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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. just like how the 18 game schedule was a fait accompli last year according to Polian?

    No doubt a shot there by Kravitz with his word choice.

    With that said up till the Saints game I thought Caldwell's job was safe. Now it sounds like he is starting to lose the lockerroom and no coach is going to withstand that.

    go.. look at the resume... JC has made some catastrophic coaching decisions.

  2. WRs. They catch. Do the colts somehow get only ones that Manning can throw to?

    This is what you should have bolded and answered. No one has answered these questions yet.

    Not you get WRs to catch from WRs.

    You get WRs to catch for the QB. the other 31 teams don't?

    So is Gonazalez somehow special that only manning can throw to? If so then yes your team is built around manning assuming the rest of the offense is somehow special in that only manning can operate.

    answer.......... The TEAM HAS QUIT ON THE COACH,.

  3. I don't want another 60 pts on us on national TV. Let them flex the Pats-Colts game to 4:15 p.m. ET or 1 p.m. ET

    For the sake of the Colts, the Colts fans and the NFL fans as well, they should have one of these games that will happen during that weekend on SNF:

    Detroit at New Orleans

    Atlanta at Houston

    Cincinnati at Pittsburgh


    It's called PRIDE bro......

    Does this team have it?

  4. I mean come on now.. Caldwell is BP puppet, and Caldwell isn't making any decisions the Polians are right? So why just fire Caldwell? Caldwell didn't sign Grandpa Collins, Caldwell didn't release Tryon, he wanted him to start. Caldwell didn't draft Hughes, Brown, Gonzales, Ugoh and etc... Caldwell didn't say lets not draft a Quarterback to groom under Peyton because he's a robot and will never get injured. Caldwell didn't say lets not draft any O-Linemen with our picks, lets just sign all UDFA and have them block for our Running Backs and the greatest Quarterback ever. Caldwell didn't say lets release Hayden, Devan and Brooks and keep Lacey, Pollack and White. Caldwell didn't have a say so over none of these things, but he did call that timeout in the Jets game ;) lol. Seriously thou, all of those decisions were made by Bill Polian. Caldwell didn't even know who his starting Quarterback was going to be for Week 3 until Irsay tweeted it, so that should tell it all right there. If you fire the Coach but he's not making any decisions on nothing, don't you think you need to fire the person thats making all those decisions :duh: . Polian knew he could make Caldwell his puppet and knew Dungy wasn't having that with him. They tried to sell that bullcrap about Dungy is retiring to spend more time with his family and do other things outside of football, but as soon as he left he start working for Sunday Night Football. He left because Polian wanted to make all the decisions like he doing now and have say so over almost everything and Dungy wasn't bout to be his puppet so he left. Just like Huey Gene, Tom Moore, Ron Meeks and everyone else who has left the staff. They said Tom Moore was retiring but when they let him go he signed with the Jets. They never gave a explanation why they let Gene go. When we lost the Super Bowl to the Saints, after the game when we got back to the Team Hotel, the look on BP face was like he didn't give 2 :censored: we just lost the biggest game of the year. IRSAY if your'e gonna fire the puppet, make sure you fire the puppets MASTER.

    Soup Bean w a slab of onion............

  5. Brees, Saints topple Colts....

    How about we use some headlines that outline the true nature of Sunday night's loss. Something like:

    EPIC FAIL! Colts "Pansed" on National Television.


    Brees, Saints Topple Colts, then proceed to beat their head in with a shovel


    Pride misses the plane to the Big Easy...Colts the Laughing-stock of the NFL


    Time to put these Colts down...Saints Unload SEVEN touchdowns into Caldwell's Carcass.

    Can you tell I'm ticked? :ticked:

    Bottom line... this loss was BAD. I expect Tressel to be given teh keys to the car soon too see if he can motivate a "professional football team".

    Which I think he can.

