006 season.

    Manning isn't going to be a 36 year old recovering from a 3rd surgery. He's going to effectively be a 32 year old, with a year of rest on his body, and less likely to suffer damage to the area now than he was before.

    Short of time spent regaining muscle tonicity (which will happen QUICKLY in training), he will be back to his old/slightly younger self.

    This isn't some grand delusion, or wishful thinking, or an inability to see life after Manning. This is just the most likely scenario based purely on medical and scientific fact.

    While it seems unrelated, I just want to conclude that people need to stop watching Aaron Rodgers and the Packers while drawing some sort of conclusion about the future of the Colts from that. The situation isn't the same, the organizations aren't the same, and the fates haven't fallen into place the same way. Luck wouldn't be saddling up in a Ferrari with a full tank. He'd be walking into an unknown model, made in a country that no longer exists, that only one guy in the world knew how to drive.

    If you don't believe that this Front Office can make a few more runs with an improved Peyton (because he will be better than he was following the 2006 season), what in the world makes you think they will pull it off with a college QB who can't win the big games, or without 200 yards a game from his HB's? Some of you are so self-defeating in your debates across the threads, that you might as well play the part of Nocan the Contrarian on my daughter's favorite after-school show.

    EDIT: I agree that it is probable that we take Andrew Luck with our first pick, simply because that's how the Polians' roll. They rarely trade down, they prefer the safe moves, and it makes sense superficially.

    I'm opposed to it simply because it does our team no good in Manning's remaining years, and there are far more impact DB's and interior linemen in round 1 than in any other round. You can't pass on guys like Claiborne, Kirkpatrick, Minnifield, DeCastro, etc., and hope the late round guys work out. Those are the types of players who contribute immediately (QB excepting, because any QB we draft would be sitting). It's also not like those players couldn't become franchise players as well. QB is not the most important position on the field. I'm sorry, but it's not. If it were, Tony Romo would have Super Bowls. He's got the 3rd highest career QB rating of all-time, among QB's who have played more than 5 years, and he's never even been close. What about Matt Ryan? What about Philip Rivers? All of these guys are pure ballers, and they are surrounded with talent, but they can't win it. Can anyone honestly say that Roethlisberger has had anything to do with the Steelers success since 2005? Seriously? He averages like, 3 INT's per Super Bowl appearance.

    If you blame the coaches, then you are admitting that the coach is more important than the QB. If you blame a defense, then you are admitting that the defense has more to do with the outcome of the game than the QB. You can't have your arguments both ways. That said, a "Next Level," or, "Once in a Lifetime" QB, like Manning, can't have his years squandered to make way for an unproven college kid.

    darn Doog every individual is "an INDIVIDUAL case" .. WOW...

    and fusion is the "LAST" recommendation any back specialist will tell one to go for. Because it is "done" Spine will be "structurally FINE, but the mobility is LOST forever." Fusion means FUSION.

    Meaning, the spine in that area will NEVER MOVE AGAIN. Structurally it is fine. But, inside the spine along with bone and nerves is a gel that protects the spine from the bone, and everything else in there.

    This gel is a major source of "nerve" issues. and it can be aggravated doing ANYTHING. Manning hurt himself this last time just working out. Too early albeit.

    And a "herniation" is not a "bone break"..... it is a "break" in the outer layer "within" the spine to protect the nerve. Once this is "broken" It cannot EVER be fixed... Only relieved.

  9. This is a sucker number. The Colts will not only "cover" .. they will WIN this week.

    The team has sucked all year, but I am willing to bet DO and the D will "MAKE IT HAPPEN THIS WEEK" .. and against a very average team.

    I DO NOT want the Colt's being associated with any 0 fer type deal. This franchise has been there and done that. As far as being the "ugly duckling"

    I am betting on "PRIDE" rearing it's proud head and this team getting a very "sound" victory.

    They are DUE. THIS TEAM IS NOT THIS BAD..... even without Manning.

  10. This guy is definitely trolling for Polian. He can't see why we were good the last decade. It was all #18. Without the GOAT we wouldn't have had the greatest mind in football directing our offense, and we might not have made any playoff runs at all. There is a reason we used to be number one year and and year out on the MetLife protection index. Now we are bottom on the barrel minus 18 and the o-line isn't really any worse.

    Polian probably cost Manning at least three super bowls by fielding inferior talent on defense and firing Mora and Fangio. We are doomed as long as Polian remains.

    Are you serious? Did you watch any of the pre 2006 playoff games? The Colt D "was good enough".. but 18 was not "good enough" in MOST.

    Manning has had maybe a handful of "off the chart" playoff games. and a "double fist" of really unimpressive ones.

