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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. The running game has been better, we've been down so much in games though we haven't been able to use it. I also think our o-line is better even with the make shift line it has been most of the season.

    Honestly the biggest bright spot this year might be this year's draft class as a whole, Castonzo, Ijalana, Nevis, and Carter all look like they could be starters next year or very big key players and Rucker is getting some good experience for a late round pick that could pay off for him down the road.

    Also McAfee is proving to be a stud at life and it has gone largely unnoticed but Jeff Saturday has had a really really really good year.

    Yep, Mac and the running game... On D.... nothing is special. Next season, depending on what Manning's situation is... I would not mind at all to see this team draft ALL DB's in every round.

    After Luck that is... :heh:

  2. People point to the Packers as "the" team right now, but overall yes they are winning but how much is it due to Rogers? Their defense is nothing special, remove Rogers and are they best team in the NFL or even in the playoff hunt? Look at Pats, an extremely flawed team who many consider the top overall franchise in the NFL yet their defense is bad and has been bad for a number of seasons...how come their front office and defensive minded coach been able to fix it?

    It's all about the QB...

  3. You are being pedantic. You know fine what I'm saying. Trying hard but not succeeding does not make it all right! This is a game of end results, and Polian is not producing anymore. It's not all about drafting either. Cutting good players and not keeping good ones, bad contracts, cowardice in the face of perfection, arrogant and dismissive of his own fan base etc. I know, I know, he drafted Manning over Leaf.......wahay......Mexican wave.....

    Ok, we get it YOU don't like him... but then again probably none of us do. The FACT of the matter is he was the GM for the WINNINGEST team of the 2000's. Sure it could have been better, but seriously bro... lets not Poo Poo the results this team has achieved over the last decade.

    darn, I am tired of the T2, Caldwell, and the "we do what we do" attitude but .... when emotion is left aside... This team has had one heck of a run.

  4. At this point, do anyone think Clark will be retained after this season? His cap hit is about $7.3M next season.

    At this point, do anyone think Clark will be retained after this season? His cap hit is about $7.3M next season.

    No way.... Tamme proved to be just as productive last season.

  5. BP should have quit when he was winning. He has ignored several areas of need in the past. And even when he tried to address those areas and he failed, he still gets kudos for it? It's like saying Curtis Painter 'tried' to throw the ball accurately to his team mates, and although he didn't actually execute well, he is still a fantastic QB for trying.

    Anyway, I've never liked the man, and never will, and his time is up. If he's done great things in the past, I salute him, but past glories don't win games. I squealed when he promoted his son, and I squealed when he promoted his other family member.

    But most of all, I never bash the guys on here who really support Polian, It is their prerogative. But how come the Polian fans regularly bash the bloggers who don't like him? Is it the arrogant people hating traits of Polian that they adore, rather than the guys' actual talents? Just wondering?

    OK, yellow flag, :flag:.

    Did you READ previous posts?


  6. You hit the nail on the head! That's what I am tired of. I understand being mad about this season but this whole attitude that some fans seem to have that we have just never been good under Polian because they don't like Polian is getting tired. People can say building the way they did finally bit them this season but you know what it's worked for every year since 2001 till now. That's a pretty darn good run and I understand it doesn't make this year exceptable but let's not kid ourselves it's not like we have been going 5-11, 3-13 and 7-9 the past three years or so. We've been setting the NFL standard for winning so clearly the way the Colts built this team around Manning worked. It's also no different than how a team like the Saints has built their team around Brees, or the Chargers around Rivers, or the Packers around Rodgers. It's what you do if you have a super star QB. I'd even say the rebuild Pats are much more dependent on Brady than they were four of five years ago and I'd if their starter went down every single one of those teams would be in the same poistion the Colts are. Like you said there is no such thing as a perfect team in the NFL. Every single of them has flaws, what you have to do is build your team so that you can over come those flaws and like it or not the Colts have proven most of the time they can over come not being very good at stopping the run. Yes the bottom fell out this year but I don't think us not being able to stop the run is really the largest reason for that. We had other problems happen that has done this season in, most notable Manning going down and a horriable secondary.

    Also the idea that Colts haven't tried to address not being able to stop the run is flat out wrong. We've drafted two DTs in the first three rounds in the last three years just for that reason. We also signed two free agents DTs in Johnson and Muir to try to help with that as well as drafting Mathews with a later round pick last year and took a flyer on Tommie Harris to try to help address this. We went out and signed two run stopping ends. We drafted a run stopping MLB in the second round last year and got a steal in Conner at linebacker as well. I'd say the Colts have been working very hard to try to address that problem as well as addressing other needs. Now people can argue about if those moves have been good enough or not and have a very strong case that it hasn't been but it doesn't mean they haven't been trying to address the issue.