  6. The more I think about it I am not so sure the team did quit. They were still trying to make plays it just wasn't happening and I think that has more to do with injuries, a lack of talent and expierence and playing a really good team that was coming off a game where they played really bad in maybe the hardest stadium in the NFL to play. It was was a really bad situation for the Colts to be going into. I will say this though, it really bothered me that at some point the Colts pride didn't take over, normally when you see a team getting it's tail kicked like the Colts were at some point their pride takes over and they do something and it just never happened on Sunday night for the Colts they just kinda took their beating and went about their business and that probably bothered me the most and that I will put on the coaches. You just can't lose a game 62-7 in the NFL and pretend like the coaches had nothing to do with it. I think they share the blame but you don't get beat 62-7 and be able to say they were just out coached and that was the only reason. There are other bigger issues at work here. It doesn't mean Caldwell should get a pass but he shouldn't have to shoulder all the blame for this by himself either, there is plunty that should be and needs to be spread around. Sunday night was a nightmare game in a nightmare season.

    I totally respect your opinion. but you are sounding like Joe Stayzniak... or whoever.. who talks with Grady.

    It hurts to say this but this team is totally lost. I just don't have words to ...

    nevermind.. Were all Colt fans we will rise above.

  7. Yep. His last deal with ESPN was "exclusive", too, and just like that "exclusive" deal, ESPN aren't releasing the specifics of what makes it "exclusive" and what doesn't. Logic says the new deal is nothing more than a re-write of the old one.

    Yep, Gruden could bolt any time he likes. The Colts with Manning are very attractive, the Colts without Manning are not so... even with Luck... WHO IS ONLY A JR.... HE COULD STAY IN COLLEGE ANOTHER YEAR.

  8. If they don't fire Caldwell this season, then we're stuck with him for the rest of Manning's career. Obviously Manning is going to bring the team back into contention, and then all of a sudden Caldwell has reason to smile again (or stay neutral).

    My personal opinion. Peyton has played his last game. Collinsworth eluded to it last night, Dakich has heard whispers, and JMV has laid groundwork also for the "ultimate kick in the nuts this season"... And JMV is in the "know"

    Think about it ... 3 neck surgeries for an NFL QB ... I am seriously prepared to hear the worst news any Colt fan could ever hear.

  9. I'd take anyone over Caldwell as coach.

    I'd like Gruden as my first option. Fisher would be nice as well. Heck, if they gave the job to Jim Tressel (I can't believe we only brought him in for replay assistance I think he might be part of the bigger plan) I'd like that as well.

    Unfortunately, I don't think a change will happen. Especially not during the season, we can only hope Irsay gets rid of him at the end of the season.

    Oh I do... This next couple of games Caldwell will be coaching for his job. And as an OSU man, I would really like to see how the sweater vest would do with Pro Football Players "on a short term trial" ... I would really like to see it.

    Tressel is a winner.

    That said... J Fish is my first choice to fix this.

  10. I'll say it again, coaching is PART of the problem. However, even if we fired our coaches that's not going to fix our issues or even really the main three issues which is injuries (people seem to forget we have several key players beyond Peyton Manning, as if Peyton being hurt isn't enough, hurt), a lack of talent, and a lack of experience.

    You don't get beat 62-7 in the NFL and only have an issue at the coaching spot.

    But you do have a big one when the players have quit on the coach. I just wish the organization would have started feeling some "urgency" concerning the state of the team a few years earlier.

    Oh well .... now I'm sure both the Colts and Dolphins will go 0 fer... and Miami will win the Luck bowl.

  11. They dont represent our state they represent Indy at best the Polian Show is not even shown out side the Indy area what kind of crap is that. Polian has shown he does not care for the fans of the Colts lets alone indiana.

    ??? The Colts are not the Yankees and own their own network.... Indy is "new" to this market in terms of other NFL franchises. When Indy got the Colts I was a Bear fan. My dad got season tix and the rest is history. It takes time to crack a fan base and Indy is surrounded by other NFL teams. Bears, Lions, Rams, Browns, Bengals, All in a tight geographical area.

    It is the major reason Indy was not given a MLB franchise in 90's

    The Colts are doing fine tho.

  12. With all I am reading about how everyone hates Jim Caldwell and how the Polians need to be let go and how we don't need Andrew Luck should we get the opportunity to draft him....I am just wondering how many fans will switch to another team, stop watching or whatever when..

