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John Dee

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Posts posted by John Dee

  1. Of the present NFL owners where would Colts fans rank Jim Irsay as an owner? Would we rather have an owner like Jerry Jones who is more hands on, or maybe more like the owner of the Bengals who runs the entire show and makes all the player choices, or like the owner of the Buffalo Bills who basically stays out of the limelight and allows mag't to run the show. Do the excessive tweets harm the franchise or is it something that isn't that big of a deal. Overall what is peoples take on Jim Irsay?

    I'd like an owner that does not go by the handle of "tweeti pie"...

  2. He built a team that is dead last in the Power Rankings right now. #32 I would say he has slipped quite a lot and was over-rated to begin with. Irsay will never let him go though. I would bet money on that as well.

    Wow... the winning est team in the history of the NFL over a 10 year period... over rated?

    Really? 6 Super Bowls, turned around Buffalo, Carolina, and INDY???? Over rated? C'mon bro.. he may be getting old and "losing his touch" but that happens to everyone in every walk of life. Joe Gibbs, Ditka, Landry, Noll... HOF coaches that ended on not so HOF records.

    NOW, Bill or the organization has got "very lazy the last few years" ... and it has caught up to bite em in the *. Peyton made a lot of people a lot of money that should never ever have gotten a sniff of it. But Bill abd Dungy made their bones LONG before.

    But to call Bill Polian "over rated" is ... really stupid.

    That said............... It's just time for a fresh breath of air in Indianapolis. I do agree with that train of thinking.

  3. I dont think that its a bad draft its just an injury bug. I think the 2010 draft killed us Angerer(2nd rounder), Eldridge(4th rounder), and Conner(7th rounder) are our only good contributer. If we got a good 1st rounder and a solid 3rd rounder then we would have good depth

    Go back and look at every NFL teams drafts for the last 20 years. If a team gets 3 "starters" out of any of those drafts then it was an overwhelming success. The draft is a crap shoot. The Colts have been hurt by the misses of late but the problem goes deeper than the draft.

    THis years draft is a home run as far as I'm concerned. If not for the "all to common words... injury" this class was on it's way to being "outstanding"

    But one thing that has bothered me about the Brown and Hughes picks was the fact that "both" players said they had NO CONTACT WITH THE COLTS PRIOR TO THE PICK. Really? So the front office just looks at some tape... likes what they see... and burn a #1 draft pick on a player that was not even worked out by the Colts. Totally irresponsible.

  4. Makes no sense to me.

    What other players are being held up as an example? Unitas was traded because he was washed up and there was a new GM looking to clean house. Montana was traded because Young was ready and he was falling apart. Favre was traded because Rodgers was ready and he had been threatening to retire for three years. None of those examples apply here. If Peyton isn't healthy, there is no market for him, and the Colts are instantly in full rebuilding mode. If Peyton IS healthy, he the best QB in football, and the Colts are SB contenders.

    Building for the future is the argument given for drafting a potential replacement regardless of Peyton's health. It is disturbing in it's own right for the built in implication that in 2-3 years there might be a QB controversy IF the young player develops exponentially while Peyton falls off a cliff. THAT would be unpleasant enough for all concerned, and frankly I find it doubtful that even a great prospect would be good enough to outperform him. Initiating such a change at this point would simply be foolish in every respect - lighting a public relations bonfire that would make Lebron James leaving Cleveland about as important a story as Carson Palmer leaving Cincinnati. I can't imagine the Colts considering it unless Peyton asks for it - and considering that he JUST resigned with the team, that would be a pretty bizarre thing for him to do.

    Anyone talking about this is very likely taking it as a given both that the Colts are going to have the first pick in the draft, and that Luck is a shoe-in first ballot hall of famer. The former is far from a given - there are eight other lousy teams in the league. The later is a VERY dangerous and ironically short-sighted assumption.

    Yep.... darn this franchise has turned into a "soap opera"... hhee.heel At least we won't be bored this next off season.

    And as fellow vet Colt fans remember... Indy has had extensive work picking early and it makes draft day a party. As long as the pick is Manning or Faulk instead of Alberts or George.

  5. Good post but what if Peyton can never play again AND we win a few meaningless games and lose the Luck sweepstakes. That's kind of doomy and gloomy.

    Ok we have about a 10-15% chance of missing on Luck, Manning retires, and we don't get a top 3 pick.....

    But honestly, I don't think Indy will win a game this season. The "so called stars" have already checked out..... if they even ever checked in this season. And the staff plays to "keep things close" rather than try to "win" a game.