    As for trying to run the ball better The first year it stood out as a major problem was in 2008. A lot of people felt the problem was Addai and not the o-line. Well Polian went out and spent the first round draft pick in 2009 on a running back to try to help with hat issue. Also going back to 2006 Polian started trying to reubild the line with Ugoh and then followed that up with Pollack in 2009 as well as Justice and Richard. He then took McClendon with a late round pick last year as well as drafting Eldridge to try to help with run blocking. He then took two OTs with our first two picks this year as well as finding guys like Reitz and Link (who has turned into a decent tackle) to help with the issue. He also went out and drafted Hart and Carter with hope they could be short yardage guys and signed a fullback this off-season. Again people can argue that those moves have not been good enough and have a very strong case but the Colts have not been ignoring it.

    Right On to you too. GC

  7. Been hearing this tired bit for many years now. There is no such thing as a perfect team, which is what you seem to want. These darn imperfections got you mad at Polian? Are you sick of this success? In the last five years we have 2 AFC Championships and a Super Bowl. We go to the playoffs every year and you still want to complain about imperfections? C'mon.....really?

    I'm no Polian fan-boy, but I ain't about to cast dispersions at him until this team falls into a multi-year slump.

    Right On Bro....

    What if? Simon stayed healthy? Booger stayed healthY Marlin stayed healthy? BOB stayed healthy,

    And then we have the FA defections for MORE MONEY... What would U do? Play for a home town discount or get the Cheez when U can? The answer is simple.

    And then we have bad drafts which is the reason the team was so good for so long (the draft that is), and now the reason the Colts have NO depth.

    And injury......

    Polian really did try .... but it all just did not work. Very unlucky...

  8. And just for the record... I have defended Polian all through the Colt years. This team has just had plain "bad luck" ....... "MOST OF THE TIME" ....

    The last few years however... When Chris is the "GM" ... ummmmmmm kinda bad....

    But lets all not kid ourselves... Polian "made his bones" long before he EVER arrived in Indy.

    Buffalo and Carolina won BIG when Polian was there....

    So, there is a reason for is Alpha male attitude.

    And this season has to be a kick in the nuts.

  9. Here we go again. Same old Polian.

    Kravitz should publish the exact same article tomorrow.

    Don't worry local radio will have a field day with this. I can't wait to hear Grady speak the truth AGAIN and AGAIN.... and then Big Joe Polian puppet come running to this train wrecks defense....

    Dakich will also have a good time with this, and expect him to have Kravitz on his show tomorrow.

  10. Good post. I have been critical of Bill for obvious reasons but the jury is still out on Chris. I like the fact that he is willing to go against the grain somewhat and this years draft class looks promising. I wish Bill would just go ahead and retire though. LOL

    I agree...

    But, in the past Bill tried to mold a quality D. "Luck" was not on our side.... Simon, Booger, the OSU, Johnson, even the failed trade for McCargo... Bill tried to address DT. Factor in the injuries to Sanders, Jax, Morris, and the FA exodus of "quality" LB'rs like Wasington, Thornton, June, and Pete and we have this team....

    Totally void of talent. And when Superman is a no show............ you get....

    0 fer.

  11. Well I for one applaud Irsay for not throwing his personnel under the bus. I know that some drafts haven't always panned out the way everyone wanted them to but if I was a betting person I bet other teams have draft bust the same as we feel we have had. We just don't read about them unless we go to their forum board. I'm also sure that other fans of other teams are not happy with their coach's either. Look at the Eagles (Dream Team) everyone called them after their draft and FA and how long it took them to get it together. I bet their coach is not the most popular person in Philly.

    I am not a Caldwell lover and wouldn't lose any sleep if he goes after the season but that will be Irsay's decision. JMO of course.

    I think some Colt's problem with Irsay and the Polians is not the drafting but the "total resistance to change or adjust".. it is mind bobbling...

    Tony Dungy is gone, and this franchise needs to understand it. This season was a serious "wake up call"

  12. He will be back.

    He wants to be back, and I have not seen any reports by his drs. saying it is not possible.

    Quit mothering him guys!

    It was a surgery, which is not uncommon. I fully expect him to recover.

    ??? We are talking about the nerves in the neck, it is the central control center for ALL Body Functions. It is a common surgery that is NEVER CURED. Once you have herniated a disk it will never return to normal. It may get better and feel normal but it will be 5x easier to re injure.

    I really can't believe the nonchalant attitude about Manning's situation. He has the rest of his life to live and another "major" injury to his neck and his quality of life may be jeopardized. And for all we know it may already be.

    I will be shocked if he plays again.t

  13. Not sure about the rest of you but I'm really starting to get nervous.

    Any of us who have dealt with "nerve" issues before know exactly hat is going on. Nerve damage does not have a time table. and for a Pro Athlete? If Peyton has done just a little bit of "permanent" damage to his nerves in his throwing arm ... he is done.

    The longer this drags out the more I know he will never play again... and in all reality... He shouldn't either. He has nothing left to prove. And he still has his health.

  14. Kind of good news. I don't want him forcing the issue. We're done for the season. Let's take our 0-16 record (or whatever) and ride into the sunset.

    actually this is bad news, a nerve that is "healthy" will generally come back very quickly. Manning has got some serious nerve damage going on. The longer he does not practice the more we must realize the reality of a "Manningless Colt team"

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