    1. Jim Caldwell is back for his 4th season next year

    2. Both Polians are still in charge next year

    3. And should we have the chance the Colts draft Luck

    This is really a silly question... nobody will be happy regardless of how the season turns out. And it looks like a typical 90's draft,,, picking early... :yuk:

    But IMO Caldwell will be back unless this team totally tunes him out. And I don't see it happening.

    2) Look at the resume... should they? I think so. But I want Bill doing the drafting if we are picking top 10.

    3) If Manning is good to go for the rest of his career and Indy drafts a player #1 who will sit for 4 years then I will be VERY UPSET, and I am sure the rest of the team will be also. But, IMO it won't happen. If Manning is back I look for Indy to go ballz out in FA and in the draft to build a MONSTER in the next few years.

  13. i can't decide whether caldwell needs to be fired or if he deserve the coach of the year award


    This truly is the question now that we have all witnessed a "Manningless" team. I am really shocked how "sad" everyone looks on O without PM. D,.... they are alright but the same old tendencies are at play with Painter at QB. NO ADJUSTMENTS.

  14. I can understand your perspective.But let's look at it this way,...shall we.How often do the titans,texans and jags go 7-9 or 8-8?Its almost yearly,and that's if they're lucky.So if we can get rollin' here,then its not out-of-the-question or realm of possibility.

    Indy is not going to the playoffs. What I am looking for is how Caldwell holds a sinking ship together. If he keeps this team competitive and playing hard then I am sold. He would have done it 2 years in a row.

    But if this team falls apart.......

    Indy will need a new voice in the players ears.

  15. I would not say I am impressed because a lot of his yards and TDs have come off blown coverage, but I am pleasantly surprised that he didn't come out and just throw up all over himself. Given what I saw in preseason and how the front office showed no faith in him I figured he would just come out and be a total disaster.

    I don't think he is the long term answer for when Manning is gone or anything, but he might be a serviceable back up for the next few years.

    I still would draft Luck if presented the opportunity.

    Hopefully Painter will tear it up and we can trade him for more picks.

    If Manning is health then it makes no sense. To win now that first overall pick could be parlayed into a "bounty" of picks. And this team will have an "instant" upgrade in talent.

    I do not think Irsay would do that to Manning.

    The Colts are not good right now but they are not terrible either. A quick upgrade at CB would really boost this team's D play.

    I understand both views, but as a die hard Colt fan I will be bitterly disappointed if Indy got to pick first and took a player who would sit for at least 4 years. I truly feel it won't happen. The trade value will just be too hard to refuse.

  16. I understand the most important numbers are in the w/l column but look at his #'s so far

    33/68 48.5% 618 Yds, 4 TDs 0 Int 100.0 rating

    And remember he is doing this behind an injury plagued O line and no defensive help. I'd say those are pretty good numbers. Granted its only been 2 weeks if he plays like this for the rest of the year, he could definitely be a starter somewhere else in the NFl. I know its early but he has impressed me a lot more than Collins.

    Curtis has played good enough to win. Our "veteran" D is who is letting the team down. Curtis has earned himself a solid spot at back up QB for this team for a good while.

  17. Nothing is impressive about 0-6, esp when this team could very easily be 3-3. This season with out Manning has been a disappointment.

    The only bright spot on this team so far has been the player the staff had no faith in... C Painter. ... and Angerer... but a lot of tackles are normally symptomatic of a "bigger issue".

  18. and not to mention that coming with the guy who is the most important to part ot the team hurt. There is losing with Peyton and there is losing without Peyton and yes despite what some think there is a difference.

    There is a difference. Peyton made everyone's job that much easier.... and as a result I fell the "entire" organization got lax. We truly don't know how good the Polian's and the staff are in the Indy run because of Peyton. He masked blatant deficiencies that were obvious to "unbiased" eye... but they were ignored year after year because "we won".

    Now he is gone... and this what we have. A team that did not even know it's backup QB was on the roster after it blows 4 million on a vet. sigh (a move which I agreed with, yet should not have been made if the team was sharp)

    I truly think this long run with out 18 will be a blessing NEXT season. Because these players are learning to play without Manning.

    But I think there is NO DOUBT the "everyone" got lazy while Peyton was here.

    Irsay should give him a % of the team when he retires because he has been worth it.

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