    I would bet the ranch Indy will be 0 fer.... the only question is will Miami be as bad?

    Still, Barkley, or Jones may be the real deal.

    Personally, I would rather take a stud OL or DL and pick Moore or Wilson later than put all my marbles in on one QB at #1.

    That said, Luck really does look to be the "real deal"

  6. I think it was brought up once but once again I saw that ESPN had one of their headlines tonight as Trade Peyton Manning. I don't know if it is mainly Herm Edwards that is advocating this but he's one of the outspoken ones. He says we get back to football prominence by drafting Luck if we get the chance and trading Peyton to improve in other areas. Has any other experts been advocating this? I know Dungy said we have to take Luck if we get the chance but he meant keep Peyton I think. Can anybody here really see the Colts trading away Manning if he is healthy enough that other teams would want him(pass the physical)? That would be quite a shocker but at what point do you say it's time to build for the future? Would the city be in an uproar if Peyton doesn't finish his career here?

    Regardless of how "any" of us feel... this could be a very real scenario. Irsay and Manning are going to have a very serious talk soon. And if Peyton does have a few years left would he even want to play for "this" team? I think the answer would be NO.

    So a Manning trade, "if he is healthy" I really believe will be a probability regardless of what pick the Colts have. It is painfully obvious that this team has a lot of work to do. Is Peyton willing to stick around at his age? I doubt it.

    The Colts are in a win, win situation regardless. No matter which way it unfolds.

    Peyton and Luck for a few years

    Peyton and all the picks in a Luck trade

    Peyton and the top 3 pick

    Luck and all the picks or player in a Manning trade

    Luck for the rest of his career after a Manning retirement.

    None of these scenarios are gloom and doom. This team has a lot of work to do and any help via a trade will speed the process.

  7. Bill Polian isn't making defensive suggestions, he's managing all football operations. The coaching staff is hired BY Polian with full agreement of what general schemes they are going to run as a prerequisite of their employment. There can only be one person truly in charge in an organization, and Irsay gave that responsibility to Polian (just like in Boston it is Belichick, and in Dallas it is the owner himself - every team has someone.) He isn't egotistically over-reaching, he is doing his job. I think it is highly unlikely that he is micro-managing the defense, he's just speaking for the team and letting us fans know that the organization isn't any happier with the defense then we are, and that steps will be taken to fix it. What exactly would you prefer that he say or do?

    It didn't take Polian ten years to see that our scheme was flawed, the scheme was only put in place after the LAST season in which we gave up more than 30 points per game. It was done for solid reasons, and the team has had nothing but success with it until now. And however much of that success you want to attribute to Peyton, don't forget that many of those years the defense was in the top ten in the league in points allowed, and the entire point of the scheme was to allow them to manipulate the salary cap to afford Peyton and his toys in the first place. The fact that this years team has issues and that they are considering changes does NOT mean that they have been using the wrong scheme for ten years. The league changes, available personnel changes, and you adjust. It is Polians job to recognize the need and lead the change.

    I agree with this, the Tampa 2 will win but it requires 2 things.... pressure from the front 4, and DB's that can tackle.

    Indy has had this most years, but the last few..... it's like the Front Office has just went to sleep.

    That said, I'm ready to kick the T2 to the curb....

    • A caller asked about the Tampa-2 defense and if it no longer works in today's NFL. Polian answered that the Tampa-2 should get the opponent's offense off field on 3rd and 6 or greater '75% of the time.' Colts are no where near that percentage.

    • Polian stated he is 'open' to changing defense away from Tampa-2 after this season based on the Colts current personnel.


    Me personally .... I just tired of hearing Bill P's talk.... the team is win less and every week he makes excuses...

    I'd like to hear someone in this organization just say "hey, we suck.... and things ARE GOING TO CHANGE"

  8. http://www.nfl.com/v...?module=HP11_cp

    Skip to #2 @ 3:18. Dave Dameshek compares some of Jim Caldwell's facial expressions. Dameshek makes a great point... How will Caldwell react once he gets fired? And as for Todd Haley?... Ever since he blew up on the sidelines against Matt Cassel, Haley and his team have been winning every single game! I guess getting emotional does earn you something in this league!

    the Landry's and Dungy's are the minority... Most coaches get emotional, very emotional. Landry and Dungy had the their teams undying respect. Because they EARNED it.... Coaches like Caldwell need to earn something first.