    The Colt D played "good enough" in 99, 03, 04, and 05.... But the GOAT could not score enough. Or Vandy choked. Either way they lost, not fair at all but it is the way it goes in big boy NFL football.

    Peyton is the best ever in my book, but he defiantly has work to do if he plans of cementing his legacy. 9-10 is not a stellar post season mark. And Indy was in every single one of those games. Maybe one of he NE games went south late but... hehe..

    Polian has been sub par lately but don't kid ... This team was a very good "all around squad" for most of the Polian years.

  11. I don't like it, I think we need to be more aggressive. We can't wait for a team to make a mistake or cough up the ball. This is the NFL, teams practice like mad to get these plays down. We need to force them to make mistakes by disrupting their timing (jamming receivers) and hitting their QB (blitzing). I don't think you can wait and hope Brady or Brees or Rodgers makes a mistake in the red zone. Force them to make mistakes.

    YEAAAAASSSSSSS... I am also quit sick and tired of watching this D. If they had the "proper" talent to run a C2 then fine. But this D is not set up "proper" to run ANY D effectively.

    I will say it for the last and final time. I simply cannot believe ONE player could have possibly meant so much to ONE team.

    Truly amazing. And I swear, If I had an MVP vote... I would put it in for Manning.

    I hope PM is healthy, and then.... if so.. Indy does the "right thing" ... and


  12. This.

    If anyone thinks this wasn't contrived, you're being a bit gullible. Archie Manning has set a precedent with the entire Eli situation when he was drafted. There was an ulterior motive to these comments. Maybe he's saying what Peyton feels but cannot come out and say. But there's absolutely plenty of evidence out there to suggest that Archie never says anything like this without an MO.

    This simply comes down to one of 2 things happening "IF" Manning can play in the future.

    1. If healthy and playing for Indy, the Colts "will have to trade the pick" for a lot of desperately needed help to aid Peyton Manning..


    2. If Indy plans on drafting Luck or whoever.... Manning will demand to be released, or traded.

  13. How so? Injuries are in fact preventable.

    And how in fact are injuries preventable in the NFL? The league has went totally as far as it can protecting the O.

    If you played even pee wee FB you would know..... the human body is NOT designed to withstand a full contact sport like Pro Football.

    Very hard on a human body.

  14. How so? Injuries are in fact preventable.

    No they are not... injuries happen playing with your dog. But, the thing I am sick of with the Colts for going on .... A LOT of years is this culture of "accepting it" ... darnit, if you can walk, you can play"

    And it is always he same old suspects... With the exception of Nevis, and "MAYBE" Powers... I am cutting everyone on the injury list tomorrow.

    I mean darn....... It is every single season since the SB win.

    And this team has a "really bad habit of paying" the injury report slugs.

    Jeez.... ...

  15. JMV said that the Colts lead the NFL in players missing time with a combined 83 games total, 2nd place was Carolina with 80 and the 3rd place team (forget who) had 63....that's a BIG disparity. Part of it is smaller players on D, but I am beginning to doubt the strength/conditioning program the Colts have in place. It wasn't much of an issue until the last few years, sure there were players hurt but not to this degree. What has changed? Age isn't a factor with young guys like Nevis and Powers going out, and Costanzo missing a bunch of time...

    Last season the Colts ranked 2nd in the "games missed to starters injured" stat. Number 1 was Green Bay.

    I still cannot get the pre season game between Indy and GB last season out of my mind. They just oozzed with talent through 4 quarters. Indy.... could barely keep up with Manning in the game, in pre season.

    This organization is at a crossroads. It is time for Irsay to make some HUGE decisions. And personally, I don't want anyone but Manning being left behind.... And if he is NOT healthy??

    Time for a clean sweep.

  16. you just proved my point, albeit in a rather rude way. They have allowed 16 passing tds in 11 games, as many or fewer than 16 other teams. Which puts them squarely in the middle of the pack defensively, clearly not one of the "worst" as you say.

    Rude? NE is last in total D for a "reason"... oh and by the way, they have played the easiest schedule in the NFL.... or one of....

    I get it, your a glass half full guy. But face it, this team is not very good right now.

  17. But dn...we could have won today...

    We gained 400 yards.......Brady played catch with that big TE....

    Our D is playing with handcuffs on

    huh? Are you serious? NE, once they "woke up"... DRILLED Indy.

    Garbage points only make us fantasy FF owners happy... which I am... :D

  18. Worst Pass D's my butt. They may allow yards, but not a whole lotta points. And if they took their foot off the pedal, then why did they have to send Tommie boy out for the last play of the game? Because we were making them a little nervous. This whole garbage time thing floors me.

    sigh.... It never ceases to amaze me how uninformed "some" Colt fans are.


    Bro, NE's D TOTAL is horrible.

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