  9. If we spent a first round pick for a tackle in 2012, theoretically, moving Castanzo to right tackle, Jillana to guard, and putting Matt Kalil at LT would make it a top 5 line right away. Theoretically of course.

    I would be thrilled with this .... and maybe take a flier on K Moore or Russel Wilson in the second round maybe. ????

    A strong running game and a solid D makes nearly ANY QB look good.

  10. They will take into account several things and look at both players' production. The bad year for the team will mean nothing but how those guys played within that year and what they project going forward as neither will get any better will be the factors on if they get a contract offer and if they do, how much it is.

    Yep, and this teams talent needs....... "flipped"....

  11. Manning said he's evaluated by the doctors every 4 weeks.

    That was 4 weeks ago.....right?

    ..WE/He should have an update this week...

    As far as I am concerned, this just is not looking good from any angle. Dakich said today on the radio his "second" surgery this year was in 2 separate locations... different from the prior surgery.

    I will be honest, I think 18 is done. I think he "could" play again ... BUT, 3 neck surgeries in what? a year and a half? I think unless doctors give him a guarantee that it can get no worse he will retire. And spine injuries only do get worse over time.

    Hope I'm wrong.

  12. Even the year Caldwell took us to the SB, I have never been impressed with him. I have asked for them to get rid of him for a while. Even before this year.

    Same with IU.... Mike D was not qualifies.... but got the job, Caldwell... sigh..

    The NFL is a business, not a "good ole boy network"

    Time for Irsay to step uP..........

  13. I am pretty confident that if we were healthy then yes he would be fired... Last week. and i am not one to think we are tanking... but i truly feel that we are setup to not win much this year. it's not really tanking when you really don't put the talent out there. Our FO knew what they were doing when they brought Collins in the last week of the preseason and let him get the start in week one. Guess they did not expect Miami to do the same thing lol. with that nonsense out of the way. i have always felt Caldwell was a questionable coach since the Superbowl.

    Hold on..... last season Caldwell coached this Manning led team to a 10-6 record with the 2nd most injuries in the NFL.

    Now, Manning is gone ............................. So where is all this "coaching up"?

  14. Idk but for me i would say the person that chooses they type of defense the colts run... idk if its larry coyer or not cause that scheme has been in place way before he was there. the colts need to change some things like seriously, that bend but dont brake stuff doesnt cut it.

    Solid post, and personally .. I think since after Dungy left... The Polian's have "been in control" Tony got what he wanted. Jim gets ..... to buy the doenuts. hehe
  15. And i see a below average back up qb,that is horrible.

    Painter is FAR from the problem. He has actually played very well. It is the rest of the team and their 6 former All Pro's that have dropped the ball.... or just quit?.. or just are simply not that good?

    Curtis has been a bright spot, that our stellar staff did not even know about.

    This franchise has been exposed at every level.

  16. i agree with this, the colts need to keep their QB upright so he can make the right reads and get the ball to the receiver... painter is a good QB but the Oline wasnt helping him at all today... its always something with this team... either its the defense or the special teams or the offense.

    This team simply lacks talent, combine the with a staff the "refuses" to switch things up and you have the Colts ... minus Peyton.

    I for one and just tired of the "we do what we do" ... they did what they did because Manning was on the roster.

    I just can't believe this team is so poor. If I were Manning I would not want to spend the last few years of my career with this train wreck of a team. Just think what the Niners would look like with Manning?

  17. Charlie Casserly reported on NFL today that Caldwell will be back in 2012. Said there is "no doubt"! It is truely pathetic that a coach can be this bad and still get a ringing endorsment from management. Its like somebody else stated in another thread, Caldwell and Manning will come back next season and they'll start winning again and people will all of a sudden forget just how bad a coach Caldwell is and we'll be stuck with him for yrs..

    No way Caldwell is back.... book it.

  18. Caldwell is awful, Spagnola and Spirano (sp?) would be better than this chump. Anyone who uses the argument about the guy going to the super bowl his first year is just fishing for positives. 1 of the 3 stooges could have taken that team to the super bowl, what never follows that "took them to superbowl" argument is the fact that his poor coaching cost us that game!!

    Caldwell is awful, Spagnola and Spirano (sp?) would be better than this chump. Anyone who uses the argument about the guy going to the super bowl his first year is just fishing for positives. 1 of the 3 stooges could have taken that team to the super bowl, what never follows that "took them to superbowl" argument is the fact that his poor coaching cost us that game!!

    And the Jet playoff game.

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